Leo the cat has just had its moment. In front of the whole Internet. As the Very Rev. Dr. Robert Willis, Dean of Canterbury, was recording a routine Morning Prayer, Leo simply “walked into him”.
Even though the Anglican priest handled it like a pro and continued with the speech, Leo completely stole the show. Recognizing the comedy in the situation, Canterbury Cathedral shared the clip of the funny moment on its official Twitter account. As everyone was enjoying every second of it, someone made it into a GIF and shared it on Reddit where it really took off, generating nearly 70K upvotes. The comments on the two platforms really elevate the recording, making it an instant Internet classic.
As the Very Rev. Dr. Robert Willis was recording a routine Morning Prayer, Leo the cat simply “walked into him”
Recognizing the comedy in the situation, Canterbury Cathedral shared the funny moment on its official Twitter account
Leo the cat has been getting up to mischief again! Did you spot this moment in Morning Prayer last week? #Caturday pic.twitter.com/xZXDsAQxWW
— Canterbury Cathedral (@No1Cathedral) May 23, 2020
And the comments are priceless
Image credits: banditloaf
Image credits: torralorra
Image credits: Idazaa2
Image credits: OrangeJuche
Image credits: TajaEthereal
Image credits: tonykeyesjapan
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2zjxoxC