This Viral Online Thread Has People Pointing Out Signs Giving Away That Someone Isn’t That Nice Of A Person, And Here Are 35 Of Them - Its Magazine

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Thursday 18 May 2023

This Viral Online Thread Has People Pointing Out Signs Giving Away That Someone Isn’t That Nice Of A Person, And Here Are 35 Of Them

How to recognize a bad person? No, not a caricatured villain from comics, but simply a person who at first glance looks completely harmless, but if you look closely, various aspects begin to appear, thickening the shadows on a previously light and, perhaps, shining image.

In fact, the ability to recognize not-that-nice people is very useful in life for almost any of us, so this selection of 'red flags', carefully compiled and based on a recent poll in the AskReddit community, might be really wholesome. At least, if you don't see yourself in all these various clues...


Abusing animals

Image credits: SJP_06


Making your children upset in order to record it and post it for internet points.

Image credits: ManMan1101


People who treat servers, Uber drivers, convenience store clerks ect disrespectfully.

Character is how you treat the people that you’ll never see again.

Image credits: thebaylorweedinhaler

In fact, of course, the negative traits listed in this selection can be found in almost any of us. After all, there are no perfectly good and sinless people and we have all done some bad deeds at some point. And here, probably, the main difference between a really bad person and a good one comes into play.

A good person, having done something icky, realizes it, gets upset - and tries to learn a life lesson from this experience, not to do it again. The bad one probably won't refrain from repeating it - even if it obviously hurts and troubles others.


Being a habitual litterer.

Image credits: SuvenPan


Not having empathy, common courtesy, or respect for people in worse situations than yourself. For example treating homeless people poorly and “lesser” than you, or treating people in low paying service jobs poorly because you feel that they’re beneath you somehow.

Image credits: EasyMode556


In my opinion cheating on your significant other its one of the highest levels of betrayal a person can do to another.

Image credits: AliveViolent

By the way, the ideas expressed in this selection also clearly show the evolution of the image of a villain in popular culture - the most dangerous are not loud-voiced scoundrels and poseurs like Thanos or Lord Voldemort, but, on the contrary, sometimes charming and quite charismatic personalities, inside which, however, pitch darkness reigns. Think, for example, Hannibal Lecter, Kaiser Soze or Nurse Ratched. The latter generally inspires more horror just because she's absolutely sure that she is right, and even revels in her own power within certain limits. And that makes her even more dangerous and disgusting.


Stealing money meant for charities.

Image credits: MaddenRob


Minimizing other peoples experiences or pain because it doesn't match with your experiences

Image credits: Shepard_of_fire_124


Believing mental disorders don't exist.

Image credits: FlahtheWhip

"Unfortunately, most [toxic people] don't come with warning labels the way toxic chemicals do. Many of them seem very likable at first. After all, most toxic people are good manipulators, so getting you to like them is part of their toolkit", Minda Zetlin, a contributor for Inc, writes in her column. "While there's no foolproof method to tell right away if a new friend or colleague will be a drag on your energy, mood, or productivity, there are some early warning signs many toxic people display." So most importantly - always take information critically because what you can perceive as a red flag can always turn out to be an instant clouding of a true good person. Just give people a chance...


Not cleaning up your dog's s**t from the street

Image credits: HandsomeRob74


Treating people who are just doing their jobs as automatically inferior.

Image credits: Antipotheosis


Parking in the handicapped spot and not being handicapped or have a sticker/placard. Or parking in a spot crooked where the next car can’t park.

Image credits: anon

Be that as it may, the list that is presented here looks quite complete, and is able to cure almost any person from excessive naivety. So now please feel free to scroll it to the very end, and if you have your own marker for identifying terrible persons, then write it down in the comments section. Perhaps your experience will also be wholesome to someone. After all, helping others is just the hallmark of good people, isn't it?


When someone literally tells you they are a good person, run for the hill.

Image credits: Winter-Market-2


Refusing to wear headphones

Image credits: LemonzestSpagett


if you're a boss, and you know for certain your place is about to close up, and you don't tell your crew so they can start looking for a new paycheck? absolute f*****g scum.

Image credits: kbyyru


Don’t take good care of their children

Image credits: Quiet-Rip-6063


"Don't hate the player, hate the game."

Yeah, I hate both.

Image credits: Clever_Mercury


People who cut you off after 2 - 5 seconds every time you try to say something!

Image credits: zipzap21


When someone complains about everyone else behind their backs

Image credits: Lavadragon10


People who enjoy other people hurting.


Making a huge screaming scene in a restaurant .

Image credits: Tink2013


"I'm just really honest"

Image credits: wolfanyd


Not accepting mistakes as mistakes. Just say I f****d up.

Image credits: TimeToCash


Alphabroism- just made that up but You know it when you see it

Image credits: Maleficent-Winter187


They don’t put the goddamn cart back at the grocery store

Image credits: omg_88


Not saying it's awesome when a kid shows you a drawing they made

Image credits: ipakookapi


People that care more about being right than anything else. People that lie to seem better than other people.

Image credits: InfinityES


Taking advantage of others or mistreating others when they can get away with it.

Things like letting their roommates do all their dishes and pay all the bills. Getting their partner to do the majority of housework and slinking out of helping. Acting like they care about something only when someone is witnessing them. Being kind only when others are watching. Being cruel when others are not watching. "Forgetting" things that don't fit their narrative about who they are.

It is so manipulative to cultivate a persona that is totally false and to act the opposite when it is advantageous. So many people use this strategy to get away with terrible behaviour and once you see their true colours it immediately screams they are terrible at their core.

Image credits: omnombooks


Someone who has spent thousands of dollars on tattoos while their children are dressed in clothes that are falling apart or who look exhausted and hungry.


bullying others. whether you see it as a joke or not, you’re still annoying someone else and thats wrong so get the f**k away from my table and stay atleast 6 ft away from me, simon.


Sycophants who will brown nose and hover around higher-ups all the time when they visit, even when in real life they do really s****y work.

Also people who make jokes at your expense to impress people who you are introducing them to, to appear as the better person.

Hate both these kinds.


When the default coping mechanism is to manipulate or abuse other people

Image credits: snowy_diao


They don't rewind before returning their rented videotapes

Image credits: Edward_the_Dog


Me, after the first sleeve of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, knowing that it won't stop there. Because it never stops there.

Image credits: pretendvacation570


Stealing a perfect sandwich

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