Looking young – is it a blessing or a curse?
Some might argue that being the owner of a "baby face" has its perks; for instance, you might get away with a couple of cheeky discounts here and there, plus you are bound to keep your young demeanor for a little longer than most.
Now, even though you are probably tired of people exclaiming "really?" every time you tell them your age and of all the embarrassing inside jokes your pals are ready to use at any given chance – looking younger than your age also comes with a side of giggles:
“Women who look young, what’s the funniest/strangest/most memorable comment about your age you’ve ever received from a stranger?” – this online user turned to one of Reddit’s communities to find out what noteworthy remarks women with young features received. The thread has managed to receive 1.8K upvotes and 1.5K worth of amusing tales.
More info: Reddit
#1 Caused A Car Accident, Got McDonald's Breakfast Because The Guy Assumed That She Was A Teen
Too many funny ones to count, but I’ll give my favourite interaction award to one where it benefited meA year ago I was involved in a car accident, 100% my fault, was distracted arguing with my mother on hands free and ploughed down the side of an articulated lorry. Was driving my ‘100% a parent’ SUV but thankfully no kids in the car at the time
I got out in shock, really worried as the man driving the lorry was pissed (rightfully so) he got out and saw me holding back tears and said ‘do you need me to call your parents to come and get you?’
His attitude changed in seconds and was so caring, talking about how it must have been a shock having only been driving a short while (assumed I was still a teenager) and how he had a 17y/o daughter and was worried something like this would happen to her when she passed her test
I was too deep at this point so had to carry on the charade, he even got me a McDonald’s breakfast to calm me down (crashed near a service station)
It was the day before my 30th birthday
Image credits: Lethal_bizzle94
#2 Was Asked For ID When Purchasing Alcohol
When buying alcohol in my country it's mandatory to show your ID if they think you could be under 25.I bought a bottle of wine, and this kid behind the counter asked if he could see my ID. 'Uh, sure. Thanks, I guess'.
Him: 'Woooah, you're 35?! You don't have wrinkles or anything. I'm 16 and I have classmates who look older than you!'
That was pretty good for the ego. :')
Image credits: ZebLeopard
#3 A Police Officer Wondered Where Her Daughter's Parents Were
I had a police officer ask me where my daughters parents were and why we were out alone. I didn’t have any proof on me that she was mine lol I ended up just showing him my stretch marks. He was pretty embarrassedImage credits: ohnospaghetti-o
#4 Was Given A Kids' Menu
"Here's your menu."It was a kids' menu. I was 22.
Image credits: hot-mess-express0
#5 A Man Assumed That Her Boyfriend Was Actually Her Father
Mine was when I was at a golfing range with my high school boyfriend. We were both 18 and he was teaching me how to drive. A man in his 60s came up to me, started to give me advice on how to swing, and then asked me “do you and your father golf together often?”Guy thought I was like, 12 and that my boyfriend was in his 30s. Very awkward situation all around
Image credits: gmiano
#6 Plane Seat Neighbour Thought She Was A High School Senior
Most recently, on an airplane, wearing a university hoodie (I'm a grad student) and carrying a backpack. It's 6am, I have on no makeup and my hair is in a messy ponytail and ofc a mask is covering half my face. I ask an elderly couple if I could have their window seat. They say yes, and the woman helps her husband up, explaining to me that he's blind. I slide into my seat and the woman starts describing the scene to her husband.Her: you're sitting next to a sweet little girl, she's got a (university) hoodie on and her bag. She's probably - how old are you dear?
Me: I turn 27 tomorrow.
Her: oh! Oh wow. I thought you were much younger. Like a high school senior.
The husband is absolutely guffawing. They were a dear couple. We had a great flight.
