150 Dumb Drivers Who Should Not Be Allowed On The Road (New Pics) - Its Magazine

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Thursday 8 July 2021

150 Dumb Drivers Who Should Not Be Allowed On The Road (New Pics)

Not everyone is born a driver, but the majority of the population just suck it up and learn to drive whether the hard or the easy way. But in reality, a driver’s license doesn’t protect you from road rage, dangerous situations, or reckless behaviors that happen way too often.

So this list from Bored Panda serves as a crucial reminder to keep our eyes on the road for any bizarre, unexpected, and plain dumb sightings. Like this crazy person who drives cross-legged or this driver who holds a plate with a fork in what seems to be a fancy rendezvous dinner while driving.

This is not safe, this is not funny, but unfortunately it happens and we'd better learn what to expect and how to react in such unfortunate cases from the images rather than real-life circumstances. More people who shouldn't be allowed on the road can be found in our previous post right here.

#1 Literally, The Only 2 Cars In Belgrade Managed To Hit Each Other

Image credits: Porodicnostablo

#2 They Couldn’t Do It

Image credits: NinjaCatPurr

#3 Some Idiot Hits A Completely Stopped Bus. It’s Me, I’m The Idiot

Image credits: lololorennnnn

The national survey known as the 2021 Travelers Risk Index on distracted driving showed some illuminating findings on safety on the roads in the US. Luckily, one in four drivers thinks that roads are safer today than they were before the pandemic. However, alarmingly, a growing number of respondents reported using their mobile devices in unsafe ways while driving, including:

  • Texting or emailing (26%, up from 19% pre-pandemic).
  • Checking social media (20%, up from 13% pre-pandemic).
  • Taking videos and pictures (19%, up from 10% pre-pandemic).
  • Shopping online (17%, up from 8% pre-pandemic).

#4 Does This Count?

Image credits: Hornsen

#5 Idiot In Hummer Filled 5 Gas Cans Expecting Shortages. Put Them In His Car And Lit Up A Cigarette. Hummer Destroyed

Image credits: meister2a

#6 This Idiot Hit Me While He Was Pulling Out Of A Gas Station, He Said He Didn't See Me

Image credits: NotSoAverageStoner

In that sense, the findings are twofold. Even though people feel safer on the roads, reality shows quite the contrary. According to the National Safety Council, 2020 motor vehicle deaths were up 8% from 2019. It makes it the highest percentage increase in 13 years.

Chris Hayes, the Second Vice President of Workers Compensation and Transportation, Risk Control, at Travelers commented on the current state of road safety: “Not only did distracted driving increase, data from our telematics product IntelliDrive shows that speeding also became more prevalent. As travel restrictions are lifted around the country, it’s critical to slow down and stay focused on the road by eliminating distractions.”

#7 Dude Drove Through Barriers And Onto A Bridge Under Construction On I-70 Bridge In KC. Shear Studs Ripped His Undercarriage To Shreds

Image credits: Baby_Steve_CU

#8 Some People Are A Unique Kind Of Idiot

Image credits: EkaL25

#9 My Oblivious Neighbor

Image credits: bothanspy7

#10 This Person Going 80 With A Dog In The Back

Image credits: adinrichter

#11 Someone Hit My Mail Box And Drove Off

Image credits: Quint89

#12 What Is He Doing

Image credits: AbelNB

#13 Happened In Germany Today. Elderly People Really Should Take A Second Driving Test

Image credits: switchery

#14 Another Idiot Hoarding Gas

Image credits: Beepolai

#15 Yeah, I'd Like To Have A Double Smashed Windshield Pls, Thanks

Image credits: yusufmkI

#16 Windshield Breaking Machine

Image credits: YourBestAnswer

#17 My Friend's Dumb Girlfriend

Image credits: Prizz419

#18 We Have Been Forced Quarantined For 48 Hours. Notice The Empty Street And The Closed Gas Station And These Guys Managed To Get Into A Crash

