What Is A Very Bad Statistic People Should Know? (70 Answers) - Its Magazine

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Friday 29 December 2023

What Is A Very Bad Statistic People Should Know? (70 Answers)

Many of us deal with huge amounts of information every single day. We’re constantly bombarded by facts, stats, opinions, and pieces of advice pretty much everywhere we turn online. But with so much data, some of the truly important bits of info sometimes get lost in the noise. Not all of it is pleasant.

The members of the r/AskReddit online community shared the saddest statistics they know in a couple of threads. They might give you a more nuanced perspective on the world. Scroll down to check them out, but be warned that some of these stats are quite sensitive. 


85% of all dog attack deaths are pit bulls.


And the most likely dog to bite is the chihuahua. The main difference is a chihuahua bite tends to require a Band-Aid and a pitbull bite generally requires amputation or a blood transfusion.

Please never let us breed chihuahuas to 5 times their current size. Angry little sh*ts.

Image credits: PinkMonorail


If a woman becomes seriously ill, there is a 21 percent chance her husband will leave her.

If a man becomes seriously ill, there is a 3 percent chance his wife will leave him.

Image credits: mom_with_an_attitude


70% of former foster care youth are arrested at least once before age 26.

Image credits: irroc29

Facts and stats are, at times, quite counterintuitive. They sound weird. They feel like they shouldn’t work. But the findings are (usually) backed up by rigorous testing, peer reviews, follow-up studies, and meta-analyses. 

You shouldn’t trust anything you stumble across online blindly without first considering its trustworthiness. At the same time, cross-referencing every single claim would eat up most of the time in your day. Not to mention how mentally exhausting it would be!

So your best bet is to do some light research if you think a fact sounds iffy. Look at multiple sources and figure out which ones you can most often rely on to get things right. Sensational headlines might get clicks and views, but they might rely on a single new study that may need more follow-up research. 


Only 65% of people have access to internet.

Image credits: memeaficator


1 in 4 known pregnancies end in loss. That's 25% folks.

Image credits: sername1111111


The number of deaths caused by the smartphone while driving is 6x higher than those caused by drunk drivers.

Image credits: Super_Rando_Man

Broadly speaking, you want to consider the potential biases of the source making a certain claim. Try to think about what their goal might be. Are they representing a certain product or brand? Do they have any identifiable political leanings? Is there a deeper agenda behind the data?

The idea is for you to try to be as neutral as possible and to look at the facts as they are. That means removing all the emotional reactions about how you (dis)like this and that data because they (don’t) conform to your current worldview. Though we’ll never be completely unbiased, we can do our best to try to be as objective as we can. And that attitude should help us filter out much of the fake news floating around on social media and the news.


9 people were born and 4 died while you were reading this sentence.

Image credits: pixeltweaker


2 million people cause accidents every year by not switching on a turn signal.

Yeah, 2 million.

Image credits: qwa56


The USA incarcerates more of its own citizens both per capita and for total amounts. They jail over 400k more citizens than china, which has 4.5x the population and has zero freedom of speech and a pretty punishing government. For profit prisons is legalized slavery.

The most reliable sources do very heavy fact-checking. They cross-reference facts and check the validity of each and every claim. They’re also very open about their potential biases.

All sources make errors from time to time. That’s inevitable. But the very best sources own up when they make a mistake—they don’t shy away from making corrections. Moreover, they’ll usually paint a nuanced and complex picture of reality. On the flip side, someone who makes the world seem overly simplistic or black-and-white is either oversimplifying things, misinterpreting reality, or wants to push a certain agenda.


60% of Americans will never read a book again after they graduate high school. 40% for graduate students after they receive their master's/phd.

Image credits: Sweezy_Clooch


The richest 1% of the world's population own more than twice as much wealth as the remaining 99%.

Image credits: aintsit999


There’s 2,000 active serial killers in the world right now. Also, if you were to be murdered, there’s a 1 in 3 chance the case will never be solved and the killer will never be identified. Sweet dreams 

Image credits: KuroiBolto


Domestic violence rates increase by 40% during sports championship seasons.

Image credits: NearlyHere1


Saw this statistic in a newspaper a few days ago and it jumped off the page at me: apparently over 3 million Americans have chosen to live out of their vehicles because housing prices have become too unaffordable. It's unfortunate, and I don't see the trend getting better any time soon.


