Men Are Sharing The Best Compliments They’ve Ever Gotten From A Woman - Its Magazine

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Monday 5 April 2021

Men Are Sharing The Best Compliments They’ve Ever Gotten From A Woman

Compliments don’t just make others go from feeling slightly better about themselves to plain great in one sentence. They also enhance our own self-confidence. Because giving a nice compliment requires us to look for the good in others.

But saying a nice one is really an art form in itself. Unsolicited ones do more harm than good, overly personal ones can instantly ruin anything, and many sound just forced. So this time we’re taking a look at the most memorable ones that stick with men for many years to come.

From “a hot girl complimenting a hat” and making the guy want to wear it for three years straight to saying that kids are lucky to have you as their dad, these are some very sweet moments in our otherwise often sour world.


A coworker who I would walk to the bus station with said "I feel safe with you" and as a big hairy dude with resting murder face and a deep voice, that was something absolutely new to me. It's been 6 years and I still think about that compliment.

Image credits: mejejix


Walked by a young lady walking into a restaurant. She stopped & came back in to tell me I smell great. I smiled the rest of the day

Image credits: HairlineGod


During Halloween I took off my mask and some girl said. "Damn you should keep that mask off more often."

Cute Girl.

Image credits: FrequencyXII


Got a Redhead sweatshirt (brand, not red haired person), cutest girl in the class complemented me on it, still have that sweatshirt

Image credits: Gwall2020


One time a buddy of mine was making fun of my hat and a random hot chick said "No! It looks super good on you."

I wore that hat almost every day after for 3 years until it wore out.

Image credits: Vict0r117


21 years old at the orthodontists getting a retainer fixed. Nurse who was probably only a few years older than me told me I had really nice blue eyes, while her fingers are all in my mouth. I'm gonna hold onto that one for awhile.

Image credits: jibafij


My really sweet young teenage niece told her mom (my sister) that I was the kind of guy she wanted to marry one day. All very innocent and it melted me.

Image credits: GhostWriter888


“You have really nice veins” - nurse giving me a blood test

Image credits: FreeStylin03_


A girl said I was understanding

Image credits: ImACoolGuy69


As a child, after a suicide attempt, a nurse once told me that superman doesn't exist. The reality is that most people don't care about me. I have to take care of myself, because no one else will. I have to be my own hero, and I have the strength to do that. It was tough love, but it saved my life.

Image credits: unknown


I (M) was working in Taiwan one summer. Solid group of people.

Anyway, when time came to part ways, lots of hugs were exchanged. There was a traditional Muslim woman in the group who I clicked so well with from the moment we met.

My understanding is that traditional Muslim woman do not make physical contact with males other than their husband.

Anyway, I got to her for a goodbye, I simply put my hand in a waving gesture and said my goodbye.

She then said "No, you know what? I'll hug you." And we hugged.

I think about this from time to time.

Image credits: cloudlocke_OG


"you're really funny, i like you". some really cute girl said this to me quite a while ago, had me nearly crying since i dont get complimented at all, i dont even compliment my self. cried for 10 minutes when i got back home

Image credits: Sent1nelTheLord


A girl told me that i look cute when i don't have a mask on my face, not even Alzheimer could make me forget about this.

Image credits: Haku837


My friend hugged me and after she released the hug she placed her hand on my stomach whilst talking to me, she exclaimed in a room full of party guests, including my crush at the time "Have you been f*cking working out!?!" I was so embarrassed but happy too because I was a little insecure about myself. I still am since I haven't been gymming

Image credits: DavidOfBronco013


During the divorce process, my ex-wife said of me and our now grown daughter, "You are her home."

For all the years of cold indifference and soul crushing disapproval, it was unspeakably nice to see that email.

Image credits: stupidlyugly


“The kids are really lucky that you’re their dad.”

I was wondering if I’d been doing well as a dad and felt kind of depressed, but hearing that from my sweet wife reaffirmed that I’m doing okay.

Image credits: jeff_the_nurse


Early on in our relationship my now wife told me that she usually didn't sleep well, except when I was there and then she fell asleep easily. Which is especially impressive at the time given we were cramming me (6'3") and her (5'11") into a standard twin bed.

Image credits: coteyar


Delivered for hospice for a few years.

I kept having deliveries to this one facility where there was an old woman in a wheelchair who kept saying, “Hey, pretty man,” whenever I’d walk past.

I’d say hi back but I didn’t think much of it. She probably said that to everyone.

