It’s no mystery that many people enjoy order and symmetry. When everything’s in its proper place, it makes us feel good and scratches a deep inner itch that some of us weren’t even aware of before. On the flip side, if there’s even a small error in an otherwise extremely neat landscape, it can end up thoroughly annoying us.
To show you what we mean, our team at Bored Panda has compiled this list of photos where nearly everything is organized neatly, but something is ever so slightly off. We’d love to just go through the screen and adjust things until they’re perfect because these mistakes are making us uncomfortable. Scroll down to take a peek at the pics below and be sure to upvote the ones that annoyed you on a fundamental level.
Bored Panda got in touch with Anthony Smith, LMHC, who shed some light on why human beings enjoy symmetry and how, for some people who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Tourette's syndrome, and perfectionistic personalities, it can become an obsession. Read on for our full interview with Smith, a licensed mental health counselor with 22 years of experience in Massachusetts and the host of the ‘Up and Running’ blog on Psychology Today.
#1 People Whose Desktops Look Like This

Image credits:
According to Smith, the host of the ‘Up and Running’ blog, people have an innate tendency to prefer symmetricality. This can be found in many areas of human life, as "evident from the fact that architecture and artifacts around the world, spanning the eons, are more often than not meticulously symmetrical."
The licensed mental health counselor continues that "we are symmetrical beings, and further, symmetricality is even in music composition, poetry verse arrangement, and any askewness is likely to be quickly recognized. How fast are many to run and straighten a picture?"
#2 How The [Hell] Does This Happen?

Image credits: huuuhuuu
#3 This Chandelier At A Restaurant I Ate At Bothers Me So Much

Image credits: fluffynuff
However, at times, this desire to see and create symmetry everywhere can get out of hand. "For a more pervasive form of the need for symmetry, as in OCD, where things must be particularly arranged or otherwise ritualized, for instance, it could be assumed that it is part of keeping things controlled," Smith explained to Bored Panda.
"Consistent arrangement provides a sense of predictability, which lends itself to control. On a more subjective level, the compulsion to constantly neatly arrange things in one's environment might provide a sense of control, perhaps compensation, for the flurry of out-of-control anxiety that is their internal landscape."
The expert said that other researchers have suggested that while symmetry is a common symptom across OCD, "some sufferers are prone to primarily experiencing obsessions of symmetricality." Here, an obsession for people with OCD means intrusive thoughts, images, and impulses that provoke anxiety and are nearly impossible to suppress.
#4 This Stove

Image credits: _A_Pancake_
#5 Quality Control Must Have Had The Day Off When This Was Created

Image credits: huck002
#6 This Neighborhood I Saw On Google Maps Really Hits Me Hard

Image credits: zyyye
"Further, there is some evidence this apparent subtype has a heavy genetic contribution," he said. Smith shared with Bored Panda what these researchers have said: "Specifically, one study found a significant association between the symmetry symptom dimension and the 2R allele of the DRD4 VNTR polymorphism, subsequently suggesting that this symptom dimension may represent a more homogeneous subtype of OCD with a genetic etiology. [31]"
According to the host of the ‘Up and Running’ blog, when it comes to most things psychiatric, both nature and nurture are at play here: "Nature cocks the hammer, and experience pulls the trigger/dictates when and how a genetic predisposition is expressed."
#7 Well You're Not Wrong

Image credits: BerendjD
#8 This Teacher Doesn’t Erase The Board Fully And Continues To Use It

Image credits: Nemo4200
#9 I Put The Manhole Cover Back, Boss

Image credits: Tombombleron
Smith notes that OCD and Tourette's syndrome often co-occur, especially in males and there is a lot of research done on their link to symmetry.
"Tourette's is considered a neuropsychiatric complication, but is perhaps more neuro than psych, provided it is more of a movement disorder. Given OCD and Tourette's frequently co-occur, and disorders often 'play well together' it could also be a matter of this neuro-abnormal contribution of want for symmetry influencing obsessions," the mental health counselor said.
#10 What The Actual [Hell]?

Image credits: Blake262626
#11 That. One. Pole

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#12 It’s Like They Want Me To Have An Aneurysm

Image credits: infinityeoc
Full disclosure, Pandas, yours truly is definitely the type of person who gets annoyed when there’s a glitch in the Matrix and something ruins otherwise neat and symmetrical projects.
The odds are that many of you reading this right now also got slightly frustrated by the photos in this list, too. That’s because human beings find symmetry familiar and soothing, on a fundamental level. Life is messy enough as it is without people laying down tile patterns wrong!
According to ‘How Stuff Works,’ symmetry is built into many parts of nature, from animals to plants and even the structure of a snowflake. Symmetrical patterns are what our minds are used to recognizing, so they seem ‘natural’ to us. On the other hand, asymmetry can often be seen as a sign of illness or danger in nature.
#13 911 - I'd Like To Report A Crime