Image credits: princess_lissie_
#7 Got Told To Stop Complaining About Looking Younger
I asked on an makeup Facebook group for tips to help me appear more mature as I felt it was holding me back at work. Someone replied telling me that I should stop complaining about looking younger and that I'll be grateful for it when I'm 30. I was 34 at the time.Image credits: CuteNeedleworker9
#8 Had A Hostess Bend Down To Eye Level To Ask How Old She Was
I was in Atlantic City with my parents and siblings years ago, one day we decided to eat breakfast at a diner. I am the second oldest in my family with an age gap ranging from 6-13 years with my younger siblings, I'm also only 5 feet tall. The hostess bent down to eye level with her hands on her knees and went down the line asking all of my younger siblings their ages. When she got to me, she asked me the same question "and how old are you?!" in the same patronizing voice only to be visually surprised when I answered very flatly, "19."Image credits: Apprehensive-Cup-739
#9 Lady At The Counter Asked Her Mom To Sign The Forms For Her Because She Thought She Was A Minor
I went to get the flu shot while running errands with my mom. The lady at the counter asked my mom to sign the forms for me because she thought I was a minor. I was 30.Image credits: beechums
#10 Hairdresser Said She Might Change Her Mind About Having Children
Had been seeing a new hairdresser for several months. One day she announced she was having a baby. I congratulated her and added that she was braver than me as I didn’t want kids. She said “you might change your mind someday”. I said “I think at 42 I’m pretty sure that’s not gonna happen”. She bopped me on the head with the brush (not hard) and laughed and said “you are not 42”. I pulled out my drivers license to prove it. She went on for awhile about me not having gray hairs and I had to explain that I have my dad’s hair and he didn’t start graying until his mid 50s. But the bop with the hair brush was pretty funny.Image credits: super_nice_shark
#11 Was Told To Go Back To Class While Checking Students' Exams
"And why do you think you can just sit in the teachers lounge?! Get back to class immediately!!!"Me with my head bent over a stack of exams holding a red pen looking like a surprised pikachu. In fairness I was only 22 at the time but she really thought I was 12..
(It hasnt gotten better. I'm 27 and I am ALWAYS IDed for alcohol. The drinking age here? 18.)
Image credits: uriboo
#12 Colleagues Were Shocked That She Got Married So Young
When I worked at a cafe for a while and all my coworkers were shocked to find out that I was married “at such young age!” (their words).I was 29.
Image credits: sbjuliana
#13 A Police Officer Accused Her Of Truancy
When I was 24 I had a Police Officer approach me in a Target one day and basically accuse me of truancy. There was a high school nearby and he apparently thought that I was skipping school.Image credits: ivebeen_there
#14 A Colleague Mistook Her For A Freshman
I started working at a high school and a fellow teacher turned to me and said "I know you're new but freshmen should not be up here until 8:30." Freshmen in my country are 14 I was 26-27 at the time.Another was my first date with my ex, the bounder said now man I know you not trying to sneak this teen in here. My ex said she is 24, he said let me see. Shocked him.
Image credits: CountingDownTheDays5
#15 A Cashier Thought Her Husband Was Her Father And Wouldn't Accept His ID
I was 24 and had a 6 months old baby. A cashier thought my husband was my father and wouldn't accept his ID. Another time I was out with my husband and my 13 yo daughter and my 5 year old daughter and someone thought we were all sisters. They were praising my husband for dealing with all his kids by himself. I just died laughing. He didn't think it was quite as funny. I was 36.Time has since caught up with me but it was nice for a while. I still occasionally get carded tho.
Image credits: Iwantbubbles
#16 Colleague Assumed That She Hadn’t Graduated High School Yet
I was working at a pizza place and we had a new hire who was 16 (I was 25 at the time). We were chatting while making pizzas, and I don’t remember what he said but my response was something like “Yeah, I went to culinary school actually” and he said “Idk where that is, I go to *name of local high school. Have you graduated yet?”And I was like “no, _culinary_ school” and he said “oh, none of my friends go there”
And I was like dude, I’m 25 lol. I went to cooking school. And he just stared at me for a second and said he thought I was 16
Image credits: blondeperson
#17 Colleague Found Out She Had A 28-Year-Old Kid
We had our holiday luncheon last week, and talking with a coworker, he asked about kids. I said yes I have a 28 year old.He said “holy s**t! Your kid is older than you!”
Image credits: dragon1021
#18 Got Carded At The Liquor Store
Got carded at the liquor store two weeks ago, with my son who’s almost 21. She carded him as well and I was like “oh that’s my kid” and she gave me the “sure it is” look.But then I was at the park over the summer with the toddler I watch and the old ladies that walk the park loop asked if I was his grandma.
I don’t know what’s happening anymore.
I should have added, I’m 48. So I definitely don’t look that young.
