Zookeepers Reveal How Quarantine And The Absence Of Visitors Have Affected The Animals - Its Magazine

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Monday 20 April 2020

Zookeepers Reveal How Quarantine And The Absence Of Visitors Have Affected The Animals

Staying home in quarantine with your loved ones feels like living in a zoo now and then. Nobody said it’d be easy. Meanwhile, the real zoos out there have closed their doors to visitors. And that means that porcupines, cheetahs, rhinos, and all the bestest boys and girls are having no proper social life.

Are they going mad just like we are? Someone on Reddit was wondering, so they asked zookeepers: "how are the animals acting differently now that there are no visitors to the zoo?" The inquiry posted on r/AskReddit was upvoted 73.5K times, proving it's something people are genuinely interested in. Let’s see what the zoo workers have to say right below.


I'm an aquarium keeper, and I've certainly noticed a change. Fish are not as stressed as they use to be, as there are no longer children stomping around and banging on glass screaming "NEMO, NEMO, ITS NEMO" at every clownfish. We brought some of our younger penguins down to let them watch the fish, and they were intrigued but confused as to why they couldn't catch them through the glass. Our octopus has become much more friendly as well, and instead of hiding all day from people, enjoys playing with small baby toys or solving food puzzles. Its been nice. I wish there were guidelines people had to sign to behave at zoos before entering, but at the same time, they are the lifeline we so desperately need to keep functioning.

Image credits: Qicklash


One of our emus loves everyone and makes friends with any new keepers who visit him, and so by extension loves having guests around. With the zoo being closed, he became quite morose for a few days, not acting anything like his usually happy self, because all the new friends he makes everyday were gone. So his keepers began asking people from other departments to stop by, take pictures, point him out, basically act like he's the center of attention. The hilarious little diva has been loving it

Image credits: DefinitelySteveIrwin


Our city zoo is closed for visitors. However all the routine feeding activities are in place. Looks like some animals found it weird that there are no people around. The other day a fully grown white tiger started jumping like a puppy when he saw a few of us after two weeks of solitude.. that was a scene!

Image credits: ttcube

Bored Panda contacted Rebecca Blanchard, the media manager at Zoological Society of London, to find out how life in London Zoo looks different now during the quarantine. The ZSL London Zoo closed to the public on 21 March for the first time since World War Two. The staff is now sending packages of perishable food from its Terrace Restaurant to nearby hospitals, and its car park is now open to NHS workers.

Rebecca explained that zookeepers aren’t able to work from home: “our 18,000 animals all need feeding and looking after every single day, no matter what’s happening in the rest of the world.” The staff is now cycling to work and live in the repurposed Zoo lodges, which have previously been home to visitors experiencing an overnight stay at the Zoo.


For a lot of our animals, having the ability to interact with guests is actually extremely important. Even for primates to be able to play with kids through the glass, they are missing out on a lot of enrichment. Guests keep a lot of the monkeys entertained. I watch our guests all day long show our marmosets and capuchins selfie cameras and they LOVE to see their reflection. Guests will also show videos on their phones to animals and the monkeys totally enjoy it.

We have a rescue cockatoo named Row who sings “row row row your boat” to guests. When little kids dance and sing it to her, she gets really excited and feeds off their energy. So do our other cockatoos on exhibit. But now without guests to show off for, every now and then when it’s quiet we’ll hear her start “row row row...” and then she stop and huffs a bit and gets really quiet and sad because she has no one to sing to. Some of our animals REALLY miss having kids to show off for.

You also have to remember that animals in zoos for the most park have grown up totally accustomed to being around people 24/7. They’re not wild animals at all really. They’ve grown up in a very different social dynamic. Quite a few animals get noticeably depressed in the winter months every year when we have few guests, and then perk up in the spring when we get busy.

Image credits: Frogchix08


I work with a lot of geriatric animals at the zoo so it's not surprising that they have become a lot more relaxed since we closed to the public. Ex. Our artic fox spends a lot more of his time basking in the sun instead of spending time in his back holding area trying to avoid screaming children...

Control your children at the zoo please...

