Someone Asked Reddit ‘What Will People Be Nostalgic For 40 Years From Now’ And 39 Redditors Responded - Its Magazine

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Wednesday 2 September 2020

Someone Asked Reddit ‘What Will People Be Nostalgic For 40 Years From Now’ And 39 Redditors Responded

Being a ’90s kid, I often find myself stumbling upon something on the internet that we as kids used to have or do back in our childhood. Many of us look back at our childhood fondly, with a certain sense of nostalgia that fills us with joy (or dread, depending on how much you’re affected by existential factors).

But we never think of the things that we have now that we may end up being nostalgic about 40 years from now. That is why Reddit user u/tandyman234 has recently asked this very same question on r/AskReddit: in 40 years what will people be nostalgic for? And Reddit delivered.

Bored Panda has collected some of the best answers, which you can find below. While you’re down there, why not comment and vote for the ones you’ve enjoyed the most.



Image credits: Medleyfish


Comfortable temperatures.

Image credits: MarchionessofMayhem


The Internet.

Hell, I'm nostalgic for it now. Not the final form that the internet has taken over the past decade or so, but those wild west days before youtube, facebook, social media, reddit. Finding weird ass sites, geocities pages, looking up cheat codes for GTA, hanging out on forums, seeing something go truly grassroots viral and not just because it's trending on instagram or something. Those days when no company knew what the hell the internet was or how to market on it, it was just left to the nerds and the kids who were making up the rules as they went along.

I miss when the internet felt like a little adventure rather than a timesink or utilitarian tool to get the day to day done.

Image credits: shawnisboring

While it’s hard to predict the future and to know what things probably feel nostalgic to us, Reddit had no problem coming up with a slew of answers to the question. These varied from funny to interesting to just plain sad.

While some were realistic in their answers, pointing out that things like DVDs, driving manuals, and physical money will probably be something of a blast from the past, others joked that we’ll most likely be nostalgic about the US Postal Service, a hint at the current US postal crisis, and bubble wrap, also pointing at a recent bit of news that bubblewrap will be made in a way that doesn’t pop.


The night sky.

By that time, Musk, Bezos, and god knows who else, will have hundreds of thousands of satellites in orbit. Our cities will have doubled in size, and urban sprawl will cause further light pollution. Stargazing will be something future generations will only hear stories about...

Image credits: iron40


Poppable bubble wrap

Image credits: armyofmoose9


Being able to say “it must have got lost in the mail” or “I didn’t get your text” as a lie for ignoring someone

Image credits: level 1 KenComesInABox

Yet others drew people’s attention to the fact that we might end up being nostalgic for things like snow and ice, especially in areas that are already getting little snow, privacy in light of all of the surveillance being done via cameras and tech in general, and comfortable temperatures, a subtle hint at climate change.

The Reddit post went viral not only because it strummed everyone the right way—i.e. the nostalgia way—but also because it managed to get over 73,000 upvotes with a total of 18.4k comments. It was also the recipient of over 185 various Reddit awards.


Hardcover books

Image credits: cobrakylena


Cars with a manual gearbox

Image credits: StridingEdgy


We just spent 5 months with family. Having dinners together, watching TV together, playing games, just being a family. Kids are going to grow up remembering the time they had with their parents and siblings. There will be good memories.

Image credits: LIJoe86

What are your thoughts on this? What will you be nostalgic about in 40 years? Let us know in the comment section below!


Clean air

Image credits: linextinofficial


Driving a car yourself

Image credits: prc805


I'm fifty years old, so I can actually be nostalgic for things from 40 years ago. Mostly I miss my grandparents. We take people for granted until they're gone. The people in your life won't always be there.

I'm also nostalgic for a time when it was normal to not be able to contact someone anytime you wanted to. Now if someone calls, texts, or emails you're expected to answer or respond immediately.

Image credits: HellHathNoFlurry


"Back in my days we used videogames with controllers!"

Image credits: AmaterasuWolf21


I have a running joke that I'm from the future and I'm relieved that I'm back in the glory days of 2020.

Image credits: personalspaceshow


Polar bears.

Image credits: dihedral3


Drinks full of sugar, food full of salt. Oh and antibiotics that still work.

Image credits: Definitive-pie


being Rick rolled

Image credits: TheEpic_1YT


The United States Postal Service

Image credits: aweiher98


Seafood. There won't be anything left in 40 years. I get it there will be some sort of sea life clinging on to eat. My point is nobody will be eating halibut and tuna on the regular because we killed 90% of them

Image credits: qpv


Movie DVDs. With everything going digital, I think production houses will soon stop making DVDs and just start streaming the movies in either their respective streaming platforms or sell them to other platforms like Netflix.

Image credits: a_guy_named_gai


Playing physical games with friends. Going to friends’ houses to play basketball/soccer and a few video games, and then have a sleep over. Socializing to the extend even the youngest here have experienced.

Image credits: semeon_


I'm already nostalgic for dramatically flipping a phone closed to end a phone call...


Cash money. Besides the occasions when dealing with cash is just a lot more convenient, it's art--all those paper bills and coins are designed. Some are beautiful.

Image credits: Gooseberry_Sprig


Payphones. Imagine trying to explain to your grand children, "back in my day if I needed to be picked up from the park, I called Collect on the payphone to my Mom and when the machine asked who was calling you said 'pickmeupat5:30please' so you didn't have to pay for the call".


Flipping through cable aimlessly not really sure what will be on any channel and just going til you hit something decent. The place I'm at now has free cable included and sometimes I'll waste hours just flipping through. It feels just like the early 2000s again and is a crazy throwback feeling to watching TV before everything was on apps and on demand.


Healthy spines and happiness

Image credits: Ryanmcl19


The sound of a V8


So many of the amazing movies made in the 2000's. Lord of the rings, The Matrix, many of the Cristopher Nolan movies. I'm convinced these newer classics will be enjoyed for decades to come


I think YouTube. Like how us 80/90s babies miss early Nickelodeon and Saturday morning cartoons I think future generations will miss the unlimited content.

Image credits: StonerLB


Top 3 things that came to my mind: going to the movies, being able to flip to a random channel, [and] driving to places (maybe 40 years is too soon for this to be nostalgic but it'll happen soon enough)

Image credits: Carnatic_enthusiast


Honestly probably malls. I feel like a lot of them are going out of business and getting torn down. Well at least the old mall experience.


Express your opinion anonymously on internet


Split Screen Gaming. It's already sorta not a thing anymore

Image credits: theMasterDerpy


Original movies


High quality nerf blasters

Image credits: NyeGuyTheBillNye




Handshakes when you meet someone.

Image credits: Summerie




The 1950s. People are always nostalgic for the ‘50s.

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