There might be certain issues, mistakes, or potential improvements that go unnoticed by many. Yet someone who recognizes them might quite on the contrary be determined to correct them no matter the cost of their time and energy.
And they might be right if we think about someone like Ignaz Semmelweis discovering that by disinfecting their hands healthcare workers could drastically reduce the incidence of infection in obstetrical clinics. Yet it might be something smaller, for example pointing out the fact that bees have six legs rather than four! These Redditors shared things they refuse to let go, answering one Redditor’s question: “What is the smallest hill you’ll die on?”
More info: Reddit
Social media has been one of the most damaging things to ever happen to our societies mental health.
Image credits: Misterpewpie
Im with the boomers on this one, f**k your QR code. Bring me a paper menu
Image credits: broski0403
Burgers should be wider not taller, if you need to put a skewer through it its no longer a burger its a keebab.
Image credits: Granttrees
F**k daylight savings time
Image credits: HandyMan131
Butter is superior to margarine.
Image credits: CheekyCheesehead
Toilet paper rolls over, not under.
Image credits: AestheticCopacetic
I will consistently, persistently, and always use the Oxford F*****g Comma.
Image credits: Hemenucha
It is not impolite to correct someone who is spreading misinformation, regardless of whether they’re lying or just plain incorrect.
Image credits: 1NegativePerson
Talking on speaker phone in public is not necessary
Image credits: Few-Transportation-
If you’re going to serve room temp bread at a restaurant, don’t serve me ice cold butter. Warm one of the two things up
Image credits: JustSomeAudioGuy
Cut the god damn tails off my shrimp before putting it in pasta, I don’t care what the French say.
Image credits: Jakeini33
(Able) People who don’t return their shopping carts are s****y people.
Image credits: dominationnation
Every single time someone posts a picture or article about Istanbul, I comment "not Constantinople." I will usually get downvoted to hell for it, but I think it's hilarious. So I'll die on that hill.
Image credits: Spodson
If someone is behind me, I will always throw my arm back and hold the door. The amount of times people just let it shut in my face has me irate.
Image credits: 291000610478021
There/their/they're, your/you're.
Image credits: theservman
If you are on the highway and you try to move over two lanes to sneak into a packed exit right before the guard rail, you have already missed your f*****g turn. Go to the next exit and turn around or try another route.Before anyone brings it up, no, I am not talking about merging. I am talking about seeing a long line of people waiting to get off an exit, and you breaking the law by crossing solid lines to cut in because you couldn't be f****d to read the signs for the last two miles telling you which lane you need to be in for your exit.

Image credits: Hodauldtr
Utensils need to be at the END of a buffet.So many places put them at the beginning of a buffet. You don't know what utensils you'll need yet and then you have to carry them around the whole time. Madness.

Image credits: doobie3101
A couple means 2, a few is more than 2. There is no debating this.
Image credits: Colonel_Kook
It's "I couldn't care less", not "I could care less"! If you could care less then you care!
Image credits: Shibes2
Tipping for carryout is the biggest scam in restaurant history.
Image credits: frattboy69
Everyday and every day are different. And not interchangeable.“An everyday walk in the park” vs “I walk in the park every day.”

Image credits: DonettaLocklear
Burgers come WITH fries. Stop trying to charge me an extra $7 for 1/4 of a potato’s worth of shoestring fries that get cold before they even reach the plate just because you put truffle oil or some other b******t on them.
Image credits: burgher89
Leaving time left on a communal microwave means you're a bad person.
Image credits: Robo_Joe
Don't force me to download your f*****g app.Went to Chipotle, at 6pm. They told me they weren't accepting anything but online orders. This had happened to me once during covid due to supply issues so I asked if they were low on food. They said no. I asked if they were short staffed or something. They said no. So I said "you're telling me you can't give me the food that is literally sitting in between us, by giving you this money that is literally in my hand unless I have a smart phone and make an account and type my order in?" They said that's correct. So yeah, for absolutely no reason besides wanting to sell my data probably, they're willing to lose customers.
Another time I went into a Firehouse Subs that has had open dine in for over a year since covid died down. The employees looked at me like I was crazy or trespassing when I walked in. One girl was like "hi?" I said "hi..." She said "are you here for an online pickup?" I said "no, I'd like to order and eat my food here, your dining room is open right?" She said "oh...ok.." Dining room didn't have chairs on the tables or anything, it looked normal.
Why? How did we get here as a society?

Image credits: Not-Clark-Kent
People need to stop bringing animals into the grocery store. No Brenda, your s**t-bull mix that lunges at everything isn't a service animal.
Image credits: Ok_Concentrate_6887
EXpresso is not a f*****g word#27
It's just 'PIN' not 'PIN Number'.#28
Its okay not to tip at Starbucks.
Image credits: Quiverjones
Halloween decorations that are animal skeletons shouldn't have ears! Ears aren't bone!
Image credits: qatest
Actual physical push buttons are way better than sensor buttons. (Like the xbox 360 sensor buttons)
Image credits: Jusin1997
“Two piece” dresses are not dresses.
Image credits: susiemay01
Typing Like This Will Make Me Stop Respecting You Instantly.
Image credits: Major_Koala
Baby Jesus should never wear a cross.Like why? Its anachronistic. It's completely backwards and don't make no sense.
I never need a receipt bigger than 3 inches
Image credits: Pennsyltuckey54
If I had to pay for sauce I better have sauce in the bag.#36
You can't use "exponential" to describe every large increase, especially if you're only looking at two data points.
Image credits: phantomtofu
If the automatic door does not open fast enough for me not to break stride, it is broken!#38
How do people confuse lose with loose?
Image credits: ParadiddlediddleSaaS
If I order a chicken sandwich and you give me two pieces of bread with chunks of chicken, a 1/4 cup of mustard and raisins in it I’m out. You’re dead to me, your cafe is dead to me. That is not a sandwich, it’s a disappointment.
Image credits: awkwardlyherdingcats
Bees have 6 legs! (My school mascot is a bee, and every representation I see has only 4 legs.)#41
It's pronounced GIFfrom Bored Panda