Image credits: clopz_

#19 We Are The Idiots That Got Stuck Out In The Bonneville Salt Flats Yesterday

Image credits: DotBoiorino

#20 Father Of The Year Has A Ps4 Setup In His Car For His Kids. Monitor Is In Front Of The Airbags

Image credits: Tabasco661

#21 Improvise. Adapt. Overcome

Image credits: Nippely

#22 I Have Many, Many Questions

Image credits: madethisjustforpewds

#23 Horrible Driver Shames Other Driver For Not Accommodating Her Awful Parking Job

Image credits: guyfromatl

#24 Does This Count?

Image credits: dos-stinko-uno-pinko

#25 These Collective Idiots Making An Illegal Left And Causing Gridlock

Image credits: arandomperson7

#26 I Do Valet For A Living. I See Way Too Many Idiots Pull In Like This

Image credits: FFprism

#27 How About Idiots In Trucks?

Image credits: madethisjustforpewds

#28 Car Decided Wet Cement Is A Good Place To Drive

Image credits: Zanzibear

#29 Behind Them For 30 Minutes. "Don't You Have Internet Friends That Like This Kind Of Stuff?" - My Wife

Image credits: blacknmap

#30 Thought I Was Being Pulled Over Thanks To These Illegal Blue LED Headlights

Image credits: abiflail0326

#31 An Idiot In A Car Nevertheless

Image credits: Mtbguy56

#32 Street Racing Is Not A Crime

Image credits: mudmonkey13

#33 Two Idiots Take Their 4x4s Sunbathing On The Beach

Image credits: Vegetable_Employee

#34 The Road Is Lava

Image credits: megalomaniac71

#35 My Dad Who Drives And Plays Hearthstone And Screams At Me If I Say Anything

Image credits: rtoit

#36 Thank You, Very Cool

Image credits: MGTOWAmerican

#37 Result Of My Mother's Drunk Driving

Image credits: TayyylorBennett

#38 It’s Me. I’m The Idiot. Left My Sunroof Open When It Called For Rain

Image credits: reddit.com

#39 Some Guy Stole A Car And Repainted It To Avoid Suspicious

Image credits: Dr_Apk

#40 My Mom Everyone

Image credits: Aeydeetea

#41 Unless Racing, It’s Time To Change The Tires

Image credits: ChronoFoe

#42 He's Scared That Someone Will Steal His Plank

Image credits: LordStark_01

#43 This Counts Right?

Image credits: Cognitive_Shadow

#44 Pick Your "Poison"

Image credits: tnfoto

#45 This Idiot Didn’t Even Put Lime In His Corona

Image credits: CasperFatone

#46 No, No, You’re Fine

Image credits: DustyPee

#47 That's Why They Have Doors Like That

Image credits: funnybabaji

#48 Saw This Guy At The Light

Image credits: usarK9matt

#49 So Customer Drove About 2 Miles With It Like This

Image credits: tauriras6h

#50 At A Local Shopping Center

Image credits: AkumaBengoshi

#51 Driver Ignores Street Construction Barricade And Gets Car Stuck In A Massive Hole Where A Water Main Break Was Being Repaired

Image credits: Momo Alyafi

#52 Yes, The Middle Of A Busy Road Is The Best Place To Remove A Foot And A Half Of Snow From A Blizzard That Happened 3 Days Ago

Image credits: locomuerto

#53 Krakow Taxi Driver Didn't Like The Beeping Caused By Not Wearing A Seat Belt So He Compromised By Using The Passenger Seat Belt

Image credits: icantpronounceit

#54 This Car Driving On The Freeway With White Tail-Lights. Scared The Hell Out Of Me

Image credits: spoa69-4ever

#55 Two Police Cars Managed To Crash Into Each Other In The Currently Empty Streets Of Milan

