We Used Snapchat’s Genderswap Filter On The Game Of Thrones Characters - Its Magazine

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Monday, 13 May 2019

We Used Snapchat’s Genderswap Filter On The Game Of Thrones Characters

With only one more week before the Game of Thrones finale, Bored Panda decided to give the most talked about show a fun transformation by applying the hottest new app filter – genderswap. One of the best things about this quasi-medieval realm is that women and men have found ways to bend gender roles, so why not imagine what they would look like if they did a full swap.

While some of these characters are still slaying as their male or female doubles (Jon Snow we are looking at you) other people are better suited as sticking to what they are (sorry Sam). Scroll down below to check out these awesome swaps, there may be some that surprise you – that’s right the Knight King is serving us some Snow Queen. And as always don’t forget to upvote your faves!

Arya Stark

Image credits: HBO

Bran Stark

Image credits: HBO

Brienne of Tarth

Image credits: HBO

Cersei Lannister

Image credits: HBO

Daenerys Targaryen

Image credits: HBO

Davos Seaworth

Image credits: HBO

Euron Greyjoy

Image credits: HBO

Grey Worm

Image credits: HBO

Jaime Lannister

Image credits: HBO

Joffrey Baratheon

Image credits: HBO

Jon Snow

Image credits: HBO

Jorah Mormont

Image credits: HBO

Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

Image credits: HBO


Image credits: HBO


Image credits: HBO

Ramsay Bolton

Image credits: HBO

Samwell Tarly

Image credits: HBO

Sandor “The Hound” Clegane

Image credits: HBO

Sansa Stark

Image credits: HBO

The Night King

Image credits: HBO

Theon Greyjoy

Image credits: HBO

Tyrion Lannister

Image credits: HBO

Tormund Giantsbane

Image credits: HBO


Image credits: HBO


Image credits: HBO

from Bored Panda http://bit.ly/2PYeHmK

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