Members of the Movie Details subreddit have been hard at work finding Easter eggs in Depp’s iconic films, and we’ve gathered some of the most interesting ones right here. So enjoy this list, and don’t forget to block out some time this weekend for a Johnny Depp marathon to catch all of these moments in action. Then if you’re looking for even more fascinating movie details, we’ve got the perfect Bored Panda piece for you to read next right here.
#1 Johnny Depp Signed On For Fantastic Beasts Without Reading The Script
He snatched up the part claiming that he was a huge fan of the series.

Image credits: thethings
Everyone loves watching a good film. Getting all cozy on a Friday night and curling up in a blanket on your couch with popcorn to view one of your favorites is one of the best ways to spend a night in. Thankfully for the cinephiles of the world, there are even online communities to bond with others over love of film. The fun facts on this list have all come from the Movie Details subreddit, which has amassed 3.1 million members since its creation in 2017.
This group celebrates all of the tiny tidbits found in films, particularly details viewers wouldn’t catch on the first watch and often ones that viewers would never know without having background information. Popular topics in the community are trivia, Easter eggs, props/costumes, continuity, foreshadowing and actor choice.
#2 In The Movie Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006), The Little Song „I’ve Got A Jar Of Dirt“ Sung By Captain Jack Sparrow Was Completely Improvised By Johnny Depp
That’s why the surprised reactions from the other actors are completely real

Image credits: melalegolas
While the average viewer does not know very much about the filmmaking process, finding out background information about movies can help demystify the “movie magic”. For example, cameos including family members of the director are apparently common, according to various posts on Movie Details. Props and costumes being repeated in various films are also fun details fans often point out in the subreddit. Finding these fun facts makes watching movies more exciting, because viewers start paying closer attention and are always on the lookout for hidden messages. When we understand all of the thought that goes into films, it helps us have a greater appreciation for the art and makes us even more curious when watching movies in the future.
#3 In POTC: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (2003), Most Of Jack Sparrow’s Hats Are Made Of Rubber
This is because Johnny Depp kept losing them and throwing them overboard. After he lost ten leather hats, the costume designer started making them out of rubber so that they would float instead of sink

Image credits: Tokyono
#4 In A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984), The Effect Of Blood Rushing To The Ceiling During Glen's (Johnny Depp) Demise Was Achieved Using An Upside Down Set
It was actually spilling onto the floor. Director Wes Craven and DP Jacques Haitkin captured the scene strapped to the wall in race car seats

Image credits: stealthynotion
Making a film is an incredibly time consuming and difficult process, but learning about how it’s done is always exciting for those of us outside of the industry. Obsev published a list of “25 Hidden Movie Industry Secrets That You Don’t Know” to provide a little insight for curious viewers. The first thing they note is that sometimes actors actually use pieces of their own clothes in films. If they have a pair of jeans or shoes that works perfectly for the character, there’s no need to find a new pair. In The Big Lebowksi, for example, many of Jeff Bridge’s costumes came right out of his own closet.
#5 In Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (2005), Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp) Is Constantly Showing His Teeth Because Of The Trauma His Father Who Is A Dentist Caused Him As A Kid

Image credits: SilDaz
#6 The Role Of Jack Sparrow Was Written For Johnny Depp And This Concept Art By Mark Mccreery Was The Initial Design For The Character, Before Johnny's Input. Very Similar To A Classic Errol Flynn Style Pirate. "Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl" (2003)

Image credits: MyPenisMightBeOnFire
Another interesting tidbit deals with product placement in films. We’ve all noticed it before: suddenly a pair of Beats headphones or a shiny new Mercedes Benz appears on screen. Or maybe a character makes a point to mention that they’re ordering pizza from Domino’s. But when it comes to cell phones, Apple is particular about who is allowed to use their famous iPhone. According to Obsev, Apple does not allow villain characters to be seen using iPhones, to prevent audiences from associating their product with “bad guys”. Rian Johnson, director of Knives Out, cited this as an issue he encountered when working on the film.
#7 The 2012 Film Dark Shadows Digitally Removed Every Instance Of A Reflection Or Blinking For Johnny Depps Portrayal Of A Vampire

