50 Of The Best Photos From Our Wild 2020 Contest That Will Hopefully Brighten Your Day - Its Magazine

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Monday 30 March 2020

50 Of The Best Photos From Our Wild 2020 Contest That Will Hopefully Brighten Your Day

Take a walk on the #Wild2020 side and discover the winning photos from Agora's latest photo competition, featuring the world's best nature photography with more than 9219 photos submitted. Indonesian photographer @cymot won the contest with his photo 'Need to drink' that gathered the most votes during the 5 voting rounds on the free-to-use photography app.

The #Wild2020 contest was launched on February 21st on Agora, the mobile app where photographers, whether amateur or professional, can participate to international photo contests and express their own point of view through their best pictures for a chance to win recognition and cash prizes (from $1,000 to $25,000), and where the global audience can vote for the best creations of Humanity.

Octavi Royo, Agora's CEO and Co-founder said: "Free of rules, free of systems, free of plans. Living the present with full attention. This is what we see in the best images of the year from #Wild2020: life in its purest form."

@cymot's photo 'Need to drink' gathered the most votes on the Agora app, crowning him with the #Wild2020 'Hero' title and rewarding him with a $1,000 cash prize.

Do you agree with the final results? Don't forget to upvote your favorites!

More info: go.onelink.me

#1 Faded

Location: Etosha National Park, Namibia

"It was a windy morning, and the dust brought a rather unusual and special atmosphere. Most other people went back to the camp because they wouldn't see the animals properly. We stayed and had some incredible photographic possibilities."

@anskar (Germany)

#2 Winner: 'Need To Drink'

Location: Jurug Park, Indonesia

"Orang-utans normally steer clear of water, in order to protect themselves from predators such as crocodiles and snakes. You can tell that even if she climbed down the tree to drink, she's being very wary of her surroundings. It was an extraordinary and unexpected moment."

@cymot (Indonesia)

#3 The Prey And Predator

Location: Seoni, India

@mits4772 (India)

#4 Curious Minds

Location: Thailand

@jordisark (Spain)

#5 Leon Desterrado De La Manada Tras Una Pelea Por La Supremacía

Location: Kenya

"You can see the scars from previous fights on his face. It was so impressive to be so close to such a majestic animal."

@wmr.valdez (Spain)

#6 Sunlight

Location: Rajshahai University campus, Bangladesh

"Both the bird and the sun were trying to overcome their loneliness together. Actually at first my subject was the setting sun, but suddenly the bird came by and became my subject. It was a beautiful coincidence."

@tamimmohamad (Bangladesh)

#7 An Elephant Family Is Taking A Walk

"In the wild, joy is an emotion that elephants have no shame in showing. They express their happiness and joy when they are amongst their loved ones-family and friends. I was surprised to see them walking towards me in a nice row of three."

@marcelvanbalken (Netherlands)

#8 Come Snuggle

Location: Antartica

"Just a Cuddly Weddell seal in a sweet slumber. I laid on the ground in the snow for 30 minutes to get that one shot."

@polzray (USA)

#9 The Most Gentle Giant Of The Savanna

Location: Botswana

"This lucky photo was taken in a morning safari in Chobe National Park, Botswana. A few minutes before this photo we saw an elephant and its calf, showing us firmly that we should not get close to her kids by snapping a big tree branch and waving it in my direction. We had the opportunity to see a lot of giraffes eating their breakfast, but this one called our attention because although aware of our presence she continued to eat and making this funny pose for us. I would say giraffes are probably one of the most emphatic wild animals."

@vitor.esteves (Portugal)

#10 A Family Moment

Location: Etosha Park, Namibia

"This was probably one of the most touching African encounters I've ever had. We were driving the car in a quiet area in Etosha Park when we saw this pride of about 40 lions walking at the edge of the salt pan. Weirdly enough, we were alone and we spent almost an hour observing them chilling, playing and crossing the road. I took this shot with a 300 mm but the lions eventually crossed the road exactly in from of our car. They were so close that I could take videos from my phone. It was an amazing moment to get some shots, but also to relive my childhood memories about The Lion King. If I win, I want to send part of the money to my country to face Covid19 emergency."

