73 People Share The Strangest Facts That They Happen To Know For Some Reason - Its Magazine

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73 People Share The Strangest Facts That They Happen To Know For Some Reason

The beautiful thing about life is that we all have completely unique experiences. Sure, it may not feel that way when you open a birthday card and pretend not to see the money inside or realize you’re not the only one to end searches with “Reddit” to find the most honest results online. But when it comes to the knowledge we acquire throughout our lives, we all have some niche fun facts floating around our brains that the average person has no need to know.

Below, you’ll find some of these interesting and bizarre facts that people have been sharing on Reddit, so even more of us can be aware of this information. Have fun scrolling through and learning something new, and don’t bother wondering how people know these facts… Just enjoy the ride!


No person born blind has ever developed schizophrenia.

Image credits: sirkeladryofmindelan


Some tribes of ancient people used to tie up a goat, whisper their sins to it, then allow it to "accidentally" escape so it would carry their sins away and thus resolve them of guilt.

It was, literally, their "escape goat" and that's where the term scapegoat comes from.

Image credits: TheAbyssGazesAlso


The fear of long words is called hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

Image credits: Illustrious_Hawk_734


That dead ants produce a pheromone that alerts the other ants that they need to move them to the ant graveyard. If a drop of this pheromone is placed on a live ant, it will take itself to the graveyard and stay there until the pheromone dissipates.

Image credits: Jessi_L_1324


Manatees control their buoyancy by farting. Toot toot floaty sea cow.

Image credits: Plane-Vacation-1228


The national animal of Scotland is a Unicorn.

Image credits: Batmans-dragon80


Cockroaches will be able to smell when another cockroach dies. If you ever see one in your home, 1) obviously there’s more, but 2) they will come out in droves to look for the dead roach. They don’t “starve out” like mice or weevils, they cannibalize.

We had a roach problem for a bit, we couldn’t afford pest control so I had to handle this s**t myself LMAO certified roach annihilator here.

Image credits: Outrageous-Fun-7711


For every human being there are about 2.5 million ants in the world, so if the ants one day spontaneously decide to attack us humans about 90% or more of the world's population would die.

There are about 20 quadrillion ants in the world.

Image credits: ___RAVEN____


A year after a mattress is purchased, it'll become 2 to 4 times heavier, depending on how much the owner bathes, and how much people use it, because the amount of Bacteria, dead skin cells, organisms, and Germs that are in the Mattress.

Image credits: BR_GTX


A Buttload is an actual unit of measurement for about 126 gallons of wine.

Image credits: Sgt-Swag


Opossums are immune to rabies. Immune in the sense that their core body temperature is too low for the virus to live and multiply in their nervous system. They can be bitten and "infected" with the virus, but it won't survive in the animal long enough for it to take hold and make them rabid. They also love to eat ticks, mosquitoes(especially mosquito larvae), and even garden slugs and snails. All the general bugs that we consider pests, they happily eat. They may be ugly as sin, but having one regularly visit your yard at night keeps away the real pests. If you live in a more metropolitan area, then their mere presence at night will generally also keep raccoons away, since it would be easier for a racoon to simply walk across the street or a few houses down instead of worrying about dealing with another nocturnal scavenger. Opossums are a mutant rat looking blessing in disguise. They're also not hostile to humans at all, unlike raccoons.


The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.

Image credits: floggingcooper


When you get a tattoo laser removal, you pee out the ink particles.

Image credits: red_phoenix1204


McDonald’s holds a specific contract to get their Coca Cola syrup in a metal vat vs plastic bags which makes McDonald’s taste better.

Image credits: Guerrilla-5-Oh


Raspberries are not berries but watermelons are. This was a life altering useless fact to me. Mind blown....

Image credits: Weird_Lock_3347


Spiders purr.

Image credits: Angryleghairs


The amount of time it takes all mammals to pee is roughly the same. The amount of pee is different, and the intensity of the pee stream is different, but the amount of time is roughly the same.

Image credits: CalmCalmBelong


Frederick Bauer (the guy who invented Pringles) had his ashes buried in a Pringles can.

Image credits: Weird-Traditional


Anatidaephobia is the fear of being watched by a duck.

Image credits: BR_GTX


Horny toads can squirt blood from their eyes up to 30 feet.

Image credits: Sandpaper_Pants


Australia is wider than the moon.

Image credits: MrSatanachia


The island of Java has more people than the entirety of Russia. Despite being 170 times smaller in size.

Image credits: ATalkingDoubleBarrel


There's no maximum length to a train, you just add another engine.

Image credits: TrueGrittt90


You can duplicate your liver.


A liver consists of two distinct lobes. When doctors perform a transplant from living patient, they remove half the donor’s liver and give it to the recipient. Eventually, both patients regrow their missing half of a liver.

Image credits: A_random_redditor--


By the time the Aztec empire was founded, Oxford University was as old as the United States is today.

Image credits: Ltimbo


Crabs have a muscle that enables them to release their claw if they have to.

Image credits: Norwegianxrp


Some military helicopters on aircraft carriers are made of magnesium and should they catch fire it's literally impossible to put them out as the magnesium will take the oxygen from the water and use that to keep burning. So the only thing that can be done is to push them overboard and even as they sink they will continue to burn until the magnesium is completely burned up.

Image credits: Strange_Stage1311


Elephant penises are prehensile and can move on their own like trunks (I.e. to scratch their belly or as an extra support leg on uneven terrain).

Image credits: TonyaHardon


Because of a song that used to constantly play on the radio I have it pretty well memorized that there are 86,400 seconds in the average day.

