50 Notorious Comebacks That Shut People Down Immediately - Its Magazine

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Wednesday, 21 October 2020

50 Notorious Comebacks That Shut People Down Immediately

Some people just looove talking. Like your auntie Betsie who just created a FB account and floods it with posts on chemtrails, or that entitled anti-masker who believes wearing a face covering impinges on their rights. Or many other loud ones on social media who can’t miss a chance to spread some misinformation on drinking bleach to prevent COVID-19. 

But the world is the place of karma, and if there’s yin, there’s always yang. That means that if you throw some nonsense out there into the world, it may come back and hit you like a boomerang. 

To show you how it works in practice, Bored Panda compiled a mesmerizing collection from the witty subreddit called “Murdered By Words.” It’s a prominent corner of the internet entirely devoted to put-downs, comebacks, and counter-arguments.

#1 Shots Fired, Two Men Down

Image credits: reddit.com

#2 I'm Gonna Take The Surgeon's Side On This One

Image credits: reddit.com

#3 Disabled Parking Should Only Be Valid During Business Hours 9 To 5

Image credits: reddit.com

Being in an argument, whether voluntarily or not, is one of the most emotionally draining situations you can get yourself into. It raises your blood pressure, and you may feel trapped by the opponent trying to prove their point no matter what.

It gets even more frustrating when the person you’re arguing with is proving a point that, in your eyes, doesn’t make any sense to begin with. Whether it’s anti-maskers, anti-vaxers, flat-earthers, or conspiracy theorists, anyone can have their own opinion, but as such, everyone can stand up for their own beliefs.

Luckily, there’re some tricks you should know to winning an argument. According to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a professor emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, you should start by knowing your facts.

“How many times have you made a claim about some piece of trivia only to realize, as soon as you’ve made that claim, that you’re completely wrong?” Such a situation doesn’t lead you anywhere and gives your opponent a straight shot to winning.

#4 Now Sit Your Ass Down, Stefan.

Image credits: reddit.com

#5 The Fact That He Never Removed The Post Surprises Me

Image credits: reddit.com

#6 Just Pulled The Lever To The Verbal Guillotine.

Image credits: reddit.com

Seeing other person’s perspective may also help you in an argument. “You don’t have to agree with a foe in order to see his or her perspective,” says Susan.

“However, if you want to win an argument, you do need to be able to see the world the way your opponent does. Stepping into the mental set of those you argue with allows you to figure out what’s influencing them.”

If you figure out what’s triggering the person you’re arguing with, you can direct your focus there and showing a little empathy never hurt anybody.

#7 Murdered By Kindness.

Image credits: reddit.com

#8 Find A Different Career.

Image credits: reddit.com

#9 Apparently, It's Impossible For Women To Be Smart And Beautiful At The Same Time

Image credits: reddit.com

And the third thing is to remember that “Becoming defensive is one of the worst ways to win an argument.” Letting your opponent see that you've dug into your position with no other alternatives may lift the argument from bad to ugly. Moreover, if you let the other person realize that you’re open-minded, even if you're pretending to be, the argument may resolve itself. 

#10 That Backfired

Image credits: reddit.com

#11 Wise Advice!

Image credits: reddit.com

#12 It's Never Just About A Cake

Image credits: reddit.com

#13 Mmm Spicy

Image credits: reddit.com

#14 I Love Arnold's Wholesome Murders

Image credits: reddit.com

#15 On A Comment Thread About UPS And USPS Workers

Image credits: reddit.com

#16 That's Just How It Is Though, Isn't It?

Image credits: reddit.com

#17 The Ramsays Has The Best Insults

Image credits: reddit.com

#18 This Guy Wants All The Cake.

Image credits: reddit.com

#19 Don't Defend Corporations, They Will Not Return The Favor

Image credits: reddit.com

#20 If He Were Here He'd Consume These Morons With Fireballs From His Eyes And Bolts Of Lightning From His Arse

Image credits: reddit.com

#21 An Effortless Genocide

Image credits: ToddHagopian

#22 Well, When You Put It That Way...

Image credits: reddit.com

#23 Good Old Meghan Mccain

Image credits: reddit.com

#24 Very Strange, Indeed

Image credits: reddit.com

#25 Yellow Tape Around Her Body It's A Fucking Homicide

Image credits: reddit.com

#26 A Better Headline

Image credits: reddit.com

#27 Kill Theirs Or Educate Ours?

Image credits: reddit.com

#28 Homophobia Is Manmade

Image credits: reddit.com

#29 Cut The Shit Lady. You Chose The Bathroom.

Image credits: reddit.com

#30 Murdered By Numbers?

Image credits: reddit.com

#31 Murdered By The Word Of God.

Image credits: reddit.com

#32 The Aunt Looks Like Such A Nice Person

Image credits: reddit.com

#33 Holy Hell! Call The Morgue

Image credits: reddit.com

#34 Your “Logic” Deserves A Slap In The Face

Image credits: reddit.com

#35 Murdered By Laws

Image credits: reddit.com

#36 I Lol'd Hard

Image credits: reddit.com

#37 Say It Like You Mean It

Image credits: reddit.com

#38 Maybe Not The First, But Definitely The Most Famous

Image credits: reddit.com

#39 Taken To School.

Image credits: reddit.com

#40 Does It Make Sense For You Now?

Image credits: reddit.com

#41 Video Games Cause Violence

Image credits: reddit.com

#42 Short And To The Point

Image credits: reddit.com

#43 Why Do Old People Insist On Doing This?

Image credits: reddit.com

#44 Ain't No Right Way

Image credits: reddit.com

#45 Is It True

Image credits: reddit.com

#46 Roll Tide!

Image credits: reddit.com

#47 That Moment When An Anti-Vaxx Mom Is Called Out On Facebook By Her Son's Pediatric Nurse

Image credits: reddit.com

#48 We The People

Image credits: reddit.com

#49 You Can Disagree With An Opinion, But The Math Never Lies

Image credits: reddit.com

#50 Murdered With One Word Almost 3 Years Later

Image credits: reddit.com

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3jeZQ4B

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