Image credits: PreviouslyMannara

#56 Someone Doesn’t Know His Own Size In The Historic English Town Of Alnwick

Image credits: Stephen Shiells

#57 No Straps? No Problem. The Driver Can Just Hold It In Place

Image credits: whoisflight

#58 Moving Trucks Are For Amateurs

#59 Protective Shield Activated

Image credits: kitsf

#60 Just Another Day In My Hometown

Image credits: Sudowoodowoo

#61 Driver Tried To Cross Pedestrian Bridge

Image credits: 320sim

#62 That's A Lot Of Damage

Image credits: Spinuxx

#63 Does This Count

Image credits: literally_anything8

#64 I’m In Lions Gate. Broken Clavicle, Scapula, And Eight Ribs, Punctured Lung, But Happy To Be Alive. This Hit Me From Behind Going 80 Km/H

Image credits: toddnickel

#65 I Survived Being In This Car. The Idiot Fell Asleep Behind The Wheel And Drifted Into My Lane. Combined Total Of 120mph. That Used To Be A 2007 Audi A4

Image credits: 19samers

#66 Apparently It’s A Bad Idea To Try To Drive From New Orleans To Jacksonville On 6 Year Old Tires While Towing A 5x8 Uhaul Trailer. Shockingly The Tire Didn’t Actually Pop, The Tread Just Separated. Silly Me. Lesson Learned. And Yes. I Wear Crocs. Get Over It

Image credits: jsquareo

#67 Drunk Driver Turned Directly In Front Of My Van. Tried To Run And Rev His Engine But Only Succeeded In Setting His Car On Fire. Also Wasn't Wearing A Seatbelt. Don't Drink And Drive Kids

Image credits: keepemseparated

#68 Idiot Tourists Beach Rented Maserati

Image credits: thefrenziee

#69 When The Traffic Jam Is Actually A Parked Car

Image credits: yudoit

#70 Something I Saw Down My Road

Image credits: ShaunD69

#71 How Stupid Do You Have To Be To Park There?

Image credits: byecarbonate

#72 Idiot Of The Week Award Goes To This Lady

Image credits: lesstaller

#73 Two Guys Drove Off With One Sitting In The Engine Bay Controlling The Throttle By Hand After Finding Out Throttle Cable Wasn't In Stock

Image credits: Trevors-Axiom-

#74 Bold. You Can Get Impounded For Driving Without Insurance Here

Image credits: IntoTheMirror

#75 How Many Times Do You Think This Person Needed A Jump Before They Installed This Decal?

Image credits: meansac6

#76 This Is A Parked Car

Image credits: joe4553

#77 Is This What We Do Now? At 70+ Mph. Smh

Image credits: hottsauce345543

#78 She Was Snapchating While Driving (40 Mph Road (64.4 Kph)). She Also Had A Little Brother In The Passenger Seat While Doing This

Hate how often I see people doing stuff like this (photo taken by a passenger of my car).

Image credits: reddit.com

#79 Well It’s That Time Of Year Again Where "No Passage" Sign At The Top Of The Concrete Paved Pedestrian Pathway Down To Dunquin Pier Gets Ignored

Image credits: Blasket Island Ferries

#80 A Friend Was Fined For Driving In A Bus Lane, And He Argued That It Was Unclear On The Road. They Sent Him This

Image credits: EasyTigrr

#81 A Truck Drove On Turf I Layed Yesterday

Image credits: JustFrankss

#82 Saw This Guy Driving On The Interstate The Other Day

Image credits: cjams1388

#83 Some Idiot Got Their Car Stuck. It Was Me

Image credits: tdskinswin28

#84 Only In Texas. This Horse Is Either Very Well Trained Or Scared To Death. We Passed This Truck Highway 59, Past Lufkin

I’m all for a GoFundMe account for the horse so we can get a proper trailer. Lol

Image credits: Kerry Green Costello

#85 Today, My Mother Was The Idiot

Image credits: mullertieze

#86 Idiot Didn’t Want To Wait In Traffic And Thought They’d Take A Shortcut And Got Stuck. Karma Sucks

