Someone Asks “What Is The Most ‘Why The Hell Do You Know That’ Fact?” And People Deliver (62 Facts) - Its Magazine

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Thursday 3 September 2020

Someone Asks “What Is The Most ‘Why The Hell Do You Know That’ Fact?” And People Deliver (62 Facts)

The world is full of randomness, no doubt about it. But there’s nothing more amusing than catching your friend, or even yourself, in the middle of a sentence… that makes you go "why the heck do you know that?!"

This phenomenon is also documented on r/AskReddit, where one user, u/IamDK003, decided to find out some of the most oddly random facts people for some inexplicable reason just know.

The 71.1k upvotes indicate that there has been a whole lot to share, so let’s dive into some of the most interesting facts that will raise your brow, and hair. Feeling like you know an interesting fact or two to share? Don't be greedy, share in the comments!


If you feel the need to stab someone, stab oranges. They're the same consistency as human flesh

Image credits: OurLadyofMorningStar


Many deaths in the Middle Ages resulted from pigs wandering into peasant homes and eating babies out of their cradles.

Image credits: ugagradlady


Hedgehogs [poop] when they run fast therefore if sonic the 

hedgehog was real he would [pooped] himself to death

Image credits: Minerx_Thomas_YT


If you shake/jangle your keys at a moth, it will do a backflip (it’s a defence mechanism)

Image credits: HushUK


Necropants are a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead man, which are believed in Icelandic witchcraft to be capable of producing an endless supply of money.

Image credits: goblinsexologist


Probably not what you're looking for but 1 pound of sugar per 1000 pounds of concrete will ruin the concrete and it will never set firm

Image credits: cayden_13


Licking marshmallows and sticking them on a car on a night below freezing will cause the marshmallows to adhere so strongly that if they are removed while still frozen they will take the car paint with them.

Image credits: ImNotThaaatDrunk


Redheads require more anesthesia drugs to remain unconscious during surgery

Image credits: WaterBearMoonCrash


MLB umpires are required to wear black underwear in case their pants split during a game.

Image credits: ele-lan


It takes approximately 140 bananas (in one sitting) to kill someone.

Image credits: herbharlot


The farthest fall for a human being to survive without a parachute is 33,300 feet.

Image credits: BoWiggly


Fidel Castro loved dairy so much that he invested in trying to breed a cow that could survive in the climate of Cuba and still produce a lot of milk. He failed over and over for years until one day a cow that was exactly to his specifications. She produced obscene, record breaking amounts of milk even for a regular cow and could live in Cuba’s sweltering climate. There were regular updates on her health in the Cuban national newspaper and he loved her so much that when she died he erected a huge marble statue of her in her honor.

Image credits: celestialdragonlord


In order to get bones really white it's best to leave them in bucket of hydrogen peroxide (ideally between 3-6%) for a minimum of 48hrs, or up to a week.

It's easy to buy online, but not so easy to buy in large quantities, as it can also be used to make bombs.

Image credits: Youre_so_damn_fat


Probably the most innocent fact here but- chickens (hens) have an egg song when they lay an egg. It’s like them yelling “I JUST LAID AN EGG! WOOOO!” And then the other hens chime in yelling “YAAAS SHE JUST LAID AN EGG! WOOO!”

Image credits: squidlygreen


If you have a shrimp allergy you also can't eat cicadas.

Image credits: mctoasterson


The last wild cow died in Krakow, Poland in 1627

Image credits: adstaylor77


Male hedgehogs masturbate for pleasure and you have to be careful picking them up because sometimes they have semen on their feet. It’s something you have to look out for when you’re a hedgehog owner like myself.

Image credits: WhyY_196


Saddam Hussein wrote a romance novel.

Image credits: DGatsby


You can substitute blood for eggs in any recipe! 65g of blood can be used in place of one regular egg.

Image credits: You_Are_Secretariat


Imagine this:

You’re walking down the road, and you see a car crash. Someone gets out of a car, and you realize it’s someone you know, so you call their name. They turn, and crumple to the ground.

What happened? They dislocated a bone in their neck, and when they turned their neck, they fully snapped it. There’s a bunch of stories of this happening to people, which is very scary.

Image credits: DelusionalDonut13


Urine is historically one of the biggest exports that Newcastle UK ever had. It was used for a variety of purposes especially for making ammonia to make paint.

Image credits: Dr-Figgleton


Horses can masturbate by hitting their 70cm long dong against their bellies.

Image credits: Wilfried_Sorrow


The Defense mechanism of the sea cucumber is to eject its toxic internal organs out of its anus, causing the predator to eat them and die.

Also they reproduce by having the female shoot out the egg cell and the male shooting the sperm at it

Image credits: omXgabeasts


Three barleycorns laid end to end is the basis for the inch.

Image credits: ImALittleCrackpot


"Rats constantly leave a trail of urine while dragging their tails. You can follow the trail with a UV light."

Image credits: pink_kangaroo23


Before clocks were invented clockwise and counter clockwise were called deisul and widdershins

Image credits: mikefranks88


It takes roughly 400 people to forge a sword out of "the blood of your enemies"

Image credits: Danny_Doritos_Dong


The Etoro people of Papau New Guinea believe that their gods gave their tribe a finite amount of semen in ancient times, and they have "passed on" their stockpile of precious semen from man to boy for generations since

Image credits: EarthExile


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was a really popular novel, and was made into a stage play. The actor playing the eponymous role(s) was so good at switching from the good doctor to the evil Hyde that people wrote to the police claiming that he absolutely had to be the real Jack the Ripper (who was thought likely to be a qualified doctor based on the way he dissected his victims). They thought no normal person would be able to make such a transformation.

