This Online Community Collects Terrible Book Covers, And Here Are 144 Of The Worst Ones - Its Magazine

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Monday 29 March 2021

This Online Community Collects Terrible Book Covers, And Here Are 144 Of The Worst Ones

Don't judge a book by its cover, they say. But what if it looks so bad, even a five-year-old with the oldest version of MS Paint could have done a better job?

There's a subreddit, called r/TerribleBookCovers, and its members are—you guessed it—collecting the worst book covers that have ever been published. Whether it's an insulting title or a hideous drawing, they have it all. Continue scrolling and check out some of the most popular pictures within the online community.

#1 The Hobbit

Image credits: Chtorrr

#2 Kissing The Coronavirus (Coronavirus Erotica?!)

Image credits: bookdepository1

#3 Do Your Kids Suffer From Nightmares? No, Not Yet? Well This Should Help A Lot

Image credits: CrazyBooyy

#4 Call Him Xi Dada

Image credits: MVpizzaprincess

#5 Everything About This Is Terrible

Image credits: henrikst1

#6 My Librarian Wife Always Has Interesting Finds

Image credits: johnc98

#7 It’s Worth A Look!

Image credits: reginaldVince

#8 People Who Need To Die: Cell Phones

Image credits: Ackman1988

#9 How Ironic

Image credits: Redwards426

#10 Empress Theresa - Final Cover

Image credits: Wheredoesthetoastgo2

#11 Found This In A Doctors Office A Few Years Ago. I Think About This Way Too Much

Image credits: UndeniablyCake

#12 Don’t Steal This Kids Lunch

Image credits: TravelingEnceladus

#13 I’m Just Waiting For The Film Adaptation

Image credits: tabitha21

#14 The 50th Edition Lotr Covers Are Something Else...

Image credits: bertmerps

#15 My Mom Used To Read This One To Me

Image credits: KillinCat

#16 Woof? I Feel So Empty

Image credits: LovelyWetBrat

#17 His Leg On Ready Player One’s Cover

Image credits:

#18 Wtf?

Image credits: point5_

#19 Prehistoric Passion From Mars

Image credits: telperion87

#20 I Can’t Believe It’s Real

Image credits: beartrapperkeeper

#21 Excuse Me, Are You Talking To Me?

Image credits: Ackman1988

#22 Not A Strip I'd Want To See

Image credits: LovelyWetBrat

#23 When Your Mom Tells You To Get A Real Job, But You Double Down Trying To Prove You Can Start That Cult You Always Said You Would...

Image credits: savage0ne1

#24 Secrets

Image credits: unklethan

#25 Yeah It Does...

Image credits: atomicblondeshell

#26 Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover, Even If It Is A Collage Of Jpegs

Image credits: SpahsgonnaSpah

#27 Detective Hitler On The Case

Image credits: FearlessIntention

#28 Even The Price Is Questionable

Image credits: juliamich04

#29 Romance Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Image credits: pearshapedcat

#30 Ten Things Doctors Won't Tell You About Your Cpap Machine

Image credits: ptigue

#31 Librarian Wife Comes Through Again

Image credits: johnc98

#32 Can't Stop Staring In Puzzlement At The Perfectly Matching Hemline

Image credits: Kresley

#33 It Came With A Poster As Well

Image credits: Endless-Wonder

#34 This Series Of Books Is A Goldmine

Image credits: vk000mk74

#35 I Don’t Even Know What To Say About This One

Image credits: Ohnobros111

#36 Beneath The Half Ass Photoshop

Image credits: pickledhoney

#37 Found This On Facebook

Image credits: SeductivePlumage

#38 I Think I've Found It! The Most Glorious Photoshop Of All Time!

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#39 This Belongs Here

Image credits: Greenxgrotto

#40 Wtf

Image credits: Chanel_Lackaday

#41 I Don't Even Know What To Say About This Book Cover

Image credits: Chtorrr

#42 Is This What Happens When You Build Your House On An Ancient Wolf Burial Ground?

Image credits: Ackman1988

#43 That Lighthouse Imagery...

