We Photograph Dogs Of Strangers On The Streets Of Lithuania – The Country With The Most Canines In The Eu (77 Pics) - Its Magazine

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Thursday 4 April 2019

We Photograph Dogs Of Strangers On The Streets Of Lithuania – The Country With The Most Canines In The Eu (77 Pics)

Hey there! We are @Dogs_of_Vilnius – a project by Gabija Kavaliauskaite and Karolis Jonusas – a couple running street photography blog of dogs. Every day we explore streets of Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, with an aim to bring you a one-to-one with the cutest and the fluffiest doggos we meet. As a country obsessed with canines, Lithuania has 1 dog for 3.9 humans ratio which translates to approximately 730 000 doggos in a small Baltic nation of just 3 million.

We began this project as a way of stepping further from our usual approach when encountering some passerby’s dog, normally just asking to pet it and then bid our farewell. However, now we don`t settle until there are at least a few dozen potential pictures…Rather often it takes more than just a treat to attract the attention of a doggo: some are more interested in toys, some require commands from their owner (unless it`s a Husky or a Labrador, both breeds appearing to be designed for photoshoots).

Having recently visited a major animal shelter “Lese” we plan on bringing the spotlight social media provides us with to other less fortunate four-legged friends and their temporary (often – permanent) homes. Join our quest to spread at least some of that unconditional love dogs offer by finding us both on Instagram and on Facebook as @Dogs_of_Vilnius.

More info: Instagram

Smala (Tar), 1 y/o, mixed breed

“She has ears like a bat. Never raises her voice.”

Kenzo, 4 metų, jorkšyro terjeras

“Didesni šunys bijo su juo žaisti, nes spirga nesustodamas. O jis kitų šunų bijo, nes dėl besiskiriančių gabaritų vienas kitą užgauna žaisdami.”

Artas, 5 metų, džeko raselo terjeras

“Išmokė šeimininkus netinginiauti ir žaisti su kamuoliuku.”

Mačio, 2 metai, mišrūnas

“Bijo vyrų. Dabar mokosi komandų – dresuotojas sako, kad pagal savo amžių labai gerai mokosi.”

Rūkas, 7 m., kurtsharas

“Jis yra tituluočiausias kurstharas Lietuvoje. Daug laiko praleidžia gamtoje, turi darbinį medžiotojo diplomą.”

Mūza, 2 m., papiljonas

“Vadinama muzikonu ir mūzonu. Kadangi groju, eina į visas orkestro repeticijas. Išmano kovos menus. Vakarais sargauja prie lango.”

Pupa, 1-3 metų (tiksliai nežinoma), mišrūnė, paimta iš prieglaudos

“Gyvena tryse, kartu su dar vienu šunimi ir kate iš prieglaudos. Reikėjo mėnesį prašyti mamos, kad galėčiau pasiimti… Namie ir lauke – du skirtingi šunys. Miške dūksta kaip pašėlusi.”

Rendžiro, 1 m., akita inu

“Kai prieš pusę metų atsirado kūdikis šeimoje, jautėsi užmirštas. Bet dabar jie draugeliai.”

Bo, 3 m., mišrūnė

“Draugiška kaip kačiukas. Kamuoliukas jai kaip narkotikas.”

Kažu, 2 m., mišrūnas

“Labiau už žmones mėgsta kitus šunis ir balandžius.”

Sausis, 3 m., džeko raselo terjeras

“Nenustygsta vietoje – ypač lauke labai sunku susikaupti.”

Aiga, 5 mėn., haskis

“Jai dar viskas nauja ir įdomu. Jau spėjo sudraskyti porą kojinių.”

Hivi, 4 mėn., čiau čiau

“Dar bijo vaikščioti ir lipti laiptais.”

Sniegė, 1 metai, auksaspalvis retriveris

“Sniegės visa esmė – besąlygiška meilė. Ji tikras hipis iš 60′ – mylės net ir tą, kuris norės įsibrauti į namus ir ką nors nužudyti. Ji tikra budistė.”

dvi sesutės Tėja ir Luna, 1.5 metų, prancūzų buldogai

“Tėja kurčia nuo gimimo. Abi labai prieraišios, bet pykstasi kaip tikros sesutės.”

Ula, 2 m., berno zenenhundas

“Neseniai tapo mamyte, tai aprimusi kol kas.”

Bravo, 8 m., samojedas

“Labai inteligentiškas – turbūt mėlynojo kraujo, nes net guli susidėjęs letenas po savimi gražiai.”

Kuosa, 5 metai, mišrūnė

“Iki dviejų metų namie vaikščiojo su antsnukiu – grauždavo viską, net užuolaidų apačias. Bet net negalvojome apie jos atidavimą, nes tai mieliausias ir ramiausias šuniukas.”

Hiro, beveik vieneri, akita inu

“Labai prisirišęs prie šeimos – visur nori būti kartu.”

Orka, 5 mėn., borderkolis

“Ji visų žmonių geriausia draugė.”

