Woman Stops Paying Her Loan Because She Needs To Escape Her Abusive Partner, Gets A Call From A Counselor Who Wants To Help - Its Magazine

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Monday, 13 May 2019

Woman Stops Paying Her Loan Because She Needs To Escape Her Abusive Partner, Gets A Call From A Counselor Who Wants To Help

Those who are unfortunate enough to have been in an abusive relationship know how hard it is to get out of it. Recently, Bored Panda shared a story where a woman wrote a detailed plan of escape for people who are in an abusive relationship and an unsafe environment. Unfortunately, life is full of unpleasant surprises and some things occur unexpectedly. Recently, one Imgur user shared a story about a woman who could not pay off her loans as she found herself in a very fragile period of time in her life. Luckily, the loan counselor who shared the story was understanding enough and did everything in their power to help the woman.

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Recently, one counselor shared a heartbreaking story about one of their clients

Image credits: James Jordan

One woman could not pay off her loan and this is what she has indicated as the main reason: “I needed to hide money to be able to leave a relationship that had become abusive once we moved in together. Once it crossed the physically abusive line, I slept in my car. This was on 1/4/2019. On 1/12/19 I was laid off. I am working again now and am trying to pay everything back. The money I had saved, instead of paying, got me out of the car and renting a room. I had to do it.”

One woman explained why she wasn’t able to pay off her loan on time

Image credits: tigerlilytoph

The woman said that she found herself in an abusive relationship and had to get out as quickly as possible, therefore she needed the money.

The counselor felt the urgency to share the story of their client

After the story went viral, they explained what their exact job is

And later on, shared some things that everyone should know about loans

Image credits: Danny Ayers

from Bored Panda http://bit.ly/30ihGuX

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