Images are a form of expression which tries to communicate something to us. While some images express only a limited amount of things, illustrations by Maia Zeidan speak volumes about love, comradery, wonder, and other positive things. The way they're composed and drawn, and the way the characters interact look like still images from an animation that reminds us of the great works by Pixar or Disney, rather than just a static image. In other words, while some illustrations try to tell one thing, the works by this talented artist tell a rich story.
The Montreal-based artist's style is very distinct, and it's marked by simplicity, calmness, vividness, and wholesomeness. But it also has similarities with Pixar or Disney animation, as mentioned above. Though the background of the artist is shrouded in mystery, it'd come as no surprise if she worked on storyboards and created concepts for the aforementioned studios. And if not, I'd be very glad to see one of these lovely moments come alive in an animation one day.
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Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan

Image credits: maiazeidan
from Bored Panda