Image credits: Twice_Knightley
#8 Johnny Depp, In Sweeney Todd, Strops His Straight Razor Backwards, With The Edge Advance Of The Spine, In Order To Dull The Razor And Thus Make For A More Painful Murder

Image credits: MrTommyPickles
#9 In Rango (2011), Actors Actually Performed Just Like In A Live Movie And This Was Later Referenced By Animators In Animating The Film

Image credits: Abhishek1520
While it’s not surprising that many effects in movies are staged, including weather conditions, lighting and sound effects, actors’ bodies are also adjusted to portray them in a certain way. We’ve all seen impressive prosthetics and makeup looks, (Johnny Depp is almost unrecognizable in Black Mass) but even the height of actors can be manipulated. Sometimes platform shoes are provided to make actors appear taller. Robert De Niro wore them in The Irishman to tower over Al Pacino, and Daniel Craig wore them in Quantum of Solace to meet Gemma Arterton at eye level. It’s rumored that Margot Robbie’s legs were also edited in The Wolf of Wall Street to make them appear longer.
#10 He Convinced Winona Ryder To Star In Edward Scissorhands
Edward Scissorhands was the first collaboration between director Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, but Depp could see that the film had great potential. That's why he convinced Winona Ryder to star alongside him, even though she had already signed on for a part in The Godfather: Part III. She quit the role and followed Depp instead.

Image credits: thethings
#11 In The Pirates Of The Caribbean Series (2003), Jack Sparrow Has A Red Spot On This Jaw. This Red Spot Is A Joke Between Depp And The Makeup Department. The Red Spot Is Actually Supposed To Be Syphilis, And It Gets Progressively More Noticeable In Each Film

Image credits: please-kill-me-69
#12 Charcoal Smudges And Clothing Were Used To Hide His Tattoos In Pirates Of The Caribbean

Image credits: thethings
Another movie secret that’s a bit more surprising than all of the visual effects is that sometimes A-list actors are fed their lines through earpieces, when they can’t be bothered to learn them all. Robert Downey Jr. has admitted to using this tactic before, as he didn’t want to waste time learning lines that would inevitably be rewritten. Johnny Depp has also been rumored to use an earpiece on set for his lines, according to his ex-managers. Depp does not deny these claims, but he emphasizes that his earpiece is for environmental sounds. “I’ve got bagpipes, a baby crying and bombs going off,” he told Rolling Stone. “It creates a truth. Some of my biggest heroes were in silent film. It had to be behind the eyes. And my feeling is, that if there’s no truth behind the eyes, doesn’t matter what the f***ing words are.”
#13 Homage To Secret Window In Black Mass
In Secret Window, Mort narrates the perfect ending to his story, and says; "Her death will be a mystery, even to me." In Black Mass, while everyone is eating Christmas dinner at Jimmy's brother's house, John Connolly says to Whitey Bulger;" I don't know how your brother does it, the 9 kids." Whitey responds; "It's a mystery, even to me." This is a stretch I know but both are played by Johnny Depp and I can't help but think that it was intentional. Couldn't find anything on google about it.

Image credits: datkidbrad
#14 Depp Took Shooting Lessons From The FBI For Donnie Brasco
To prepare for his role as undercover officer Joseph D. Pistone in Donnie Brasco, Depp went to meet the real-life Pistone to find out more about his story and study his mannerisms. He also took shooting lessons from the FBI to help make his performance as accurately as possible.

