Billionaire businessman Anand Mahindra recently had to babysit his one-year-old grandkid. In just a week, this experience made him recognize that women require much more effort to succeed than men. So much so, that he even shared this realization with his 8 million Twitter followers. Mahindra even added an eye-opening cartoon to his tweet to further illustrate his point.
The image shows three businessmen and three businesswomen lined up for a race on a track. The men have no hurdles in front of them, but the women have laundry, cooking and household chores in front of their paths. Mahindra said he “salute(s) every working woman & acknowledge(s) that their successes have required a much greater amount of effort than their male counterparts.” However, some men were offended by his tweet.
Image credits: anandmahindra
Some men were offended by this tweet, so they created their own versions of it
Image credits: BS_Bhakuni
Which sparked a heated debate on whether or not women and men have the same opportunities
Image credits: dhanashree0910
Image credits: sepprajaram
Image credits: TheHushApp
Image credits: gppotdar
Image credits: PunnedIt55
Image credits: Bhutanese_506
Image credits: MADHANMOHANS4
Image credits: EL_RO
Image credits: EL_RO
Image credits: EL_RO
Image credits: chocotaj
Image credits: IAmSorryBabu
Image credits: Madhurajoshi11
Image credits: XRSuffolk_Sun
Image credits: AshishS10841926
Image credits: Neha_Bhole1
Image credits: admehta585
Image credits: HingePravin
from Bored Panda