@freeilli (Italia)

#11 Contemplating And Taking Pictures Of Puffins Is One Of The Best Experiences I Ever Had

Location: Faroe Islands

"During the early morning, I had the opportunity to see some puffins waking up and flying from the ocean to the cliffs. An early wake up did the magic after walking some kilometers uphill. I took the picture just before one of them was trying to land. The connection is emotion. Just me and one of my colleagues were there. That isolation made the connection even better."

@javito80 (Spain)

#12 The Highland Coo

Location: Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK

"I had this shot planned for a while but I was never lucky enough to see any Highland Cows the last time I was in Scotland. After returning to the Isle of Skye a year later I finally met this guy and got the shot that I was waiting for!"

@jamesxtheo (UK)

#13 The Look In His Eyes Says Everything

Location: China

@michelle.wandering (Netherlands)

#14 The Python

Location: Local snake handlers, USA

"The snake in my picture is a Python, he was approximately 100 lbs, and 14 feet long. The shot was taken while he was looking for his meal that was going to be handed to him shortly. This snake is of a local owner/snake handler who owns many exotic and interesting animals, amphibians and insects. The snake pictures here had just been taken out of his enclosure to be fed. The handler had several chickens and rats to feed the snake and another snake. While sniffing out his food the snake arched his head upward clearly aware that the food was available and ready for him to eat. I was wanting to picture the curiosity and strength of these incredible snakes. They are smart, curious, and very large! There is an ominous feeling as the snake begins to slither out of his enclosure to grab the animals to eat. The strength and power of his jaw and subsequently him swallowing it whole was quite a sight! Prize money would be used further my education in photography, and also help exotic animals such as this snake that are not living in their natural habitats and need rehabilitation, or need to be moved back into their natural homes around the world."

@hwilson8 (USA)

#15 Family Walk

Location: Kamchatka, Russia

"A mother bear was walking with two small cubs. There was a feeling of danger and tension all around, but at the same time, we could feel the force and the majesty coming out of the family moving forward with all the confidence of the cubs under the care of their mother."

@artur’s (Poland)

#16 Lion Setting In The Wild

Location: Parc National De Serengeti, Tanzania

@mohamedtazi (Morocco)

#17 One Of These Special Moments...

Location: Hofen canton of Schaffhausen, Switzerland

"I was observing this deer in the early morning, even before the first light sneaks over the field. With my binoculars, I could only spot its ears. I tried to get closer, slowly crept to the edge of the field and focused on its ears. First try... the deer lifted its head. The second try was this shot, after that the deer ran away: a lucky shot after all! With this image I want to sensitize people to care about our nature and its habitat... we live together with them and not against them."

@rizzolophotography.ch (Switzerland)

#18 Watching

Location: Imire Rhino Conservation, Zimbabwe

"Caution and curiosity are what I think of when I look at this picture. There's no doubt that the picture would be more interesting if you swapped the impala for a lion or a leopard, quietly stalking its prey... but you perhaps have less control when shooting wildlife than any other aspect of photography, so sadly that couldn't be arranged! I do however like the fact that even though Zebra are used to living alongside Impala's, you can tell from this photo that they're spooked by any such movement or noise and always on alert for any potential predators. Or you could choose to look at it in a completely different way - the Zebra is simply looking up at a friend from the thick, African bush!"

@_kennyc_ (UK)

#19 A Leopard Chilling In A Tree In The Forests Of Kabini, India

Location: Kabini, India

@joeshelly (UK)

#20 Gnaw And Gnaw

Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia

"Here, the endless tundra winter lasts for half a year and the temperature drops below - 50 degrees Celsius. During a work trip to the far north, far from civilization, it is sometimes possible to meet these local inhabitants. This time, I was lucky to meet with a furry polar predator - the Arctic fox. The fluffy handsome man made it possible to take several photographs with his participation in the rays of the rising polar sun and, having obtained a crust of bread, he disappeared into the nearest spill. Wildlife and its inhabitants are beautiful in their nature! Wild animals are in constant motion, even being in one place. If I had not put the camera in the serial shooting mode in advance, I would have simply missed everything."

@nik_kupchenko (Russia)

#21 Gura

"I was walking through the Katandra Treetops in Loro Park, a big area full of plants and trees where the birds move freely. You must be patient and lucky to get close to the birds. Thanks to my tele-zoom lens and a lot of patience I was able to spot this Gura."

