38 People Share Things They Realized Too Late In Life - Its Magazine

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Monday 20 February 2023

38 People Share Things They Realized Too Late In Life

Hindsight is always 20/20, and the Reddit post that asked the question "What are some things you realized too late in life?" is a testament to this fact. Its comment section is filled with thousands of responses from people of all ages, sharing the biggest lessons they've learned so far.

Some of the replies center around the theme of missed opportunities, like not pursuing your passion or spending more time with loved ones while others focus on the importance of self-care and personal growth. But when looking at it as a whole, the thread serves as a powerful reminder that our time on this planet is short, and we should strive to make every day count with intention and purpose.


Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.

Image credits: -Miss_Information-


Dont try to hang on to a toxic friendship just because of your history.

Image credits: AlanClan


Don’t make other people’s lives your standard for living. Love what you have and love the people that support you

Image credits: swede_fish


Its ok to catch yourself in your own BS. That's not you failing, its you being self aware and that will make you a better person.

Image credits: LondonFogAddict91


Take care of your teeth.

Image credits: Nitroclover


'If something's worth doing, it's worth doing badly.'

It's really easy to get into the mindset of thinking that things have to be perfect, but that's also the kind of mindset that leaves you meticulously editing the first five thousand words of that novel you've been working on for half a decade. Sit down and finish the f*****g thing, *then* worry about fixing it up.

Perfect is the enemy of good.

Image credits: Portarossa


You only get one body. Take care of it.

Image credits: pinkkittenfur


I thought people didn't like me because I was nerdy and all. Turns out the problem was that I never gave them a chance because I assumed they wouldn't like me.

Image credits: PhreedomPhighter


That expecting others to act how you would in that situation does not work.

Image credits: anon


Don't assume people won't do to you what you wouldnt do to them.

Image credits: PimemtoCheese


Just because you put effort and energy into a relationship, doesn’t mean the other person will.

Image credits: usernameeightandhalf


Doing well in school doesn't mean you will do well outside of it.

Image credits: pajamakitten


Getting married and having kids is not "the ultimate life goal". Only do it if you really want to. Otherwise you'll do it just because it's expected of you and you'll be trapped in a very unhappy life

Image credits: anon


“I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.”

Image credits: anon


Doctors are just people, and people are sometimes bias, useless, dismissive and just plain wrong.

Image credits: Jackatarian


You don't need someone else to feel complete. There was never a hole to begin with. It was just you finding your way through life. You don't start with a hole, you start with foundation and build up.

Image credits: MrDextra


Don't let anxiety rule your life.

All those people looking at you at a dance, the gym, the beach, work, school. It just doesn't matter. Half the people won't remember you in five minutes. Very few are actually judging you and even if they are, f**k them. Do what makes you happy and helps you and leave regrets behind you. You are your own best friend. You are the love of your life. If you are happy with yourself, you win.

And if you're not happy, find help to fix it.

Image credits: fujiesque


It’s never too early to start saving for retirement

Image credits: iggy555


Most of the population is far less aware than you think.

Image credits: swissfrenchman


Nobody has all the answers. Everyone is just trying to make sense of things the best they can

Image credits: anon


Eating healthy and being active actually matters

Image credits: AWOL_PSYCHO


Being assertive and taking care of your own needs doesn't make you an a*****e and people aren't going to hate you for it.

Image credits: memelord-15


I was so afraid of failing that I stopped trying. I know now it's okay to be afraid but it's no excuse to give up. I'm 28 years old and just finished my first quarter of college with all A's. When I saw my grades I cried for a long time because I realised the biggest thing holding me back was me. It took time and a lot of therapy for me to get here but that's okay. Everyone grows at a different pace.

Image credits: largestbeefartist


Your stomach isn’t supposed to hurt all the time. I was knee-deep in denial for a while when I first started developing symptoms of Crohn’s Disease.

Side note: if you are in your late teens or early 20s and are having persistent stomach/gut pain, go to the doctor as soon as you possibly can. It could save you a lot of pain and surgery down the line.

Image credits: Napiformity


The chances of you growing up to be something big is very unlikely.

And if you do accomplish something huge, it's even more unlikely that you'll keep that success for too long.

Be grateful for being average because it's very hard to do the basic things it takes to maintain a stable lifestyle that's nowhere near the "american dream".

Image credits: sketchysketchist


It is impossible to please everyone

Image credits: Foundry_Man_13


Do not spend time arguing with people over things that won't matter in 3 hours, let alone 3 years.

And don't take advantage of the people who genuinely care about your well-being and how you feel.

Image credits: youknowthatimnot


That very few people actually wake up in the morning thinking: 'Hey, I'm going to be an a*****e and make someone else's life hell today'. Most of us think our behavior is justified.

Image credits: oddstew


Some people are not meant to be in your life forever

Image credits: BhagavadGina


Mindset really impacts outcomes. If you don’t believe you can be/do/achieve something, you probably won’t. Self-fulfilling prophecy is no joke.

Image credits: cheekynihlist


For whatever reason, no matter how trivial or stupid, some people are simply not going to like you. And that’s perfectly fine! It’s a foolish waste of time to try to win those people over. Focus your attention on the people who actually give a s**t about you — your time with them is limited. I’m finally learning to embrace this mindset after years of pandering to people who didn’t care.

*“The ones who love us best are the ones we’ll lay to rest, and visit their graves on holidays at best. The ones who love us least are the ones we’ll die to please. If it’s any consolation, I don’t begin to understand them.”*


Smiling more and being nice in general!

Honestly it makes life so much easier and more fun, more people take to you, you learn more. You argue less! I got tired of arguing all the time so I started reading ways to avoid arguments.


Being jealous or resentful of other people’s success is a negative weight on your back that serves no purpose.

There’s room for others to succeed as well as yourself. Work hard, be happy for others and patiently wait for your turn to come up.


How little responsibility you really have prior to being 18 years old. I took a lot of my life prior to this age for granted. I was very anti-establishment. I hated school. I played sports but I wasn't that competitive, I didn't have motivation because I thought the system was unfair. It took me until I was 19 to realize my view of the world was wrong, and I lost a lot of appreciation for my opportunities when I was younger. I'm 23 now, became a great student in college. I might be working for NASA in 2 months (fingers crossed) in conjunction with my college. So I've definitely learned from my mistakes, but my younger years were vastly under-utilized and underappreciated.


People form initial judgements within 8 seconds of shaking your hand.

No one cares how much money you make

You care less what people think of you as you get older


To live in the present moment and stop over planning the future. There’s only so much I can control in my life and the rest I just have to let go and let it be. There’s no point stressing out about the future and things I can’t control. Unexpected things happen in life and we never really know where/how we end up. I just gotta make the most of what’s going on in my life now and be more present with people around me.


I should have traveled more when I was younger and single. If you’re in your early twenties, don’t waste time. Travel as MUCH as you can. If you time it perfectly, you can travel anywhere on a small budget. Don’t make excuses. Just do it.


Being a lawyer is a horrible job. Thousands of $$ in uni fees and years of university just to sit behind a desk all day and try to fix everyone's f**k-ups.

I studied law in my late 20's because I thought I was wasting my life by doing something I loved but wasn't as lucrative as law.

Now I make the big bucks but hate myself for it.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/vQKL6aY

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