In today's society, it's not that uncommon to come across people who try to present themselves as tough and unbreakable. But behind the bravado, many of these individuals are anything but. With the rise of social media, it's easier than ever for internet users to put up a false front and pretend to be someone they're not. This leads to hilarious and often cringeworthy examples of people trying too hard to prove they’re 'cool', in the hopes of creating a certain image for themselves.
For those looking for a good laugh, look no further because the subreddit “I Am Very Bad” provides a plethora of comedic content. This community is dedicated to sharing some of the funniest and most absurd examples of people trying to be seen as 'tough' online. From exaggerated posturing to outright lies, this subreddit is a goldmine of entertainment. If you'd like to check out our previous article on this group, you can find the link here.
#1 Precisely Why

Image credits: Warp_Legion
#2 He's In Charge Of The One They Idolize

Image credits: Big_Dicc_Terry
#3 Looks Like He Is Afraid To Use His Middle Finger

Image credits: CoolManVan
To gain deeper insights on the effects of social media on self-presentation and the phenomenon of projecting a "cool" or "tough" image online, Bored Panda reached out to licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Jesse Matthews.
According to Dr. Matthews, the desire to present a more idealized version of oneself online is not a new phenomenon, but rather a continuation of what people have been doing offline for years. “It’s just easier online because it’s not usually happening in real time and you can curate the image that you want to, which is often a more idealized version of yourself than reality.”
“Everyone wants to be cool, however, they define it. And typically guys (and some girls) want to appear tough, which can go hand-in-hand with cool. These are valued traits in society or among some groups, so feeling like you have these attributes gives you self-esteem. This increases through validation in the form of views, likes, or comments.”
#4 Texts From Someone I Know Who Turned 39 Yesterday… I Was Just Trying To Play Dnd With Friends

Image credits: ErwinAckerman
#5 Boomer Is Bad**s For Taking No Safety Precautions On His Bike

Image credits: CosmicSpaceWalrus
#6 Whoa.. Gear Down Big Shifter

Image credits: shootermac32
As a licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Jesse Matthews has been dedicated to helping adults improve their mental health and overall well-being. Through his work, he has seen firsthand the connection between self-presentation and self-worth. This makes him well-equipped to address the topic of people attempting to appear "tough" online. In his professional opinion, these attempts are closely tied to one's sense of self-worth and the way one views the world around them.
“Feeling as though you can increase your self-esteem in this way and get validation from others brings feelings of self-worth. And mindset is about one’s worldview and how one approaches each day. More than ever, there is so much content online and people you can follow who discuss mindset, especially as it relates to success, fitness, wealth, or happiness. Men are some of the biggest creators of this content as well as consumers. Often they are tough-looking guys talking about grinding and being disciplined and authentic, and this is all very much portrayed as being cool. If this is what you are into posting or watching, then striving to be more like this is going to create or enhance feelings of self-worth for these individuals.”
#7 Coffee Bad**s

Image credits: ergoegthatis
#8 This Guy Should Be On The Next Flight To Ukraine

Image credits: SligPants
#9 On A Singles Website... A Real Catch!

Image credits: dyawanna_dance
As social media plays a big role in our lives, the way we present ourselves online has become increasingly important. However, sometimes the self-image can be slightly or very much distorted by some individuals, as seen in the phenomenon of those who aim to appear "tough" online. But what are the consequences of this kind of behavior? According to Dr. Jesse Matthews, this certainly depends on how one is portraying ‘tough’. “Obviously, if it involves committing crimes, harming others, and so on, there could be legal consequences or someone could become a target in real life for that kind of thing. If it’s more inappropriate or what many would believe to be objectionable behavior (i.e. posting sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise disrespectful content), there could be consequences for employment, college admissions, and things like that. For the individual, of course, there could be future regret or the person could get ‘canceled’ in some fashion. In a more immediate sense, it’s not necessarily positive for anyone to try to portray something that they are not. It doesn’t bring real self-esteem if what you are presenting isn’t reality.”
#10 I’m Just Glad Someone Else Thought The Exact Same Thing I Did

Image credits: andrewzsantos
#11 Irish Coronavirus Anti-Vaxxer Ready To Go To War

Image credits: giddy07
#12 Response To A Simple Yes/No Question

Image credits: ttjrz44
“If a person characterizes ‘tough’ as self-disciplined, motivated, and as ‘grinding’ or something like that, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it if that’s actually who they are or who they are trying to become. A lot of the mindset content you see out there is of this nature. Of course, it could be harmful mentally or physically if too extreme. As a psychologist and as a man (who a lot of this content is made by and for), I personally love that improving or working on yourself has become cool or tough. I also love that being honest with yourself and others, being more open or willing to talk about things like feelings, and being more willing to do things like ask for help has become cool. Suffering in silence or trying to be some fake masculine stereotype is neither cool nor tough, and I’m so glad people are starting to realize and acknowledge that.”
#13 Car Burglar Messed With The Wrong Witch

