Buying a home is probably one of the greatest achievements a person can brag about – yet, with such whopping prices, it has become a very challenging thing to do.
To many, getting a temporary place seems like the best option. It's flexible and less responsibility – plus, you get to save on recurring expenses such as taxes and insurance. However, renting a property also comes with its cons:
“Stay tuned, we have a lot coming in the future, and we want you to join our fight to bring accountability and transparency to housing” – this Instagram page focuses on shaming greedy landlords and sharing posts that summarize the awful reality of renting property. “Slumlords Gone Wild” currently has over 5K followers and 154 posts. Today, Bored Panda has gathered a couple of their best memes that many of you are bound to find relatable.
More info: Instagram

Image credits: SzMarsupial
Bored Panda managed to reach out to the authors of the page: "We are a group of engineers, researchers, and urban planners who have been voluntarily working together on a stealth-mode project focused on building a new paradigm for accountability and transparency in housing. Initially started as a fun and collaborative idea, the page has become a resource for us to learn more about exploitative business practices and the failures of government enforcement systems."
We then wondered what inspired them to create the page, to which they replied with: "We’ve all been in situations where we lived in less-than-ideal living conditions. There is a lack of fairness in the current housing market and we want to do our part to help change that. Creating a channel that reaches people, even through memes, has opened up conversations with real people who are experiencing these difficult situations. We hope to continue these meaningful conversations so we can provide people with a platform to have their voices heard."

Image credits: humanworkplace
BP asked the authors to describe what it means to be a "good" landlord: "Like with all institutions, there are both good and bad property owners. In many instances, a lack of effective regulation allows for the bad owners to get away with predatory behavior. A good property owner does not take advantage of the system in order to exploit people, but instead provides their tenants with one of the most fundamental human rights - housing."
"Know your rights. In the United States, most governments automatically guarantee that living conditions provided by a property owner must meet a warranty of habitability, which includes basic standards of living. Don’t be afraid to challenge things that are unjust; nobody should be living in conditions that are unlivable. There are resources out there that can help, and we are working to become one of them. Speaking up can promote change" – they also added.

Image credits: hilaryagro

Image credits: beaconbodies
Encountering irresponsible and, at times, greedy landlords is a relatively common event; however, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't carefully consider your decisions.
Although you aren't choosing a forever home yet, you're looking for a place that'll be able to give you comfort and a sense of safety. But keep in mind that when selecting your rental home, you're simultaneously entering into a long-term relationship with the property owner. A business-driven one, but a relationship nonetheless.
More often than not, the "red flags" are not immediately visible, meaning that they only become apparent once you settle in, and this can be a difficult situation to deal with, especially if your landlord is lacking in the respect-related field.

Image credits: joeygllghr

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild
Property owners usually tend to screen their potential tenants pretty thoroughly – as, of course, who would want an unreliable resident that never pays on time and is negligent towards the apartment?
The best way to protect yourself is to remember that the home renting deal is a two-way process. It's crucial to stay alert, as it's easy to get fooled by the affordability of the place – however, you should ask questions and demand proof if necessary. Don't be afraid to ask about the previous tenants and their reason for departing, or to find out if the landlord has been in the business for long, etc.

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild
If it so happened that you got caught in a trap and are now dealing with a horrible landlord, there are a couple of things that you can do:
First and foremost, take notes. Although most will argue that it's common sense, it's not unusual for tenants to get caught up in frustration and forget about the whole documentation thing.
For example, if the property owner ignores your calls or refuses to fix the appliances, keep a list of all of your attempted phone calls/emails – that way, you'll be able to prove that your landlord is, in fact, awful.

Image credits: tallsaoirse

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild
In addition, just like the creators of the page said – know your rights. Or, if you're ever in doubt, contact a lawyer. If the conditions are hindering your lifestyle, they will advise you on what to do and assist you if you're thinking about breaking the lease.
Bored Panda hopes you've enjoyed this ensemble of witty memes from "Slumlords Gone Wild" that bring awareness to this crucial topic of property owner negligence.

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: personallyrich

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: WillManidis

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild


Image credits: slumlordsgonewild

Image credits: cheIseadotcom

Image credits: slumlordsgonewild
from Bored Panda