Hey Pandas, What’s Something You’re Afraid Of Doing Alone? - Its Magazine

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Wednesday 19 October 2022

Hey Pandas, What’s Something You’re Afraid Of Doing Alone?

I'm going on vacation alone in the end of october and I'm a bit of an anxious extrovert. I really love trying new stuff, meeting new people and being outside in the world but I'm anxious just before that. I have to warm up with the situation.

What's something you always wanted to try but are to anxious about doing it all by yourself. For me it's going to a bar and have a cocktail. I do that with my friends but I've never been alone.


Been happily married for decades. My biggest fear is dying last and spending the last years of my life without him. Can't imagine remarrying anyone else. I don't want to spend my golden years alone and without sharing it with him.


going downstairs after turning off the lights! this is kind of a joke but it’s not ?


Confronting that goose


Probably going outside in the night by myself. Like I step one step and I think Slenderman, some kidnaper, or a wild animal is gonna get me


I would love to go to New York City (never been there) but definitely not by myself. I would be completely overwhelmed by a city that large and crowded.


Living. I don't need a lot of people (2-5 incl. relatives) but none would be bad.


Solo female world traveler here, absolutely adore going to a pub in England, will never go to an American bar. I'm American. Roofies, being sexually harassed/assaulted, being around volatile, unpredictable drunk people, NO.




As a bigger woman it's 100% eating out alone. Doesn't matter if its something unhealthy or just a salad I always feel like everyone around me judges me. That's why I always order food in and eat at home when I don't want to cook.


Parallel parking in a tight spot with the work van.


Bench pressing. I've seen enough fail videos to know that it can be painful ( maybe end with a hospital visit) if you don't have a spotter.


Leaving the house. I'm disabled, and cannot take more than a few steps before I need to rest.


Having a seizure


Walking or just being outside. I have this really creepy neighbor who likes to follow me a lot when he's high...


travel - i‘d love to explore new cities and places all by myself, but as a young woman it just seems to dangerous.


I have no neighbours and only fields behind me. No outdoor lights at the back. My sitting room is at the back of the house.

Sitting quietly with my dog and reading a book. Suddenly she'll jump up, look at the window and start to bark like crazy. I don't have the best hearing so trust my dog.

That my cue to go and investigate what's outside. My dog would dart out first. She's got a thing about people so if she goes out then I know it's safe for me to go. Armed with a I watch where she goes. Last time it was a hedgehog.

I must get a few (hundred) solar power lights.


I was afraid for 27 years of living by myself, supporting myself and facing who I'd become as a result of capitulating to my narcissistic husband for so long. Then he forced a divorce on me and after almost four years on my own, I've realized how stupid I was for being afraid. I'm finally free.


Practically? Starting my business. I'm in the process of starting a small home-based business and it's overwhelming and I wish I wasn't doing it alone because I'm petrified of not doing the legal stuff and paperwork correctly. Doing lots of research and reading.

Irrationally? I'm afraid of driving certain places by myself. And not because I'm afraid of being in a bad area or breaking down... my fear is accidentally losing control of the car and going over a cliff or bridge. Every bad dream I have is about feeling myself going over and my thoughts on the way down. I can literally feel the car pulling and my immediate panic as I go over the edge. It's always from super high up, too, like a rollercoaster. Whenever I'm driving on a bridge or high up I get a little bit of vertigo and I wish I wasn't driving. It only happens when I'm driving, not as a passenger.


Being alone in an apartment at night. I have no such problem during the day but at night I'm always afraid that I'll get ill or have an accident and there will be no one to help me. Even though I'm perfectly healthy and not really accident-prone.
(Paradoxically, I've no problem with being alone on the street at night despite being a rather petite woman.)


Walking outside alone. I feel very vulnerable and I'm always paranoid I'll get kidnapped or raped.


Pretty much anything outside of the house, as I'm a small woman.

Going somewhere new, even in my own town.
Speaking a foreign language.
Trying a new food or recipe.
Eating out.
Taking public transport when it's dark.
Talking to strangers or authority figures.


Something I'm afraid of doing alone... I'm scared of existing alone. If you understand, you understand, if you don't, you don't.


Walking home from work. I live close to where I work, and sometimes my mom likes to tell me to walk home. On Sundays, it's fine- we close early, so it's light out. I call my cousin/friend, I walk home. On any other day of the week? It's nearly nine PM and dark out. I don't feel safe, as a teen, big-chested AFAB person, walking home alone, in the dark, along a busy road. I'm terrified of someone taking me. My mom mocks me, says it's safe and no bad people live near us (Tell that to the 19-year-old girl murdered in her car blocks from us last year). Her cousin says I'm big enough to fight back, but I don't want to HAVE to fight back, I'd rather just not be put in that situation. I know I'd freeze up, I know I'd be too scared.


Talking to older kids/people who aren’t someone that I know. The only exception is asking to pet other peoples dogs.


Going to a metal concert by myself. Any other concert is fine, but some guys look really creepy


Going to a place with big crowds without a group I’m specifically going with. Take a recent school dance. Even when I went with a group, they left for 20 minutes to chat with other friends and I couldn’t find them anywhere. I have pretty bad anxiety in social situations and when it flares up I unconsciously scratch my arm. By the time I found other friends, my arm was raw :( luckily my friends I went with found me again after a little while, but man I don’t like being by myself in big crowds.