Image credits: Healthy_Sand9911
#14 Man Thinks He’s Jason Bourne

Image credits: Kingkip875
#15 Ultra Bad**s Lone-Wolf

Image credits: ArbiterOfNothing
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing the way we present ourselves to the world. With the constant barrage of images and posts from friends, celebrities, and influencers, it's easy to feel like we're in a never-ending competition for attention. Dr. Jesse Matthews shared that because of that, people are posting or creating content that fits whatever they are trying to portray. “Oftentimes, this is more idealized than reality. Everyone posts about their wins or life highlights, while very few posts are about losses or things they wouldn’t want everyone to know about. And because social media is such a big part of our lives, the lines are often blurred between that world and reality, so there is a carryover."
#16 Goodness Gracious, Really Wouldn't Want To Mess With This Bad A**

Image credits: dirtylongs
#17 Don’t Mess With Him

Image credits: Ok-Importance-3153
#18 Hot Blonde Mommy Will Cut Your Throat And Drink Your Blood

Image credits: ergoegthatis
As we navigate the digital world, it can be tempting to project an idealized image of ourselves, but is this really the best approach? According to Dr. Jesse Matthews, being authentic and true to yourself would be the healthiest way to present yourself online. “The more congruent the real you is with what you’re putting on the internet, the better. This does not necessarily mean oversharing or posting stuff that you might be embarrassed about, but keeping the authenticity and what that means for you in mind. Think about your values and try to live as true to them as possible. And lastly, less is more. Trying to keep social media use to a minimal or moderate amount is generally best, as far as productivity and things like that, but the research has been showing high correlations between heavy social media use and things like high rates of depression, anxiety, and loneliness.”
#19 Vader Has Nothing On This Guy

Image credits: pupleshames
#20 These People Think They Could Fight A Komodo Dragon

Image credits: SpankAPlankton
#21 What Watching The Batman Does To A Mf

Image credits: segwaytoit
#22 Don’t Mess With Dante Or Bad Things Will Happen

Image credits: playmegadrive3
#23 Tiktok Creator Says That If You Don’t Have The Unbridled Desire To Fight People You’re Not A Real Man

Image credits: East-Ice-3564
#24 Im Guessing Everyone Treated Him Like A God After That

Image credits: DarkWolf28282
#25 I Think I Speak For Everyone When I Say We’re All Scared

Image credits: Mrbrettwet115
#26 “Eat Boot, Nerds”

Image credits: alexgorham1
#27 Twitter User Thinks He Would Be Able To Survive 2 Nuclear Blasts From "Skill"

Image credits: nuclear_gaming123
#28 These Hands - Free

Image credits: ImDrunkFightMe
#29 He Is In A Roblox Discord Server

Image credits: Froward_Vibez
#30 Op Thinks They Could Easily Fight Off A Wolf… Or Even Befriend It

Image credits: Difficult-Ad628
#31 The Full Power Of My Lunch

Image credits: beelzebud1994
#32 (Alpha Male)

Image credits: ABarbossa
#33 I Present Your King

Image credits: Existing-While5708
#34 Sleep Well Dear Citizens

Image credits: widellp
#35 “A Living Nightmare”

Image credits: Dizzyrally79
#36 “Breakfast Breeds Arrogance And Laziness”

Image credits: SadPosting-
#37 A Great Addition To Rock, Paper, Scissors

Image credits: bigolsigh
#38 I Am An Assassin! I Come And Go As I Please!

Image credits: Krudd1421
#39 Meet Mike. You Do Not Tell Him Not To Park Like An A**hole

Image credits: ergoegthatis
#40 Nice Trigger Discipline, Skeletor

Image credits: byrobot
#41 Going To Hunt Down Taliban With Airsoft Guns

Image credits: Swirvin5
#42 Deal With It

Image credits: Educational_Sir3783
#43 Alpha Male Right Here

Image credits: dwaynepebblejohnson3
#44 The Two Breeds

Image credits: frozenshrimpz
#45 This Guy Wants Everyone At Winn Dixie To Be Warned

Image credits: GEDlesson
#46 Mom Got Me This Bracelet. I Feel Very Bada**

Image credits: keeponsmashin
#47 This Guy Will Kill You To Protect His Rolex

Image credits: Fragzilla360
#48 Nerd On Facebook Wants Everyone To Know He’s Not A Nerd

Image credits: ExoticPinecones
#49 Neighbor Just Put This Up

Image credits: Nicksavagezzzzy
#50 Apparently He Just Joined The Army

Image credits: memes-central
#51 I Can't Believe I Finally Came Across One Of These In The Wild! Heh, See What I Did There?

