In the old days, before the start of the battle, specially trained warriors went out into the field between the armies. Their main task was to offend the leaders and outstanding heroes of the enemy. At the same time, the sign of the highest quality was not just to call the enemy's commander a jerk, but to completely slay him with a spectacular phrase that outwardly did not look like an insult at all, but at the same time was incredibly offensive.
Such is the ancient battle rap. Today, this noble and elegant art, it would seem, is irretrievably lost, but real diamonds are periodically found - in some tweets, comments on YouTube and TikTok, etc. And it turns out that there are people who collect these verbal jewels.
Recently, a special Twitter account has appeared, entirely dedicated to rare and really unique insults. It is actually called "Rare insults." In just two months of existence, the page has already gained 405.8K followers, which is not surprising - in some places there are real masterpieces of brutal yet stylish offensive art.
Bored Panda collected a selection of the best and most spectacular insults from this account, so be sure to scroll to the very end and of course, comment. By the way, we promise not to be offended if any of your comments turns out to be as rare an insult as all the elements of our selection.
More info: Twitter

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: annakhachiyan
"In discussions about the accusation of insulting, there is sometimes a disagreement space because the values underlying the protection against insulting have to be balanced against the value of free speech," says Harm Kloosterhuis from Erasmus University Rotterdam. So the perfect insult, in fact, is one where everyone understands how offensive the words are, but at the same time no one can formally complain.

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare
The ancient peoples, by the way, believed that a direct insult to a person is the best way to receive not only a challenge to a duel, but also punishment from the gods. Therefore, the famous kennings among the Vikings - that is, the poetic names of things, are not just a literary device, but also a direct way to avoid retribution, both physical and divine.

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare
At the same time, a bad joke is an excellent way to ruin your reputation to the core, even if you've spent your entire life building it up. By the way, here is a selection of real-life tales of people literally destroying their positive image in five minutes.
And if you just want some good humor, feel free to read our 30 best examples of Irish jokes. And of course, scroll to the very end of this post - the best is yet to come.

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare

Image credits: insultsrare
from Bored Panda