Luna, 7 mėn., mišrūnė

“Jei žiūrint televizoriaus nepaimi ant rankų – pradeda verkti.”

Afra, 8m., haskis

“Tikra introvertė – visai nereikalauja žmogaus dėmesio.”

Beili, 2 m., australų aviganis

“Išaugo labai paklusni, bet buvo sugraužusi sofą ir vienerias ausines.”

Flambė, 7 mėnesiai, boderkolis

“Sunkiai sekasi sutelkti dėmesį, nebent tai būtų skanukas.”

Bembi, 5 m., samojedas

“Tikra mąstytoja – kartais sėdi vienoje vietoje porą valandų ir nieko nedaro.”

Kenzo, 4 mėn., prancūzų buldogas

“Per Kaziuko mugę pirmą kartą išėjo į žmones. Jau moka komandas, kartais paloja. Žiaaauriai greitai auga – per tris dienas – 300 gramų!”

Bri, 6 metai, labradoro retriveris

“Labai atsidavusi šeimininkams. Mėgsta sūrį. Kai buvo maža, sugraužė nuotraukų albumą, bet tai vienintelis blogas dalykas, kokį yra padariusi.”

Glorija, 5m., vokiečių nykštukinis špicas

“Klausiat, kur ausytės? Iš baimės suglaustos. Ji visko bijo: eiti į tualetą, perlipti per laidą…Bijo net vandens, kurį geria. Vaikšto tik ant kilimo ir sofos – ant parketo nelipa.”

Kukis, 7 mėn., šiurkščiaplaukis raselo terjeras

“Užsispyręs ir labai hiperaktyvus.”

Tera, 4 metai, aviganio mišrūnė

“Visą dieną sėdi šuniukų kirpykloje ir laukia, kol aš pabaigsiu darbą.”

Arta, 2 y/o, Akita Inu

“She’s a good dog, very calm at home.”

Rex, 11y/o, Swedish Shepherd

“He’s always happy and very human-like. Doesn’t like dog treats, but apparently you are an exception. Rex loves all strangers. Was found after a storm in Fabijoniskes neighbourhood.”

Skazka (Russian for “fairytale”) 5y/o mixed breed

“I’m afraid I wouldn’t like her favourite books – her character is like a mix between a Valley girl and Bridget Jones. Bookstore is her territory, so whenever other dogs come she becomes anxious.”

Bardas, 1.5 y/o, Newfoundland Dog

“Has he ever done anything naughty? Ever eaten away anything? No, only almost had our house burnt down to the ground, when as a little pup he accidentally disconnected smoke detector. Bardas was expelled from a dog school because he always wanted to play. He manages to get tired just by walking a distance Cathedral-Bernardinai Garden.”

Charlie, 8y/o, mixed breed of Labrador and Golden Retriever

“He’s annoyingly sweet, always follows me wherever I go and at night sleeps on the bed by my side.”

Dekis, 1.5 y/o Berger Blanc Suisse

“He’s like a teenager now – talks back quite often. Also, Dekis is crazy about sticks.”

We met this fluffy doggo in the middle of Vingis park. It took us some time to locate him, because of his bright white fur – a perfect camouflage in winter. Only a deep “woof” gave him away.

Betė, 8 metai, čiau čiau mišrūnė

“Taip myli sniegą, kad įkiša ten snukutį, tada laiko jame nosį, kol pradeda čiaudėti ir springti.”

Vilnius, 9 metų, takso mišrūnas

“Prieš ketverius metus turėjo stuburo operaciją ir gydytojai prognozavo, kad jis daugiau niekada nevaikščios. Bet bando ir dabar jau visai neblogai išeina! Namie nebesistengia – šliaužioja kaip ruoniukas su dviem kojom.”

Malvis, 1 m., biglis

“Sudėtingas charakteris – labai hiperaktyvus.”

#1 Preila

This was our first photo taken – a Labrador retriever named Preila. She loves a green toy dinosaur and takes it everywhere she goes.

#2 Shiba

This is Shiba Inu named Shiba. Even though no one ever taugh her how to walk on two legs, it’s her favourite activity.

#3 Mika

This is Mika, 5 y/o white Swiss Shepherd dog. She’s really friendly, except for those other white doggos. Hates them.

#4 Meška (Bear)

This is Meška. She’s 11 m/o mixed breed doggo. She likes talking a lot – not barking, talking.

#5 Amareta

This is Amareta, 4 y/o Cocker Spaniel. She’s everyone’s best friend.

#6 Upė (River) and Motto

Two besties – 3 y/o Upė and 2 y/o Motto. Upė loves hiding toys from Motto – he’s so into them that keeps forgetting her best friend.

#7 Upė (River)

Isn’t she wonderful?

#8 Motto

Just look at that cute little face…adorable.

#9 Railis (Rylle)

This is 4 m/o Samoyed puppy. Rylle is such a good boy that if a thief entered the house he would show him around.

