Traveling can produce a sense of wonder and excitement, but it’s pretty easy to commit cultural faux pas without even realizing it. From hand gestures to eating habits, some things are just not universal and tourists would do their best to prepare accordingly. Fortunately, well-organized internet users decided to ask locals what are the dos and don'ts of visiting their country, city, or general area.
So scroll down, dear Pandas, and upvote the rules that surprised you. Be sure to comment your own stories or unwritten local rules and if the travel bug has not left you, check out Bored Panda’s other lists of unwritten travel rules here.
Northern Ireland: Do not bring up religion/scottish football teams in a pub unless you are looking for a fight.
Image credits: Kaos_pro
South Africa - Don't ever pick up hitchhikers!
Image credits: kayoss922
Always take off your shoes when visiting an Estonian. They might not say anything if you don't but you'll practically FEEL their disapproval.
Image credits: SigridPixie
Traveling often means dealing with a language you don’t know, sometimes involving a completely incomprehensible alphabet. So often, as tourists, we rely on hand gestures and smiles to communicate an idea. Can’t say thank you in the language? Just show a thumbs up! Unless you are in the Middle East or West Africa, where it is roughly equivalent to the middle finger! So if you are a person who gesticulates a lot, be sure to practice before leaving to avoid making an international incident.
Similarly, the ‘ok’ sign, formed by making a circle with the thumb and index finger, is relatively insulting in Brazil. So the bottom line is, maybe learn a few useful phrases ahead of time and practice them at home. It will save you the embarrassment of accidentally flipping someone off and you’ll expand your vocabulary at the same time.
England checking in: Always queue. Never push. This morning since the tubes are down because of strikes, there were people actually queuing for queues. Intense.
Image credits: MaceoPlex
Germany - Be there by the time you told me or I will be very pissed.
Image credits: idonteven93
America: When someone on the train or subway says - "Good Morning Everyone.. My name is..", you turn around cuz they're about to tell a sob story and start begging for money.
Image credits: danrennt98
Americans in particular might find that things they do normally are considered a bit strange almost everywhere. For example, in most places, one takes their shoes off at the door, before entering a house. Now, this isn’t universal and consistent, but in much of the world, walking around your host’s home in shoes or, God forbid, boots, would be seen as rude. The origins of this American practice are unclear, but it’s often linked to American car dependency. If you go from driveway to car to driveway, your shoes are unlikely to be that dirty anyway.
Sweden checking in. Respect for personal space is probably #1 here
Image credits: mr_loveboat
Norway:Don't sit next to someone on the bus if you can avoid it.
Don't talk to strangers.

Image credits: DirtMaster3000
(southern) Italy1. Always eat offered food if visiting
2. Always accept to have coffe bought
3. Don t be scared of phisical contact. People will touch you, hug you, kiss you.
4. Offer to buy coffe. it s mandatory if you want to have "respect"
5. always talk to people. In line, in the bus, at the bank, at the post office

Image credits: anon
If you are traveling and you are unsure what small talk topics are acceptable, defaulting to the weather is a safe bet. This is stereotypically attributed to the Brits but can be applied everywhere. After all, the weather is a universal experience and affects both the rich and poor alike. Experiencing bad weather together also creates a sort of social solidarity.
England: Always moan about the weather.It's never "just right". You are either too hot, too cold, too wet, too dull, too windy.
Three flakes of snow on the ground and the whole f*****g country comes to a standstill.

Image credits: Tcbf88
India: Lanes exist on the roads but lane driving doesn't.
Image credits: anon
India: Learn to discreetly slip a 100 rupee note into the hands of an official. A small price for getting things done faster.
Image credits: anon
Similarly, be sure to avoid certain topics or small talk in general. Learn about a country's history and religion before, so you don’t accidentally offend a local or provoke a rant about their horrible neighbors, rival football teams, or anything else. In some places, like Northern Europe, small talk is uncommon and it is best to simply stay silent.
America: If you cut someone off in traffic, give a little wave - it makes everything okay. I swear I could have a head on collision at their fault, but if they waved afterwards I'd feel bad that I called them a f*****g douchebag.
Image credits: danrennt98
Trinidad & Tobago. You better say good morning/good afternoon/good evening when you enter public transportation vehicles.
Image credits: thisisbowling
Denmark: At the 12.00 o'clock lunch break, no one smokes inside the first 15 min. (to allow non-smokers to eat their food without being puffed in the face) Mostly seen on construction sites
Image credits: Virez
In San Francisco, you are expected to act like nothing fazes you.Old man dressed entirely in leather straps with a ball gag in his mouth? Obese homeless lady with an electronic skeleton playing a banjo? Three young women wearing only sandals? Robin Williams? No matter what you encounter, you're supposed to pretend that it's a part of your daily routine to see it. Outsiders are quickly identified by their tendency to stare, comment, or otherwise take notice of the city's eclectic sights and sounds, at which point they will be swindled by a junk vendor.