Image credits: Amybo82

#44 Don't Make Me Go Back, Mommy: A Child's Book About Satanic Ritual Abuse By Doris Sanford

Image credits:

#45 I'm Impressed By Her Balance

Image credits:

#46 Apparently Hitler & Co Invented Time Travel

Image credits: Ackman1988

#47 Found In One Of Those Trashy Book Apps

Image credits: shhdidhw

#48 Things Were Different Back Then

Image credits: infernalspawnODOOM

#49 Why The Hell Was This In The School Library?

Image credits: Xypherius

#50 Substitute Father

Image credits: cheque

#51 I Can’t Believe This Is A Real Book

Image credits: Ohnobros111

#52 This Title Is Surprisingly Relevant Nowadays

Image credits: trans-2butene

#53 Just Say "No"!

Image credits: FNaXQ

#54 With One Breath (Czech For "Reading In One Sitting"): Pillar Of Fire (And Other Short Stories)

Image credits: Lem_Tuoni

#55 Cheap Date?

Image credits: FNaXQ

#56 What In Tarnation...

Image credits: holymotherofbunnies

#57 Philosopher's Stone, Albanian Version. Not Sure What's Going On Here

Image credits: ancientslumber

#58 I Met The White House!

Image credits: PazMajor

#59 Not Sure If This Has Been Posted Before, But...

Image credits: 18021982

#60 This Book Cover I Found On Amazon...

Image credits: _WalksAlone_

#61 Imagine Getting Kilt

Image credits: Tjcosti

#62 Maybe I Would Have Been Better At Geometry If I Had This In High School

Image credits: CharlieIsAFatBoy

#63 Why The Chinese Are The Way They Are

Image credits: Kongo204

#64 If You Fail You Can Always Say, "The Devil Made Me Do It!"

Image credits: FNaXQ

#65 This Author Is Cancer

Image credits: ThereWolves

#66 Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Image credits: Ackman1988

#67 My Anaconda Just Don't...

Image credits: Ackman1988

#68 C'mon Everyone, Let's Join In On The Fun!

Image credits: FNaXQ

#69 Kissing The Coronavirus Is Back!

Image credits: bookdepository1

#70 Photoshop? I've Got My Kids!

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#71 What The... What??

Image credits: HeDoesNotBehave

#72 Til That Native American Women Shot At Cowboys With Lasers (Also There Was Young Love In The Wild West)

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#73 From The Author Of Kissing The Coronavirus!

Image credits: bookdepository1

#74 This Book Was Recommended In A Thread About Power Armor, But The Cover Is Ridiculous

Image credits: SSB_Hokage

#75 Odd Experiment I'd Expect This From Bert And Ernie But Not Elmo And Grover

Image credits: LovelyWetBrat

#76 I Think Mom Has Taken This Too Literally...

Image credits: FNaXQ

#77 How To Talk With Your Dog About Homosexuality And Communism

Image credits:

#78 Lisa Simpson Grew Up To Be A Hitchhiker

Image credits: Ackman1988

#79 You Gotta Love The Covers Kai Chooses For His Books

Image credits: lalonalgas47

#80 That Man Is Most Assuredly Deceased

Image credits: armyofchuckness

#81 Ok

Image credits: Chanel_Lackaday

#82 Tractor Teacher

Image credits: cckarate7

#83 "These Heels Were Made For Walking, Through The Apocalypse"

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#84 À Mash Made In Heaven. The Title Is Sexy Potatoes. I’m Sure They’re Onions

Image credits: therealumbongo

#85 This Is Bad Even For The Low Bar Of Dinosaur Erotica

Image credits: icamom

#86 No Ponies In The House!

Image credits: internet_czar

#87 Oh No

Image credits: snappergapp

#88 My Latest Purchase

Image credits: longlivethedodoyo

#89 ...if You Say So!

Image credits: Chanel_Lackaday

#90 Do Movie Covers Count?

Image credits: apollyon093

#91 Terrible Everything

Image credits: NormalCharmander

#92 Our Library Was Trying To Get Rid Of This One

Image credits: rongly

#93 Religious Fruitcake 101

Image credits: Ackman1988

#94 I Think The Title Is Just As Bad As The Photo

Image credits: ZoeKitten84

#95 Browsing Through Books At A Thrift Store, Um...