Image credits: OhThoseCabbages


In our local zoo the apes started to miss the visitors so they brought in an artist in who's now just painting in the empty monkey house so the apes have someone to watch. They could tell they missed the visitors because they became very bored and are much more excited about the keepers than usual; apparently they watch the visitors as much as the other way around. The keepers now have to pay them more attention to and they also do stuff like hide food for them as a game Also: sorry for the confusion, I am not a Zookeeper myself but I live close by the zoo and it was in the local news and such

Image credits: thegoldensnitch9

The London Zoo staff is working hard to make sure life is as normal as possible for the animals and their routines are maintained. “Like always, Zookeepers have been dedicating their time to caring for the animals⁠—feeding, cleaning, carrying out daily training,” said Rebecca.

The zookeepers need to think up fun and creative new activities to keep animals stimulated. And some animals even get a chance to have a stroll outside the Zoo! “Where safely possible, we take animals like the llamas and Bactrian camels on their walks around the Zoo.”


Finally a thread I can answer!

Not a whole lot of change, but animals definitely missing out some enrichment of seeing guests, especially the otters that follow the kids in the glass under water. Takin, Maned wolves, bison, gibbons, BoPs, Lions, etc all are about the same. Some of our animals that are skittish have been standing closer to the fence where guests usually are (zebras, gazelle) which is nice.

It's kinda this weird balance of being both more and less stressed. On the one side, I don't have to worry about keeper talks or BTS tours and I have more time to get everything done and spend more time with animals. On the other side we're skeleton crewed and there's less of us to care for the whole zoo so I'm working a lot more in areas I don't usually cover as often.

There's one kangaroo that still tries to box me while the emu is shifting ? The one peacock still really doesn't like taking his medications of course ?‍♂️

I have noticed that the crows in the city are behaving a bit differently as well and are being a lot braver lol

Image credits: FriedCockatoo


I work at a very well known and heavily visited zoo. I work with ambassador animals and it’s nice to get a chance to take animals to areas of the zoo they wouldn’t normally get a chance to go to because of traffic etc. BUT, the free ranging geese man.... they are getting mean and territorial. Literal bridge trolls. They might have the hardest time adjusting when all the people come back and they can’t control every pathway!

Image credits: antelopeunfolded


I am a full-time zookeeper and it’s been difficult since we had to lay off all our seasonal/part time help. More work for those of us still there, but the animals are all still getting top-notch care. We’ve been able to take them out to new places they don’t get to when guests are around. Like taking our porcupine to the manatee building and walking a cheetah past the rhinos. I think it’s fun for them, but I haven’t seen any animals acting differently.

Image credits: zookeeperNstbernard


Most of our animals are more relaxed then they are with big crowds, or are acting mostly like they usually do. We have 2 bears that like to people watch, so they're definitely missing that source of entertainment, but are otherwise pretty normal. The biggest difference is that our pair of bald eagles mated for the first time in the decade that they've been housed together. We don't intentionally breed our animals, so there isn't a good nesting spot in their enclosure but they just scraped out a divot and laid 2 eggs in it! However, neither are incubating the eggs, and we don't have breeding permits for them so we can't keep the eggs :( Very unpopular with our visitors. The geese that nest on the property are also getting extra territorial and threatening us keepers a lot more.

Image credits: aurora4847


Depends on the species and even the individual animal. The kangaroos and wallabies who live in our walkthrough enclosure are loving the free roaming throughout the day and not having to stay off the paths, this is making finding them more difficult as they are moving away from there "normal" rest spots. This goes for all animals in interactive enclosures actually. Some of the birds are missing the attention. The wild ravens and seagulls are a bit upset about the lack of easy to steal food. The elephants are enjoying being able to come out for walks at anytime during the day as opposed to in the morning before opening.

Image credits: jennabenna11


The parrots miss the crowds. They love flirting with the guests and now they’re demanding a lot more attention from us.

The tigers are more relaxed because we have been able to do a lot more fun stuff.

The fish are a lot more needy surprisingly. Lol

Image credits: TheGiantUnicorn


Our pandas are finally banging.


Our giraffes have gotten a bit suspicious without the guests being around. It seems to be really spooking them. The gorillas are happy though as they don't really like the guests so they are spending way more time outside which is nice.

Image credits: DemonInUrCloset


Our gorillas miss the people watching so they get a tv with movies set up for them, plus lots of extra enrichment

Image credits: zoopest


I’m on day 25 of working at a closed zoo. I work with great apes, and their behavior has changed a bit. They are generally very interactive with the public, so they are seeking even more attention than usual from us. Some of them were suspicious at first of the overwhelming silence outside now. They were climbing up high and scanning the area looking for everyone. We are in a much larger park, and wild animals wander in all the time, but always scatter when the crowds roll in. Now, there’s bucks just walking around, raccoons and foxes out in the middle of the day. And the squirrels... my god, the squirrels.