@santiagolopezfotografia (Spain)

#22 Looking For A Big White Bear

Location: Hudson bay, Churchill, Canada

"I went searching for polar bears during winter 2018, but I didn’t see any because the Hudson bay had frozen and they had already left the coast. When I went back there in 2019, I saw this bear sleeping on the ice lake. I went off to the car carefully, and I stood on the ice with my camera and lens 500mm. The ice and the wind in my face were hard but I didn’t lose that chance to take a photo so close. I took different shots and.. it started to open its eyes, looking at me. I was excited and a little scared, but we just stared at each other for a while. During that moment we were both animals, both nature in the wild. Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep. It was one of the greatest moments of my trip!"

@mary_bassani (Italy)

#23 Motherlove

Location: Germany

@marfle (Germany)

#24 Our Future In The Making

Location: Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland

"I already had taken pictures from lava fountain eruptions in Iceland 2 weeks before that. One day before taking the plane back home, the airspace closed and gave me 7 more days in Iceland to document the erupting volcano. On the night of March 30th, the volcano erupted violently a gave me the opportunity to shoot multiple pictures from distance."

@oliviervandeginste (Belgium)

#25 Snorkeling On The North Shore Of Kauai

Location: Ke'e Beach, Kauai, USA

"I was swimming along the outer reef at Ke'e Beach just admiring the sea life and beautiful water. At one point, a turtle was drifting through the current over the reefing. It was feeding and swam up to take a breath when I took this shot."

@brandon.imbriale (USA)

#26 Wild Stag

Location: Scotland, UK

"Scotland has some of the most diverse wildlife in the UK. Seeing a wild stag up so close is magical, and capturing it on camera in the battering weathers even more so."

@joncleave (UK)

#27 Zebra

Location: Etosha NP, Namibia

"My goal was to obtain a portrait composed exclusively of the animal's fur texture, using its eye as the focal element. I wanted to create a moment of intimacy between the animal and the person who will look at the photograph. To do so, I got really close to the wild animal..."

@marcotagliarino (Italy)

#28 Dagestan Mountains And Wild Horses

Location: Dagestan, Kavkaz, Russia

"Wild horses in the mountains of Dagestan in a natural habitat. I accidentally spotted these horses when I flew my drone over the Gunib plateau in the mountains of Dagestan, approximately 200m above sea level. The horses heard the sound from the drone and galloped, leaving behind a pillar of snow."

@nikybwd (Russia)

#29 Fox

Location: Moscow, Russia

"We were visiting Moscow's zoo park with my family and we spent the whole day taking photos of wild animals."

@Secofr (Russia)

#30 Nature Is Wild

Location: Peniche, Portugal

"When I looked at so much natural beauty and so much grandeur I thought how beautiful and wild nature is. We humans don't interfere in it, nature just renews and transforms itself..."

@olgacristal (Portugal)

#31 Beware Of The Crush

Location: Les Sables d'Olonne, France

"I wanted to show the scale of the man facing the power of the crush. My drone got attacked by a seagull right after that shot!"

@emxpi (France)

#32 Family Whales

Location: Nativ Dog Beach Bay, Australia

"I searched for a whale for about a month, traveling more than 2 000 km on the south coast of Australia to get this shot. I'm a lucky man for having found a mother whale and her baby. She protects her baby from sharks and predators. There was such a beautiful bond between them. The baby trusted his mother for life, one day it will become an adult whale too."

@simonpastor (France)

#33 Humpback Whale

Location: Vava'u, Tonga

"He was a young humpback whale about 4 months old. He was very active, sometimes frying and hitting the fins of the sea surface. The whale's mom will support the calf up to about four months of age when the calf can breathe and swim well on its own. At the time, his mom was watching him. 2 years ago, I swam with him: an unforgettable memory."

@Reiko.takahashi (Japan)

#34 Mother And Child In The Alps

Location: Italy

@jp.photoart (Germany)

#35 Sunbathe

Location: Pangkor Island, Malaysia

"During my holidays, I took a lot of nature pictures on Pangkor Island. One day, I noticed a lizard seating on a tree branch strewn with green berries. I got closer very slowly, and I managed to take a picture before it hid in the branches."

