Anucha “Cha” Saengchart created his Facebook page ‘Low Cost Cosplay‘ all the way back in 2013. Now, nearly 4 million followers later, he still isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. He just released a series of Game of Thrones transformations, and they’re everything that made him famous. Hilarious, clever, and freakishly cheap.
More info: Facebook
Jon Snow
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
Random White Walker
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
The Night King
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
The Night King and his trusted companion
Image credits: Lowcostcosplay
Here’s what people said about his transformations
from Bored Panda