Very few people in the world could be called outright evil. However, plenty are narcissistic, entitled, impolite, and enjoy bullying others. Unfortunately, trashy people are a part of life. Whether you call them out on their behavior or ignore their antics to protect your nerves, you can’t deny that everyone would benefit if they were more compassionate.
The r/AskReddit online community banded together to share their thoughts on the not-so-subtle signs that someone’s most likely a trashy individual. They called out folks for a wide range of nasty behaviors. Littering, awful parking skills, and not returning grocery carts are just the tip of the iceberg. Scroll down and don’t forget to meditate for a spell if you feel your blood pressure start to rise.
They don’t take care of their kids.
Image credits: Sad_Struggle_8131
Speaker phone in public.
Image credits: AnOpinionatedPancake
Taking up 2 parking spaces
Image credits: TiltedHelm
Small actions have large impacts over time. Especially on a large scale. A society that prioritizes cleanliness and educates its citizens to properly dispose of their litter is going to be tidier than one that doesn’t enforce any standards.
One 2020 study, conducted by Keep America Beautiful, found that there are 50 billion pieces of litter along the roadways and waterways in the United States. The upside? There’s been a 54% decrease in litter along American roadways in the past decade. This might mean that society as a whole has been developing a more responsible outlook toward (not) littering.
Just casually litters.
Image credits: Tokugawa
Theyre pregnant and still havent gotten their first kid back from grandma.
Image credits: Painless_mf
Doesn’t return the grocery cart.
Image credits: Cultural_Product6430
Kindness is both a habit and a part of being human. People are hardwired to want to help each other. At the same time, we also have the instinct for survival and selfishness. So these two different instincts are constantly at odds within ourselves. What wins out will depend on your upbringing, values, and the specific situation you’re in.
Barring literal sociopathy, being more altruistic is something that nearly everyone can learn, given enough patience and effort. But change has to start with the person in question. They have to realize that their behavior, as things currently stand, is having a thoroughly negative impact on the people around them—not just strangers, but also their family and friends.
First response to anything negative is physical violence.
Image credits: Fire_Reaver
makes snarky remarks on social media about anyone he doesn't like.
Image credits: robpensley
When they don’t buy their kid window sits on a plane and expect you to give up the window seat you payed for
Image credits: StationDue3816
People who grew up in neglectful or stressful environments might be focused more on survival and don’t feel like they have the luxury of altruism. Meanwhile, someone who’s been spoiled most of their life might assume that there will always be someone to pick up after them. Through practice, however, everyone can become more aware of their faults and slowly change for the better. One small act of kindness after another small act of kindness.
You can start with something very small, like throwing out your trash in a garbage bin, instead of letting it flutter down on the pavement as usual. Try smiling more at the people you meet, say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye.’ Thank them if they’ve brought you your lunch, scanned your items at the shop, or opened a door for you. These might seem like insignificant things, but they quickly add up and create an entirely new attitude. In short—you’re showing that you’re aware of the people around you and that you’re grateful for them.
I was recently on vacation in New Orleans and this woman who was staying at our hotel was telling a story to her adult daughter and (I assume) another family member about her very active sex life. The entire pool area could hear it. She went into detail that she and her husband were so intimate that he would shave her a**l area.So that.

Image credits: According_To_Me
Chewing with the mouth open
Image credits: Neat_Big_6991
Not picking up after their dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image credits: verdantsf
If you’re struggling with empathy for others or facing your own flaws, you may want to consider taking up meditation or going to therapy. Meanwhile, if you’re constantly stressed out and lashing out at others, it might be time to make some major lifestyle changes.
You might not actually be a jerk, but a poor diet, too much caffeine, chronic exhaustion, constant overtime, and the stress of your job may be bringing out the worst in you if you’re constantly on edge. As with kindness, these lifestyle changes are best tackled step by step, until you become the person you truly want to be.
They don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, *especially* after number 2
Image credits: human_i_think_1983
barefoot in a public bathroom.
Image credits: Witepheresr
people who use others but get upset when they are called out
Image credits: CakeupBakeup
Any Parent that trashes their kid in public, be it belittling, smacking/pushing them down etc. Pure scum!
Image credits: Penfold_for_PM
People who throw violent tantrums at fast food employees over chicken nuggets
Image credits: WanderlustWarlock
Make fun of others who have less.
Image credits: Soobobaloula
If they mistreat animals. There's just no excuse for it.
Image credits: Cat-guy64
Wearing one of those run on sentence Facebook T-shirts about how 'this pistol packing Christian Aquarius Momma will butt f**k your dog if you mess with the Bible, babies or her truck'
Image credits: celtic1888
“How would you like to own your own business?”#22
“I usually don’t get along with other women.”
Image credits: Lunamoon318
They dump animals when they become inconvenient. I have no respect for these people.#24
Calling racism/homophobia/etc an "opinion."#25
Swearing at kids
Image credits: Fizzabl
Sending your kids off to school smelling like a blunt cause you hot boxed him in the car on the way to school.#27
People who make fun of somebody poor/struggling. Hurts my soul so much when they don't even know your going through the same stuff or once we're. Be humble, not everybody has it as good as you.
Image credits: Lopsided_Library8069
How they treat service workers or employees around them.If someone is mean and disrespectful to someone just trying to do their job, that's a red flag for an insufferable a*****e.

Image credits: llyev
Truck nuts.#30
Trash, usually. My neighbours moved in 18 months ago, since they arrived their garbage has been spilling out onto the street, their front yard filled with an ever growing collection of abandoned kitchen appliances. They throw their regular trash into my recycling bin, loudly at 2am, laughing while they do so and dump their furniture out on the street in front of mine and other people's yards, again loudly and whilst laughing at 2am. They seem to add nothing to the world but noise, antisocial behaviour and garbage.
Image credits: MrSpindles
Getting in fights in public places. This just screams Trashy people#32
A sticker on their vehicle window of Calvin peeing on something.
Image credits: FatHoosier
Makes fun or shame other for something they cannot control or simply by their looks#34
Throws garbage somewhere in nature instead of throwing it into a trash can like a civilized person should.
Image credits: devilwithacrown
Bragging about how rich they are.Bragging about how smart they are.
Bragging about their conquests.
Bragging about committing sexual assault.
Not paying people who work for them.

Image credits: Nobody275
F*****g fat toddler running around screaming in Wal Mart wearing nothing but diapers or tighty whities with chocolate smeared all over their face.Source: from Palmdale, CA.
Leaves trash on table at fast food restaurants
Image credits: blacksystembbq
Smokes while pregnant.
Image credits:
from Bored Panda