Image credits: queenoreo
#19 Older Woman Assumed She Was A Teenager And Remarked, "Babies Having Babies"
I was damn near 30 and some older woman *tsk'd* and remarked "Babies having babies" while I was in the family area of the hospital my youngest was in with my older son.I said, lol "No, thanks though. I'm almost 30".
She was like; "OH! Sorry!"
I guess I look like a teenager.
Image credits: pretty1i1p3t
#20 Was Asked Whether Her "Mommy" And "Daddy" Knew That She Wasn't At School While At Her Job
I was working in finance, dressed professionally and one of the customers that came in said, "Do your mommy and daddy know you aren't at school?" And he just kept going on and on about how I didn't look old enough to work here, and thought he was so hilarious. I had been working in finance for 5 years at the time. Still the most frustrating comment about my age that I've ever heard.Image credits: danireeseetc
#21 Work Pals Thought She Was A Teen Mom
Told a group of new coworkers about my 8 year-old son starting 3rd grade. One of the ladies said she was impressed I was able to finish high school, finish college and earned my CPA with being a teen mom. I must have had a supportive family. I was so confused because I am 37 years old, had my son well after high school and college. My new coworkers thought I was 25 years old and assumed I had been a teen mom.Image credits: warpugs2384
#22 Was Asked If She Was At Least 21 By A Female Bartender
I was asked if I was at least 21 by a female bartender.I said "I'm actually 31, this has been the second time in 24hrs someone thought I was younger...maybe it's the backpack?"
Second female bartender said "ya probably Dora." As is Dora the explorer.
My mom laughed hard. I said ouch. And now I don't use my enamal Pin backpack for non theme park activities anymore.
Image credits: raejax90
#23 Bank Worker Assumed She Was A Minor
I went to a bank to apply for my first ever credit card. They told me "Sorry, we do not allow minors to open their own credit cards. You need to have your guardian as the primary card holder." I said "... you have my current payroll account...." then they caught the hint, checked my information and figured out I was in no way a minor. I was 25 years old.Image credits: OwlOk614
#24 Kept Being Asked If She Was Lost
Being asked if I was the high school work experience girl on my first day at a new job.Or being asked if I was lost, and a stranger offering me her phone if I wanted to call my parents. I was 22.
My mum made me get my hair and makeup done for my Year 12 formal, when I was 17. The lady doing the makeup was talking about not putting too much makeup on me, because she thought it was for a Year 6 graduation. I should have played along rather than blurt out I was Year 12, because then I wouldn't have had to wear too much of that gunk on my face.
Image credits: Not_a_cat_I_promise
#25 A Friend Whispered "Lady Bathory" When She Found Out Her Age
A girl I had casually known for a year found out I was in my 30s, looked at me with complete shock and whispered “Lady Bathory”…I took it as a compliment!!!
Image credits: Arya_kidding_me
#26 TSA Officer Thought She Might Not Be Old Enough To Fly Unaccompanied
a TSA officer looking at me on my way to Florida checking my boarding pass and asking me "umm how old are you?" Insinuating I might not be old enough to fly unaccompanied. I told him I'm 31. He almost fell off his stool. I mean I look a bit younger than my age but under 18 is pushing it.Image credits: mangofishsays
#27 Pet Store Employee Assumed She Wasn't 18 Yet
At the pet store with my best friend who is in her 50s and her daughter (13) who wanted to hold a Guinea pig but her daughter was standing about 50 feet away from us, looking at hamsters they have for sale. My best friend asks a store employee if her daughter can hold a Guinea pig.The store employee goes on about how their store policy is that any potential buyer needs to be at least 18 years old to hold a pet and assumed that I was her daughter. Then he says to me “May I ask how old you are?” I was 35.
