What architects draw on the blueprints and what designers model can be a very far cry from what ends up being constructed. Pipes and wires in random places. Sloppily set tiles. Toilets that are beyond saving. Interiors and exteriors that seem to hate people. These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to laziness and rushed work.
‘Les Perles du Bâtiment,’ aka ‘Building Pearls,’ is a popular French Facebook group that features some of the most hilariously horrible construction fails. We’ve collected some of the very worst offenders. Scroll down to check them out, and upvote the ones that made you gasp and say, ‘Mon Dieu, quelle horreur!’
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
The Facebook group, ‘Les Perles du Bâtiment,’ has quite a sizeable following on the social media platform. Nearly 247.6k internet users are members of this online community.
At its core, the group has a very clear focus: to share the “best of the worst” in building construction. And it’s all done for fun! Members are encouraged to enjoy themselves and to post construction fail photos for the sake of entertainment.
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
The group’s two administrators point out that the community should strive to create “a welcoming environment” and stress the fact that this is “everyone’s responsibility.”
Members should treat each other with the respect that they deserve. It’s important to remember that when opinions diverge. “It’s okay to have constructive debates, but it’s essential to be friendly,” the admins remind the group.
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
There are three main areas where things can go disastrously wrong when building a new property or renovating an older project. Ideally, you want to see a balance between the architect or designer’s vision, the needs and demands of the client, as well as the skills and performance of the contractors you employ to bring the entire idea to life.
But let’s be real—it’s a miracle if everyone’s on the same page throughout the entire project. It requires fantastic communication, great leadership, and quick thinking when things (inevitably) go wrong.
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: Esmerald Smajic
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
One thing that can derail the entire building project is an overly-ambitious or temperamental designer. Aside from technical skills and a wonderfully active imagination, architects and designers also have to have managerial skills. And that means being good leaders: supporting contracts, communicating clearly and often, dealing with conflicts in a calm and professional manner. Things can go disastrously wrong if those skills are lacking.
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: 100% Auto le meilleur du pire
Image credits: BRICO ET DÉCO
So designers who are unable to clearly express themselves to their contractors can indirectly cause mistakes as certain aspects of the project get misinterpreted. Meanwhile, overly-arrogant architects can focus too much on their artistic vision, entirely at the expense of functionality and practicality. Some builders might not be able to turn those imaginative ideas into reality due to a lack of skills or materials. While the people who end up living in the house or apartment may be confused by the designer’s artistic direction and a user-unfriendly interior.
Image credits: BRICO ET DÉCO
Image credits: Isab Elle
Image credits: Michał Marcin Kulawinek
Secondly, the clients themselves can end up harming the overall result. Something that many of you Pandas will probably agree with is just how distracting and annoying people who constantly change their opinions can be. Flip-floppers won’t win you any friends, no matter the industry, especially not construction and design.
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: Guillaume Lebranchu
Image credits: Régis Cohen
So if you have a client who keeps changing their thoughts on what tiles should be used in the bathroom, how many lights they want in the living room, and what colors the walls should be, it’s a nightmare waiting to happen. This sort of flip-flopping is going to slow the entire building or renovation process down considerably, as the designer and contractors have to redo some parts. Meanwhile, the builders themselves are bound to get frustrated and demotivated. After all, why bother working hard and quickly if you might have to redo everything again and again (and again!)?
Image credits: Tibo L'angelo
Image credits: Joel Titeux
Image credits: Claude Tapparo
Last but certainly not least, the contractors, the boots on the ground, lie at the core of what will either become a testament to design greatness… or will end up being poked fun at on ‘Les Perles du Bâtiment.’
As we’ve covered before on Bored Panda, there’s a wide range of reasons why contractors might make unaesthetic mistakes or incredibly bizarre decisions. Some builders might run out of the materials they need and may not find the right alternatives. So instead, they have to settle for some cheaper substitutes. Others might realize that what’s demanded from them won’t be practical, so they opt for functionality over beauty.
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
However, it doesn’t mean that all mistakes are innocent. Contractors are as varied as any other group of experts. Inevitably, you’ll run into some who don’t care about being professional: they want to get paid the greatest amount of money for the least amount of work. So they’ll be slow and sloppy because they simply don’t care about design or the client. Others might intentionally choose to cut costs and go for cheap materials and shoddy work. Something that is likely to haunt the people living on the property for years to come.