Playing video games alone .
(I play with my older cousin mostly because he is nice and funny )


This was actually hard for me to answer because I really like doing most everything alone. I've lived a very adventurous life and been extremely independent, I even intentionally became a single parent which has been awesome. But I think something I might be intimidated to do on my own is travel to countries where I don't speak the language.

I'll still do it alone, for sure, that's my plan actually, but yeah, it's something I'm am little afraid of. Fears are meant to be either faced or respected and we each decide which it is every time.
Usually, if I'm afraid to do something alone, I take some time to plan and prep, then I go for it. It's worked out well for me so far.


How about, watching a horror movie, and then lying in bed waiting for the zombies to come?


is everything a option






pouring eyedrops or saline.


travel - i‘d love to explore new cities and places all by myself, but as a young woman it just seems to dangerous.


living, basically doing anything. but especially going out


Go to a park. I quickly realized my entire life I went with my family, friends or even my dog to parks. The only times I went alone was when I was sad or lost. This might be a personal preference though


Entering a room full of people(even if I know some of them). Approaching a group of acquantices alone is scary too


Existing. I'm disabled, emotionally and physically, and my greatest fear is my dad passing away and leaving me alone. I would probably be institutionalized and go crazier than I already am.


Dying, not having lived to the fullest. I always thought I'd have time, that things would all eventually work out for a happy, or at least contented ending. But now, I'll be 60 in a few yrs. I've never been married, had few relationships, was a single mom and had to work hard to support me, my mom, and daughter. Well, my mom just passed, I also lost my senior Yorkie who was my ESA animal, and my daughter just moved out with her fiancée. I'm not at all afraid of being alone. But having to die never being in true love, with regrets, not having done anything I really wanted to do, is awful. I see that coming. In 13 years I'll be 70. It will be all over then. I'm already disabled with chronic pain, and I walk like an 80 yr old, a lot of times having to use a cane. I just can believe that somewhere between 54 and 57, I woke up to this realization. I have absolutely wasted my life. I'm now one of the "invisible" women. Women 50 or older who have nothing meaningful to contribute to society, and who don't have family close by, or close family.


Being in this world tbh ??


Going to the toilet in the middle of the night... what if the bogeyman comes and raids your secret candy stash when you're in the bathroom?


Swimming in the ocean.


Eating food in case I choke


walking into a dark room at night. i am always afraid that a killer clown, serial killer, monster, ghost, etc. is going to come out and kill me. also going to an attic/basement by myself for the same reasons


Cycling on the road


More dread and social phobia which is fear-adjacent, but taking an Uber or Lyft alone and the awkwardness of feeling like I am a princess for sitting in back seat while I am driven around. But the real phobia here kicks in if so am going solo and the driver opens the front passenger door or motions for me to sit in the front seat. So damned either way.


It worries me to drive on my own at night.




Travel, not just because the known risks going strange places as a woman, I just get panic attacks at airports and while planning because I'm anxious about forgetting something


Life… I don’t want to go through life alone


Living. I NEVER want to live alone.


So I’m a minor and I hate being home alone. I have some bad history and insane PTSD and anxiety. I hate the quiet and weird bumps. It doesn’t help that my service dogs barks at random things when she’s taught to only do that when she senses someone. So of course, I always have a breakdown, and one time I hid in my parents room with a bread knife and my dog. I was scared shitless, but my mom called me and said it was just the movers next door lol but I hate being alone


Livin' my life :(:


I’m afraid of showering without someone in the house. I have some issues tbh


It worries me to drive on my own at night.


I enjoy participating in 5Ks but I find it so much more fun if I can walk/run with someone else.


I'm afraid to go into supposedly haunted places alone.


Telling people my name and pronouns (I don't present anywhere near as masc as I'd like) because I'm scared of harassment, talking with authority figures, making plans/travelling. It's just so much better to have someone else with me to back me up


Getting sick.
April 2022, I got sick at college. My parents live on the other side of the state. It may seem silly, but that whole experience of being sick by myself was kind of scary. Especially since what the cold I had made it hard to move.


Well... I am petrified of being the centre of attention (like making a speech or preforming) but it kinda helps if my friend is there, not a lot but a bit.


Going to UK. Since I was a kid, it was my biggest dream. I'm going to go there in 2023 but according to criminal records, I probably will never go anywhere alone.


going to sleep cuz i have Somniphobia.


watching youtube


its very hard to go in to a busy store so i go first thing when they open


Travelling. Ironically, I'm a solo traveller but having someone to explore with is the best.


Being alone….


Going it dark places or monsters game or not I just need to have lik 10 people to play a monster game


Nothing really?


A lot of stuff that I either don't know about yet or that I don't feel comfortable telling people.


I'm not afraid to do anything I want all alone. I can dine in a restaurant alone, I can go into a bar for a drink alone, I can go to a movie alone. I don't have to depend on anyone to get out into the world and LIVE!! (Oops! all that was quite a few years ago. Now I don't go anywhere! I'm old!)


getting fat. I eat anything and i'm terrified that the next day i will put a stone on even if its just a salad. My husband thinks its funny he's like you literally ate nothing try your clothes on and they fall off and he says see you look great its in your head. i have dreams of being so fat i cant fit in to anything or get in the house like Alice in Wonderland. i've had this since i was 16 i'm 42 now. Christmas is the worst i eat nothing as i am terrified. if i do eat a treat i wont eat for a few days after or eat very little enough to stop my belly rumbling

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