Probably, each of us has strange things, similar to a suitcase without a handle - they're hard to carry, but it is absolutely a pity to leave them behind. Things that once mattered to us or someone close to us, but today gather dust somewhere in the attic or sometimes 'float to the surface' during a thorough cleaning of the house.
The most interesting thing about these items is that almost every one of them has its own story, thrilling or amusing, and sometimes it sounds so incredible that it looks more like an excerpt from some adventure movie than a story from real life. Perhaps it is precisely because of the memories that these things give us that we continue to selflessly store them at home, brushing off the dust and wiping an occasional tear from our eyes.
Once a thread appeared in the AskReddit community, which instantly went viral with almost 40K upvotes and around 23.3K different comments. The author of the original post asked "What is the most controversial thing you own?" and if you're a writer experiencing a genre crisis, there's just an endless sea of fresh ideas here for you. However, the selection made by Bored Panda based on the original thread will be interesting for literally anyone, so please feel free to scroll it to the very end and tell your own stories in case you own some strange items as well.
More info: Reddit
My great grandpa was a medic in ww2 and we own a little chest with his personal belongings, including his diary, some old bandagesAnd 3 vials of 1940s morphine

Image credits: i_wanted_memes
A packaged stick from Afghanistan that claims to cure all known illnesses, including cancer, if you rub it on you.I traded an energy drink for it.
I think it’s pretty controversial since I now own the cure for all ailments.

Image credits: isnoe
A Bengal tiger pelt.My wife is half Indian. A friend of her family died, and they found a tiger pelt in his belongings. He was early 80’s and was born and raised in India before moving to my country (Canada). The estate was split in 3 so most everything had to be liquidated. Well you can’t sell tiger pelts here, and no museum or anything seemed to want it. So somehow I wound up with it.
My wife’s a vegetarian for ethical reasons. So naturally I was floored to bring it home. Id never hunt an endangered species, and I’m firmly against hunting for sport. But I wasn’t going to let it get thrown in the trash.

Image credits: skinrust
As a joke I told my mom I wanted my dogs testicles in a jar after we had him neutered…. She took it seriously and now I have had my dogs balls in a jar for almost a decade
Image credits: GhostBoy301
Apparently, a full vaccination card. (A genuine one.) And a mask.
Image credits: TinyKeebe
5 grams of uranium metal, stored under oil in a glass vial.
Image credits: ScienceAndNonsense
When my sister was in high school she wrote letters to Charles Manson. He wrote her back. My dad intercepted the letters in the mail. He never opened them, but still has them. My sister never knew he wrote back.**Edit to answer some questions**
I can’t believe I woke up this morning to this explosion…
My sister is 7 years older. Mental health was left generally undiagnosed and untreated in the 80s. She was a rough kid to parent, and even as a sibling there’s a lot of trauma stemming from her I’ve had to work through. I haven’t spoken to her since I was in my 20s. She’s estranged from my dad, my other sister, and I. She has worked her way back into my mom’s life as she’s gotten older, more than likely to benefit from her death.
I do remember her being obsessed with Manson when I was a kid. She was a f*****g menace, constantly getting into some sort of trouble, running away, police calls, etc. As soon as she turned 18 she was kicked out. She turned 50 last month, and according to my mom “she finally has her life together, she bought her first house”.
My dad told me about the letters approximately a year ago. This happened 30 years ago, I’m pretty sure there wouldn’t be any federal charges brought against him (haha), and he has no reason to make this up or lie about it. I told him I want them left to me in his will.
To the people messaging me to buy the letters…big fat f*****g NO. If and when I get them in my possession, I’ll evaluate what I want to do with them at this time. I agree they’re worth more sealed than opened.