Image credits: thethings
#15 Depp Met Amber Heard For The First Time While Filming The Rum Diary

Our fascination with movie making has led to some of the most popular tourist destinations around the world. Film studio tours are a favorite stop for many tourists visiting Los Angeles, Rome, Mumbai, London, Tokyo and more cities. Warner Bros. has a tour in Los Angeles where visitors can see WB backlots, used for anything from Casablanca to Friends, and special exhibitions featuring the Batman and Harry Potter franchises. If you’re a true Potterhead, don’t miss the WB tour in London, featuring countless props and sets from the beloved films. Visitors can stroll through Diagon Alley, marvel at Gringott’s Bank, check out Hagrid’s motorcycle and grab a glass of butterbeer while you’re at it. And if you ever find yourself in Tokyo, be sure to stop by the Studio Ghibli Museum, which recreates the classic magical worlds of many Miyazaki films.
#16 Johnny Depp Bullied Leonardo Dicaprio On The Set Of What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Johnny Depp confessed that he was mean to Leonardo DiCaprio on the set of What's Eating Gilbert Grape. "It was a hard time for me, that film, for some reason. I don't know why. I tortured him. I really did," he said before adding that he did respect Leo for always showing up prepared for work.

Image credits: thethings
#17 In Mortdecai (2015) The Etching That Leads Johnny Depp To The Goya Painting Is An Existing Lithograph Of A Famous Bruges Mantlepiece, Altered To Include The Goya
This makes the print anachronistic because the spectators are dressed in 17th century clothing, looking at a late 18th century painting

Image credits: Choral
#18 In 2011's Rango Starring Johnny Depp, Rango Slams Into "Hunter S. Thompson's" Windshield. Depp Portrayed Thompson In 1998's Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. Hunter's Only Line In The Movie Is, "There's Another One," Possibly Referring To The Bats He Hallucinates In Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

Image credits: HappyGrandPappy
When it comes to iconic actors of our time, Johnny Depp is certainly many people’s favorite. He’s been working in Hollywood for nearly four decades on almost 100 films and has been nominated for three Oscars, while winning countless other awards. But what is it about him that makes his work so compelling? Well, for one thing, he takes on extremely challenging roles. Many of his characters are quirky and absurd, from vampires to pirates to evil barbers, Depp is never afraid of a challenge. He immerses himself in these characters that are so much larger than life, yet he makes them feel like real people. He has a true gift for making audiences relate to the craziest of characters.
#19 In POTC: On Stranger Tides (2011), Jack Has His Mother's Shrunken Head Tied To His Belt. It First Appeared In At World's End (2007)

Image credits: Numerous-Lemon
#20 In Alice In Wonderland (2010), The Mad Hatter Is Mad Because Hatmakers Worked With Mercury. This Metal Can Kill Neurons Giving You A Chronic Intoxication, Which Manifests With Behavioural Alterations, Tremor And Erethism. It Can Also Make Your Healthy Teeth Fall Out And Vomit

Image credits: Christiannadile
#21 He Adopted The Horse He Rode In Sleepy Hollow
When the film was complete, Depp heard that the one-eyed horse named Goldeneye had been sent to auction, so he showed up, put in the highest bid, and took the horse home with him.

Image credits: thethings
Depp has also mentioned in an interview that acting for him is much more about the creative process than the final product. Often, he doesn’t even watch the films he stars in. “I’ve always kind of tried to avoid them as much as possible,” he says. “I just prefer the experience. I like the experience, I like the process, I like doing the work. But then, you know if I’ve got to see myself – I don’t like to see the thing become the product, I suppose. Once they say ‘You’re wrapped’ on the film, it really is none of your business. The director is going to take that performance or whatever options you gave him and the editor, and they’re going to do with it what they want.”
#22 While Making The Lone Ranger, Depp Fell Off His Horse And Was Dragged Along
Depp was being filmed riding his horse when his saddle slipped and he fell off the side. He was dragged for several feet before the horse was stopped.