Image credits: Erosenthal


Most of our animals are happy as long as we can keep their routines, feeding times etc. For some they need a little extra. We do public encounters with our koalas, wombats and snakes among others so we spend an hour or so a day cuddling and handling these animals to keep them happy. A few of hour koalas really fret if they don't get their cuddles. Otherwise we just try to continue to spend time with animals that are expecting human interaction and of course we can take things for walks around the place like I'm sure you've seen at other zoos. Our wombats love a run and sniff, dingoes as well.

Image credits: sdooj


Due to temporary staff cuts, they no longer have the people to regularly walk the wombats. Some of the wombats are holding the keepers personally responsible. Imagine having a 20 kg chunk of muscle with big rodent teeth mad at you.

Image credits: CursedUmbrella


My girlfriend is a zookeeper and animal behaviorist. She says their animals are becoming stressed. One of their African Grey birds has been plucking his own feathers.

She also mentioned that because they can’t touch many of the animals due to the virus potentially spreading to another zookeeper, many of the animals are looking and acting depressive, not eating well, etc.

Image credits: BanditRecon


As a zookeeper coordinator I’ve been working at the now closed zoo almost every day for the past month. Animals that are free roaming (peacocks, iguanas) are more active, and follow keepers around like they usually do with visitors. Most of the others don’t show much change in behavior. Although birds like swans and flamingos are using the edges of their habitats more.

Image credits: Pyrocephalus-rubinus


Horse trainer/Barn manager here. My farm has 46 horses, about half are privately owned and boarded with us. Like most farms across the country we are completely shut down to all but essential staff. The horses are mostly pretty happy to eat, hang out, and do horse things. We keep our horses turned out 24/7, which helps them remain healthy, happy, moving, and socializing. They are starting to lose muscling at this point, with being worked/ridden. Months or years of conditioning just disappearing by the day. But it will come back once they are all in work again. But I can tell that they are missing human interaction. My personal riding horse was giving me the cold shoulder yesterday, probably because of the lack of attention. I have been trying to give the boarded horses extra attention, I am sure their owners are missing them terribly right now. They all seem to lean in a little more when I brush them these days.

Image credits: fleshcoloredbanana


I’ve been watching the Taronga Zoo cams and the seals definitely keep trying to look through the glass for people while the tigers will pace for 40 minutes straight in front of the viewing window.

Image credits: smokeyhawthorne


I don’t work at a zoo, but the horse farm I manage the horses won’t leave me alone while I’m in their pastures. Normally they’ll come up to say hi and get a nose kiss, but now I can’t get anything done cause they want all of my attention.

Image credits: LindseyLee5


In the Zoo of Antwerp they noticed that the chimps are interacting much more with each other now they don't have people to interact with. And a fish called 'Jos' came much closer to the edge of his aquarium.

Image credits: SendMeYourPetPic


The wolves don't really have any change in behavior, they get enough interaction from us handlers when we take them for walks or brush them or sit in their enclosure to chill. Hopefully we can get private tours up and running soon so we can have a steady flow of donations. It goes to the good boys and girls.


Most are fine. We are trying to make the days as normal as possible. Shifting and cleaning at more or less the same times. Taking more time with animals that are used to a lot of public interaction. Helping hand feed the petting zoo animals. Taking out the education animals.

I'm actually surprised how well the primates are doing, more so because they are used to the attention from the other staff that are no longer here.

The only reaction I've seen: myself and several keepers and maintenance crew were standing outside one if the cat enclosures and when she came out she looked startled that there was a group of people there.


The zoo we go to has been taking various animals for a walk-about around the zoo to meet other animals safe for them but also so the animals can see what is causing all the noise they hear. They say it has reduced the animals' stress.

Obviously, they're not taking tigers for a walk but I think it's a great idea.


I am an animal conservationist and work daily in a closed zoo. We observed animals at our zoo are going out more, instead of willowing in their covered homes. It seems the less attention on them has caused unusual but good behavior. We've recorded that they consume more food than usual. Oh, and they screw more


A lot of the animals have noticed! We compare it to having 300 channels of cable TV to suddenly 10 channels. The apes, cats, and birds probably notice the most and get excited when any of us walk by. We actually have our firm instructions to take a regular walk around our big cat area because one of the snow leopards is sad from the lack of people calling him handsome daily.


