A guy or any person lending a jacket to their girlfriend when she’s cold is a very cute picture indeed! As long as it is voluntary. However, take it to another extreme, when a girlfriend no longer sees it as a nice gesture, but a certain asset fully in service of her needs and whims, for whom not lending a piece of his clothes is no longer an option. And then make it not just one item, but a few. And that’s when you get a picture of this Redditor and his girlfriend. While the latter no longer bothers taking ballet flats to events or carrying her jacket around, her boyfriend tends to walk around barefoot and cold without his jacket; at least, that’s what the story leads us to believe.
More info: Reddit
A man was always lending his clothes to his girlfriend until he finally realized she left her jacket behind on purpose
Image credits: THE 5TH (not the actual photo)
The 21-year-old is a very chivalrous person, so his girlfriend stopped bringing a jacket and her ballet flats to dates
Image credits: reddituser33-4
Image credits: Aidan Roof (not the actual photo)
Image credits: reddituser33-4
The man was always lending his jacket and shoes to his girlfriend, which meant he was walking around cold and barefoot
Image credits: John Diez (not the actual photo)
The boyfriend solved the shoe problem by buying his girlfriend a new pair of ballet flats and leaving them in his car
If you’ve ever wondered whether a person may be too nice, you might as well consider the story of this man’s relationship with his girlfriend that he brought to the Reddit community online, asking whether he was right to finally refuse to lend his jacket to his girlfriend of 9 months.
The man described a little bit of his character when it comes to his interaction with women – he is a very chivalrous person who opens doors, walks beside the path, and… lends his jacket. Apparently, despite the couple’s relationship going great in other areas, one might spoil a person who thinks it’s okay to simply use other people as long as they allow it.
In short, the man’s girlfriend stopped bringing her ballet flats and a jacket when they went out, as she had a man to lend them to her, even though it meant he ended up cold and barefoot. He would have been fine to simply carry his precious girlfriend around, but unfortunately due to back issues, he is not advised to put any form of pressure on his back.
The boyfriend managed to solve the problem with his girlfriend’s shoes, as he bought her a new pair of ballet flats and left them in his car. However, at some point, the man still had to say no to the girlfriend borrowing his jacket.
A few days ago, it had been raining for a few days and it was colder than usual, though still, despite the man reminding his girlfriend several times to pick up her jacket, she still left it at home. The man finally realized that his girlfriend did it on purpose and asked her to get into the car and go home, while his girlfriend was mad that he ended the date due to a jacket.
However, the jacket issue still raised a confrontation between the two when the couple went to the park on a rainy day
Image credits: Nuhyil Ahammed (not the actual photo)
The man reminded his girlfriend to bring her jacket but she didn’t, so he asked to go home, making her mad
The man’s post racked 13.5k upvotes on Reddit and commenters sided with the boyfriend, noting that selfishness and lack of care from the girlfriend’s side isn’t “a good basis for a relationship”, while others were joking about it being “debatable [that she is an adult]”.
Setting and shifting boundaries in relationship was discussed by HelpGuide, noting that while boundaries aren’t etched in stone, a person needs to adjust them as circumstances change and relationships grow.
They emphasized that communication is important when revising one’s boundaries and it is advised to communicate clearly to another person about a certain change and the reason behind it.
HelpGuide also explained that unhealthy boundaries tend to be either too rigid or too porous. Rigid boundaries might manifest as keeping even loved ones at a distance by refusing to talk about one’s emotions or rarely setting aside time to meet with friends.
Porous or weak boundaries tend to develop when a person has a hard time saying “no” to others, which might mean taking on all the responsibilities in a relationship or oversharing with strangers. They noted that healthy boundaries often fall between the two extremes.
Redditors shared their takes on the situation
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