People Are Sharing Advice That Turned Out To Be Surprisingly Good For Them (45 Tweets) - Its Magazine

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Tuesday 30 March 2021

People Are Sharing Advice That Turned Out To Be Surprisingly Good For Them (45 Tweets)

Ah, life advice! It’s that wonderful thing that we just looove handing out (but hate listening to). Among all the pleasures in life, handing out life advice to a friend or even a complete stranger on the internet has got to rank among the top 100, for sure. And there’s hardly anything better than giving someone advice that we ourselves should be following but aren’t, am I right, dear Pandas?

For instance, I know so much about eating healthily, it’s ridiculous. Do I practice what I preach? Heck no! However, this list is about surprisingly good advice. Advice that’s useful. Timely. Concise. And, frankly, just spot-on. Internet users started sharing all these golden nuggets of wisdom after LA-based TV writer Amanda Deibert created a viral Twitter thread.

Scroll down and upvote the advice you think is the best and be sure to share some of your own pearls of wisdom in the comment section below. But beware: even though these tips are useful, far from every bit of advice is good for us, as we’re about to find out.

More info: Twitter |

Image credits: amandadeibert


Image credits: inLaurasWords


Image credits: SaltedCarthage


Image credits: cmaddenmft

‘Inc.’ points out that successful entrepreneurs “know the value of listening to advice from others,” however, they suggest having a “buyer must beware” type of mentality. In other words, you can’t switch off your mind and follow someone blindly: you might end up in the middle of the woods with no road in sight.

For instance, ‘Inc.’ suggests keeping a keen eye on the context in which the advice was given: are you at a boardroom or a bar? Also, keep in mind that far from everyone is out to help you. They might give you bad advice to slow you down or send you spiraling in the wrong direction. (Yup, corporate life can be brutal.)


Image credits: tbruso67


Image credits: ragdoll_riot


Image credits: MikeBabulic

Furthermore, you really should be wary of unsolicited advice. Always ask yourself: what is this person’s motivation? What do they gain from me following their advice? Is there any substance to it? Is it self-serving? Do they simply like hearing themselves talk? When you really start digging deep, you’ll find that there are few diamonds in the rough among the lumps of coal. But the gems you find—they’re priceless when polished with practice and proper application.


Image credits: gohomeben


Image credits: mike_sell


Image credits: saltypepper

The thing about advice is that there’s no panacea, no single cure-all tidbit of wisdom that’s going to apply to everyone equally. Some relationship advice is going to be fantastic for somebody going through a break-up but not for someone in the middle of a marriage crisis.


Image credits: talespin22


Image credits: GennHutchison


Image credits: amandawtwong

Similarly, specific dieting advice might work for a small handful of pro-athletes, but it might be barely effective for someone looking to lose weight. It’s all about weighing in and evaluating each bit of advice separately. What works for someone else might not work for you and vice versa.


Image credits: TheWhitneyBrown


Image credits: Toksyk27


Image credits: CMjohnson77

However, we can over-think things and we might get analysis paralysis if we only think about which advice is good for us without actually testing some of it out. At least some experimentation is necessary for us to determine what tips and tricks work for us and which ones are best left for someone else.


Image credits: hmjoneswriter


Image credits: clairewillett


Image credits: MWeix

The problem is that most of us have an opinion about most things. And it can be… difficult to see the difference between somebody’s opinion masquerading as advice and actual advice that the person has applied in their lives and found success. So asking a few follow-up questions is always a plus. Best-case scenario? You go in-depth and fill that noggin of yours with even more useful knowledge than you thought was available. Worst-case scenario? You find out that the person hasn’t been following their own advice and is only speaking on a theoretical level.


Image credits: park24hrs


Image credits: caroljsroth


Image credits: 5feetpetite_75

Speaking of which, isn’t it amazing how bad some of us can be in following our advice? We know what works. We’ve seen it work. We’ve doled out the advice to others and watched it work miracles, but we still won’t cut back on our sugar intake/go for nature walks/try meditating every day. Sometimes, it all comes down to just doing it because our minds can (and will) find every excuse known to humankind just to keep you in your comfort zone.


Image credits: DrStephenTracy


Image credits: BerrakBiz


Image credits: nissenson

This isn’t the first time that Bored Panda has written about TV writer Amanda. We’ve already featured her threads in articles before, including about a seemingly ordinary-looking house listing that’s actually got tons of mannequins posed inside, as well as her thread about women sharing all the ways they protect themselves while running.


Image credits: RobynElyse


Image credits: essikoo


Image credits: GenXtra1


Image credits: KarynSpencer


Image credits: GrombarSmash


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Image credits: dpipski


Image credits: CoprophagousR


Image credits: deaniemills


Image credits: Embroiderista


Image credits: tessdae


Image credits: _plinth_


Image credits: AuthorStacyGold


Image credits: MelanieDesi


Image credits: tiffanygnemmi


Image credits: atheist_poodle


Image credits: aleth24


Image credits: emoontx


Image credits: sixxbri


Image credits: Kimen_RMT


Image credits: freedster1

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