The majority of our wild animals haven't been behaving differently. This is probably because their exhibits have visual blockers where they can avoid the public eye if they want.

The only exception to this is our eagles who laid an egg for the first time in the 13 years they've been here.

Our domestic animals, especially the goats, miss you guys. They are used to having members of the public come to feed and interact with them. It is very enriching and while we provide them with toys, puzzle feeders, browse, and other treats we don't have tons of time to spend one on one with them.


At my zoo, the capuchins can't have bamboo sticks because they stab it through the bars at guests. Guess who is now free to stab as much as they want now?


Bird keeper here: the penguins weren’t sure it was really feeding time if no one was watching them... they’re a little bit exhibitionists. (Especially Hubig/Ocio. They’ve been caught going at it in front of the windows during public hours and then basically avoiding each other when we’re closed...) After a few days they adjusted.

However the parrots are demanding alllll the snuggles and attention, but heaven forbid one sees you snuggle someone else even if they JUST had their turn. So the macaws get to go on individual walks and get snuggles elsewhere so my ears don’t start bleeding from the screaming.


All of the birds are trying to make babies in all of the places. Previously public areas are fair game. Ducks have taken over the benches. It is pretty awesome.


Pretty normal. Our zorse keeps eating the wooden fence nibble by nibble. Oh, Zoe. You beautifully moronic creature. Zoe is my favorite :)


My best friend is a zoo keeper, she says their tiger loves that no one is there. The only animals that miss people being around are the monkeys, but really only one specifically.


Friend of a zookeeper here.

He manages the apes and monkeys. And currently he is also doing his best to entertain them.

While other animals seem to relax to the max, the apes are just bored without their human exhibit.


My zoo is heavily focused on shows, so our show animals were definitely a bit bewildered to not be going out and having people pet them all the time. Our show lynx is definitely more insistent on getting cuddles from the keepers, but other than them our exhibit animals haven’t shown too much of a change in behavior.


At the zoo I work at we have a giraffe that’s highly sociable and definitely misses the attention and then a few felines that appreciate the quiet but most animals are behaving that same.


Depends on the animal. Some really like guest interaction like the gibbons and birds, others are enjoying the quiet like hoof stock. Others like the elephants don’t seem to notice. We have a new baby rhino so it’s been nice not having lots of noise getting her used to new spaces and making sure mom is comfortable with her calf in new space without loud sounds.


I work with the ambassador animals, so they are animals that are very used to the public. Pretty much like what everyone else has said, the animals are mostly confused that there aren't any people. Our petting zoo animals in particular are super needy. The second they see or hear us they all come running over and start crying for attention. We're trying to give all the animals as much attention as possible, but we're down to a bare bones crew, so it's not as much as we would like.

What I wanted to add, though, because I think it's incredibly interesting, is that we are collecting fecal samples from some of the animals to be tested for cortisol levels, which is a pretty good indicator of stress levels. That way, when guests come back, we can take samples for comparison to see how much guests impact stress.

I think its really cool that we're taking this opportunity to see what we can learn about how guests impact the animals, and to see if there are potentially things we can do even better to improve the lives of the animals in our care. We were really hoping to do some behavioral studies too about things like activity levels, amount of the enclosure being utilized, etc. that are also important considerations for their welfare, but unfortunately we just don't have the time or staffing.


Theres a bit of a balance of different behaviours that is kinda interesting. With no visitors there is more time for enrichment, to get more creative with said enrichment, trialing new things, and exposure to enrichment that has to be supervised which the animals are loving. Then there are certain animals that do seem to miss having public around - our younger (<5 years old) African Penguins are really seeming to miss being able to swim at the glass and interact with people. Higher intelligence animals we have had to come up with new interactions, lots of new training going on because they are "missing" the variety and variability of interactions with the public.

The snakes don't give a f*** though.


I take care of fish, but mostly jellyfish. The jellies don’t give a single f***. It’s been nice for me though because I can turn most of their display lights off so less algae grows and I have to do less scrubbing. My actual fish don’t care. The beluga whales were screeching at the cleaning crew the other day which was hilarious. I don’t work with the whales but it seems like they enjoy, or are at least interested in, seeing others around.


My wife works at the gift shop for our zoo and the other day we had to go move some stuff around in the store because due to some heavy rains, it had flooded a bit.

Of course we took a lap around the empty park (other than the keepers and few maintenance workers) and found that all the animals were really active and playful. A lot of them seemed really curious about us too. I’m sure they get used to seeing crowds every day and were starving for attention.


