Teen Insults Teacher’s Son By Calling Him “Anorexic And Skeleton-Like”, Mom Punishes Her By Refusing To Buy Her Concert Tickets - Its Magazine

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Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Teen Insults Teacher’s Son By Calling Him “Anorexic And Skeleton-Like”, Mom Punishes Her By Refusing To Buy Her Concert Tickets

Kids who listen to the teachers in class, do their homework, get the highest grades and behave during breaks most often don’t get told off at school. On the contrary, they get praised and the teachers may even favor them, but despite that, even the good kids may have an unexplainable hatred for a certain teacher.

Usually they limit the hatred to venting to their peers and maybe parents, avoiding confrontation with the hated teacher. This woman’s daughter took it a step further and actually was quite mean to her teacher, but the mom was accused of overreacting when she changed her mind about buying her daughter tickets to a concert she wanted to go to.

More info: Reddit

Mom is unsure if she is punishing her daughter for being rude to a teacher too strictly because of her own emotions as her husband doesn’t agree with it

Image credits: Mundial Perspectives (not the actual image)

The Original Poster (OP) has 5 children and one of them is 16-year-old Riley. She has a teacher that she really hates, which surprises her mom because Ms. A has a good reputation and, as far as she can tell, is a good person.

Riley rants about her teacher all the time, but never says why Ms. A is so annoying. However, the mom allows her daughter to speak her mind to her because she understands that sometimes people just get on your nerves without a good reason, but asked her not to show her hatred straight to the teacher’s face.

The daughter is 16 years old and has a teacher that she really doesn’t like

Image credits: u/throwaway__r2

One time Riley looked up her teacher’s son on social media because she overheard her mentioning him while talking to another student. The mom doesn’t know what possessed her daughter, because she laughed at the boy and called him anorexic.

What was even worse was that he actually was anorexic and he was only 13-14 years old. While Riley was only sent to the library to work on her own, the mom was horrified her daughter would use the term anorexia as an insult.

The mom is understanding because she once was a student too and allows her daughter to vent

Image credits: u/throwaway__r2

The OP herself had the same eating disorder when she was younger and even was hospitalized for it. The daughter didn’t know about it until this incident, but the mom has explained to her that using that term as an insult is very hurtful and isn’t right in any situation. It wouldn’t have been right even if the boy didn’t have that disorder. Or if the teacher didn’t have a good reputation.

It is hard for the mom to understand why her daughter would be so mean and describe the teacher’s son the way she did, but she is certain that the teen didn’t hear such language in their home and learnt it from elsewhere.

One time the daughter found the teacher’s son on social media when she overheard her mentioning his name

Image credits: Robert Jack Cutter ( not the actual image)

Image credits: u/throwaway__r2

To make Riley understand she can’t continue with such behavior, the mom grounded her and asked her to apologize to the teacher. On top of that, the OP refused to buy her daughter concert tickets to see Harry Styles, as she mentioned in the comments, which really upset the teen.

The mom revealed that her daughter had a job, but it wasn’t enough for the concert tickets and she relied on her parents for them. The teen’s dad actually believes that not buying her the concert tickets is going too far and the grounding should be enough. According to him, Riley not being sent to the principal’s office indicates that the teacher didn’t see it as such a big deal.

The teen called the boy anorexic, offending and hurting the teacher because he actually had the eating disorder

Image credits: u/throwaway__r2

The teen’s behavior is unacceptable, but it is quite common and teens are stereotypically known for being rude and disrespectful. Raising Children Network explains that it happens because they are still learning how to “handle disagreement and differing opinions appropriately.” Because of their moodiness, they “can’t always handle changing feelings and reactions to everyday or unexpected things” and they might find it difficult to empathize or understand other people’s perspectives.

Disliking teachers is also common as school is a stressful environment and you don’t always get along with everyone. Although Riley said that she is just annoyed with the teacher and the mom remarked that she had a good reputation, some common reasons for students not liking their teachers are lack of engagement, having a boring way of teaching, being egoistic and favoring some students over others.

The mom was horrified as well because she taught her daughter to never use the term anorexic as an insult because she was hospitalized for it when she was young

Image credits: u/throwaway__r2

She grounded the teen and refused to buy her concert tickets, which upset her daughter and her husband thought this was too much as well

Image credits: Bethany Khan ( not the actual image)

People in the comments supported the mom and believed her judgment was fair. They agreed that mocking a person for their looks was wrong and very inappropriate given the situation, so the teen must face the consequences.

Do you think not allowing the daughter to go to the concert is too big of a punishment? How would you discipline someone who was mean to a person for no apparent reason? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

But people in the comments considered it a reasonable punishment for what the daughter did

The post Teen Insults Teacher's Son By Calling Him “Anorexic And Skeleton-Like”, Mom Punishes Her By Refusing To Buy Her Concert Tickets first appeared on Bored Panda.

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