We all remember how Elon Musk raised everyone’s eyebrows by stating he believes we live in a simulation. With a perfectly straight face.
And while for many, it may be hard to process the idea, scientists have backed up the belief in such a scenario, like the Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who has a theory that suggests we may be living in a computer simulation. Computer scientist Rizwan Virk analyzed this possibility further in his 2019 book “The Simulation Hypothesis.” And there are many more thinkers who are totally for the idea that we do live a simulated computer reality.
So if life is indeed a video game, we'd better get our cheat codes ready. And thanks to a person who posted this question “What are some cheat codes you've found in the game of life?” on r/AskReddit, we may now find out some of the most useful commands, hacks, and shortcuts that will surely come in handy. So take your notebooks out, kids, we are about to finally nail this game called life.
No one stops a guy or girl carrying a pizza. It can get you backstage to concerts.
Image credits: tenderbranson301
I am an assistant teacher in a preschool. Asking if kids can use their sitting muscles and listening muscles during circle time makes the kids want to show me how "strong" they are.
Image credits: neurotica_9000
Ask questions, about everything. Ask people about themselves. Be open about stuff you don't understand, and ask questions about that. When you forget someone's name, own up to it and just ask them.I am amazed at how many people won't acknowledge even a tiny amount of ignorance, or won't show honest curiosity about something, can't admit they've forgotten something they feel is important, and won't ever ask for help. Guys...your life becomes so much easier if you just drop the fucking ego and ask.

Image credits: tylerss20
When someone says something true, say “you’re right”, not “i know”. It’ll make them feel better and you’ve still shown everyone how awfully clever you are.
Image credits: Taiwanderful
Faking confidence usually leads to actually being more confident. I love the phrase fake it till you make it. Its incredible how much success is a byproduct of just acting confident about whatever you are doing.
Image credits: captainpotatoe
I cannot overstate how much dressing well and being well groomed will impact your life. It'll drop the difficulty by two or three levels. No joke. People will treat you VASTLY differently. The opposite is also true.
Image credits: Studlum
Introverts think than talk, extroverts think while they talk.Took a class that said if you want to run a good meeting, wait 10 seconds before moving on. Introverts (such as myself) need time to process before they speak. Started running my meetings this way and I will be damned if the introverts didn't start speaking more and providing really good input.

Image credits: Shadow082
Several times in life I've cold called a company to confirm my interview time. I didn't have one prior to my call, but in their confusion and inability to even find my resume I've managed to secure an interview about four out of five times. Twice I've gotten the job.
Image credits: TickleMeStalin
If any website offers a percentage coupon code like "10percentoff" try higher values like "20percentoff", they often have them.
Image credits: TheGarp
You become the people you surround yourself with.
Image credits: bk_cheech
When I was in my old 500+ person building, I kept a stack of papers on my desk. When I was bored, or got tired of sitting down, I'd get up, grab my stack of papers and walk around. I called them my "walking papers" and did this for months. Got a lot of head nods and not one question the entire time. People always assumed I was on an important mission, but nope. Not in the least.PS: worked on the executive floor / wing, too.

Image credits: 37214
When married don't stop treating your significant other like you did when you were trying to win them over, it is a great way to show them you're still as infatuated with them as you were when you first met.
Image credits: Knockemdeadkidd
As an adult you can tell almost any kid who is running to stop running and they will.
Image credits: blankbeard
Compliment your children with "you are a hard worker" and not "you're smart". Studies show that kids who think they're hard workers outperform kids who think they're smart.
Image credits: holy_hunk
You don’t have to always “give away the recipe”.By that I mean, don’t over explain yourself. If you can’t do something, 9/10 times it’s okay to simply say “unfortunately I’m not able to do that”, “can’t swing it this time”, etc. You don’t have to go on and on about why, or make up reasons and list them off. Over explaining just ends up looking more suspect than simply being clear and concise.

Image credits: reddit
If you admit you're wrong and make changes to whatever it is that you're wrong about, people will respect and appreciate you more.Unfortunately this requires the swallow_ego.pill patch installed. Without this you will be incapable of being a civil person.

