In a world where the wealth gap is widening for more than 70% of the global population, people are becoming increasingly divided by income. And it all comes down to little things. What if refusing to clean your own house speaks volumes, but very differently depending on the dime you make?
This time, people on r/AskReddit are taking us on a valuable lesson on income inequality. You see, when someone asked “What's classy if you're rich but trashy if you're poor?” it was destined to resonate with many people out there. The answers started flooding in, like “an old car being the most expensive thing you own” and “having a lawyer’s business card in your pocket.”
We picked some of the most illuminating ones to reflect on down below.
The most expensive thing you own is a really old car.#2
Asking for money. When you're poor it's begging, when you're rich, it's a fundraiser#3
Being really into wine#4
Getting money from the government.#5
Police escorts#6
Living at a hotel#7
Not cleaning your own house#8
Having many many pets.#9
Walking around all day in a bathrobe.#10
Having a wedding in your yard.#11
Being on a first name basis with a judge#12
Making your own booze#13
Having other people raise your kids.#14
Trying to avoid paying taxes#15
If you are weird and rich people just call you eccentric, but if you are weird and poor people call you crazy.#16
Having multiple kids with multiple partners#17
Keeping a bottle of liquor in your office#18
Wearing hoodies/sweats/gym wear to work.. Especially in Tech.#19
Cheese as a meal#20
Rich guy buys fast food: "He's just like us!"Poor guy buys fast food: "He should really make better choices."
Having a lawyer's business card in your wallet.#22
Showing up to a formal occasion in t-shirt and jeans.#23
Rich people collect. Poor people hoard.#24
Off-the-planet craziness. Think Kanye vs some poor regular guy who makes zero sense.#26
Biggest thing is leisure spending, imo. Somehow a billionaire wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on shit she doesn’t need and will use once is considered cool, but a poor person saving up and buying a nice purse or bottle of booze is seen as wasteful#27
Stealing from the middle class#28
Having a bunch of kids#29
Substance abuse. Rich people are ‘troubled’ whereas poor people are just junkies#30
Having a big screen TV. I’ve had to do home visits with people often and they ALWAYS get so mad that these poor families would have one.#31
Dressing provocatively. When you're rich it's a fashion statement, when you're poor you're a working girl#32
Eating snails#33
Filing for bankruptcy#34
Wearing “vintage” clothing instead of hand-me-downs#35
Not working a real job.#36
Having a barren house. If you're rich, it's called minimalism. If you're poor, it's not being able to afford furniture.#37
Clothes with holes in them, apparently.#38
Having fake teeth.I see so many celebrities with those fake ass implants that are going to destroy their jaw bones in a decade, but have a legitimate dental problem that results in missing teeth and you can't even get a job anymore, oh and dental insurance doesn't usually cover it either because it's considered cosmetic. Like getting to chew your food is somehow a style choice.
Going to the horse racesfrom Bored Panda