Pride is a feeling that can be both constructive and destructive. Healthy pride often inspires positive behavior, however, the unhealthy aspect of it can make one arrogant and self-centered. Appreciating one's own growth and achievement is definitely a self-esteem booster, but overindulgence and comparison may lead to unpleasant consequences.
Usually, people's upbringing and surroundings are huge factors that affect what they feel proud of. For instance, some pandas are proud of sharing their bamboo because they are taught to value kindness more, while other pandas are probably proud of cunningly acquiring bamboo because they value cleverness more.
Whatever the case is, pride is just another feeling and it can arise in the strangest scenarios for a variety of reasons! Recently, a Redditor asked a question, “What are people stupidly proud of?” The viral thread received lots of responses revealing the strangest and most ridiculous reasons why people feel proud of themselves.
Bored Panda has compiled some of the most interesting answers from the thread, scroll below to read them all, and let us know what you feel about people who just love bragging about their trivial achievements. Lastly, keep celebrating your achievements pandas, and be proud of the good things you do!
More info: Reddit
#1 Not Changing A Diaper
My dad, a father of 7, brags that he's never changed a diaper. Like, congratulations on being no help?
Image credits: Porrick
#2 Not Reading Books
Not reading books. Actually boasting about it.Edit: So far, the most tragic comments have been those defending TV watching as "taking just as much effort as reading".

Image credits: PicardTangoAlpha
#3 Failing Students
Teachers being proud that their classes are hard and their students are always failing.
Image credits: GreatXs
#4 Willful Ignorance
Willful ignorance. Example: pride in not knowing how to do basic math.
Image credits: stupidlyugly
#5 Fake Mental Illnesses
Fake mental illnesses. Depression/anxiety/OCD are not cute and quirky, they’re debilitating af to people who actually suffer them
Image credits: JoHalley
#6 Unhealthy Dogs
That their dog weighs so much but really it's an obese sausage with legs who can't even take three steps without running out of breath.
Image credits: whiskybidnus
#7 Being Cruel
being cruel.My ex actually said, "Yeah, I saw this guy in a pub yesterday who tried talking to us so I basically burned his stupid shirt for an hour lol," which is one of the main reasons I broke up with him.

Image credits: AnyCurrency6027
#8 Brand Loyalty
Brand Loyalty,If you're not getting paid to exclusively use Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nintendo, Nike, Adidas, Chanel then why are you going so a hard for them?

Image credits: SpareAd2794
#9 Internet Followers
Followers.Internet clout.

Image credits: French_Window
#10 Speaking Their Minds
How sensitive people don't get along with them because they're "not afraid to openly speak their mind."(aka they are a**holes who always have to share their questionable opinions very loudly)

Image credits: Butalo
#11 Teenage
Teens who think that are gangsters.
Image credits: _sth1
#12 Opinions Based On A Single Thing
Holding or Acquiring Believes or Opinions based on a single thing about yourself,to say you will or won't do something because it's the (Alabama Way). Supporting everything America does because you're American. Supporting EVERYTHING a political party does because they're your political party. Supporting everything a woman does because you're a feminist.

Image credits: SpareAd2794
#13 Bragging About Trauma
How bad they have it. I’ve seen people borderline brag about how much trauma they’ve been through like it’s some kind of contest.
Image credits: anon
#14 Drunk Driving
Drunk driving.They say it like it makes them a super cooool dude. Wait until you hit and kill a child and then see how cool you think you are. Bellends.

Image credits: Consistent_Pie_7408
#15 Long Working Hours
Long commute times and working hours.
Image credits: KyotoGaijin
#16 Not Knowing Something
Not knowing something.I have a coworker who, whenever they saw me replacing the paper towels, would loudly and proudly declare they have never done that in the five years they worked there, and that they didn’t even know how. I certain he thought it was some amazing “look how smart I am” moment in his head, but all I could think of was, “I’d be embarrassed to not know something so basic, and certainly not proud to be that lazy.”

Image credits: n00baka
#17 Being An A*****e
How much of an a*****e they can be
Image credits: This_Is_My_93
#18 Vroom Vroom Car Sound At Red Lights
The vroom vroom sound their car makes at red lights. Like dude. Cook it. You're in a Mazda.
Image credits: RosemaryGoez
#19 Unearned Wealth
Unearned wealth.Genetic assignments.
Their place of origin.

Image credits: tealtermite
#20 Political Views
Their political views.It's not just one side doing this c**p either. It's just as annoying to be berated and talked down to by a "woke" person as it is a "MAGA" person. You're both being annoying, and taking pride in it. Just stop, f**k.

Image credits: Wizard_Elon_3003
#21 Not Cheating In A While
“I’m proud of myself, I haven’t cheated in a while”Me: “it’s been 2 months and I’m not f*****g proud of you”

Image credits: Pufferfish4467
#22 Everything Related To Oneself
The ability to consume stuff like alcohol
Their sexual activity (no matter if being a virgin or being sexually very active)
Lack of sleep
How much hours they get exploited/work

Image credits: AlHazard33
#23 Working 60+ Hours A Week
Working 60+ hours a week
Image credits: bee-sting
#24 Skin Color
Skin color. You fell out of your mother like that. It's not a personal achievement.#25 Not Missing A Day Of Work
"I haven't missed a day of work in years."This usually means you went into the office while really sick, at least a couple of times.

Image credits: 44035
#26 IQ Tests
Those IQ tests people share but they dont know how to read their results. Had some guy just so proud that he was in the top 90%
Image credits: 7grendel
#27 Not Listening To Experts
1. Not reading books.2. Not listening to experts.

Image credits: ConnieLingus24
#28 Dimensions Of A Specific Body Part
Dimensions of a specific body part
Image credits: Liraeyn
#29 Insomnia
How little sleep they got last night
Image credits: Ok-District4260
#30 Being A Democrat Or Republican
Being a democrat or republican#31 Ancestral Roots
Their "roots" in a country that their great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was from.#32 Being Religious
Being religious
Image credits: anon
#33 Country Snobbery
I grew up in a rural/country area, and I struggle to find the word to describe it, but that kind of country snobbery where they brag about being too good to do things that people who are too good for simple things do.
Image credits: Geauxnad337
#34 Being More Masculine/Feminine
Being more masculine/feminine than other people.
Image credits: Bi_Myself10
#35 Alcohol Drinking Capacity
How much alcohol they can drink.#36 Birthplace
The random piece of land where they were born.
Image credits: JackTrippin
#37 Hard Work
How hard they work.How little sleep they need.
How much they spend on a car.
#38 Pets
My pets. They are awesome. Want to see pictures?from Bored Panda