Image credits: sloth_the_syd
Allister Crowley's Key of Solomon. It's a book about summoning demons. It's just a curiosity piece.
Image credits: MadMath477
My family owns a petrified walrus [wang], my grandmother took it to get it identified at the Smithsonian several decades ago. Apparently her grandfather or maybe it was her great-grandfather brought it home after he spent several years on some type of expedition up around northern Alaska and points north. It has been loaned out to several museums at different times. The family has talked about selling it but everyone has to agree and so far there is no agreement about selling it. So I own 1/67th of a petrified walrus [wing-dang-doodle].
Image credits: Robyn_withaY
My Scottish family crest is a hand holding a severed head on a sword. The owner of the head is a Moor who allegedly was wanted by the king. The reward was land. My ancestor caught this guy, cut off his head and brought it to the king. Pretty controversial when you know what a Moor was.
Image credits: lady_jaynes_secret
Umm mortuary toe tags from an asylum in New York twenty or so of them ... I think they could be the only things left showing that these people actually lived
Image credits: ironviking13
Not me, my parents growing up..they had an actual elephant foot turned into a table.
Like an actual foot cut from an elephant and taxidermied made into an end table. Had a glass table top. You could feel the thin hairs on it. F****n haunted my dreams man.

Image credits: bobsux1234
Probably a small bone I lifted from a catacomb In Peru when I was younger. Technically I’m a grave robber and definitely getting haunted.
Image credits: igotdeletedonce
Troll dolls we're very big in the early 90's. I have a confederate soldier troll doll in full uniform with flag in hand. Thanks Dad!
Image credits: JohnSterlingSanchez
An original Asteroids arcade machine.But my brother and I removed the original (burned-in) oscilloscope screen and replaced it with an LCD panel, replaced the controls with six-button arcade fighter sticks, and hooked the whole thing up to a hacked Xbox with thousands of dumped ROMs on it. The original board was gone before we got the cab, donated to another machine that did have a working monitor.
Controversial because some arcade historians would prefer to see these cabs preserved rather than hacked. But with a burned screen and no board, this cab was pretty useless.

Image credits: Adventurer_By_Trade
A first print edition of Batman Damned #1, the one featuring Batman's "little batman". (From DC Black Label featuring more adult content. Violence and swearing are totally fine, but a shadowy [phallic] profile made people flip out enough they removed it from subsequent print runs).
Image credits: 1nd1anaCroft
I bought a used Bill Cosby comedy album on vinyl and the next week everything started coming out about the horrible things he had done ☹️
Image credits: alpal05144
A small horse figurine made of ivory. I have a small collection of horse figurines, and it was a gift from my grandmother from when I was little. Nothing I can really do about it, but I still feel a little icky for having it.
Image credits: ThotTamales
I have a glass vial/small bottle of pure histamine. If anyone would be exposed to this they would get a deadly allergic reaction. I have it double sealed.
Image credits: TheRealMonreal
An ornate, Boer tobacco jar from the 1800s. My great grandfather looted it off a dead militiaman during the Second Boer war.
Image credits: deathtotheminutemen
I have a few Ivory jewellery pieces from the early 70s my parents bought back from Botswana, and a poison arrow kit. Mum has the 3-metre long python skin she just put in her luggage from back then too.
Image credits: Icy_Hippo
My 26.5” scale 8 string guitar is apparently super controversial to every guitarist I’ve ever shown it to.
Image credits: yokaishinigami
An uncut DVD of Caligula.I am not sure if it is still banned or not.

Image credits: EnigmaCA
A copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook
Image credits: Ihadacow
Kony 2012 Kit. It’s a whole thing and I don’t want to talk about it.
Image credits: XDXkenlee
A switch knife. Technically one with a blade as long as mine is illegal in my area. I don't know I would rather have it and risk the misdemeanor than not have it with me.
Image credits: Not_Adobe
A piece of a radiation bore drill encased in resin. It has a cloud floating above it in the resin where the focal point is. It's safe now, bizarre to think about, and probably illegal as f**k for a civilian to aquire today.
Image credits: Adept_Cranberry_4550
An original copy of Mao’s Red Book from when they were distributed in China back in the 60sAlso a copy of Mein Kampf but I’m not sure about this copy’s backstory

Image credits: Themasterofcomedy209
from Bored Panda