Image credits: thethings
#23 Depp Hated All The Green Screen Filming Needed For Alice In Wonderland

Image credits: thethings
#24 On Stranger Tides(2011) Jack Has A Very Distinct X Scar On His Cheek The Idea Came From Depp Himself. He And The Makeup Team Decided To Add It. Depp Said "If You End Up With A Cut On Your Face, It's Just A Cut... But An X? He Must Have Woken Up And Found That Someone Put A Deliberate X On His Face"

Image credits: Tellabobbob
In 2018, Depp spoke at a masterclass during the Hainan International Film Festival in China, explaining a bit of his process and providing advice for aspiring actors and filmmakers. One thing he noted is the importance of observation. “One of my favorite things in the world is watching people,” he said. “There are always new things to observe when you are seeking opportunities for observation.” Depp explained that it’s vital for actors to pick up on the body language and speaking styles of others to have inspiration to pull from in their own work. He later noted that every take an actor does should be a little different. “The most important thing an actor can do for a film is to provide choices. I think you're only doing half a job if you don't deliver options to the director."
#25 Johnny Depp Improvised Jack Sparrow's "Savvy?" Catch Phrase
Johnny Depp came up with one of Jack Sparrow's signature catchphrases all by himself! The Pirates of the Caribbean star improvised the now-famous "Savvy?" catchphrase all on his own while filming The Curse of the Black Pearl. It worked so well that he carried on using it throughout the movie series

Image credits: thethings
#26 Johnny Depp's Character's Name In '21 Jump Street' (2012) Is DB, As A Reference To 'Donnie Brasco' Where Johnny Depp Went Undercover In A Criminal Organization

Image credits: klsi832
#27 Murder On The Orient Express (2017) Ratchett, Played By Johnny Depp, Opens His Train Closet And Is Surprised When Seeing His Face. Scenes Later, Ratchett Offers Detective Poirot, Played By Kenneth Branagh, A Job As A Bodyguard But The Detective Declines Citing He Didn't Like Ratchett's Face

Image credits: Gettheinfo2theppl
Reading this list is making me want to settle in for a Johnny Depp marathon with a pen and paper ready to catch all of the tiny details I had never seen before. While it’s fun to relax and watch films without thinking critically, it can also be exciting to recognize filmmakers and actors for all the small, behind the scenes details. Be sure to upvote your favorite fun facts from this list, then let us know in the comments below what your favorite Johnny Depp film is!
#28 In Cry-Baby (1990), Willem Dafoe Improvised The Moment When He Slaps Johnny Depp's [Butt]

Image credits: ContemplativeSphinx
#29 In Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl (2003) Jack Sparrow’s Pistol Was The Only Real Gun In The Movie
Johnny Depp used a set of two flintlock pistols that were made in 1765. However, they were only used in scenes where they needed to be fired. Otherwise, he used replicas

Image credits: Numerous-Lemon
#30 In “Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales” (2017) They De-Aged Keith Richards As Captain Teague, Father Of Jack Sparrow

Image credits: MyPenisMightBeOnFire
#31 In Charlie And The Choclate Factory (2005). Instead Of Using Cgi, They Trained 40 Real Squirrels For 19 Weeks To Sit On A Stool And Crack Nuts And Drop Them Onto Conveyor Belts. (Trained By Micheal Alexander And Team)

Image credits: thegoods419
#32 Amongst The Countless Homages To Previous Horror Films In Scream [1996], Rose Mcgowan's Character Is Seen Sporting A Jersey Strikingly Similar To Johnny Depp's In A Nightmare On Elm Street [1984]

Image credits: chefr89
#33 In Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (1998) 51 Minutes In. The Author Of The Book Hunter S. Thompson Makes An Appearance As Himself In A Flashback In The 60s. This Occurs When Johnny Depp Walks In Slow Motion Through A Club Full Of Hippies, He Says, “There I Was. Mother Of God, There I Am!"

Image credits: MrLeshen
#34 He Took Home A Gorilla Statue From The Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas Set

Image credits: thethings
#35 In Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Johnny Depp Plays The Famous Journalist Hunter S. Thompson Under The Pseudonym Raoul Duke. During A Flashback, Raoul Sees Himself, Played By Hunter S. Thompson

Image credits: Keyboardpaladin
#36 In Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (2005), Johnny Depp Wore Purple Contact Lenses For His Role, The Imaginative Chocolatier, Willy Wonka

Image credits: kulaykahel
from Bored Panda