Image credits: quinntoye
#14 I'm Just Gonna Leave That Here

Image credits: ThotExecuter
#15 Okay What The Hell

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“Symmetry represents order, and we crave order in this strange universe we find ourselves in. The search for symmetry, and the emotional pleasure we derive when we find it, must help us make sense of the world around us, just as we find satisfaction in the repetition of the seasons and the reliability of friendships. Symmetry is also economy. Symmetry is simplicity. Symmetry is elegance,” physicist Alan Lightman writes in ‘The Accidental Universe: The World You Thought You Knew.’
The BBC points out that looking at symmetrical photos, whether of buildings or even someone’s meal, can calm us down when we’re feeling stressed and tired. We find order soothing and beautiful.
“Spending time looking at these feeds can be therapeutic,” Dave Mullen, the founder of the ‘Geometry Club’ Instagram account, told the BBC.
#16 When You Play The Sims But Forget To Rotate

Image credits: orangejuice1234
#17 The Way This Pizza Has Been Cut

Image credits: nelldog
#18 Why?

Image credits: NastyNate675
Though many of us enjoy looking at symmetrical photos, it doesn’t mean that this desire for order translates into every other aspect of our lives. For example, someone who gets mad when they see someone else placing furniture off-center might not apply the same rules in their own home.
At the end of the day, people thrive in different home environments, and some of them seem messier than others. What matters, however, is that you’re comfortable with the way things are organized because it’s you who has to live with these systems at home.
Chicago-based psychologist Dr. Bethany Cook told ‘House Beautiful’ that people find comfort in the predictable because it creates a sense of safety. “Organizing your living space means you know where things are without searching, and this feels safe,” she explained, adding that you’ve gone too far in keeping things tidy when you start sacrificing your mental health.
#19 On Is Red, Off Is Green

Image credits: TheWorldsCollide
#20 Just Re-Pave The Damn Road At This Point

Image credits: zachwilly
#21 These Lights

Image credits: D3TROIT40oz248
“Are you yelling at your young kids because they did what kids do and made a mess? Are your relationships, work, or hobbies suffering because you spend so much time tidying?” the expert pointed out some things to be aware of.
Meanwhile, professional counselor Rebecca Phillips, from Texas, said that tidying and organizing our homes can work as a physical outlet for when our own minds feel chaotic. "When our thoughts feel muddled, organizing our physical surroundings gives a sense of control,” she said.
#22 I'm Literally Screaming Inside

Image credits: honny78
#23 The Door On This House

Image credits: Greenskeeper37
#24 This Font Hurts Me :(

Image credits: minypockets
However, as New York psychotherapist Natalie Capano told ‘House Beautiful,’ this neatness at home might only be superficial. “Organization can be an illusion that we have our life together, when in reality there are big issues just underneath the surface. Some people believe that their home represents their life, so if their pantry is perfect, their relationships must be, too,” the expert noted.
“Not everyone prefers an organized lifestyle, and that is just fine. Organized chaos works for some people, and this can feel as good to them as a neat and orderly space can feel to others.”
#25 Someone Thought It Would Be Funny To Do This At The Corner Of Every Page Of This Notebook

Image credits: asdfghjklsofia
#26 This Apartment Building

Image credits:
#27 Askew Angles

Image credits: sugardoggy
We’d love to find out which of these photos annoyed you the most, dear Pandas. Were there any pics that you genuinely wished that you could make things more neat and tidy? How do you feel about perfect symmetry being ruined by someone’s blunders? Scroll down to the comment section to share your thoughts.
#28 How These Pipes Were Installed

Image credits: Palifaith
#29 The Way My Mom Watches TV With Things Obscuring The Screen

Image credits: eharsh87
#30 My Friend's New Front Door

Image credits: Ollie_Bosh
#31 Why Write The ‘S’ Like That? The More I Read It, The More It Mildly Infuriates Me

Image credits: Yawheyy
#32 It’s Now An Icybelc Lane I Guess

Image credits: LordStarcabbage
#33 I Am Forced To Look At This Every Time I Get Up

Image credits: rwhereemy
#34 Do I Even Have To Say Anything

Image credits: Negative1Rainbowz
#35 This Building Where Nothing Lines Up

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#36 My Sister Cut A Cake And I’m About To Kill Her

Image credits: urmumgay69420killme
#37 Well Done

Image credits: usukablyat
#38 I Was High In The Road And Was Not Sure If It Was The Weed Or Not So I Took A Picture For Later

Image credits: pet_sauce_
#39 At My Closest Train Station. I Think I Need To Move

Image credits: timmah11
#40 The Way My Grandmother Eats Pizza

Image credits: novoivittu
#41 Why ?

