Poets write love notes in a bid to win their lover’s heart, dreamers put their notes in a bottle and let the sea take care of it, and many people like you and me, they can imagine their shopping trip with a grocery list.
But sometimes, notes, or rather their writers, take a more sinister turn. As a result, from time to time, people spot passive-aggressive, weird and questionable notes and messages glued to anywhere from shop windows, coffee places, their own buildings, you name it.
Below we wrapped up some of the most mildly infuriating notes that make you wonder why some thoughts land on paper when they'd have been better off kept inside the writer's head.
#1 Racist Karen Left This Note

Image credits: ibiza54
To find out when leaving a note to someone is a good idea and when it isn’t, as well as how to sound nice in writing or when it is better to talk face-to-face, Bored Panda reached out to Beth Collier, a communication, creativity, & leadership consultant.
#2 Left On My Sister’s Windshield… Who Is From Asheville, But Has South Carolina Plates… Stay Classy Asheville

Image credits: Cylant
#3 This USPS Delivery Guy Who Left A Passive-Agressive Note On My Mother's Package Of Cat Food. She Has An Injured Back

Image credits: demomans_third_nut
When asked whether leaving a note to your neighbors about something that you don't like is the way to go, Beth said that it depends on the situation.
“A face-to-face conversation can be preferable, as you can get more information (and possibly a resolution) faster from a conversation.” She explained: “For example, your neighbor may not realize that their music is loud or that their barking dog is bothering you, and you might be able to resolve this situation quickly through a short conversation.”
#4 What Is Wrong With People? Open Your Own Mail

Image credits: CashmirFunk
#5 My Friends Were Having A Discussion About Sororities And Frats At Breakfast Today. Apparently, Some Sorority Girls Were Eaves Dropping And Gave Us This Passive Aggressive Note Then Ran Off

Image credits: PixelsAreYourFriends
#6 My Work Doesn’t Allow You To Use A Toilet As A Toilet

Image credits: heichousbleach
On the other hand, the leadership consultant argues, “if you leave a note instead, your neighbor may interpret your message more critically, and may respond more negatively as a result.”
Beth says that if you don't feel safe or comfortable speaking to the neighbor, then it's OK to write a note, “just choose your words carefully."
#7 Found In A Tenancy Facebook Group

Image credits: ReadingWritngHotline
#8 This Note In The Window Of A DQ Here In Eastern KY

Image credits: my_brain_tickles
#9 They Took Out All The Milk We Stored For My 3 Kids And Left Us This Note

Image credits: avelertimetr
In order not to sound passive-aggressive in a note that could potentially aggravate the situation, Beth’s advice is to “be polite, explain the situation, and look for a solution together. Your neighbor may be inconsiderate, but they may not know there is even an issue.”
Beth argues that it’s best to “write the note like an adult speaking to another adult - not like a parent speaking to a naughty child. Keep your message short and simple - but be clear about what the issue is, and what you want.”
#10 I Was Recently Engaged To My Girlfriend And Someone Sent Me This In The Mail

Image credits: jessiphia
#11 One Of A Seemingly Endless Series Of Unreasonable Notes Left By My Boss. It’s Great Here

Image credits: Rich-P
#12 This Made Me Mad

Image credits: ExchangeWise3649
"If you know the neighbor and have a decent relationship with them, it can be easier (and faster) to speak to them face-to-face. When you talk to someone face-to-face, it is easier to communicate your tone and meaning than it is in writing,” Beth explained.
She also reminds readers to think about timing if you approach them (e.g. you might want to avoid meal times, or late at night/first thing in the morning). “And don't approach them when you're angry."
#13 Student Gets A Zero On An Assignment For Turning It In Unstapled

Image credits: DimitriTooProBro
#14 This Note Left On A Truck

Image credits: drake-francis
#15 Apparently Submitting Assignments Before The Due Date Is Considered “Late”

Image credits: videoresume
#16 That’s So Wrong

Image credits: Ryanfunroe
#17 *Gasp* Imagine Having The Audacity To Walk Barefoot In Your Own Apartment

Image credits: AddieStark
#18 Dunkin’ Donuts By Me Blatantly Admitting That They Use Ice To Give You Less Coffee In Your Drink

Image credits: CrazyBigHog
#19 I'm *Trying* To Date And I Encounter This Constantly. Why Is It Such A Big Deal That I Choose Not To Drink Alcohol?

Image credits: DarthSadie
#20 Neighbor Took Delivery Of A Package That Our Business Purchased, Used The Contents, And Now Wants Us To Pay For The Scraps

Image credits: BigMacDaddy99
#21 So Sorry About Stealing Your Golf Clubs. Here's My Old Sh**ty Set... A Neighbor Of Mine Woke Up To Find This Note On Her Van The Day After It Was Broken Into

Image credits: the_sad_puppet_show
#22 Found This Note On My Car After Work

Image credits: showmeurkittys
#23 This Poorly Written Letter From My Passive Aggressive Neighbor Telling Me To Remove My 'Legally-Owned' Plants From My Property

Image credits: HedgehogSmoothie
#24 Someone’s Been Leaving Notes On My Car At Work, This Is The Most Recent And In Depth One Yet. Nope

Image credits: Zeddstar2000
#25 Went To A Friendsgiving, They Let Their Neighbor Know Ahead Of Time That They Would Be Having People Over, It Was 4:45pm On A Saturday And About 6 People Were There At That Point. He Abruptly Knocked On The Door Once, Taped This Note To The Door And Ran Off

Image credits: gravityandlove
#26 But… It Is…

Image credits: 5dogs0problems
#27 Received In The Mail From A Concerned Neighbor

Image credits: mahelke
#28 Message I Received When Attempting To Cancel My Gym Membership

Image credits: TheGeekThatStoleTech
#29 My Roommate Thinks I Should Pay For Things I Had No Idea They Were Buying

Image credits: Fml2023
#30 The First Time I Went By Myself. Today I Took My Husband With Me. Spot The Difference

Image credits: sciencemint
#31 Somebody Left This Note On My Car… In My Assigned Space…

Image credits: kubrickfanclub_
#32 Found This Note Taped To Our Door After A Dog In The Complex Barked All Morning. We Don’t Own A Dog And We Were At Home All Day

Image credits: lobstertrot
#33 Got This Note From A Concerned Citizen. I Have An Electric Car And It Has “Dog Mode” Which Means It Uses Electricity To Keep The AC Running So My Groceries Don’t Overheat While I Made A Quick Stop In Another Store… there Were Only Gas Guzzlers Parked Next To Me

Image credits: BetaCulture
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/Dry0LZn