Image credits: RamsesThePigeon
Thailand - Always pay for items with the banknote showing the Kings head facing up.The same goes for India and Ghandi.
Most won't bat an eyelid as your obviously a foreigner, however some will be very offended. Surprisingly this is something a lot of travelling folk have never heard of.

Image credits: SPullen
DO NOT expect the weather to stay nice. Seriously.We talk about 5 minute weather and we mean it. Iceland can be a tourist deathtrap.
ItalyNo parmesan on pasta seasoned with fish sauces
No capuccino after 11am
If you have 3 people coming for dinner, cook for 19.
And I only listed the food rules!
America: In big cities, don't stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Move to a side or keep moving. This probably applies much more in NYC than other cities, but from my experiences, still applies to a degree elsewhere.#21
Southern US- If you propose something and everyone just nods and smiles, it's a southern no.#22
Iran: If there is money involved, the person receiving money (shopkeeper, taxi driver, lender) HAS TO say a phrase that basically means it's free, similar to "it's on the house."It is NEVER free. It's just something that has to be said, to the point that shopkeepers emotionlessly say it while taking your money at the same time. And even more extreme they will say it even after an argument about the money or bargaining has taken place.
No one can explain it, it's just the way it is.
Brussels: If you dare to talk in the metro, prepare to be stared to death.I think this applies to Paris and London as well.
Don't mess with the seagulls.Aberdeen, Scotland.
Brazil : Cheek-kissing is very common in Brazil, among women and between women and men. When two women, or opposite sexes first meet, it is not uncommon to kiss. Two men WILL shake hands. A man kissing another man's cheek is extremely bizarre for Brazilian standards (unless in father-son relationships). Kissing is suitable for informal occasions, used to introduce yourself or being acquainted, especially to young people. Hand shaking is more appropriate for formal occasions or between women and men when no form of intimacy is intended. Trying to shake hands when offered a kiss will be considered odd, but never rude. However, to clearly refuse a kiss is a sign of disdain.When people first meet, they will kiss once (São Paulo), twice (Rio de Janeiro) or three times (Florianópolis and Belo Horizonte, for instance), depending on where you are, alternating right and left cheeks. Observe that while doing this, you should not kiss on the cheeks (like in Russia) but actually only touch cheeks and make a kissing sound.
Germany: Don't touch someone's car#27
United States: Men don't wear speedo's#28
SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS. Or you will die. [Australia]
Image credits: squashedfrog462
Chicago here. In the winter after a snowfall, don't move the random junk in the street that's placed there to reserve the parking spot of the person who shoveled it out. Or else.#30
~~England~~ **UK** here.Thanking the bus driver for the journey when you leave at your stop.

Image credits: chakraattack
Southern USA-If someone offers you something, or offers to do something for you, refuse at least three times. Three times is obligatory. If they continue to offer after that, it's a true offer, but if they say after the third refusal "are you sure?" you say yes, you are, and then all is well.
Also, Yes means yes, sure means maybe, maybe means no, no means "how could you possibly be so rude as to continue to pester me until I have to say no?"
Finally, "bless your heart" is not a compliment.

