People Discover A Dog 100% Covered In Tar, Work Tirelessly To Save Her, Succeed - Its Magazine

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Friday, 14 February 2020

People Discover A Dog 100% Covered In Tar, Work Tirelessly To Save Her, Succeed

If it wasn’t for people who go out of their way to do everything they can to rescue animals in trouble, lots of them would end up badly harmed. Or worse. An Argentinian not-for-profit organization called “Proyecto 4 Patas” and some locals recently rescued a dog named Aloe who was completely covered in tar. She couldn’t move even an inch and it was a group of kids who alerted people to the animal’s plight.

Fortunately, members of the organization took it upon themselves to help poor Aloe out. It took 8 volunteers 9 hours of nonstop work, 50 liters of oil, and 3 baths to completely clean the doggo.

The silver lining was that Aloe is now healthy and safe, and the problem showed how determined and ready to help the people of Libertad in Buenos Aires really are! From the local kids and neighbors to the police and firefighters, nearly everyone who was there lent a helping hand.

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An animals rights organization from Argentina shared how they helped save the life of Aloe the dog

The organization “Proyect 4 Patas” has over 313k followers on Instagram and nearly 2 million fans on Facebook. A lot of people support them because they stand against animal experimentation or using animals as clothing, for food, and entertainment.

Aloe was completely covered in tar and couldn’t move

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

According to the organization, all animals must be guaranteed basic rights, including the right to life and the right not to suffer.

That involves fighting against those who would hurt animals for no reason. It’s still unclear if Aloe fell into the pit full of pitch or if somebody pushed her in.

It took volunteers 9 hours of nonstop work to clean the dog

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

If you encounter an animal covered in tar, you should immediately contact an animal right group or the local authorities who will know exactly what to do.

However, if nobody is around to help you, then massaging lots of vegetable oil into the animal’s body will loosen the tar and help clean in. However, you should avoid kerosene because will most likely damage the poor animal’s skin.

Volunteers rubbed vegetable oil into the animal’s skin to loosen the tar

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas

Here’s what Aloe looks like now! What a huge difference!

Image credits: Proyecto4Patas


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