Image credits: jcodydunn

#87 Idiot Ends Up On Train Tracks After Not Looking Where He Was Going

Image credits: ha-kei-ahnig

#88 At Least She Had Her Eyes On The Road

Image credits: omg_Enrico_Palazzo

#89 Today I Was The Idiot In The Car

Image credits: BassChin20

#90 Me Driving Fast On A Wet Dirt Road. Idiot

Image credits: babasquillace

#91 I Don't Care For This New Marketing Campaign By The Local Windshield Glass Company

Image credits: Nosnah2007

#92 Putting Your Dog In The Back Of A Full Truck Bed

Image credits: axelordx

#93 Car Crashes While Trying To Pass Ambulance Today In Massachusetts

Image credits: Z1Woedric

#94 I'm Not The Idiot. My Friend Saw This Go Down At Ocean Shores, Wa Last Weekend And Sent It To Me

Image credits: insanecorgiposse

#95 Does This Count?

Image credits: BruceInc

#96 Jimmying The Door Because The Duct Tape And Plastic Is Just Too Hard To Get Past

Image credits: Dai_Fei

#97 Drag Racing After Buying Groceries

Image credits: notedrive

#98 Our LT Forgot To Disengage The Brakes For The Water Buffalo. Drove At Least 10 Miles With Them Engaged, Not Realizing The Tire Was On Fire And The Rim Was Being Decimated

Image credits: BatRevolutionary9183

#99 Someone Actually Posted This In A Real Facebook Group About 45 Minutes Ago And Was Bragging About It

Image credits: crappy_pirate

#100 Someone Threw A Bottle At My Neighbor's Car While He Was Driving Last Night

Image credits: hyp_kitsune

#101 This Dude Was Driving Around Blasting The "Team America" Theme Song

Image credits: Defeaterr

#102 This Guy Watching "The Office" On His Laptop While Driving

Image credits: Empire_poppin

#103 Drive Thru Dentist

Image credits: imaryanoceros

#104 My Brother Saw This On His Drive Through Wisconsin

Image credits: cracked_windshield

#105 I Told My Friend He Might Need A Tire Change, He Told Me It Doesn’t Matter How Much Tread His Tires Have Because His Car Has All Wheel Drive

Image credits: PossiblyArab

#106 Let’s Report Someone Suspected Of Drunk Driving After Hitting Their Car

Image credits: DerbyshireRPU

#107 Parking Your Car Like A Pro

Image credits: LordZion1

#108 She's Writing A Ticket And Parked Her Car In The Main Traffic Lane So People Have To Drive Into Oncoming Traffic To Get Around Her

Image credits: inaperfectworld88

#109 Idiot Bus Driver Decided To 3 Point Turn In My Steep Driveway. Been Stuck For An Hour

Image credits: peenweens

#110 Driving Down The Highway Like This The Day After A Blizzard

Image credits: MassStatePolice

#111 This Is What My Sister Did To Her First Car

Image credits: elliot_003283

#112 Apparent Drug Dealer In Stolen Mercedes Took A 50km/h Corner At 130km/h In A Pursuit And This Was The Result Outside My House

Image credits: WoolzieWoolzie

#113 Roadside Paint Job

Image credits: SilveradoSurfer16

#114 I Thought This Belonged Here

"His windshield was tinted as well."

Image credits: hernan_dez323

#115 Found This Gem On I-5, She Was Cruising At A Steady 70mph With No Windshield

Image credits: mike-ekim

#116 This Guy Parked In The Middle Of The Road. It's Not Like There Are Many Empty Parking Spaces

Image credits: HenrykH

#117 Someone Needs To Explain The Benefits Of A Pick Up Truck To This Man

Image credits: BoredOldMann

#118 Truck Drivers Who Think They Have To Park All The Way Back

Image credits: AngstyPunkBitch

#119 I Work At A Local Grocery Store, And I Had To Go Out In The Cold Rain To Round Up Shopping Carts

And as I’m doing so, the woman that was in this car honked at me to move out of the way, only to park like this.

