When you celebrate Mother’s Day will depend on what part of the world you live in. And though many nations have different customs and traditions, the vast majority of the globe honors mothers on the second Sunday of May. However, it’s not just cute cards and bouquets of sweet-smelling flowers that you should be thinking about.
Our team at Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest and most honest tweets that moms have ever written about Mother’s Day, and they might give you a fresh new perspective on things. Not only how they feel about the celebration but what it is that they’d love to get as gifts. Upvote your fave tweets as you scroll down and we hope you’re all taking notes.
Bored Panda reached out to writer Toni, who runs the 'Finding Myself Young' parenting blog, to hear her thoughts on how to make Mother's Day special for all moms. Check out her advice as you read on!
Image credits: copymama
Image credits: DraggingFeeties
Image credits: nikalamity
Bored Panda wanted to get writer Toni's thoughts on what it is that all moms would appreciate the most on Mother's Day. We were curious as to what family members can do to make the occasion extra special!
"A day off, not having to make any decisions for the day," she told us what mothers all around the world would value.
"The mental load mothers carry is often overwhelming, so not having to be the decision maker, cook, cleaner for the day would be amazing," she said.
"Having breakfast made for them, a sleep-in, no housework to do for the day and no dinner to cook. Even if that means burnt toast for breakfast and takeaway for dinner," blogger Toni told Bored Panda what the family can do to make Mother's Day special.
Image credits: notquiteJulieT
Image credits: RealDMK
Image credits: DomesticGoddss
"Also, I think we all love the cute Mother's Day questionnaires kids fill out. They're fun to keep and look back on years later," she shared her free and printable questionnaire with us. It can be interesting to see how a child's answers change with age.
Meanwhile, Toni revealed what it is that partners and kids can do to show their appreciation for moms throughout the year, not just once or twice a year.
"Notice all of the little things she does for you and offer to do them sometimes," the founder of the 'Finding Myself Young' blog said. "Or at least say 'thank you' every now and then. And of course, we all love hugs and hearing 'I love you' any day of the year."
Image credits: Writer_Caroline
Image credits: MyMomologue
Image credits: Six_Pack_Mom
A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that women are still expected to do most of the housework, even if they’re working just like their husbands. “Even as financial contributions have become more equal in marriages, the way couples divide their time between paid work and home life remains unbalanced.”
According to the research, as reported by CNN, husbands in marriages where both partners earn the same amount of money spend around 3.5 hours more per week on leisure activities than their wives do. Meanwhile, wives in these egalitarian marriages spend 2.5 hours more on housework per week, as well as an average of 2 hours more on caregiving.
Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
Image credits: FierceEverAfter
Image credits: TragicAllyHere
Bored Panda recently got in touch with parenting blogger Samantha Scroggin, the founder of the Walking Outside in Slippers page. She shared her thoughts with us on what it is that moms truly appreciate on Mother’s Day.
"Speaking for myself at least and hearing from other moms I've talked to on the topic of Mother's Day, we really just want to be shown appreciation for all we do and are," she told us during an interview, earlier.
"Hand-made cards from my kids and coupons to help me with chores are at least as welcome as store-bought gifts," the parenting blogger shared what it is that she and other moms appreciate on the occasion.
"My husband has helped the kids make me breakfast in bed, and that was thoughtful and adorable. Bonus points if Mom doesn't have to clean up her own breakfast in bed!"
Image credits: KateWouldHaveIt
Image credits: jaytheghostt
Image credits: Parkerlawyer
Meanwhile, blogger Samantha shed some light on what partners and kids can do to show how much they appreciate moms no matter what day it is, not just once a year.
"Words and hugs go a long way for me towards showing appreciation," she told Bored Panda.
"Hearing 'I love you' from my kids never loses its luster. That said, I always welcome kids doing their chores without whining and complaining," the founder of Walking Outside in Slippers said.
"And spouses or partners showing gratitude and appreciation is so important as well."
Image credits: amydillon
Image credits: MegsHAUSTED
Image credits: mommajessiec
What many moms tend to appreciate the most on the occasion is, well, being appreciated for all of their hard work and sacrifice. This might mean slightly different things for different moms. Some might value the rest of the family putting in more effort with the housework so that she doesn’t have to do the dishes or vacuum the carpet that day. Others, however, may want some peace, quiet, and a small break from parenting. A visit to the spa or a day trip are two decent options.
Image credits: graceupongracie
Image credits: Marlebean
Image credits: DraggingFeeties
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a break from raising your kids. We all have our limits. We all need at least some privacy. We all want to spend some time on our other passions and hobbies, instead of giving 110% to raising a loving family, every single day for the next 18 years. Mother’s Day is a reminder about valuing moms all the time so that they don’t do the lion’s share of the chores.
Image credits: thedad
Image credits: sirengreeneyes
Image credits: yenniwhite
Remember, parents aren’t just parents. And you can’t expect anyone to be enthusiastic about raising kids if they’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and dealing with so much anxiety that they’re finding it hard to get out of bed each morning. If you’re not sleeping, not eating well, and can’t find even a moment to exercise, work on your hobbies, or leave the house to meet a friend, something needs to change. And quickly!
Image credits: WalkingOutside
Image credits: ramblinma
Image credits: wendchymes
Parents know that they perform at their best when they’re given at least some room to breathe. That will look different to different people. Some moms might have a brief heart-to-heart with their partners, asking them to pitch in more with the housework, for instance. Others might recruit everyone from their friends to their coworkers to help out with babysitting from time to time.
Others still may need to let go of their desire for being a ‘perfect’ parent, instead focusing on ‘good enough.’ Parenting should never be seen as a competition about who’s the ‘best’ mom in the neighborhood. Only burnout, frustration, and excessive expectations lie that way.
Image credits: Six_Pack_Mom
Image credits: beingyelisa
Image credits: MichelleDWrites
How are you celebrating Mother’s Day, dear Pandas? What traditions do you have at home? What gifts do you value the most on this occasion? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so feel free to drop by the comment section to share a few tidbits with the other readers.
Image credits: OneFunnyMummy
Image credits: PerfectPending
Image credits: Lhlodder
Image credits: toniistalking
Image credits: amydillon
Image credits: CNMnopatchouli
Image credits: mom2yahoos
Image credits: CandieRoxxx
Image credits: gfishandnuggets
Image credits: PetrickSara
Image credits: dadmann_walking
Image credits: sarcasticmommy4
Image credits: notquiteJulieT
Image credits: mollymcnearney
Image credits: LetMeStart
Image credits: MekkaDonMusic
Image credits: PetrickSara
Image credits: ScaryMommy
Image credits: copymama
Image credits: OneFunnyMummy
Image credits: TheNextMartha
Image credits: PerfectPending
Image credits: andgedem
Image credits: HABLAlab
Image credits: by__feleciia
Image credits: WooStrap
Image credits: JenniferBorget
Image credits: MommieKnwsFresh
Image credits: bone00afide
Image credits: Incognicki
Image credits: badbadmoms
Image credits: KateWhineHall
Image credits: LetMeStart
Image credits: copymama
Image credits: c_r_dudley
Image credits: ScaryMommy
Image credits: mamabirddiaries
Image credits: envydatropic
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