But then one time a female orderly asked her, “Pretty man?” as I was walking away.

“GORGEOUS man,” said the old lady.

Never had that word associated with my appearance before or since.

Thanks, lady.

Image credits: i_amtheice


This exchange literally made me cry.

Me: Its not like I have women all over me, I dont know why you think I'm a catch.

Her: I dont know why you think you're not.


I was told, by a rather drunk lady, that my voice makes her ovaries twitch. I'm used to having people tell me I should be on radio, but that one was unique.

Image credits: nethobo


I remember my work partner (a woman), talking to another female coworker during lunch about their love lives. She was talking about an ex and how he cheated on her and lied to her and god knows what else. She then said something along the lines of "boys are the worst", and I laughed. She then looked right at me and said "Except you, but you're not a boy, you're a man."

I swear, my heart skipped a beat. It was the first time I was ever called something like that. It was amazing to be finally seen that way as a 30 year old.


Last week a very good client told me she likes working with me because I have joy in my demeanor

Image credits: Desert_Beach


My girlfriends grandmother has Alzheimer’s, so she doesn’t remember meeting me. Every time we go and see her, she’ll take my girlfriend to the side and ask “Who is that handsome young man?” While pointing to me.


A girl once told me I saved her life because (unknown to me) she was battling depression when I happened to show up with her favor Starbucks drink to congratulate her on her new job.

You never know the impact your small deeds can do.

Image credits: TheRavingRaccoon


I got onto an elevator at the last minute one time and an older lady said it reminded her of Indiana Jones, then she said I could do radio with a voice like mine.

Image credits: AcidaEspada


"Your freckles are so cute!" Was said to me by a drop dead gorgeous coworker of mine. Left me feeling like I was on cloud nine.

Image credits: portablecabbage


For a short period in my early twenties I used to work at this school. At one point when we were sitting down eating lunch, this tiny first grader comes and sits next to me, and says quietly.

"I wish I had an older sister"
"Oh? Why?"
"Cause then you and her could become really good friends, and then you would come visit us all the time."

I've gotten quite a few compliments from my own age group and older, but that little innocent one was almost heartbreakingly sweet and nice to hear.


That my eyes are pretty or that I give the best hugs


When I was 19 after a football game I was talking to some friends that were planning to go to a house party and a really pretty girl that was with them whom I never met before said to me "you're cute you should come" still makes me smile.


“You’d make a great father”


Was talking to my high school gym teacher when suddenly she grabs my face and says “oh my god, you have beautiful eyelashes”.

I still feel giddy 13 years later.


I had a girl tell me she was impressed with how I stayed calm in a stressful situation.


Her: "You could lose all your hair and gain weight. I would still think you are amazing."

I was like: "wow"


My classmate once told me i had broad shoulders . For a 15 yr old 2 months into working out at home with dumbbells this made me go over the moon ..


"I`m glad you became part of my live."

Tears from me. A kiss from her.

Image credits: sassy-irwicht


"You have great kidneys" -Doctor

Image credits: goredcd


That I used to make her day in primary school (first 8 Australian school years) I never realised that she was so lonely for the year I wasn't with her. She had good friends, but she said without me she felt lonely. She's gotten rather sad recently because she wasn't with me for a year. You're damn right I'm going to make damn sure she isn't lonely, she was my only friend so I'm gonna make sure she has at least one person.

Image credits: Coolscee_Gaming


A woman in the lobby of a medical centre with a baby in a pram asked me to keep an eye on it for a moment. I said 'are you sure about that' and she said I just looked like someone she could trust.

I was touched, and she was right.


My Crush was talking to some of her friends at university as i walked up, she stopped mid sentence and said to her friends: "look, thats him, he's super talented and smart..." turns to me "and also has beautiful eyes".

my heart melted as she said that, so im still having that crush on her.


I used to work a dirty job that also had me staying in hotels. Walked by a pretty girl at the front desk, we nodded heads at each other as I went to my room to clean up. When I came back through to get something to eat in their restaurant she got a shocked look on her face and said, "damn, you clean up nice!" Still remember it 25 years later.

Image credits: fokijiv


I had just started wearing cologne for the first time in my life (around 22) and looked up how to actually apply it properly as not to be obnoxious. Weekend comes around I get dressed throw some cologne on and go out to get a coffee and run errands. Get to the Starbucks and order and the barista says “I like your cologne, it smells nice and you have the exact right amount on when most guys WAY overdo it” (paraphrase). I was so caught off guard by such a sincere and innocent compliment I still think of it before even generic GF compliments.


