Like the walls of ancient Egypt, the internet is awash with images of cats. While no longer perhaps seen as divine, people still can’t get enough cute cats, cat memes, or feline facts. At this point, there are almost as many unique cat images online as there are humans, so it stands to reason that the net supports a variety of cat-subgenres.
The “Cats Who Yell” internet group has a very specific form of cat-content. As it says in the name, it shares images of talkative felines who seem to really have something to say. So get ready to scroll, upvote your favorite posts, and be sure to comment your thoughts below.
#1 How Our Cat, Millie, Lets Us Know Someone Is Here
Image credits: Barfsack
#2 This Was My Spooky Cat, She Was A Stray That Decided I Was Going To Be Her Person, She's Sadly Moved On But I Spoiled Her Rotten The Last Year Of Her Life
Image credits: Ok-Interaction-4081
#3 A Friend Found This Floofy Little Screamer In His Woodpile. He Found Her A Forever Home
Image credits: snerdie
Despite wanting to appear as a solitary animal, cats do vocalize quite a bit. In nature, while they might not be deeply social, they still do need to “talk” to fellow-felines at times. However, cats are quite smart and have realized, to some extent, that humans can and will respond to their noises, so they tend to be more “talkative” among us.
Research suggests that house cats are generally louder than wild cats, as they are perpetually around us, who they perceive simply as larger, clumsier fellow cats. Since we find them adorable, it’s no surprise that we record, film, and photograph them speaking to us.
#4 Chonks Telling Us He Likes His Newly Assembled Cat Tree
Image credits: Vast_Ant_3355
#5 The Fat One Begging For Food
Image credits: AirDevil
#6 Yelling Because I Walked Past Her And Didn’t Give Her The Required Tummy Rubs
Image credits: PocketsAndSedition7
While the cats here are mostly “yelling,” felines have a variety of ways they can make noise and communicate needs and moods. From meows, to purring and hissing, they are very capable of different sounds when needed. Researchers believe that there are 16 to 21 varieties of distinct cat noises.
#7 He Likes To Hide In The Tall Grass But Gets Mad If You Find Him
Image credits: angiedoesntsocialize
#8 When We're 5 Minutes Late For Dinner, We Get The Scolding
Image credits: triptanic
#9 The Stray I've Been Feeding For Six Months Demands A Comfy Bed Inside
Image credits: donutdespair
Alongside the “meow,” a purring cat is one of the most distinctive noises. While it's commonly held that a purr represents happiness, this isn’t always the case. Often, a cat that is ill or in pain will also purr. As a result, some researchers believe that a purr represents a positive social mood, not happiness per se. A cat in pain still wants to be comforted, for example.
#10 Boopie Would Like You To Know That Her Vaccine Trip Is An Inconvenience!
Image credits: akcgal
#11 I Cannot Eat Cheese In Peace
Image credits: BGL911
#12 Strelka Aka “Yelly Strelly”
Image credits: zuzuofthewolves
Purring also helps relax the cat, which perhaps contributes to healing if it’s hurt or sick. Since it normally purrs during positive moments, it's possible that it uses good associations to help itself calm down. Cats aren’t the only felines that purr, big cats have been known to do it as well, making a significantly more impressive noise with their larger bodies.
#13 My Inside Girl, Penny, Always Fusses At Me Through The Window When I'm In The Backyard
She's inside only and she's very scared of outside things. I think she's fussin at me to come back inside where it's safe and so she can sit in her favorite place, my lap. I love her to death.
Image credits: WiscoSound
#14 He Has A Lot To Say
Image credits: kupiid
#15 Tortitude Because I Wouldn't Let Her Pick The Path She Wanted
Image credits: OreJen
But, as everyone knows, the dog goes “woof” and the cat goes “meow.” This precise spelling, in English, dates back to 1842, while before that, writers used a variety of versions to describe the sound of a cat. "Miaow", "miau", and "meaw" were all present, which aren’t too far away from how modern humans on the internet talk about their cats.
#16 He's Mad That He Can't Eat My Wife's Breakfast Sandwich
Image credits: Comms
#17 Kitty Caught Mid Yell
Image credits: Herr_Vogel
#18 Tiny Man Yelling For All The World To Hear
Image credits: ImJustARandomDude
While it might seem a bit unnatural for cats to “talk” that much, animal behavior specialists believe that, in most cases, a talkative cat is a happy cat. A cat that vocalizes with its owner no doubt believes that it is understood and trusts the owner to some degree. However, if your cat is quiet, don’t fret, some simply have that sort of personality.