Image credits: icant-chooseone
#42 The Battery On This Notebook

Image credits: Ceapa-Cool
#43 If I Could Not See Them At The Same Time I Would Not Care

Image credits: Hache42
#44 Noticed These Baseball Fields On A Flight Into Phoenix

Image credits:
#45 Not Only Is The First Light Different, The Last Lights Fixture Is Upside Down

Image credits: lepric
#46 You Had One Job

Image credits: ypele
#47 My Friend Just Finished A Kitchen Remodel

Image credits: SirCadwaladr
#48 This Pizza Ad

Image credits: Juffin
#49 How Can Someone Fuck Up Like This?

Image credits: el_phaba
#50 My Grandfather Doesn’t Peel The Plastic Off Of Anything And Won’t Let Me Peel It Off. I’m About To Have A Heart Attack

Image credits: technicalidiot
#51 Looked Down During My Shower Today. Can’t Unsee It Now

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#52 Finished Laying The Bricks, Boss!

Image credits: TheRealClyde1
#53 Cut It Wrong. I Think They

Image credits: Astorphobis
#54 Filled Up The Smoke Generator For The Patrouille De France, Boss

Image credits: Silencement
#55 Just Saw This Monstrosity In My Car

Image credits: CorgiLover129
#56 Horrible Cutout

Image credits: Imnotalreadydeadyet
#57 But How?

Image credits: yeetrus1842
#58 I Really Can’t Wrap My Head Around This

Image credits: TehsSuop
#59 When The Robo Vacuum Ruins Its Perfect Track Lines Retuning To Base

Image credits: matthewbronk
#60 The Placement Of Her Fork

Image credits: odkfn
#61 Why Would You Go Out Of Your Way To Do This? Why?

Image credits: PleaseNinja
#62 All Of The Lights Are Off

Image credits: discountdeschanel
#63 These Christmas Kit Kats. The Design Doesn't Let You Break Them, I Had To Eat Them Like A Neanderthal

Image credits: Brokenlite099
#64 This Out Of Place M&m At The Store In Times Square

Image credits: squidyword
#65 This Tile Has Been Installed Wrong

Image credits: Man-City
#66 Why? ... Why?

Image credits: norro58
#67 Why?

Image credits: clone_ib75
#68 Sidewalk's Done

Image credits: Supa66
#69 The Lamps At The Evelyn Hotel Are Infuriating

Image credits: YouRabblerousingKids
#70 Why Must You Do This To Me?

Image credits: Redkore_
#71 Put That Sign In Windows, Boss

Image credits: Adan714
#72 I Just Noticed Neither The Mirror, Nor The Lighting Fixture, Are Centered With The Sink Faucet In This Hotel Room

Image credits: kyooks
#73 Found This In Louisiana

Image credits: ctophu
#74 Why Not "Intense Raspberry"?

Image credits: lukas_ronnberg
#75 The Screen On My Calculator Is Slightly Tilted

Image credits: AndrewDevs
#76 This Clear Window Amongst The Tinted Ones

Image credits: Boomer258
#77 The Man On The Washroom Sign Has One Armpit That Is Higher Than The Other

Image credits: DeluxePizzaNoOlives
#78 Why?!

Image credits: s4ltu
#79 This Bench Is Truly Amazing

Image credits: locotojtoj4
#80 Silver Car Ruining Everything

Image credits: jagu_
#81 Ended Up Putting Pepper In My Pasta... Why Is The Pepper White And The Salt Black?!

Image credits: Tetraazidomethane
#82 This Football Field

Image credits: chillinwalrus
#83 Where My Fellow Office Workers At?

Image credits: toomanymarbles83
#84 This Building's Towers

Image credits:
#85 The Two Ends Of The Red Line

Image credits: XerneraC
#86 The Way That The Lights Are Placed On My Ceiling

Image credits:
#87 Do I Need To Say Why?

Image credits: Cornycandycorns
#88 Looks Like It Fits ?

Image credits:
#89 Eenie, Meenie, Miney... No

Image credits: DrFroggie
#90 All Three Of My Purple Sharpies Have Completely Different Colors

Image credits: Darwin322
#91 How My Step Dad Decided To Close A Box Of Cereal After Eating Edibles Last Night

Image credits: LocusAintBad
#92 Grandmas Basket Lid's Knob Was Offcentered. (Sorry If It's Boring, This Is My First Post Here)

Image credits: UnholyGarlic
#93 Replaced The Missing Tile Good As New

Image credits: canofpotatoes
#94 Loose Brick Replaced By A Different Colour, While The Original Is Right There At The Bottom

Image credits: down_vote_magnet
#95 This Shirt

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#96 Iowa Has 99 Counties. It Could Have An Even 100 If Not For This Monstrosity

Image credits: ihatewinter
#97 The Way These Dice Are Packed Really Annoys Me

Image credits: Fehrnovic2
#98 Why? Just... Why?

Image credits: beosronlto
#99 My OCD Capsules

Image credits: Rioting0nline
#100 My Window Isn't Centered On My Ceiling

Image credits: hamtheasinine
from Bored Panda