45 Random Beliefs Folks Will Defend Until The Day They Die, As Shared In This Online Group - Its Magazine

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Monday 14 November 2022

45 Random Beliefs Folks Will Defend Until The Day They Die, As Shared In This Online Group

Have you ever found yourself arguing with someone you perhaps even don’t know that well about a topic that some people might find not that interesting or important and you felt right about it to a point where you would be ready to do whatever it takes to prove your point? Well, it’s probably safe to say that you’re not the only one who has found themselves in such a situation. For this reason, Reddit user @u/Youhavemystapler11 was curious enough to ask others online “What’s a hill you’re willing to die on every time?”. The question that received 32k upvotes encouraged others online to share matters that they strongly believe in and would not let anyone change their minds. 

A lot of these answers included topics on certain people’s behaviors, social constructs, and everyday encounters that might sometimes seem to be annoying, such as people who won’t use a turn signal when they’re driving. If you want to read some more interesting answers, you can find them here and here.

What is one thing that you hardly believe in that perhaps wasn’t mentioned in the list? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments down below!

More Info: Reddit


If you're against free school lunches for kids who need it, you're an a*****e, period, full stop.

Edit: can yall stop trying to debate with me, I'm not changing my mind. If you don't mind children going hungry at a place they're legally required to be, you're a f*****g a*****e. For like 3 or 4 different reasons. I'm not responding to your comments.

Image credits: Abe_Fromans_Day_Off


Health insurance should cover the whole body. The fact that vision and dental are separate things is a pure cash grab.

Image credits: sirshiny


Freedom of speech does not mean complete freedom from consequences.

You are free to voice absolutely any opinion you may have. Other people are free to challenge it, judge you, or even disown you for those words.

Image credits: AllBadAnswers


It's not "Babysitting" when a dad is watching their own children; It is parenting.

Image credits: jrowe365


You can pry my Oxford comma from my cold, dead, and angry hands!

Image credits: VulpesIncendium


Children beauty pageants are creepy as f**k and parents who subject their children to such scrutiny and judgement are crazy, and don’t deserve children.

Image credits: im_your_bullet


Children are legally required to be in school, and often have to stay in the building during lunch. We should feed them healthy, nutritious food for free. Every single child.

Image credits: Professional-Dog6981


Disagreeing is not a personal attack.

Image credits: thathorsegamingguy


People who get extremely disappointed when they discover the gender of their unborn child aren't emotionally mature enough to raise a child.

Image credits: SmartPomegranate4833


Equal pockets for women.

Image credits: badmalky


No one should need to go into debt for their health

Image credits: 1972ftw


Seperation of church and state! Keep religion out of politics and decisions that effect everyone

Image credits: Holdingitbyathread


Wanting to be childless or not even marry doesn't mean something is wrong with you.

Image credits: bubbly_opinion99


Using your children as content for social media is child exploitation.

Image credits: GroundBest1105


Apologies mean nothing, without changed behaviors.

Image credits: No_Effort152


Term limits for every branch of government in the U.S.

Image credits: Gotanyfunkopops


People who love you don’t hit you. Also, you don’t hit people/animals you love.

Image credits: wineandheels


The kind of people who want power are the worst kind of people to have power. Power should be a responsibility, not a reward

Image credits: cormac596


We shouldn't have to work two minimum wage jobs to afford enough food to survive healthily

Image credits: UnderMiner2008


Getting compliments as a Dad for normal parenting behavior.

Yes, I can feed, bath and put to bed a 9,7, and 2 year old. No I didn't need to call my wife for direction. No, the house didn't burn down.

The praise you are heaping upon me doesn't make me feel good. It just makes me feel bad for you, your kids and your husband.

Image credits: Best-Company2665


Repeal Citizen United.
Nothing to discuss. Politicians should have to list where every freaking dollar comes from.

Image credits: Melodic_Wrap8455


keep the goddamn sponge OUT OF THE SINK

Image credits: Embarrassed-Leg3821


No one needs to care if others like/hate the same things.
Put pineapple on your pizza.
Like sports team X.
Stick a candle wherever it fits.
If no one gets hurt, no one should care.

Image credits: Serious__Joker


Public libraries are undervalued by many.

Image credits: writemoreletters


Social Media is bad for you

Image credits: onyerleftovers


Die Hard is a Christmas movie. The plot does not exist if it happens at any other time. John McClain is there to visit his family for Christmas. The bad guys are at Nakatomi Plaza because there's less security during the holidays. The people who are taken hostage are there for a Christmas party. Christmas is an integral part of the movie, therefore it is a Christmas movie.

Image credits: teethalarm


Unpaid internship are not good for students, a poor student can't afford the costs that go along with the internship.

Image credits: SuvenPan


The right to die should be universal.


People getting on subways or elevators before letting people off. Makes no sense. I say my piece every time I see it.

Image credits: lasion2


The McDonald’s Coffee lady lawsuit WAS NOT FOR ATTENTION OR FRIVOLOUS! The Coffee shouldn’t have been that hot.

Edit: according to the American Burn Association, “water at 155°F (68°C) can cause a 3rd degree burn in 1 second.”

……. **Her coffee was ~190°F (~88°C),** +35°F above a third degree burn in 1 second. Meaning she literally had .15 seconds to react before her skin melted.

Image credits: Bailey_West


That 75% of the USA needs to retake an American Government class. The fact that most people don’t even know we have 3 branches of government baffles me.

Image credits: AsterismRaptor



Image credits: pinkrabbit12


Chris Brown is a piece of s**t.

Image credits: stoop1


Zipper merge lane. It's every other car no matter what.


Crocs should not cost more than $20.


Can't afford the vet, can't afford the pet

Edit: clearing some thing up

Financial situations change and that's okay. My point is that if you in could afford the pet itself, but not medical care, you most likely shouldn't get one since it's one of the most important things you need to take in consideration when getting a pet. You don't need to have 20,000$ saved up, that's not what I'm saying, but you should have _some_ kind of emergency savings for sudden expenses to make them easier to handle financially


Tangled is better than Frozen.


Ear candles are absolute snake oily b******t.

Image credits: OmniFella


Radio stations should play more than 250 songs.

Image credits: Adenjal


Boneless wings are just nuggets... and that's fine, but don't charge me wing prices for nuggets spun in sauce.


People are completely fine with immoral/morally gray actions as long as it’s someone they like doing it.

Image credits: Xdddxddddddxxxdxd


Nuclear power is the best middle step we can invest in to power us through building all the renewable energy. It provides great jobs, is exponentially cleaner than burning fossil fuels, and is safe when done properly.

Image credits: ibenedict127


The egg came before the chicken.

Image credits: astronautego


I'm a pirate historian and I can tell you for a fact that pirates never, ever buried any treasure.

Image credits: beckita85


The one that Carl and Ellie always climbed in Up looks like a good one for a last view

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/eCUnHbz

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