Image credits: Vanilla_Neko


In 1999, hackers uncovered a flaw in Hotmail's security. Access to any Hotmail email account was granted by simply entering "eh" as the password.


Cowbird females lay their eggs in other species nests. But she keeps watch. If her egg is removed or damaged she may attack the nest and destroy the other eggs that are not hers. But she'll never help feed or nurture her baby. When the young cowbird is able to fledge (fly), the mother will take the young bird and introduce them into the cowbird flock so it can live it's best cowbird life. Nature is weird and wonderful.


Using proper typing technique, the longest word that can be typed with just the right hand is ‘lollipop’ and the longest word that can be typed with just the left hand is ‘stewardesses’.


A mile is 5,280 feet.

And easy way to remember is this “Five Tomatoes.”



Apparently deaths (unaliving themselves) in teens rose 13% after 13 Reasons came out on Netflix.

Never watched the show, but my kids did.


At one point in time PepsiCo had the 6th largest military in the world.


Without mucus, your stomach would digest itself.


Die Hard's John McClane role was originally offered to 70-year-old Frank Sinatra.


Omphalophobia is the Irrational fear and or disgust of someone else's or your own Belly Button.


Horse has 15 horsepower.


There are more Hydrogen atoms in a spoon of water than there are spoons of water on earth.

Image credits: Tesseracktt


More Iraq veterans have died by their own hand than that of the enemy. This is America.


It is physically possible to be so constipated that your stool will back all the way up your digestive tract and you can vomit feces. Witnessed it first-hand when I was an EMT- it's quite a sight to behold...


King of hearts is the only king without a mustache.


Diddy, the music artist, doesn’t like the way towels feel on his skin. So instead of drying off like a normal person after a shower, he walks around his house to air dry instead.

Why do I know this? Because for some reason, this was a fact given during an old show on VH1 called “Pop up videos” where they would play a music video with random facts being shown throughout. I have zero idea why of all vital things I should have stored in my memory, this was one that stuck after all these years.


Dragonflies are the most efficient killers on the planet with a 98% kill rate.


1g of uranium contains a billion calories. And if you eat 44000 bananas in 5 minutes the radiation will kill you.


Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the exact same day (February 12th, 1809).


If you have a d*ck and you take a pregnancy test and it comes out positive, you might have testicular cancer.


Squid's brain is ring-shaped.


When Phillips designed the cd, the hole in the middle was designed to fit a dutch 10-cent piece. It is still used in dvd's, blurays etc.


That drain hole at the inside top of a sink is called a porcelator.
Won $1000 on a radio show back in the day for knowing that.


The fastest man made object was essentially a large steel manhole cover. During nuclear testing decades ago in 1957 they capped a shaft for an underground nuclear test with it. By replaying the video frames and seeing its initial takeoff, it was calculated to have been going 125,000 miles per hour with the nuclear blast force behind it. They don’t know if it made it to space.


Your earlobes line-up with your nipples.

Image credits: Living_Razzmatazz_93


The Cesar salad was invented in Tijuana Mexico. The Hawaiian pizza was invented in Toronto.


* Dolphins are just a type of (toothed) whale.

* Fireflies are beetles.

* In spite of lacking notable elytra, the staphylinids are also true beetles.

* Only the hemipterans can be called true bugs. A cicada or assassin bug would be decent examples of them.

* Speaking of cicadas, most periodical cicadas live within the USA, with a couple exceptions. There's the so-called "World Cup" four-year cicada in India, and then there's another species in Fiji that's actually displayed on the local currency.


A certain fish called koi tend to swim in groups of four. Ichthyologists usually label them A, B, C, and D.

If a threat is detected, the A, B, and C kois will scatter, leaving behind the D koi.


Once, it was raining whale, because the corpse of one was blown up by dynamite. One guy died because a chunk of whale fat landed on him.


Pee into bleach and u WILL chloroform gas yourself.


You can overdose on coffee.


If you feed bread to ducks they’ll swell up and get bloated because bread to ducks is like junk food so instead we feed them corn and peas.


The name of the shape of Pringles crisp/chip is “hyperbolic Paraboloid”


A gram of activated carbon has the same surface area as an aircraft carrier.


The sun is actually white not yellow/orange. It’s earth atmosphere that shifts the color of the light rays. It’s the same reason a sunset is so much more colorful than mid day. The angle at sunset means the light rays have to travel through more atmosphere before reaching your eye.


The brain named itself.


Most North American Freshwater mussels have a parasitic stage in their life cycle. Common hosts are fish and sometimes salamanders.


The dashed lines on highways etc in the US are typically 10ft long. Blew my mind.


If your dead body is left outside in the right atmospheric conditions you can become completely skeletonized dry remains in as little as two weeks.


The first person to own a video-phone in the UK was Jeremy Beadle.


Pregnant woman are recommended to sleep on their left side, ive told many girls this and they can never understand why I know this, they google it and confirm it in front of me.
I have no idea why I have this knowledge.


Colonial America officially declared independence from Britain on July 2, but the final wording of the declaration wasn’t completed until July 4.


The U.S. is the third most populous country in the world. If it added 1,000,000,000 immigrants it would still be the third most populous country.


Mongolia is basically an entire country of nothing with a single city in the middle where a majority of the population lives.


10! (factorial) seconds is the same amount of time as six weeks.

10 * 9 * 8 * … * 1 = 6 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

…it’s less weird if you think about it logically, l didn’t for quite long xD

Also, the Fibonacci sequence is a good approximation when converting miles to kilometers. 3mi ≈ 5km, 5mi ≈ 8km, 8mi ≈ 13 km and so on. I omitted the first three digits of the sequence (1,1,2) for obvious reasons.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/O5HKcrm

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