Image credits: citrusonic
Ireland-give as good as you get! If we like you we will 'rip the p**s' (tease you/insult you) and expect you to do the same in return!! It's called banter and it's basically our 2nd language!!#33
Ireland here; We don't care if you're the bloody love child of Michael Collins and Eamon De Valera, if you weren't born or raised in ireland, you don't call yourself irish.I'm looking at you, american tourists...
Germany. If you leave your Pet monkey here because you don't want to pay a tax involving it.....we will find ways to make you pay.Also if the Traffic Light is red, you better stay on one side till it's green.
HungaryIf we casually bring up how our cuisine, wines or the beauty of our women is world famous, just play along, even if you never heard about any of them (which is likely).
The Netherlands: if it's free, you take two. Or more.#37
PakistanPretend that you are religious, even if you aren't.
The alternative can be quite violent.
Denmark - "Janteloven"Don't flaunt your s**t in the face of people who have less than you, and don't feel that you are worth more than others, merely because you are wealthy.
In central CA on the I-5, don't you DARE try and pass a semi truck while only going 0.5 mph faster than it.Also, there will be people going 115 mph. I kid you not.
Atlanta: If someone is giving you directions and tells you to take I-285 until it ends, they are fucking with you. 285 is a continuous loop around the city. It never ends.Addenda: And God help you if you ask for Pepsi with your meal, even if every soda product sold in the restaurant is a Pepsi product. You will be death-stared by every local in the establishment. You will ask for Coke. And you will love it.
Portland, OR: If you're at a four way stop, good luck. No one will go regardless of who has the right of way. Damn polite hippies#42
Murica: If someone head nods you, you head nod back. It's a show of acknowledgement and mutual respect.#43
Ireland. Stand your round. When you go out to the pubs with a group of friends, make sure to pay for a round of drinks when it's your turn. The other members of your group *will* make a big show of trying to pay for you, telling you to put your wallet away, etc., especially if you are new to the group or are a foreigner (or both). DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, GIVE IN TO THIS TOMFOOLERY. If you do, you will be secretly labeled a cheap bastard and will not be invited out the next day.(The foregoing should be interpreted half-jokingly, but no more than half.)
Canadian here. B***h about the cold, but only to other Canadians. Nobody else needs to know that we're f*****g sick of minus 30 with the windchill.#45
**India.**- Do not criticise any religion, even constructively. People will get offended.
- Do not air any strong opinions publicly. People will get offended.
- Do not do anything out of the ordinary. People will get offended.
United States: When you eat apple pie you should also have vanilla ice cream/cheese.#47
Canada: Shovel your part of the sidewalk#48
Ireland. If an old person offers you something, no matter how gross, you eat it and you like it.#49
in america if someone random asks you hows it going just say "good, you?". dont actually tell them how's it idea how this became a thing
Puerto Rico:Another puertorican in a street of PR? Enemy.
Another puertorican in a street of anywhere in the world? Long lost best friend.
This is how I ended up with my current roommate. I was at the gym and I notice that he had a PRican flag and island tattoed on his arm. I said "Boricua?" (which is the native word for puertoricans) and we hit it off right away. We've been best buddies since then.
Americans visiting Canada: Don't call us America's hat or the 51st state or any of that other nonsense. It's not endearing and it's not funny. It's just annoying. We love your country very much, and you're totally out bestie. But we don't want to actually be you.With love, Timbits and kind regards,
Guam - Taking food home with you is not a polite suggestion from your party host, it's a requirement.#53
China - save as much money as possible by eating cheap food by yourself and never buying new clothes, then spend a thousand dollars taking your 35 closest friends out to dinner at the nicest place in town.#54
Apologize if you ALMOST bump into someone. Actually, if you come within six feet of bumping into someone--apologize.(Canada.)
US: always pretend you're in the middle class. (Even if you're rich or poor)#56
In Japan always use the left side of the escalator if you aren't walking fast or in a hurry (unless your near Osaka). This way people in a hurry don't get blocked by other people.#57
In Tokyo:* Know the population and recent sports information from your hometown / home university (even if you couldn't give a c**p about it)
* Don't talk on mobile phones in the train, and don't speak in a loud voice if you are with people on the train
* Always carry handkerchiefs and tissues
* Never allow anyone to pay for anything - always cover the bill yourself.
Bargain. Always bargain.#59
Flash your lights if police are up ahead.#60
If you walk on the bicycle path, bicyclists will not slow down or swerve to avoid hitting youfrom Bored Panda