We can’t be held responsible for all the nightmares all of you Pandas with a decent sense of taste might have after reading this article! Have a quick chat with your inner fashion critics and tell them to get ready because the ride’s about to get rough. Ready? Awesome, let’s dive headfirst into the best recent pics posted by the fashion-conscious ‘You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress’ Facebook group.
A community of 62k members, the group gently pokes fun at dresses that are beyond saving and should probably not be worn. Like, at all. Scroll down for the best of the worst, and make sure to send the best pics to all of your sartorial pals.
Just in case this list didn’t have enough bad clothes to terrify your fashion sense, you should definitely try these two earlier Bored Panda articles about the (in)famous Facebook group on for size: Part 1 and Part 2.
#1 Not Covering Her Face Cause She’s Famous Here In Brazil….but Why?

Image credits: Lara Falkievicz Niehues
#2 Thoughts Ian? An H3 Reference, What’re Your Thoughts Though?

Image credits: Ellie Ingle
#3 That Awful Dress My Goodness

Image credits: Areli Aguirre
We absolutely love it when an online community’s mission statement is in its title. In the case of ‘You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress,’ you immediately know what they’re all about.
It’s obvious that the members of the group value good fashion, have a good sense of humor, and love to have a go at designer pieces that clearly should have stayed in sketches and not made it to the sewing room.
#4 Jlo, Whhhhhhhy

Image credits: Spirit Gonzales-Mendez
#5 Someone Unraveled The Yarn A Little Too Much

Image credits: Maddie Martin
#6 Not Blurring The Face Bc It's Camila Cabello This Is Her Met Gala After Party Dress. This Year's Met Was Extremely Chaotic Or Is It Just Me?

Image credits: Andreina Cano
During our previous chat with Mary Waldron, the founder of the Facebook group, Bored Panda learned more about the community, its opinions, and thoughts about bad dresses.
Mary said that, in her opinion, plenty of dress designers go for eye-catching designs to stand out and grab people’s attention. "Whether or not it’s eye-pleasing is irrelevant when you want attention brought to your work," she said.
#7 It Didn’t Fit The Theme And It’s Lopsided. Lol

Image credits: Ellen B Jue
#8 Ms. Girl Is Famous, Thought It Looked Like Post-It’s Lmaoo

Image credits: Sarah Vess
#9 That Dress Looks Like She Peed Herself. What Even Are Those Lines??

Image credits: Sami Borland
"I think the important thing when sharing opinions on another person’s outfits is tact, it comes across as rude if you simply say, 'Your dress is ugly' and the other person may not be as willing to listen to you, but if you were to say, 'I don’t think that dress is very flattering for your figure, try this other dress.' It sounds less critical and gives you the chance to give them a better option," Mary said that people should never underestimate the power of diplomacy, kindness, and being polite.
#10 I Have No Words

Image credits: Jenna Burke
#11 I’m Not Sure If I Hate This Or Love This. For Some Reason I Think It Would Look Good On A Flatter Chest

Image credits: Carolina Montano
#12 Saw This On Tik Tok Lol It Flatters Her Figure Tho!

Image credits: Jadyn Sullins
Fashion designer Oyinda Akinfenwa, the creator of the ‘Janore’ brand, opened up to Bored Panda a while back about her dress design creation process. It’s not every day that you get to take a peek at what’s going on behind the scenes and in someone’s imaginative mind.
"When it comes to my process, it varies depending on the design and my state of mind at the point. It could be fast like just envisioning a style and sometimes it’s quite slow which may involve drawing various patterns to make sure I get the right fit and styling necessary for each design," the designer revealed to us.
#13 Saw This In The Comments Of Another Group Of Mine

Image credits: Raylin Alarcon
#14 Not Gonna Cover His Face Because He's "Famous" But Damn What Is This I Love You Bbno$ But This Is Something I'd See In A Waiting Room