Image credits: methedunker
As a doctor, I learned that earning grades, and learning are two different things.#18
If you tuck a chicken’s head under its wing and wave the chicken in a circle, it will automatically fall asleep. It’s not a very good cheat code, but it’s still a cheat code to get you sleeping chickens.
Image credits: HoboTheDinosaur
If you are punctual, smartly dressed, and quite friendly, you can actually get pretty far in most jobs without being that good at anything or trying very hard.
Image credits: cold_italian_pizza
When my daughter was little and still believed band-aids cured things, one time she had a belly ache so I put one on her belly and it made her feel better. Power of placebos!
Image credits: tres_chill
Just be nice, particularly to people in the service industry. Your job, your personal interactions, even your calls into customer service will go 100% easier if you’re just nice to people and recognize that they’re probably just trying to do their job, not screw you over.#22
Mirroring people’s body language and tone of voice will make them comfortable with you quite quickly.
Image credits: DoveMagnet
Doing your own research especially on the important stuff. You would be amazed about the bad information people use to make life choices.
Image credits: retrogradeprogress
I had a professor in college who, while lecturing, suddenly let out a huge fart. Without pausing, he turned his head as if talking to someone behind him, said "Gesundheit," and continued lecturing as if nothing had happened.It immediately diffused defused any potential awkwardness and embarrassment, and I vowed to use the same strategy if the same thing ever happened to me in front of a large crowd of people.

Image credits: KnowsAboutMath
Set the do not disturb feature on your phone to turn on from 10pm-7am.You will sleep so much better without constant notifications from emails, games, or your mother in law who wants to send a group message at midnight because she is in a different timezone.
If you have people you want to be able to reach you (family/girlfriend/boyfriend), you can make a special list that will let only their calls/messages come through.

Image credits: reddit
The correct response to any compliment is "Thank you." You can then follow it up with a comment if you'd like to continue the conversation. If someone likes your dress? "Thank you, it has pockets!" If someone compliments your art? "Thank you, I've been practicing." If someone asks if you're a professional singer because you have a good singing voice? "Thank you, I just sing for fun."Not only does it make you seem confident and self-assured, it tells them that they are right! That's a friendly thing to do.
This even works if you don't believe the compliment. Saying, "Oh, no, I'm ugly," when someone compliments your appearance not only tells them that they're wrong, it makes you think of yourself as ugly. A better answer would be, "Thank you, I really appreciate that and I don't always believe it, so hearing that from you helps."

Image credits: insertcaffeine
Underpromise and Overperform. Say you'll achieve less than you think you will and then do more and everyone will be impressed (works well at a job)
Image credits: Nrich5
Say “Thank you” instead of “I’m sorry” in most situations.“Thank you for your patience,” is much better than, “I’m sorry I’m late.”

Image credits: Ignoble_profession
Once you unlock ‘not giving a fuck about other people’s thoughts’ you basically double your mana indefinitely.#30
Not a cheat code, but an Easter egg:If you ask someone if they know ALL the words to “I’m a little teapot” around 80% of the people you ask will start singing it.
Half of those will do the gestures.

