All parents need a chance to unwind sometimes—it’s important to have a break and enjoy one’s social life outside of taking care of the kids every once in a while. So when this guy’s wife wanted to have a ladies’ night out, he had no problem with staying home and assuming responsibility. But soon, the wheels of his imagination started turning and he wondered what he could do to send her his best wishes.
Using TouchTunes, an app that functions like a jukebox and allows people to queue songs in any venue that uses the service, he found the bar where he knew his wife and her friends were having a few rounds, and played them the classic 1997 party hit Tubthumping. And played it again, and again, and again. Finally, he messaged her to see how she was liking his playlist, and her reaction when she found out he was behind the prank is hilarious.
He posted the results of his prank on Twitter
Image credits: HenpeckedHal
Image credits: Chumbawamba
People have been using jukeboxes for mischief as long as there have been jukeboxes. There are pages and pages of people discussing how to shut up an annoying party at the next table by playing the most tragic song on the jukebox, force everyone to leave the bar with an obscure and inaccessible 26-minute prog rock track, or see how many times in a row you can put on Monster Mash without getting kicked out.
I don’t know what the inventors of TouchTunes were thinking when they made an app that would enable people to subtly do it right from their phones without even having to be in the building, or what self-respecting establishment would take the risk of letting the general public run wild with it, but we’re glad they did. Listen to Tubthumping while you read people’s replies about their funniest jukebox calling cards, and how they’ve used the app to wreak havoc themselves.
People loved the prank:
Image credits: missemcee
Image credits: dreamitnowdoit
Image credits: lflesher
Image credits: TheAlexNevil
Image credits: fourten87
Image credits: EllerySamwise
Image credits: ByronsShade
Image credits: MikeDurnin
Others shared their similar experiences:
Image credits: dannygillette
Image credits: loreestark
Image credits: dargason
Image credits: djevilone
Image credits: pnuk
from Bored Panda