Being a human is hard. There are so many physiological, psychological, social and cultural things that are in play all the time, there's bound to be hiccups every once in a while, if not more often.
And it's even more so a problem when a very complicated you have to pass on your worldly knowledge and skill on to your kids so that they won't make the same mistakes. But they're as complicated as everyone else!
And the vicious cycle keeps on perpetuating itself because of this, leading some to wonder about it. And much of today's wondering is done on Reddit, among other places, where, incidentally, we have one user asking folks what’s a sign that somebody wasn’t raised right?
Bored Panda collected the top answers to the now-viral thread, and has glued together the macaroni-art piece you can see below. So, upvote, comment, and discuss these and other signs someone wasn't raised right in the comment section below!
More Info: Reddit
How they treat animals and people without power.![](
Image credits: loganalytics
If they make messes in public areas and just wander off (leaving trash in the theater, not flushing, leaving the cart in a parking space).Edit: forgot the theater thing is the norm in Britain! I meant in general, leaving a mess where it's not supposed to be.
Image credits: swervefire
They always portray themselves as a victim. Nothing is ever their fault and somebody is always out to get them.![](
Image credits: HighlyOffensive10
If you go to someone's house, and they cook for you, you eat it with a big smile and lots of thanks, even if it was garbage.My wife brought her friend over for lunch, I made pierogies, she goes "that's not a meal, that's a side" and goes to get Quiznos. Blew me away.
Someone's hospitality is the deepest respect they can show you. You have to give it back. How conscientious you are of that scenario is a good sign on how you were raised
Image credits: Chip_Winnington
They don’t take responsibility for their actions.![](
Image credits: Esorier
They never say please or thank you.![](
Image credits: writerintheory1382
How they treat people from whom they have nothing to gain.![](
Image credits: anon
They act like mental illness is something you can just get over.![](
Image credits: Chill_Franchfries
Who are the guys who spit out their chewing gum into urinals? I see this all the time at work and I work in a high end corporate place. Do they think it disolves and goes down the pipe? The janitor has to pick that out.![](
Image credits: NealR2000
Not respecting personal boundaries.If you're wondering why someone has these sorts of issues, take a look at their parents.
Image credits: Wearer_of_black
Disrespecting people for doing their job.![](
Image credits: indinicove
How they act as a boss when their employee messes up.Yelling and belittling shouldn’t be your first option.
Image credits: EpicBlinkstrike187
You give them a lift and they leave rubbish in your car.![](
Image credits: kitjen
I know a few of these types of people, and they tend to have one or more of the following traits:* They are disrespectful to everyone, not just authority figures. Watch how they treat customer service or retail staff.
* They have no manners in general, or only use manners when they absolutely have to in order to preserve their own interests.
* They are cruel to people and/or animals, and laugh at the suffering of others.
* They are selfish.
* They destroy things, steal, and cheat. Some also commit more serious crime.
* They expect handouts from everyone.
* They shirk hard work and responsibility whenever they can.
* They complain a lot, and constantly act like they are a victim.
* They are terrible parents to their own children.
Image credits: BlackCaaaaat
The word "no" just means throw a fit and be as obnoxious as you can be until you get your way. "No" does not mean that rules are rules or someone's job might be on the line, they're the important one, not anyone else.![](
Image credits: llcucf80
Someone that does things to intentionally hurt another persons feelings after they’ve expressed that, that certain thing hurts their feelings.![](
Image credits: JadeM05
If they have zero manners.![](
Image credits: bydneybevens
They whistle, snap their fingers, or make that "pspsps" sound to get their server's attention in a restaurant.![](
Image credits: evil_agent_perry
They one-up you *all the time*.![](
Image credits: maleorderbride
We lost a beloved pet today, one of our friends said "time to get another". This happened today! I'm not sure if he's stupid, insensitive or just an a*s know we're not friends anymore.![](
Image credits: princessaurus_rex
Not putting the cart back at the grocery store.![](
Image credits: 01kaj10
Chewing with their f*****g mouth open...![](
Image credits: YSOSEXI
Thinking abusive/manipulative behaviors are the norm.#24
They don't know how to do normal household stuff. I've seen people that don't even know how to make their own coffee or clean a toilet.Edit: I only mentioned making coffee as an example. If you don't know how to make coffee because you don't drink it, that's fine.
Image credits: ImInJeopardy
Turning conversation back to themselves at all cost.Being a good listener is a sign of a person raised well.