@olegmileevkamintsev (Russia)

#36 White Pegasus

Location: Barzan, Irak

"I wanted to transmit the free spirit and the innocence, with the majestic white pegasus-like horse together with the beautiful nature of the Barzan area of the Iraqi Kurdistan during dawn. This scene captures the spirit of the Kurdish nation, and their homeland waiting for their golden hour of liberation. This horse is the direct descendant of the horse which belonged to General Mustafa Barzani, the legendary leader of the Kurdish liberation movements in the 1960s and 1970s, father of President Masood Barzani and the grandfather of His Excellency Nechirwan Barzani, the current president of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq."

@arminabdehou (Iran)

#37 Flying Mood

Location: Padma Rive, Rajshah, Bangladesh

"Every Friday (our weekly holiday here in Bangladesh), I go out to take pictures on the banks of our city's Padma River. On this day, a group of Tufted Duck migrating from Siberia came out, I tried to approach them very carefully, but they flew about 200 meters away. Luckily, I was able to take some flying shots."

@tamzeedalamtoken (Bangladesh)

#38 Hug Me

Location: Rajshahi , Bangladesh

"The pied kingfisher is a species of water kingfisher widely distributed across Africa and Asia. It was winter, the breeding season where pied kingfishers are always busy. The male catches lots of fishes in order to impress the female. The more successful he is at catching fishes, the more chances he has to mate with a female. The male and female were very interactive with each other. Finally, the male successfully satisfied his female and got allowed to mate, until another male showed up and started to fight. By photographing these kingfishers for almost two months, I developed a friendly relationship with them. To observe closely this beautiful species was a treat to my eyes."

@himelnobi (Bangladesh)

#39 Intimate Baboon’s Portrait With The Sunset Light

Location: Spain

"I took advantage of the evening light to highlight the baboon's powerful look."

@Saavedra_photography (Spain)

#40 King Of The Desert

Location: South Libez Desert, Bolivia

"I was visiting the South Lipez desert when suddenly I came across some foxes on this walk! These foxes were used to humans, and therefore dared to approach, but remained wild. They tried to attack a person who was with me. However, I stayed and got close to them to make a nice shot, since at that moment I was shooting in 24/70... Those foxes looked hungry, at the same time in this desert, there can't be much to hunt... Of course, no man fed the foxes."

@ben_gaona (France)

#41 Polar Bear Family Eating A Piece Of Whale

Location: Kaktovik, Alaska, USA

"Polar bears arrive at the native village of Kaktovik (Alaska) at the very beginning of September, when the whale hunting season starts. Villagers are used to living with them until the end of October when they migrate to the south. We arrived at Kaktovik in the first week of October, but we were forced to stay in our hotel because of a big snowstorm. We had to stay inside for 12 days. Our trip was about to end when we had a small window of good weather, so we decided to go find some polar bears. This family was feeding on a dead whale and approached our car curiously. I thought it was easy to take photos of bears from the security of a jeep. My face changed colors when I saw a polar bear sniffing on my window. It was one of the most magical moments I have experienced in all my life."

@dmartphoto (Spain)

#42 Red Kite

Location: Scottish Highlands, UK

"First time viewing Kites at local RSPB centre. I was entranced by the grace and speed by which these beautiful birds dived and twisted in the air. The centre often hosts so many kites it can be hard to focus on just one. There were fifteen in the sky this day."

@SomewhereSky (UK)

#43 Relax

Location: Jigokudani Yaen Kōen, Japan

"This national park in Japan is famous because monkeys can bath in the hot springs. I shot these three monkeys that were relaxing with funny faces."

@heisen22 (Italy)

#44 Wildlife

Location: Jaipur, India

@beyond_imagina (India)

#45 Elephant

Location: South Africa

"The beauty of nature. I took advantage of every moment to snap different shots."

@edgar_mtz (Mexico)

#46 My Daughter

Location: Russia

"I wanted to show the inner freedom of the child and dissolution in nature. It was very difficult to shoot because there was an invasion of mosquitos!"

@tinozavrus (Russia)

#47 Peregrine Falcon Feasting On Stilt Kill

Location: Ujani backwaters, Bhigwan, India

"It is terrifying to witness the world's fastest bird feasting on another wild bird. This wild Peregrine falcon was feasting on a black-winged stilt."

@raw.photography (India)

#48 Run

Location: Unknown

@rhshotz (Spain)

#49 Wild Out In The Wild

Location: Unknown


#50 Wild

Location: Slovakia

@fero.daniskaatgmail.com (Slovakia)

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