Image credits: Artisan du Bâtiment
Image credits: Christian Denis
Image credits: 100% Auto le meilleur du pire
So, tell us, dear Pandas, which of these construction fails terrified you the most? Have you ever seen anything as bad in real life? Why do you personally think mistakes like the ones featured in this list get made at all? Share your thoughts and experiences with contractors in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you.
Image credits: Miguel Blommaert
Image credits: Nel Martin
Image credits: 100% Auto le meilleur du pire
Image credits: Loic Eugenie
Image credits: Dans le doute,pied au plancher
Image credits: Dans le doute,pied au plancher
Image credits: Greg Peter Plan
Image credits: Alpha Omega
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: Samuel Bruneau
Image credits: Lucas Koch
Image credits: Axel Bld
Image credits: Christophe Boudier
Image credits: Guillaume Lebranchu
Image credits: Isab Elle
Image credits: Franck Piat
Image credits: Emilie Sonia Body
Image credits: J-c Clay
Image credits: Samuel Grau
Image credits: Morgan Gallard
Image credits: Nicolas Poss
Image credits: Jean Christophe Darles
Image credits: Samuel Grau
Image credits: Claude Tapparo
Image credits: Diogo Henriques
Image credits: Isa Cartier
Image credits: Paulo Alves
Image credits: The Daily DIY
Image credits: Mus Ique
Image credits: Ickick Adsanos
Image credits: Ludovic Thach
Image credits: Jeremy Lo Greco
Image credits: Antoine Anrigo
Image credits: Vincent Guillaud-rollin
Image credits: Pollein Pollein
Image credits: Thierry Bqn
Image credits: Dario Lampa
Image credits: Le monde des bricoleurs - Infos, entraides, tutos et fails
Image credits: Samuel Grau
Image credits: Da Sab
Image credits: Alex Farinelli
Image credits: Valentin Laygue
Image credits: Benoit Andrea Moret
Image credits: Samuel Grau
Image credits: Dimitri Gibert
Image credits: Maxime Draux
Image credits: Gaëtan Baert
Image credits: Tom Tom
Image credits: Stéphane Pellé
Image credits: Goy' Caradeuc
Image credits: Pat Rene
Image credits: Nicolas Pooky Chapman
Image credits: Vincent Guillaud-rollin
Image credits: Chico Jlou
Image credits: Fabrice Moussu
Image credits: Anonymous participant
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
Image credits: Guide Oman
Image credits: Lulu le Merlu
Image credits: Raphael JacK's
Image credits: Newton Burns
Image credits: Cyrille Kieffer
Image credits: Dorian Orts
Image credits: Max Torelli
Image credits: Newton Burns
Image credits: Isa Cartier
Image credits: Maxime Caillot
Image credits: Arthur Carlier
Image credits: Michał Marcin Kulawinek
Image credits: Stéphanie Monteiro
Image credits: David Dieu Sanchez
Image credits: Florent Tirapu
Image credits: Antoine Simon
Image credits: Antoine Anrigo
Image credits: Anthony Alves
Image credits: Laurent Debieve
Image credits: Matt Ferrand
Image credits: Philippe Houbert
Image credits: Matt Ferrand
Image credits: Eric Ren
Image credits: Guigui Plotin
Image credits: Chico Jlou
Image credits: Humour sans Tabou
Image credits: Philippe Houbert
Image credits: Loïc Kazmierczak
Image credits: Bachir Benahmed
Image credits: Tibo L'angelo
Image credits: Samuel Grau
Image credits: Damien Titcho
Image credits: David Off
Image credits: David Ve
Image credits: Claude Tapparo
Image credits: Jean-guy Jean-guy
Image credits: Cyril Léglise
Image credits: Miguel Blommaert
Image credits: Charly Charly
Image credits: Gaet Guyard
Image credits: Eric Ren
Image credits: Faycal Benabdelhafid
Image credits: Richard Joigny Page Perso
Image credits: Stéphane Pellé
Image credits: Amine Amin
Image credits: Fab Bouvier
Image credits: Ludovic Boutal
Image credits: Vincent Guillaud-rollin
Image credits: Samuel Grau
Image credits: Frederic Enzensommer
Image credits: Arnaud Debard
Image credits: Paul Da Costa Carneiro
Image credits: Yoann Aurélie Many Mélia
Image credits: LES PERLES DU BÂTIMENT (officiel)
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