Image credits: MYSTIK_MINX
#52 First Day At The Gym, Who's Gonna Tell Him?

Image credits: l_Whis
#53 Very Loyal And Cool

Image credits: NuclearChickpea
#54 Brian Will Seduce All The Women With His 6ft Frame And Amazing Cooking Skills

Image credits: salty-donuts
#55 Shirt Of The Day Award Goes To Him

Image credits: Nikilismm2fan
#56 Ooooo Shiver Me Timber’s. Don’t Get On This Guys Bad Side

Image credits: ZakIsWack
#57 Murdering Someone For Knocking On Your Cars Window Is Reasonable, Right?

Image credits: xburtreynolds
#58 Deal With It!

Image credits: Connect_Rain_6710
#59 Pain Don’t Bather Us

Image credits: ModeInternational979
#60 Better Not Laugh At This Guy For Pooping At Work!

Image credits: Skrounst1
#61 This Bad**s At The Pharmacy

Image credits: veganinsight
#62 This Accompanied Many Anti-Gun Control Posts

Image credits: ValiumKnight
#63 Mans Gonna Use Dark Magic On You, You Will Be Hexed

Image credits: EmbarrassedTreat_928
#64 “I Want To Go To War”

Image credits:
#65 Talking About The World’s Strictest School

Image credits: Guywhohasreddit
#66 Current Status: Mr. Danger

Image credits: Either_Pollution_840
#67 Hiding The Orange Tip

Image credits: sub2zaivoo
#68 I Bet The Other Guy Was Only 6'4"

Image credits: _herbert-earp_
#69 "Yeah, I Just Threw It Out The Window Really Hard And Hit Some Kid With It"

Image credits: ppincocacola
#70 The Realest People

Image credits: mpiftekos
#71 I Called Him Cuckable

Image credits: Wokeupat2am
#72 Don’t Ever Follow Me Again!

Image credits: acmkoch
#73 I Bet You Can't

Image credits: SentientHashbrown
#74 Got Thanos Over Here

Image credits: GambledMyWifeAway
#75 Going On A Hike With The Ar-15s, How Else Is Everyone Going To Know How Bad**s I Am?

Image credits: godfreygrant7
#76 Dont Touch This Guys Games

Image credits: kindlySuggest307
#77 “There Should Be More Bullies”

Image credits: DeltaWho3
#78 Remember Him Next Time, Or Else

Image credits: cylelo
#79 Here’s Some Laugh Reactions For Ya

Image credits: Aglets_and_eyelets
#80 About Robert Patterson’s Batman

Image credits: arkym00
#81 Amateur Mma Fighter Thinks He Can Take On A Chimpanzee

Image credits: IVSBMN
#82 The Villain Reminds Him Of Himself

Image credits: sgt_poomah
#83 Hide Yo Camera, Hide Yo Smartphone

Image credits: roachRancher
#84 Who Casually Just Leaves An Ar15 In Their Passenger Seat?

Image credits: yhck_
#85 Small Peen Energy

Image credits: informationtiger
#86 Here We See A Fallen Angel In His Natural Habitat. Clearly He Is Bleeding From The Nose After A Vicious Fight With Demons To Save Us Humans

Image credits: kitcat7898
#87 Comment In A Video About A Deer Attacking A Hunter. Dude Believes He Could Have Fought The Deer

Image credits: look-at-your-window
#88 Calling For Civil War Because People Don’t Want Him To Say The N-Word

Image credits: dr_funkenberry
#89 This Bada** Cracking His Knuckles On His Snapchat Story

Image credits: hzh24
#90 "A Blade Never Needs Reloading" Bloody Tattoo Over Flip-Flops

Image credits: Ohigetjokes
#91 Shiver Me Timbers

Image credits: friesdepotato
#92 You Better Run Boys

Image credits: AGoodUniqueUsername
#93 London’s Newest Vigilante, Fighting Against Knife Crime With Bad**sery

Image credits: Tadhg2341
#94 Dude Think’s He’s Neo

Image credits:
#95 Chimps Are Actually Really Easy To Kill, You Just Choke Them, It's That Easy

Image credits: 8528589427
#96 My Warm Up Is Your Workout

Image credits: mpgipa
#97 Wow What A Great Idea

Image credits: adequateadventure
#98 Pizza Parking Lot Protectorate

Image credits: Todd_Ianuzzi
#99 Watch Your Mouth You Race Baiting Turd Breath

Image credits: Fragzilla360
#100 Who Needs A Mask?!

Image credits: lavrentev82
#101 How Will Ukraine Cope With It's Latest Threat?
from Bored Panda