Netflix Puts Up An Ad For Black Mirror’s Season 6, Says Its “Live Now, Everywhere” - Its Magazine

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Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Netflix Puts Up An Ad For Black Mirror’s Season 6, Says Its “Live Now, Everywhere”

People have been saying that 2020 looks like some kind of dystopian book or TV series for quite a while now. We started the year with Australian bushfires ravaging the world, then went straight on to the coronavirus pandemic, and now, people are flooding the streets all across America to protest the killing of George Floyd. While all of it really sounds more like a screenplay for a TV series, it is the reality of 2020.

The online streaming company Netflix spotted the similarities between recent events and its cult series Black Mirror and has recently released haunting ads saying that reality is the show’s 6th season.

Many Black Mirror fans were eager to find out when its 6th season will hit the screens

Image credits: brotherad

Black Mirror’s creator Charlie Brook saddened fans all over the world by saying that season 6 of the dystopian show was on hold. “At the moment, I don’t know what stomach there would be for stories about societies falling apart, so I’m not working away on any of those Black Mirror episodes,” he explained. “I’m sort of keen to revisit my comic skill set, so I’ve been writing scripts aimed at making myself laugh.” Despite his decision to put the show on hold, people on the Internet started pointing out that 2020 looked much like the dystopian show with robot dogs patrolling the parks in Singapore, Apple and Google partnering up to create contact tracing apps, and people rioting all over the world in protest of George Floyd’s killing.

Haunting ads have appeared in Madrid saying it has already been released as reality and is live now, everywhere

Image credits: brotherad

In light of the recent events, it seems like Netflix decided to embrace the concept and had the Madrid-based company Brother Ad design a clever yet shockingly haunting poster for the show, saying the things happening now are season 6 “live now, everywhere.” Just reading it sends shivers down your spine.

This is how people reacted

Image credits: sondosia

Image credits: amalthomas27

Image credits: BrutumF

Image credits: soberdenatural

Image credits: mike_elia

Image credits: hail2thetealeaf

Image credits: southernaftlife

Image credits: howdy_eric

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