Image credits: LoganConeTV

#120 Two People On The Highway Drove Next To Each Other At 55 Miles An Hour For Several Miles, Causing A Huge Line Of Cars To Build Up Behind Them

Image credits: Mike_Mercury

#121 Yeah, The Drivers In California Really Have No Clue What They Are Doing

Image credits: Pcsam91

#122 These Exhaust Pipe Extensions Look Sick. Not Sure Why Nobody's Done It Before

Image credits: almostwithyou

#123 Currently Headed Down I-25

Image credits: Green_Agar

#124 Stupid People Are Not Born Stupid, They Simply Exist

Image credits: _martinsy

#125 Driver Feeling Threatened By 16 Year Old Girl Raising Awareness For The Climate Crisis

Image credits: brainwashedafterall

#126 Driving Down A Sidewalk In Manhattan. Accelerated At Me And Went Over The Curb When He Saw Me Taking A Pic

Image credits: SociaIyAwesomeTurtIe

#127 Bmw Passed Me Going Over 100 On A Bridge, Clipped 3 Cars, Lost The Front Bumper Halfway Through. This Is The Car 3 Minutes After Passing Me

Image credits: browniesboy17

#128 That's Why I Couldn't Find Any Skull Emblems

Image credits: snake-lady-2005

#129 75 Mph, Try Outs To Be The Next Florida Man

Image credits: 112358132134fitty5

#130 Drunk Driver Outside Bridgeport, California This Morning

Image credits: shannamae90

#131 So A Dude In A Mustang Drove Into My Friends House Today

Image credits: Tharhino

#132 Hard To See From This Angle But There’s A Flag On The Front At Windshield Level

Image credits: NotYourFathersKhakis

#133 No Special Occasion. He Just Drives Around Town Like This All The Time

Image credits: WilbursCousin

#134 Behind Us In Mcdonalds Drive Thru

Image credits: BrewWhy

#135 My Neighbour Think This Parking Spot Belongs (It Really Doesn't) To Him And Does This To Everyone Who Parks There

This time he did it to me, because I had nowhere to park yesterday, so I woke up to this and I don't think he's gonna leave any soon. Should I take action?

Image credits: AnnieCactusCz

#136 Been In Hard Traffic For 20 Min, When I Got To The Source Of It, Turned Out It Was Just A Cyclist On A Mountain Road

Image credits: -_Sake_-

#137 Objects In The Mirror Are Even Stupider Than They Appear

Image credits: Tojuro

#138 Mistakes Were Made Today

Image credits: KaioKap

#139 Almost Causing Others To Crash Because They Want To Fight In The Middle Of The Highway

Image credits: madethisjustforpewds

#140 Virginia Beach, Worst Drivers Ever

The driver of the car drove under the rear of the trailer and kept it going to just under the truck.

Image credits: Steven_seagull99

#141 A New Trend

Image credits: MythOak

#142 Stop Sign Made Sure She Was Stopped

Image credits: poopynosejoe

#143 Saw This In Front Of My Work A Couple Days Ago

Image credits: Outrageous_Author684

#144 'murica

Image credits: cac5b

#145 Little Sister Went Out With A Friend In My Moms Car Yesterday. Didn’t Know Which Lane To Go In So Picked The Middle

Image credits: Reilly176

#146 Just Another Day In Los Angeles

Image credits: dankbydru

#147 Neighbor Parks Blocking The Whole Alley

Image credits: therealbillbateman

#148 They Paid For The Whole Sticker, I Guess They Are Going To Use The Whole Sticker

Image credits: BronzeKnight

#149 Disaster Waiting To Happen

Image credits: Le_Pofin

#150 This Driver Blocked The Bus For The Entire Green Light

Image credits: fffiiiyyaah

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3jVEaOV

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