If you go in cardiac arrest outside the hospital, even with first responders nearby, your chances of getting out of the hospital alive is less than 10%.

Image credits: ChestLow1092


Up to 80 percent of falls in the home occur in the bathroom and about 1 person in the U.S. dies every day from a bathroom-related injury occurring in either the bathtub or the shower.


An estimated 9 million + tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean each year.

Image credits: machine1892


Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 10 patients who go into hospital experience some sort of accidental harm from the care they are receiving. Medical accidents are the third biggest killer of Americans.


40% of all plastics produced each year are single-use only...and only 9% of plastics get recycled after disposal.

Image credits: Size16Thorax


Approximately 1 in 7 women suffer severe post partum depression. My wife got hit by it like a truck, and we were completely unprepared. In reality the number could be significantly higher too, because it is generally not reported or acknowledged.

Image credits: intthemainvoid


26,993 people committed suicide with a firearm in the USA in 2022, representing 56% of deaths by firearm. Firearms were the leading cause of death for children and teens (ages 1-19) for the fifth straight year, with the death rate from firearms nearly doubling in the last ten years.


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, an estimated 7 million hectares of forest are lost each year.

Image credits: Ambitious_Bit2309


There are more people living in the Tokyo metropolitan area than there are in the entire country of Canada.


1/10 UK mothers don’t know for certain their child’s dad.

Image credits: Profopol


1 in 14 American adults believe chocolate milk is from brown cows.

Image credits: Profopol


Half of all children living in single parent families live in poverty.


27 000 people died every day during WWII on average.

Image credits: finners15


The US Pentagon cannot account for 63% of its defense spending.


The bottom 15% of IQ is considered too troublesome to be trained for any use by the military.


85% of public bathroom users don't wash their hands afterwards. Since learning that I have noticed and I have never been in one for very long without hearing it myself. They come out but I don't hear water from the sink. I handle the door with the paper towel I used to dry my hands. I go to one place that only has a hand dryer, so I take my own paper towel there.


80-90% of smokers never get lung cancer.


80-90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking.


In reference to ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) scores used to evaluate exposure to childhood trauma: “Having any ACE is associated with an increased risk for s*icide. The odds of ever attempting suicide are 30 times higher for adults with four or more ACEs compared to adults with no ACEs.” (Source: CDC) (For the record, my ACE score is 8.)


Here's a mind-boggling statistic: Cumulatively, over the entire existence of Earth, estimated in billions of years, the percentage of time during which humanity has existed is a mere minuscule 0.004%. And here we are, in the 21st century, deciding to create memes and order pizza online.


1 in 12 addicts will actually attain life long recovery.


51% of NYC children do not read at their grade level. Im tutoring a couple and they are struggling, but we’re trying the best we can.


Theres' been 392 school shootings since Columbine, which would be 24 years now. 


According to psychological studies, on average the late-40’s are the age when people are the least happy. Several factors contribute to this…you could be dealing with empty-nest syndrome for the first time as often at this age kids are old enough to leave home, you could be feeling the financial crunch of putting said kids through college, turning 50 soon could be weighing on your mind, there’s a likelihood you’ve lost at least one parent by this time, you could be burnt out on your career but still years away from retirement, and many women have begun going through menopause at this time.

But the good news is, people then to be much happier by the time they reach their mid-50’s, so if you’re in your late 40’s and are battling with some of these things, just hang in there.


On average, 79% of U.S. adults nationwide are literate in 2023. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2023. 54% of adults have a literacy below a 6th-grade level (20% are below 5th-grade level).


A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This number can vary based on a vehicle’s fuel, fuel economy, and the number of miles driven per year.


Daytraders tend to lose money. 90% of them do and I’m undervaluing that number.

Proceed with utmost caution when expirimenting with the stock market.


About 1/7 California drivers have zero insurance. About 2-3 times that only have the state minimum. Make sure your UM/UIM insurance is paid up :)


There are 8+ billion people on this planet.


If you have friends and smoke a pack of cigarettes a day you’ll live longer than a nonsmoker who has no friends.

Image credits: Choppergold


1 in 6 men are likely to be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. And a lot of times it's someone you know. Be safe out there bros.


90% of startups fail!