Image credits: jelilikins


Pigeons sing in 5/4 and 17/8 time signature.

Image credits: neohylanmay


You can neutralize the smell of a rotting corpse by covering it with the ashes of a common camp fire! any wood ash should work, friends.


An important predator to the Canadian Moose is the Killer whale. The Moose will swim over seastraits and get picked off by the killer whales.


If you put a needle into the gum line between the 7th and 8th tooth you’ll hit a nerve that runs past your nose and up to behind your eye. Hitting this nerve causes excruciating pain that no painkiller will help you with. You’ll basically need to be given local anaesthetic or put in an induced coma to stop feeling it.


An orgasm can stop hiccups


The Hawaiian state fish is called a "humuhumunukunukuapuaa".


1st of January, 100000 is Thursday


Not only is an elephant's penis prehensile it's strong enough to throw a grown man around.

Image credits: MahaliAudran


You can fit ×8 250lb* (intact) human bodies (supine) in the back of a 2001 Subaru Outback wagon. Fold down the back seat and toss em in. Source: moved training dummies for an Army first aid class. Got pulled over because a hand was out and "reaching." Sherriff walked up, saw the dummies, laughed and told me to have a nice day after explaining the call.

Image credits: PanicEnthusiast


julius caesar's soldiers used sing a marching song about how much caesar liked it up the ass


It would only take about a month and a half to collect enough shed skin cells to completely replace the flour in a traditional pound cake recipe, about 438g. We shed about 9 lbs of dead skin each year, and 438g is only .966 lbs, so at a rate of .75 lbs of skin per month you would only need a way to collect shed skin for a little over 5 weeks. Being high in protein, your skin flour should have a consistency close to a bean flour and can be used in a similar way to make a pound cake.
It would take between five and six weeks to make a skin cake.


I broke my collar bone and had to have physical training to strengthen it. They had me squeeze some equipment to measure my grip strength. I hit 140 lbs. He said "Holy crap, thats great! You know, It only takes 50 lbs to strangle someone." My first question was why the f*** do you know that??


Rams are about the same size as football players.

The iconic curled horns of a male bighorn sheep can weigh up to 30 pounds, which is more than all the bones in his body combined.

From head to tail, rams usually fall somewhere between five to six feet long, and they tend to tip the scales at 260 to 280 pounds, occasionally exceeding 300 pounds.


The kangaroo is the only animal whose testicles are located above his penis.


in jaisalmer (rajasthan) india, female infanticide is completely common. as soon as the unwanted baby's born they pack her nose and mouth with sand and bury her under a tree, then tie a small white flag/rag in the tree as a makeshift memorial. explained to me, very matter of factly, with little emotion, by a mother who had suffocated & buried 2 daughters before having a son (yay! no dowry to save up for!)


All mammals over the weight of 3kg take approximately 21 seconds to pee, whether that be a housecat, a horse or an elephant.


It's illegal to be intoxicated in a bar in Alaska.

I won a trivia game at work because I happened to know this obscure fact. The lady organizing it accused me of cheating because no one had ever known the answer to "in which state is it illegal to be drunk in a bar?"

I've known it for so long I don't even remember where I learned it.


A sock over a baseball bat is a really effective home defense weapon. If they grab the bat, the sock will make the bat slip out of their grasp and you can continue beating them until they get out


Our local landfill will take your loved ones body and dispose of it for $35.


That in WWII the United States designed “bat bombs”

Basically canisters filled with bats strapped with incendiary devices

The idea was that you drop them over a Japanese city, which were largely wood structures at the time. The bats roost in attics and so on, then after a certain amount of time they detonate.


Bees can vibrate their bodies super fast which produces a lot heat. In order for a hive to defend themselves from intruders like wasps they will dog pile the wasp while vibrating and it will eventually cook the wasp alive.


Arigato" is Japanese for "Thank you."

"Obrigado" is Portuguese for "Thank you."

Portugal was the first European country to really make meaningful contact with Japan, which was the easternmost heavily-populated country/region in Asia. Portugal happens to be the westernmost country in Europe.

The two words, Arigato and Obrigado, are linguistically completely unrelated.

Those two very similar words developed in completely isolated contexts on opposite ends of the world's largest landmass, and they mean the same thing.


You need approximately 23,6 kg of anthracite coal to burn an average human male (80kg) at cremation temperatures


About 1 cup of ground apple seeds contains enough cyanide to kill a human. Smoothie anyone?


Most dying people don’t just slow down breathing and stop silently like the movies. The agonal breathing they do the last few hours or minutes is often startlingly loud. But it makes their CO2 so high that they are unconscious and not suffering, it’s just hard on the hearer.


Butterflies sometimes drink blood.

Dogs like squeaky toys because the noise reminds them of small animals dying.

It's not actually known how anaesthetics work.

Also on the note of anaesthesia, until the 80s they weren't used on babies because it was believed they couldn't feel pain.

On average, you walk past 15 murderers in a lifetime.


The E in Chuck E. Cheese stands for "Entertainment", making his full name Charles Entertainment Cheese.


The longest German word where every letter only is used once is 'Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung' and outside of stating this fact I have so far never needed it in my life.


The last person who died building the hoover dam was the son of the first person who died building it.


A male giraffe will taste the urine of a female to know if she's fertile


America dropped extra large condoms labeled small into Soviet territory to make the Russians feel bad.


If you squeeze a male's testicles hard enough, the adrenaline overload can kill him.

Do with that information as you wish.


That little plastic bit on the end of a shoelace is called an aglet.

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