Edit: to clarify, I don’t mean quiet or a doormat. I mean generous, empathetic, supportive and curious. Good follow-up questions without making it about oneself, etc.
Image credits: anon
They gossip about others and will be vindictive behinds people’s backs, but pretend to be sweet to their face.#27
People who don’t offer to help you clean up when they are visiting you.Like having friends over and them leaving you with all the beer bottles, bowls and glasses on the table. I don’t mind cleaning up, but I always offer when at someone else house. You make the mess together.
Image credits: anon
They apologize for every little thing. Probably a sign that they grew up with abusive parents that got mad over anything and everything.![](
Image credits: potatozceuncher
They will never try to defend something they believe using logical reasons.#30
They don't ask about/say hi to your family members when they come over. I've seen people completely ghost my parents as they walk through the house and I couldn't wrap my head around it honestly.Edit: I realised that alot of people actually may be forced into this by any form of anxiety or any mental-issues/traits they have, I just want to clarify that this is not targetting those people at all, just the people that straight-out were never taught that this isn't polite or knew that and never acted on it.
They don’t actually listen to what you’re saying, are just trying to formulate a response.Edit: just want to clarify what i meant. the person I’m thinking of who does this, does this as a means of not really caring about your opinion, trying to make you look inferior, and rather than listening to why you feel the way you do, they want to try and just prove you wrong. i hope that makes sense. like not being interested in having a discussion, more interest in showboating their own opinions/beliefs/experiences. i think that makes someone selfish, therefore maybe not raised right. i could be wrong.
Image credits: fillupthesky
I'm gonna answer this literally.As a teacher, I see there's a lot of different values that go into parenting styles, some that aren't my values but still raise a productive, responsible, and successful child. But there is evidence of bad parenting from a child development point-of-view.
-Is extra clingy and implies or outright states your their sole custodian for their well-being.
-Is incredibly aggressive about getting their way or being correct all the time.
-Responds to slights or inconveniences violently.
-Is extremely withdrawn and doesn't care for self.
-On the flip side, is very self-sufficient from a very young age and also has anxiety and/or depression.
-Seeks attention constantly. Not just a lot, but *constantly.*
Obviously, the child abuse signs are indicators of not being raise right, and only apply here to actual children, but it never hurts to remind people of them:
-Has suspicious bruising/injuries on body where it's not normal to have injuries (ex. bruised forehead and skinned knees are normal on toddlers, black eyes are not)
-Carefully covers parts of the body that would not normally be covered (Ex. Won't roll up sleeves even a little on hot days which, bonus, is also a sign of self-harm)
-Is inappropriately sexual and/or knowledgable about sexuality for age group
-Is weirdly afraid to be alone with another person. Not just, I dont want to go home because my dad's gonna give me a whuppin for starting a fight at school, but something like finding a lot of excuses to not hang out with an older cousin ever
-Is often dirty, stinky, soiled
-Is often underfed
-Tells you they are being abused
I took this way too seriously, but there you go!
EDIT: People are commenting with personal situations that involve the warning signs of child abuse I mentioned, but aren't child abuse in their case. This is what makes it so hard to detect. Kids are always bruised, stinky, and secretive. What's important is to keep an open mind, and sort of observe a pattern of signs and behaviors. If alarm bells go off, our first impulse is to explain it away, but making an anonymous tip is not as harmful as people believe. In my experience, nothing is even investigated until the reports pile up unless you physically witness the abuse.
EDIT 2: Just to be clear, the first list just means the parents or household should be better to optimally encourage the wellness of a child. The second is of warning signs of abuse.
Image credits: maxtacos
I'd say on the other end of the spectrum, if someone is anxious about simple social interactions, like sharing their opinions.![](
Image credits: Lapsha_Ffa
When they say that they deserved being physically abused.#35
We know someone that won’t get a checking account/Direct Deposit because “the banks just steal your money”, and he takes his paycheck to a check-cashing/payday loan shop instead.We also know his mom, who is in her mid-40s and on her 3rd bankruptcy.
Edit: Not discounting the likelihood that mom destroyed his credit long ago and still would empty his account today if given the chance (which still falls in the "raised wrong" category if you ask me), but we're talking about a 20 year old guy living with mom no rent/no car/no kids that shouldn't have any substantial debts/expenses of his own to make overdraft fees an issue.
Image credits: AllGarbage
from Bored Panda