Image credits: sophiaross

#96 I'm Not Sure Why You'd Pick Such An Utterly Terrifying Cover For A Joke Book

Image credits: Chtorrr

#97 My Friend Showed Me This

Image credits: Broccroccoli

#98 3 Hands

Image credits: ShootyMShootFace

#99 Who Decided This Was A Good Idea For A Book About Family Violence?!

Image credits: _rayquaza_

#100 In Our Neighborhood David Has Aids By Doris Sanford

Image credits:

#101 The 1987 Berkley Reprint Cover Of ‘It’ Is Really, Really Bad...

Image credits: iStretchyDisc

#102 It’s Actually A Good Book

Image credits: CannableNectar

#103 This Butt-Faced Alien Viking

Image credits: SpaceMasters

#104 People Who Need To Die: Bad Drivers

Image credits: Ackman1988

#105 Warm Fuzzies For Lonely People, Now With Beanie Babies!

Image credits: TheDivineOomba

#106 The Very Hungry Cthulupillar

Image credits: LuciferJonez

#107 Check This Kindle Author’s Sweet Photoshop Skillz

Image credits: tychnophile

#108 This Infamous Serbian 8th Grade Biology Textbook... With Nicolas Cage On The Cover, For Some Reason

Image credits: RandomLoLJournalist

#109 How Do You Even Begin

Image credits: Ludwick

#110 Milk: The Deadly Poison

Image credits: orange__lazarus

#111 1 Will Protecc, Rest Will Attacc. Choose Wisely

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#112 What Even

Image credits: zfreakazoidz

#113 Empress Theresa - "Improved" Edition

Image credits: Wheredoesthetoastgo2

#114 I Feel Violated

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#115 The Gears Are My Favorite Part

Image credits: typewrytten

#116 How To Make Beautiful Food In A Mold

Image credits: Chtorrr

#117 No

Image credits: Chanel_Lackaday

#118 Do Online Book Covers Count? Because, Yikes

Image credits: SweetTreeBee

#119 Hey Girl... I Heard You Like Book Covers

Image credits: sharonimacaroni6

#120 Ms Paint! I Have Missed You So Much!

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#121 The Title Was Weird Enough To Get My Attention At The Library

Image credits: yukimayari

#122 I Loved These Books When I Was Younger But This Is Just Horrible

Image credits: KITE_Maverick

#123 Wat

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#124 Ah Now This Is Modern Art

Image credits: just_an_okay_goth

#125 Subtlety Is The Key

Image credits: Ackman1988

#126 I'm Not Entirely Sure What That Is But I'm Not Convinced Kids Would Eat It

Image credits: Chtorrr

#127 I Have Spoken Too Soon...

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#128 A Shell Of A Read

Image credits: SqueakyLittleMouse

#129 Cookbook Covers Shouldn't Be Uncomfortable

Image credits: Chtorrr

#130 Amazing Book, Hilarious Cover

Image credits: RecDep

#131 I Found This At My School's Library

Image credits: Erase_Flash_Fund

#132 Going To Learn This Language Just To Read This Book. Art

Image credits: badjokesarefunn

#133 The Dangers Of Kissing... Or Whatever These People Are Doing

Image credits: ladybugparade

#134 Why Are His Feet So Detailed

Image credits: squishywife

#135 Not Another Lotr Fanfic!

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#136 Found This Beauty At Goodwill

Image credits: voodooaliens

#137 "He A Little Confused, But He Got The Spirit"

Image credits: GodEmperorBiden

#138 Oof No Thanks

Image credits: godofimagination

#139 No This Is Not Lord Of The Rings

Image credits: andrejRavenclaw

#140 Of Animals, With... Of Animals

Image credits: Bawsmayn

#141 Presenting To You: The Very First Draft Of "Stranger Things"

Image credits: TituCusiYupanqui

#142 Uncanny Valley Much?

Image credits: ZoeKitten84

#143 Picked This One Up At A Thrift Store

Image credits: SketchAO

#144 Sexy Lunchbox Mystery

Image credits: goldenstargazer

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