Image credits: InsertPlayerTwo
Act like you belong. In any situation. It will change your life. Also I've found that you become what you pretend to be. So be good.#32
Walk with a purpose. For some reason, people think you're busy and you don't get hassled.
Image credits: Just_Curious_Duder
Use the word "soon" instead of "later" with your loved ones or if you are trying to form a new connection with someone. It shows you are interested in talking but currently busy with something.#34
You can mute the self check-out kiosks.#35
I have a heated throw blanket in my living room- in the winter, I wrap my coat up in it , crank up the heat and in a few minutes, my coat is toasty warm so I can brave the coldest day.
Image credits: Lectric_Eye
The "remain silent" dialogue option is useful, even if you have to scroll down to find it. It can keep you from failing or getting locked out of certain quest lines.#37
You can borrow almost all of your textbooks from the library as a college student because of modern book rental agreements most colleges have.WorldCAT allows you to be linked to almost any library in America, and all you have to do is find your book in the system and fill out a request form at a library and it should be there in a week. I’ve saved probably $2000 doing this in my first two years of college.
If you have no complaints about your food service/staff at a restaurant, ask to see the manager and pay a compliment and a "thank you" about the server/host/staff. Usually people want to see a manager to complain, and a compliment is nearly always welcome.I've gotten countless free drinks/appetizers/chips/% off my bill - all for just making a polite comment to management.
Niceness gets you everywhere. I get free shit from being nice. And no, it's not because I'm a cute girl. Because I'm not. I'm an overweight, balding man. People respond to niceness. I've befriended the Comcast customer support person. I've befriended the most disliked, crotchety person in our office. I get special treatment at my cafeteria because I treat the service staff like actual human beings. I get fees waived because I asked nicely.Be nice. It costs little and is worth a lot.
just because you don't have the skill they ask for on the job description, doesn't mean you shouldn't apply, You can always get the job first then learn later. Or in most cases, they will almost always train you before you officially start. You're already halfway in the battle when you apply.#41
Pause- Like wait. when asked a question or engaging in idle conversation and someone is speaking do not immediately begin your reply when they stop speaking, they usually aren't done. ANd in the case of questions most people and finished and if you give them time they usually provide teh answer to the question as well, so yeah LISTEN as well.#42
Believe in yourself. I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true: when you believe in yourself anything is possible because you are no longer bound to the expectations of others. Your life truly becomes your own.Close, close, close runner up would be awareness over your thoughts and emotions. More awareness, more control, less reactions, more happiness.
Not asking or talking about drama going on at the work place#44
Also, people like talking about themselves. When you meet someone just ask them questions about their lives or the things they've done - if you have enough questions you won't ever run out of things to talk about during the conversation and they walk away feeling sooooo heard. Plus, then you know more about them and next time you see them you will have even more to talk about or follow up on - "hey last time I saw you you were mentioning this thing at your job, how did that go?" etc.#45
Get a credit card like AMEX Blue that has 3-6% cash back at groceries.Buy all your items at grocery store. I'll use Kroger as an example.
You can buy normal groceries + gift cards (Amazon, Delta, H&M, McDonald's, whatever) and get the cash back on that deal. Then, if you time it with their 4x Fuel Rewards, you can save $1/gallon off gas up to 35 gallons.
Altogether, the math works out to being 12-15% off pretty much everything iirc.
At a burrito shop get half of one protein and half of another. They usually end up giving you like 20% more (exact science here) plus you get mo’ flavor#47
I have a skin colored earpiece Bluetooth that I use it work without anyone knowing so that I can listen to music and podcasts.#48
Take a 1 dollar bill and flip it over. Now tape a 5 dollar bill and tape it to the end of the upside down single with as little tape as possible to make it secure. Now feed the five dollar bill into a change machine. The coin machine reads the five, gives you quarters, then reads the upside down single, rejects that, and boom, you got yourself a felony.
Image credits: BodhiMage
When watching the news, if they show you the thing happening, believe it.If they are talking about a thing happening, don't believe it.
It's 2018, everyone has 1080p cameras in their pockets. If it isn't being shown to you it is bullshit.
If you want to tell someone HEY FUCK YOU but can't because you'd get in trouble for it cause you're like at work or something, you can just say "bless your heart" instead and it means the same thing.#51
Call people by their name, but not annoyingly or too often. That gets creepy in a hurry. People love to hear their name and you're a good person for remembering it.#52
Hide ice cream or popsicles inside an empty resealable vegetable bag from Costco or any other store with large resealable bags. Your kids will have no idea they’re there and you can disperse them accordingly or hog them for yourself without them knowing.#53
If you're ever trying to get somebody to agree with you, nod a lot when you make points and say their first name often. It's used frequently in sales so on the flip side, if you don't want to be sold something and you notice the salesperson doing these things, you can be aware of what they're doing.#54
Portable power bank cell phone charger in my car.Basically I got tired of my cars slow speed of charging my phone off the cigarette lighter.
So I bought a 10000 mah power bank with fast charging capability. I plugged it into my cars cigarette port so that whenever my car is on its charging. Then I just plug my phone in for a fast charge on the road and the power bank might go down but will gradually recharge over time when my car is on.
So basically it's as if I created a sort of water tower but for power. I was unhappy with the speed at which power was coming in so I installed something to let it build up pressure and speed up the flow.
Another bonus is that it can be easily removed and taken with me. So if I am at say a restaurant and need to charge my phone I can take it in with me and continue the charge.
Entering the code "911" into your phone lets you spawn copcars.from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3g9usoz