75-85% of autistic adults are unemployed. Up to 66% of autistic adults have thought about s*icide and 35% have made a plan.


Working out in any capacity decreases your likelihood of death from cardiovascular disease, dementia, and cancer by 14%, on average. This compounds over time.

Really insane when you think about how important physical activity is to human function.


The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation has 80% unemployment, 50% living below the poverty line, a life expectancy of 50 years (shortest in the Western Hemisphere), infant mortality rate 5 times the national average, su*cide rate 4 times the national average, 85% of families are affected by alcoholism, 25% of newborns are diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome, and school dropout rate is 70%. This is in the middle of the United States.


About 6% of people in prison are actually innocent. Evidence is what matters to police. Evidence can be moved. Evidence can be placed.

You could be imprisoned for murder tomorrow, Jack.


Statistically, cars are the absolute most dangerous ways to travel anywhere.

And that's not even including the enormous mass of other deaths they cause to non-drivers. Especially kids. Where they've only very recently been overtaken by guns as the leading cause of death in minors.


1 in 4 Americans will die before they reach 65 years old According to the World Bank.


An estimated 25% of Canadians + 34% of Americans over the age of 20 have some level of NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease).

NAFLD has become the main reason for both Canadians and Americans to receive liver transplants. The most common cause of NAFLD is obesity, and it’s mostly preventable with lifestyle adjustments.

The mortality rate of people awaiting liver transplants due to unpreventable disease has continued to rise as a direct result of increasing NAFLD rates (and again… NAFLD is preventable in a heavy majority of cases)


If you made $7,000 an hour every day since the birth of Jesus Christ, you’d have made less money than Jeff Bezos.


Depressed people are much more accurate when it comes to self assessment. Which is depressing.


According to the RAINN, only about 5% of (the estimated number of) sexual assaults will actually lead to an arrest. And only about half of THOSE lead to incarceration of the suspect. So that’s like 2.5 percent of sexual assaults being punished with jail time. 


If a partner strangles you, the odds they will murder you within the next year increases by 750%. Also, the leading cause of death for pregnant women is homicide.


Approximately 42% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D according the NIH.

Sick all the time? Vitamin D boosts immunity. Hair falling out? Vitamin D helps stimulate new hair follicles. Are you a woman nearing menopause? Your bones need calcium and your body absorbs it poorly if you're deficient in Vitamin D.

Basically, we need the D.


Black women get abortions at a rate nearly 4 times that of white women.


US Male life expectancy declined from 78.8 years in 2019, to 73.2 in 2023.


Nearly 70 percent of divorces are initiated by the wife.


The USA scored a 69 for its latest CPI (Corruption Perception Index) which means America is more corrupt than a lot of countries.


Every 10-centimeter increase (about 4 inches) in height was found to be associated with a 14% increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. The average height in the U.S. for men is 5 feet, 9 inches, and for women it is 5 feet, 4 inches. This means men who are 6 feet, 1 inch and women who are 5 feet, 8 inches (4 inches/10 centimeters above the average U.S. height) or taller are at a 14% increased risk of colorectal cancer and a 6% increased risk of adenomas.


The mortality rate for black women during pregnancy is higher. Black women are more likely to have preclampsia, placenta previa, and gestational diabetes during their pregnancy.


Pollution from fossil fuels kills more people Every Day than nuclear power has killed in its entire history.


S*icide is one of the leading causes of death in men under 50. Men suicide rates are higher while women s*icide attempts are higher.


As a woman, my partner is statistically the most likely person to murder me. Also, when you're in a DV situation, the most dangerous time, the time men tend to kill their partners the most, is when they're leaving. I live in Australia and we have AT LEAST one DV death per WEEK. It's a scary statistic but I'm hoping it might save someone.


71% of sexual assault victims knew their attacker. This is disturbing cause of all the fears about random strangers, when they're more likely to beat the f**k out of the family member doing the deed.


Firefighters have one of the highest risks of getting and dying from cancers. Their job and turnout gear is loaded with chemicals and each day they work is a day closer to death.


Most auto accidents occur within 5 miles of a driver's home or place of work. It is presumed that drivers let their guard down as they get closer to familiar surroundings.


About 20k people have been killed by Israel in Gaza in this recent war with 75% being women and children.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/KN5gsqc

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