Little Girl Comes Up With A Headless Halloween Costume, People Are Both Impressed And Spooked By It - Its Magazine

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Monday, 2 November 2020

Little Girl Comes Up With A Headless Halloween Costume, People Are Both Impressed And Spooked By It

Halloween just happened and, like any year, the internet was full of neat and creative Halloween costume ideas. Bored Panda has been hard at work to give you a rundown of the best costumes this year, as seen here, here, and here.

But this is the internet and the fun never stops as people continue to share some of the most creative and scariest costumes of this year’s Halloween season.

One such costume, that of a horrific headless creature worn by a little Taiwanese girl, has been going viral recently. And it’s not just horrifying, as you’ll see in a moment.

Proud dad Stoprain Wang shared some photos and videos of her daughter’s Headless Halloween costume

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Facebook user Stoprain Wang has recently shared his little daughter’s Halloween costume—a headless little girl with a dotted black and white dress soaked with blood, holding her own head on a bloodied napkin. The costume was so scary that it didn’t look like she was collecting candy, but more like haunting this establishment.

But it’s not just aesthetics, but also a very practical costume. You see, the place where her head should be has a sign on it that says “candy entrance,” prompting people to throw candy inside. There’s a special compartment designed for collecting candy, which she was doing with ease.

While it’s all about “style” with Halloween costumes, this particular one is also “substance”

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Check out the videos of the now viral headless girl Halloween costume

Speaking of which, judging by the video, she was collecting candy in heaps. People were shoving handfuls of the stuff down the neck hole of the costume. The little girl simply needed to walk around. Easiest candy collection ever!

The costume is essentially a headless body, the head of which is held in the girl’s “costume hands”

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Wang shared photos and video on his Facebook with the caption summing up people’s reactions—“What horror!”, “So great…” and “How did you do it?”, and also explaining that his wife was behind the costume.

“Every year Anita’s work is amazing, and this year the effect is even more amazing! Starting to look forward to Halloween next year.” Wang was especially proud of how well his daughter kept up the act of a horrifying girl—some kids were afraid to get close to her!

But also, the trick here is that she collects the candy effortlessly—people simply throw it into her neck hole

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

It wasn’t long until the post started drawing people’s attention online. First, the post garnered over 13,000 reactions with over 17,000 shares, as well as over a thousand comments and over 1.8 million views on the video alone, and then it made its way onto a number of media outlets and social media, getting thousands of reactions and likes.

People were throwing candy by the handfuls, and all she had to do was walk around from person to person

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

This is by no means a first of its kind as two years ago, there was also Headless Maya, an analogous headless girl costume except with a different dress and less blood involved. You can see her and a number of other costumes here.

What are your thoughts on this? What was your Halloween costume this year? And if you didn’t have one, share one that you saw online or in your neighborhood that you thought was cool! Let us know in the comment section below!

The posted pictures received over 17,000 shares while the video garnered over 1.8 million views

Image credits: Stoprain Wang

Check out the other showcase video Wang shared on Facebook

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