Image credits: Usagi Yonaga
#15 When You Just Don't Have Time For Gardening

Image credits: Maria Theren
"I wish people understood that it is not easy to actually create designs out of an idea, there’s a lot of creative process that goes into it and it will be nice if people were a bit more understanding of designers and also understanding the story behind their art,” the designer stressed that things aren’t as easy as they might seem to a bystander.
#16 The Belly Button Though

Image credits: Sarah Brown
#17 What Do Yall Think Of This? ( Not A Shirt You Can See The Fabric Going To The Ankles Is Attached. Definitely A Dress)

Image credits: Rayne Sittner
#18 What In The Photoshopped Grandma Shower Curtain Is That Dress? Found On Aliexpress

Image credits: Ana Luiza
"I have to make sure that all the styling options I offer look just as good as the next one and also ensure that it fits into the category of outfit that I’m going for. Also to make sure that it can not only be styled differently but also styled to fit different occasions thereby creating ease as well as comfort for whoever is wearing it," she said that creating something fresh and exciting is an incredibly difficult process. Oyinda added that one of 2022’s hottest fashion items is “definitely” going to be beaded bags.
#19 Ummmm

Image credits: Katherine Sinhawk
#20 Not Covering Her Face Because Everyone Knows Miss Heard Now But I Can’t

Image credits: Nayer Dunning
#21 This Is A Down Comforter And A Bath Mat

Image credits: Steph Lannutti
According to Mary, the founder of ‘You can’t just slap some fabric together and call it a dress,’ the group had started gaining more and more traction online around half a year after being created. “I never expected it to be such a big group, but honestly, I should have because, at the time, shaming groups were a big trend on Facebook," she said,
"Looking back, I think the thing about shaming groups in general that brings people together and really resonates with them is the idea that there are things so bad out there that they feel compelled to share them with everyone for a good laugh, just like when a group of kids in school will see a teacher with a really bad tie and make a few jokes. To me, it’s that same concept, just on a much larger scale, that really makes these groups what they are,” Mary told Bored Panda.
#22 One Of My Fb Friends Shared This And Said She Looks Like A Tamale

Image credits: Shannon Sadecki
#23 Its A “Skirt”

Image credits: Emma Lohnes
#24 I Would Still Wear It As A Dress

Image credits: SeekTheFinds
"The group name was actually inspired by a comment on a post in the group, ‘That’s it, I’m wedding dress shaming,’" Mary added that she’d love to credit the person for this, but can’t remember their name.
"The group was originally just a wedding dress shaming group called ‘You Can’t Slap On A White Skirt and Call it a Wedding Dress,' but over time, as more and more people joined, I decided to allow other types of dresses,” the founder said how the group evolved.
#25 Seen For Sale On Facebook Marketplace. Apparently It’s “One Size Fits All”

Image credits: Rachel McHale
#26 Wtf And Whyyyy

Image credits: Ashley Cox
#27 This Was Advertised To Me As If I Could Afford It And Knew It Belonged Here

Image credits: Rebecca McKay
“The dresses I tend to really gawk at are the ones that look like they could fall off, tear, or just completely malfunction at any given moment. But outside of the group, I try to keep an open mind when it comes to fashion because a person’s taste is as unique as their own,” Mary said.
“If a dress makes you feel happy when you wear it, then you wear it relentlessly because your body is your own to dress how you want to,” she told us.
#28 Ummm....

Image credits: Christina Ward
#29 Not Blocking Her Face Because She’s Famous But What The Hell Is This??