Image credits: stygian_shores
#28 Someone Told Her She'd Understand Things Better Once She Got Older
I was 28 and had recently bought a house. Had someone tell me I'd understand things better when I was older. Dude, how old do you think I am. Turns out he thought I was 19.Image credits: dragon34
#29 Frequently Got Asked When She Was Starting College
I frequently got asked when I was starting college at one of my previous jobs. At the time I had just started my last year of a master's degree.Image credits: BrokenGaze
#30 Neighbor Assumed She Knew His 24-Year-Old Son Even Though She's Old Enough To Be His Mother
I was walking my dog on a beautiful summer day and walked past a man maybe 10 years older than me. He said "Hey, beautiful day!" and I agreed with him. Then he looked at me a bit closer and said: "You must know my son Brandon." I don't know any Brandons. I asked him how old Brandon was and he answered "He's 24." Nope, not a friend of 24 year old Brandon and I am old enough to be his mother.#31 Client Assumed She Was On A School Internship Program
I was working in a mall for ~2 years and one client came to me one day to ask me if I'm on my school internship (in my country we're supposed to do an internship at ~14 to help us choose our future high school). Her face when I told her that I did this internship 10 years ago xDNow I'm 28 and some bartenders still ask for my ID
#32 House Contractor Thought She Was A Teen
Not a stranger but I contractor I hired for my home. I'd been coordinating for weeks to have a new garage door and opener installed. Contractor shows up and goesHim: ....so.....you're the owner?
Me: Yes
Him: Oh...you just look really young.
Me: Yeah I get that a lot. How old did you think I was?
Him: Umm like 16?
It killed me. How many 16 y.o.'s out there coordinating contractors for their homes?? Yeah that's what I thought LOL
#33 Was Walking With A 5th Grader And Got Told They Looked Like Twins
Working in a school, walking with a 5th grader down the hall (I was 25 at the time) and being told we looked like twins. In a high school, I've been mistaken for a student. Had bars question my real ID and refuse to serve me. When I was 22 I got carded to see a rated-R movie. People think it's cute and funny to tell me that I just look SO young. Truthfully, it's been an insecurity for me most of my life. I just want to be taken seriously.#34 Got Asked If She Was Excited For Prom
“So are you excited for Prom?”I was 23, having wine and pizza with my mom..
Image credits: zoeyjax
#35 Got Told To Wait Until She's 30 When She Was 35
“Wait till you’re in your thirties, it won’t be so easy to stay in shape”“Ma’am I’m 35”
#36 Cab Driver Asked Her Why They Put Her Friend In The Front Seat
I was in a cab with 3 of my friends (all 25f) with three of us in the back and my friend up front. The cab driver asked us why we put the 12 year old in the front seat, genuinely concerned.When I was in college (20) I was a camp counselor for a middle school summer camp (12-13 year olds) and the class instructors would constantly scold me for not doing the work and being on my phone
Image credits: nipples_are_real
#37 Many Patients Would Refer To Her As "That Little Girl Who Was Just Here"
I used to work in geriatric health care and many disoriented patients would refer to me to the other nurses as "the little black girl" "that little girl who was just here" while I was in my mid 20s!Image credits: itsjustphe
#38 Someone Couldn't Believe That She Had Been Married For 30 Years
“Married 30 years? What? Were you married at birth?”#39 Got Into A Museum For Free
I went to a famous historical museum with my family, all of which are EXTREMELY tall except for me. I’m 5’8”, while they’re 6’0”+.My middle school cousin and I were the same height and she’s 12… so I got into the museum for free because children don’t need to pay, & they thought I was a child! =_= I HATED it… but I’ll take the free pass, thank you! Haha!(The mixture of having a shorter height PLUS looking young helped me get into a museum for free.)
Edit: >_> I was 22…
Image credits: nazo3515
#40 Was Told She Must Be Rich To Own Such A Big House
I was getting a massage and my massage therapist was asking me about my pets and it turned into a conversation about the house my partner and I recently bought and she said:“You must be rich because that’s such a big house for such a young woman.”
It’s not that big of a house and I’m 43. I then told her my age and she said oh I thought you were 30 tops
#41 Got Slammed By An Elderly Woman For Being Affectionate In Public With Her Partner
My fiancé and I were in queue at a deli, mild PDA was happening and an elderly woman in front of us gave him a horrible look and said “you should be dating someone your own age, shame on you!” I’m 26 he’s 32.Image credits: Giannandco
#42 A Freshman Said She Was "Hot"
I went to a high school graduation party and had on a new dress.One of my sister's friends who is a freshman in college went up to her and said, "Man who is that, she's really hot".
She responded, with the most dead-panned expression, and said, "She's my thirteen-year-old sister, you perv".
So yeah, not so much funny, but I still laugh about it!
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/jNnxtY3