Large public aquarium.

It's been only a little different for them. A few of the more timid animals are out and about a little more frequently than usual or changing their active hours (the giant pacific octopus for example).

I expected to see more change in the touch tank areas. Horseshoe crabs don't notice or care which is expected but the white spotted bamboo sharks are also not really changing their behavior really either which is good to see. We have cleaner shrimp that have to have more regular food because they're not grooming people anymore but other than that it's just another shrimp day.


Sharks are still sharking.

My sea turtle though is being exceptionally well behaved with divers.... a rare treat.


I am a zookeeper that works with strictly ambassador animals that are used to seeing people up close. We're trying to spend as much time with each one to make sure they're getting lots of mental stimulation.

We've been bringing a raptor (one at a time) in our office too just to hang out each day.

So far the animals under my care are all doing perfect. It's the most I can hope for!

Now us zookeepers on the other hand....it is tough. No volunteers, staff segregated to minimize exposure...it's going to be a long road. I'm jealous of the keepers that have the extra time to deep clean and take their animals on leisurely strolls around the zoo. I'm working nonstop for 11 hours a day most days.

I'm just thankful we are keeping our jobs. I would be lost without my animal coworkers.


I work at one of the most popular zoos in the UK, and because of that one of the largest. I'm working from gone right now so I can't comment first hand but my Co-workers are saying how curious the animals are. Every person that walk by they're very interested in.

On a side note, I always assumed an empty zoo would be a much better place for the animals and would be much more enjoyable for the keepers. However, when I asked a keeper friend of mine she said she feels like she's lost part of her purpose without visitors.


I work with birds at my zoo, and they are actually displaying so many more natural behaviors than they normally do! They are much more comfortable just being birds with less people around. They don't have to worry about getting spooked, or stepped on, or screamed at. It's kind of a really cool thing to witness first hand!! I expect we might make more babies than a normal year, so that could be a bit of good news!


A lot of the animals at the zoo I work at remain overall content if we stick to the schedules that were in effect before. Some might need a bit more food or attention here and there, but they are relatively normal most days. We spend some extra time each day providing certain animals with the things they need (Playing around with them, sometimes there's cuddling, etc.) It makes our hearts a bit warmer too, and it's a relaxing escape from everything going on at the moment.


Honestly, the animals at my zoo don't miss the visitors. They do miss the extra attention they would normally get from us though, walking the alpacas, extra training sessions with the capybara etc. We are working 2 teams at the moment on minimum staff so we are trying to pack in all our normal tasks into half the time. It's totally worth it though, those animals are getting the best care, food and entertainment possible.


I’m part of a large cat rescue looking after mostly ex circus lions, tigers and panthers that were abused and made to perform for years.

We’ve noticed that when there are visitors about, the same environment it created when they were in the circus (lots of people and noise, pictures being taken of them, loud kids etc) and because of this, the cats are better behaved because they were treated roughly, they know (or knew) that bad behaviour in front of large crowds used to mean they would get beaten or starved later on as punishment.

It’s small change and you certainly wouldn’t know unless you spent a lot of time around them, but it’s certainly interesting. They also only eat Carols husband away from prying eyes.


I’m not a zookeeper exactly but I run a living history farm that’s part of a city park. Our Jerseys cows are divas, and I’m sure they miss the visitors, but we have one person there each day taking care of them. I don’t think the sheep and chickens care much. I just made a video of the critters that we are posting tomorrow, hopefully it’ll help some parents keeping their kids entertained.


I mainly work with primates at my local zoo. To be honest, I've noticed them be much more docile as of late, especially the chimpanzees. If there's a group that's a bit more active than the rest, I'd say it's the orangutans.


I work at a museum that also is an animal rescue. Our animals are loving it! Our beaver has been allowed to walk around and explore the museum with staff supervision. Our macaw has been free to fly around as much as he pleases. It’s amazing to see the animals explore and see new sights. However, I do think the macaw especially misses the attention he gets from visitors.


Hoofstock keeper here! Most of the creatures I care for are prey animals, and have a tendency to be rather skittish and neophobic in nature. I haven’t seen any strikingly different behaviour... they seem quite relaxed. I have been making sure to give them even extra attention, as guests themselves can be a form of mental stimulation/enrichment that they’re not having right now. Plenty of lounging to be had by our moose, bison, elk, camels, and reindeer, to name a few.

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2zduvOd

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