"You look like someone I could fall asleep on."

As much as I look back and criticize myself for being a beta that couldn't think of something witty or flirty to say back or even manage a "thank you", how the f*ck do you respond to that?


Honestly it was one time I got a new haircut and a girl I was talking to at the time said “before you were cute, now you’re handsome”.

Image credits: graveyardromantic


A coworker 40F said to me 29M: I want my son to be like you one day.

After knowing what I did for my ill parents before they pass away. I took care of them and was there all the time, I put my life aside to dedicate my heart and my soul to them.

I will never forget this!


I was probably 20 or so at a club meeting in college. We would usually break up into tables and have discussions. After we were all done I was packing up my stuff when a new member approached me and said " Excuse me, I just wanted to say you're one of the most attractive men I've ever seen." Immediately turning bright red I said thank you and quickly left. I still think about that every now and then and it makes me smile.


This lady at a bar was mad drunk, walked up to me and was like OH MY GOSH you look just like lenny Kravitz (I dont) and guess what, eyebrow raises at me? I'd *ck the sh*t outta Lenny Kravitz..

So we get married in April. Cheers.


My best friend and I went to dinner. She said I looked really good and took a picture of me. She then said I'm going to keep this one forever.

She takes a lot of pictures of me. Not all are good.


My now gf when I first met her via cycling into her, said i had really nice thighs.


Two girls in my school said I look prettier with my hair cut.


Someone once told me that I was their happy place. I treasure that to this day.


I look trustworthy. I own a mirror, I know what my face looks like. Wasn't expecting that, was very kind.


23 years old about to walk into a bar, girl walking out stops and says “you’re a very attractive man.” I was too shy then to say anything back but I still think about it


"Huh, your're kind of sexier naked than I expected.."


You are too cute, I don't think I can pursue something serious with you, you will jump to other girls in a flash. I was flattered and annoyed at the same time.


I've been growing my hair out for almost 2 years now and this girl I had a crush on said she liked my hair in class. I really liked her but I don't know how to respond so I thanked her and moved on. Now when I see her in that class dating my friend I feel like a fool


I was once told by a lovely stranger that I had gorgeous eyes.

She took a bit of the polish off the compliment by later adding that I reminded her of her boyfriend, but I was still in a happy place for a long time after that.


My sophomore year of high school a girl said my voice was deep and kinda hot, still makes me smile thinking about it


This shirt fits you very well. Been riding that wave for 3 years and that shirt is now very special to me.


A girl is calling me cute and smart. She says those compliments should be said out loud because they could change so much. She is right. They double my self-confidence.


In 5th grade a girl was crying because she hurt her knee so I took her to the medical room and when we got her she hugged me and said "Your the best person I know"

I'm still friends with her 11 years later


A friends sister once complimented my muscular legs, not in a flirtatious way but in A " HOLY S**T YOU GUYS SEEING THIS??" kinda way


Was at a student org party in college and a couple really drunk girls who I'd never seen before were walking out. One stopped as they were leaving, grabbed my face and said "you have an immaculate jawline"

That was 6+ years ago and I still get warm fuzzies from it


"I do"

Image credits: Logical_Lemur


"If my kids needed a step dad, I would pick you."


Image credits: thedankbank1021


A friend once told me if she ever did shrooms, I would be the person whom she'd want looking out for her

Image credits: misterhamster118


“I feel safe with you”. An old girlfriend said that to me. I’ve never felt more like a man.

Another one was “you are way too charming to not a have a girlfriend!”

Image credits: Rossi-5


At 18, my then 24 yo girlfriend who was my first real relationship, told me "you kiss wonderfully". Let's say the rooster in me fluffed his feathers


I’ve been told I have really soft hands. Well, that disappeared since I started gymming so no compliments since then


An older African lady at a trucking school circled me, called me pretty, and said don't be afraid sweetie, I don't bite. I've never felt like such a piece of meat in my life, but that was the best compliment ever. I cherish the fear that was in my heart


I was told my voice was soft and soothing, and she gave me a whole bunch bunch other compliments, but that one really stuck

The other compliments were

You’re a really genuine person, to the point where it’s lowkey admirable.

You also have pretty cursed humor so it’s great when you send weird ass videos. Some might go as far as saying you’re funny. Obviously not me but I guess I could see why other people would think that. Again NOT me.

You’re really driven, pretty inspiring how you actually know what you want to do with your life.