#19 My Brother’s Cat, Speedy, Letting Everyone Know How He Feels About His Carrier!
Image credits: unarmed_warrior_yo
#20 Harley Quinn Is Very Concerned About Humans Taking Baths
Image credits: pandorable3
#21 Magnus Is So Happy He's Outside That He Must Shout It To The World!
Image credits: webcomic_snow
The use of the word “talk” isn’t accidental, cats are intelligent beings and recognize that we are talking to them. So often they will respond with a meow to your speech, creating a sort of conversation. This is more likely when the cat likes and trusts you, which should be the goal of any owner.
#22 Tigger Is Once Again Asking That You Adopt Him From Pet Refuge In South Bend, In, USA
Image credits: blissrot
#23 Oh My
Image credits: Martenus
#24 Upset He Had To Take A Bath After Living In A Sewer Drain For 5 Days
Image credits: Chicken_beans
In the wild, cats seldom meow to each other, although they will do it with kittens. So when your feline friend meows to you, it isn’t so much that they think you are a kitten, they simply think you like to meow (talk) a lot. However, domesticated cats will at times meow to each other, if they feel comfortable together.
#25 Pets, Please!
Image credits: meowmorel
#26 Have A Mice Day! ..but Don’t Touch My Mouse!
Image credits: [deleted]
#27 Violence
Image credits: iwantwatermelon
If your cat has access to a window that overlooks any concentration of birds, you have no doubt heard the strange chattering noise they make at times. This is generally from excitement and is in some ways a strange evolutionary development, as, presumably, it could give the cat away to its prey.
#28 Hell Hath No Fury Like A Hungry Kitten
Image credits: amyrator
#29 Nobody Is Allowed To Touch Her Table Junk While She Is Nested On It
Image credits: SnakesCatsAndDogs
#30 Ignore The Dry Food Next To Her Bowl, Right Now She Demands Wet Food
Image credits: anxiouslymute
Of course, this entire collection simply proves that we love our cat friends, no matter if they are talking, sleeping, or just goofing around. So if you want to see more cat content, Bored Panda has got you covered. Check out our other lists of very, very talkative cats or felines that love to meow meow meow.
#31 The Queen Of Laundry Mountain Has Something To Tell You
Image credits: dorkd0rk
#32 Salty Dragon
Image credits: ItsChocolateYo
#33 I Took In A Stray And Oh Boy Is He A Screamer. Meet Miso, The Neediest Stray You'll Ever See
Image credits: SomeMayCallMeTim
#34 Mid Treat Demand
Image credits: dedewhale
#35 This Pic Of Jack Yelling Ended Up Looking Like A Horror Movie Poster
Image credits: Shadowjamm
#36 He’s A Chatty Catty
Image credits: superlind09
#37 I Think This Fits Well Here. Al Is Not Fond Of The Car Ride To The Vet For His Annual Checkup
Image credits: Geeker21
#38 I Stopped Petting Her To Take This
Image credits: PunkRockApostle
#39 Jinx Never Fails To Remind Me About Dinnertime
Image credits: judelaurence
#40 Arnie Has A Lot To Say About Me Leaving Early For Work Today
Image credits: ambreenh1210
#41 Very Talkative, Too Talkative
Image credits: J_ay1ene
#42 Screaming In The Bathroom
Image credits: Ro-shaan
#43 Florence Greeting Her Hooman Servants
Image credits: Tooleater
#44 I Wasn't Petting Marbles Fast Enough
Image credits: TigressSnow
#45 Nacho Miscalculated The Weather That Day, But Yelled At Me Like It Was My Fault He Got Soaked
Image credits: MysticHentron
#46 This Is Hyphy, My House Mates Cat. She Thinks That I'm Her Dad
Image credits: SeanGone11
#47 Big No To The Vet (He's Fine Just Dramatic)
Image credits: eldfen
#48 Hello Friends!
Image credits: Cryptocoinwave
#49 Caught Him On The Oven. He Claims Innocence
Image credits: rubyblue0
#50 A Pic Of My Kitten Yelling. She Much Enjoyed The Plastic
Image credits: ClosetedGothAdult
from Bored Panda