Image credits: Lily De Pue Dawson
#30 I'll Never Allow You Twilight People To Live That Phase Down

Image credits: RobynThe Human
Meanwhile, if you’re thinking about what’s fashionable this year and you’re planning on going to any weddings, Anna and Sarah from The Wedding Society recently shared with Bored Panda what’s trending.
“There are so many amazing style trends for weddings at the moment,” they said. “Neutrals and sages are really popular, as well as pops of bright color. Clean lines and Palm Springs vibes are still very in!”
#31 Ahahhahahahahahha

Image credits: Rachel McHale
#32 A "Denim" "Dress"

Image credits: Hansu Bansu
#33 Low Key I Love It But It Looks Like An Angry Maxi Pad

Image credits: Faith Rivers
#34 Thom Browne's Fall 2022 Collection

Image credits: Paty Cervantes
#35 Finally Found Something Worthy To Be Shared Here. This Reminds Me Of When I Tried To DIY A Purse Of Out Of Pair Of Jeans And My Sister Threw It Away Thinking Its Scrap (Because It Was Trash)

Image credits: Sabarni Sengupta
#36 I Know This One Belongs Here

Image credits: Kayla Ninchritz
#37 .

Image credits: Tara Castle
#38 It’s Giving Parrot Not Gilded Glamour

Image credits: Megan Leigh
#39 .

Image credits: Destiny Gillespie
#40 Found Scrolling On Tik Tok What Do Yall Think

Image credits: Patience Vorhees
#41 .

Image credits: Rebecca Mis
#42 .

Image credits: Kiki Quiñones Stella
#43 I Love Zendaya But Gosh Sometimes Her Outfits Are Horrendous

Image credits: Tasha LaRue
#44 I’m Speechless Found On Shein

Image credits: Cara Macpherson
#45 I Love Her Right But What Is This? Bed Sheet Core

Image credits: Sophie Thomas
#46 You Can't Just Slap Some Pieces Of Blanket Together And Call It A Dress Kkkkkkkkk

Image credits: Kelly Lima
#47 I Love Her, She’s A Famous Actress. But This Is Just Not It Like??

Image credits: Ella Winterbine
#48 Seriously What Is The Point

Image credits: Imogen Paris Scott-Parker
#49 Not A Dress But Is Equally Hideous To Me At Least Esp The Glasses Lol Maybe They Are What Makes Me Thrown Off Lol

Image credits: Croskey Tara
#50 .

Image credits: Kimberly Reardon
#51 Literally Just Fabric Slapped Together

Image credits: Ellen B Jue
#52 Both Famous. Love Zendaya But What Is That Dress?

Image credits: Abigale Elizabeth
#53 Im Gonna Go Ahead And Say No

Image credits: Christianna Sherae
#54 Jress

Image credits: Brooke Martineau
#55 I Finally Have A Submission. Behold

Image credits: Devaney Ann Shoemaker
#56 Oh Boy

Image credits: Kyeley Finley
#57 I Looked Up Other Dresses From The Met Gala... This Was On The Best Dressed List? Um What? Lol

Image credits: Crystal Guman
#58 I Just…

Image credits: Carol Morrow
#59 Not A Single Serve

Image credits: Skinny
#60 I Have So Many Outrageous Dresses I Thought I’d Share Another. This One Is One I Wore To Judge A Little Miss Pageant

Image credits: Jamie Rivera
#61 Maxipad Couture. Seen On A Sponsored Facebook Ad For "Vintage" Clothing

Image credits: Tiani Lontis
#62 It Had Potential... I Just Don't Like It

Image credits: Janessa Montgomery
#63 Shein Wyd Babe? X

Image credits: Josie SassQueen Phillips
#64 I Hate This And It’s Not Even Close To The Theme

Image credits: Cassidy Karlak
#65 I Think The Shoes Are Cute. The Rest Of This Outfit Is Interesting. I Have To Wonder How She Keeps The Top On

Image credits: Amy Hard Haver
#66 Ummm, No. Lol

Image credits: Hannah Sanchez
#67 Girl I-

Image credits: Apollo Sunshine
#68 Not Hiding Her Face Cos She’s Famous

Image credits: Mara Kühn
#69 Not Censoring Because They're Famous... We Are Critiquing The Dress Not The Person

Image credits: Angie Hadita
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/Hb82OAn