These were from messages, thats why I have them written down


When I was in 6th grade, I was walking out of the boys' locker room all sweaty and had my glasses on my shirt (the way you see people in movies do it, you know, in the middle of the collar.) I was walking to my friend group and this girl I walked pass told me I looked super hot. She wasn't joking. She wasn't being romantic either. It was a genuine compliment. Now, as a preteen who thinks they're an ugly piece of sh*t, this boosted my confidence a sh*t ton. I was so happy. I still think about it to this day.


Shortly after I graduated from college, I got this e-mail from my best friend’s girlfriend. Not having much of a life, I was a frequent third wheel on their dates. She was a year behind us, so she was still in college after I had finished.

Anyway, she just goes on and on in this e-mail about how much she misses seeing me around campus and hanging out with me. The line that stuck with me was, “Of all the people I know, you’re the one I most want to see happy.”

Closest thing I ever got to a love letter.


Don't know if this qualifies or not.

My ex-girlfriend (a fairly long time ago) was breaking up with me and she said "You would make a great husband and an excellent father, but you make a sh*tty boyfriend". I found out it is because I wouldn't drop everything and run out of work just to spend time with her.

The curse of being responsible.


I got cat called by a car full of girls once while on vacation. It seems dumb but I was pretty damn flattered cause I was going through some internal sh*t at the time and was kind of depressed. I know it’s not normally something to be excited about but for me at the time it was a confidence booster.


I once got hugged by a cute girl just for existing i didnt even knew who she was never saw her before she heard that its my birthday and just hugged me and told me she did that becuouse i exist i was too shy to ask anything so i walked away after few minutes


Not that anyone is gonna see this but here goes. About 6 yrs ago I had taken my son to his doctor’s appointment, he was 1 yr old at the time, during the course of the examination he peed on me as he was not in a diaper as per the doctor’s exam. I dried my shirt as best I could with paper towel in the office, however it was still damp with urine. After the exam my I carried my son to the parking lot, the doctor’s office was in a large mall attached to an professional building. Once at the car I buckled him into his car seat then took off my shirt in order to put on the hoodie I had with me. I thought nothing of it and stripped off my shirt right in the parking lot beside my vehicle. Just as I had gotten my shirt and was baring my “dad bod” to the masses an attractive Spanish woman drove passed and rolled down her window and said very loudly “ME-OW”. I turned and saw her with a very warm and genuine smile appraising me. I blushed deeply and chuckled, she laughed as well and kept driving. I still think about that moment today, it always makes me smile. That one simple gesture made and continues to make me happy.


In the 3rd grade we had an assistant teacher who would always notice when my socks matched my shirt and would call me "a snappy dresser" ….22 years later my socks constantly match my shirt.


Was having dinner outside with the woman I am dating now, her two kids and my daughter. local joint, my date knows lots of people in town and mentions an older gent walking by as the sweetest man. But then looks at my daughter and says "other than your dad..."

Was sitting at the same establishment on a different day, and an older lady joins us and tells me "you are sooo good looking" and later comments on my eyes. This was really unexpected, I have pretty big self esteem issues about appearance.

Woman I dated last year said I had a very calm and non threatening presence, easy to talk to.

Thanks for making me dig these up. Yesterday was rough and I needed to remember the positive vibes in my dating life instead of the negatives.


Spent the day with a girl friend of mine who needed a ride somewhere I was going anyway. When I saw her a day later she said she couldn't hang out then because her chest still hurt from spending the previous day with me laughing. Was very sweet. She still banged the much hotter guy I was friends with, but it was a nice statement.


"You've got such a sexy voice" from a lady I worked with from another office.

Her face crumbling in disappointment when we met was less awesome.


'You make feel like im back in my childhood'

Glad to make a girl feel that way if she wants to.


I was once wearing a kilt for Hogmanay and a drunk woman complemented the hairiness of my legs...

A weird complement to get at 17 from a middle aged woman tbh.


You always smell like laundry.

Out of the blue walking down the hallway at work. As a sweaty beast of a man I took that as a great compliment. im sure my wife used it to mark her territory when we first got married and just never slowed down on the fabric softener.


I have received two:

In college I reconnected with a girl I dated in highschool and she said I was the standard she measured other guys against.

A couple decades later I was with a woman for a few years who called me her unicorn because she thought I was amazing and a once it a lifetime find.


A girl told me in high school that I'd look great if I just got a f***ing haircut

Image credits: Hegemooni

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