31 Facts That Took People By Surprise When They First Heard Them, As Shared Online - Its Magazine

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Friday 5 January 2024

31 Facts That Took People By Surprise When They First Heard Them, As Shared Online

Not all facts seem intuitive. Some take people by surprise or feel strange even after knowing them for a while. The reasons for this may vary from limited knowledge of the area, something having very different features from other things of a similar kind, to our senses perceiving something in such a way that it is tempting to the mind to draw some false conclusions, as is the case with various optical illusions, such as one line looking shorter than the other when that isn’t the case. People are sharing these kinds of facts, answering one Redditor’s question: “What’s something that sounds completely illogical but is actually correct?”

More info: Reddit


Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia

Image credits: goth_mary


Aluminum is infinitely recyclable and one of the worlds most recycled metal

Image credits: ComplexSolid6712


Sharks existed before Saturn’s rings did.

Image credits: Moakmeister


Sloths can hold their breath under water longer than dolphins

Image credits: havoc_ado


You hear your own voice differently than others, that's why a lot of people get shocked when they listen to their own recordings.

Image credits: purpleoyster67


The double-slit experiment in quantum physics, where you're firing electrons at a barrier with two slits. Logic suggests you should see two lines on a screen behind the barrier, but instead, you get a pattern like waves interfering with each other, implying each electron goes through both slits simultaneously.

Yet, if you observe which slit they go through, the electrons revert to acting like particles, forming only two lines, as if they 'know' they're being watched. It's a mind-bending phenomenon that sounds illogical but is scientifically proven.

Image credits: Hindsight_DJ


Mail is still delivered via donkey to a place at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Image credits: jetmech725


The US Army tried a "Camel Corps" in the Southwest, in the early 19th century, mostly as pack animals or using for mail service, as far West as southern California; when the Civil War interrupted their experiment, they sold the camels off, but some escaped. As a result there were feral camels at one point in the Angeles National Forest.

Image credits: ThaneOfCawdorrr


It took decades after the invention of the can to invent the can opener.

Image credits: theTenebrus


Inflammable means flammable

Image credits: hexagon_son


There is a nerve that connects your brain to your larynx (voice box), but first it goes down your neck, into your chest, and under your aorta before coming back up.

Giraffes also have it despite the length of their necks.

Image credits: Symnestra


Water expands when frozen but almost everything else contracts when frozen

Image credits: tsmitty24


Cashews grow on the outside of a cashew apple

Image credits: NoFinish4978


One day on Venus is longer than one year on Venus.

Image credits: SuvenPan


Both the moon and Sun are about 400 times farther from Earth than the sizes of their respective diameters. This means that the moon will block out, or “eclipse,” anything behind it that has the same ratio. This is the “cosmic coincidence” that makes solar eclipses possible.

Image credits: Seed_Is_Strong


Spaces between words weren’t introduced until the 7th to 9th centuries, with more widespread adoption occurring in the 10th century.

Image credits: Goddamnpassword


We live closer in time to the reign of Cleopatra than she did to the building of the pyramids.

Image credits: caughtinfire


If you have 23 people together in a room there is a 50% chance that 2 of them share a birthday (same day and month, not necessarily the same year).

Image credits: realmofconfusion


If your mayonnaise is too thin add more oil to thicken it. Emulsions are weird.

Image credits: _BlueFire_


The western end of the Panama Canal is the Atlantic Ocean and the eastern end is the Pacific Ocean.

Image credits: gbrell


Hmm, did you know that technically speaking, a strawberry isn't a berry, but a banana is? Sounds weird, but it's true!

Image credits: eva_curls_


That your skin lacks the receptors to feel wet.

Image credits: Odd_Will_3557


Babies will sleep in longer if you put them to bed earlier

Image credits: Romnonaldao


The speed of light is constant on all reference frames

Image credits: Key_Card4539


That 1,000,000 (one million) seconds is ~11.6 days, and 1,000,000,000 (one billion) seconds is ~31.7 years.

Image credits: jfincher42


When magnesium is burned, the ashes weigh more than the magnesium.

Image credits: whatintheactualfeth


You can’t know both what the exact position and the exact momentum of a quantum particle will be.

Image credits: HyperConnectedSpace


If you somehow managed to fold one piece of paper 42 times, its thickness will actually be equal to the distance between the Earth and the Moon.

Image credits: SlapDatBassBro


"Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a complete, grammatically correct sentence in the English language.

Image credits: Eclectophile


There are more hydrogen atoms in a single water molecule than there are stars in the entire solar system.

Image credits: AlmostSane67


Hmm, did you know that lighters were invented before matches? Sounds kinda weird, right?

Image credits: eva_curls

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