#10 Natsu

This is 2 y/o King Poodle named Natsu (“born in summer” in Japanese). Once Natsu didn’t like the design of a room, so he decided to show that by chewing away two pillows.

#11 Frėja (Fraya)

And this is Fraya, 6 m/o mixed breed of Rottweiler and Husky. She inherited both eyes and character from her husky mom.

#12 Aliaska (Alaska)

This is Alaska. She participated in a Light Festival and decided to dress up as her spirit animal.

#13 Kaila (Kyla)

Meet 2/y husky named Kyla. She loves every human being, but not every dog. Feels superior over everyone.

#14 Barsa (Barca)

This little beautiful creature is 3 m/o labrador retriever named Barca. Because of her home needs constant renovation.

#15 Tobis (Tobey)

This is Tobey, 1 y/o Pug. He’s vegetarian – loves to eat cucumber and play with carrots.

#16 Ruonis (Seal)

This is 3 y/o Basset hound named Seal. He’s a bit of a psycho – just like his owner. ;)

#17 Kukė (Cookie)

And this is 8 m/o Cookie, a mixed breed that looks like little white dachshund with labrador face. Loves to eat away wallpapers.

#18 Basma

This is 3 y/o Basenji called Basma. Her name means “smile” in Arabic. She doesn`t know how to bark and likes to climb as high as she possibly can – be it a table or a wardrobe.

#19 Grikis (Buckwheat)

This is 9 m/o Australian Shepherd called Buckwheat (because he loves buckwheat porridge). He’s also a big fan of the internet – eats all cables away.

#20 Keiša (Keisha)

This is 1y/o French Bulldog, named Keisha. She came from England, but likes it here better, since there are more doggos to bark at. Keisha’s favourite activity is eating.

#21 Trapsis (Trapsee)

Trapsis, 5m/o, Huskie mixed breed. His owners got him when he was of a size of Milka chocolate bar. Back then Trapsis would shiver immensely, appeared to be very brittle (“trapus” in Lithuanian), hence the name Trapsis.

#22 Bičiulis and Bitė (Buddy and Bee)

Buddy once on a Christmas eve drank an unattended glass of Bailey’s, so he had to be taken to an emergency vet. Bite, on the other hand is all about intimacy and attention from her hooman.

#23 Elma

Elma, 8m/o, Standard Poodle. Currently learning to participate at various dog shows so her owners let the fur grow. She loves to play with leaves.”

#24 Name N/A

Name N/A, few years old Weimaraner. Very obedient, sat down as soon as he saw our camera and looked straight into the lense. Due to technical issues information about this beauty was lost. 😢

#25 Berkana and Bacardi

Bernese Mountain Dogs, Berkana 2 y/o and Bacardi 6 y/o (daughter and mother). Bacardi, being a mother is calm, whereas Berkana is the naughty one.

#26 Juki (Yuki)

1.5 y/o Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
She’s very cheeky, knows how to mock every emotion. Yuki likes to work and travel together with her hoomans which is not typical for the breed.

#27 Gilė (Acorn)

1y/o, Akita Inu. At home she’s a very good guard dog, while outside Gile is friendly with everyone since at home she’s used to having other animals around.

#28 Gučis (Gucci)

4 y/o Spitz. Very naughty and a bit cowardly. His favourite toy is a doll. :)

#29 Adonis

10y/o Borzoi/Russian Wolfhound. He doesn’t like both Pugs or techno music and is a sexist.”

#30 Atas

11 m/o Corgi. Helps to tidy up home – hides all socks away. Previously his owner thought that Atas isn`t very smart, but apparently it`s the 0ther way around – he`s so clever he does things his own way.

#31 Maraka

1y/o, Australian Shepherd. He’s a golden boy. Understands commands only in English. Demands both physical and intellectual stimulation.

#32 Gilė (Acorn)

3y/o mixed breed. Gilė is extremely thankful she’s no longer at a shelter. She is calm, however Gilė also has a countryside spirit, since everything in the city is very interesting to her.

#33 Bela

1 y/o, a mixed Rottweiler. According to her temporary guardian, it’s likely she was abused by some man or men in the past, so now she is afraid of them.

#34 Korbis (Corbie)

5 m/o, Whippet. He’s always hungry, loves squeaky and crispy sounding toys. In short, at home Corbie`s like a cat but when outside he’s like a wild horse

#35 Karma

4 m/o American Staffordshire Terrier. Karma is perfect with kids, since he has a high tolerance for pain. Dogs of this breed become hostile only if their owners are that way. Otherwise they are the best and cutest doggos.

#36 Loki

Meet Loki, a 4 y/o Toy Fox Terrier. He wears shoes not so much for the looks, as to actually protect the feet from all sorts of chemicals. Loki is not at all a toy dog, as his breed name suggests, but rather he`s a very smart and serious dog.

#37 Zara

This is Zara, 1.5 y/o Belgian Shepherd. She loves to play with a ball and frisbee. On the day we took this photo Zara had her first trolleybus trip which was stressful due to many strangers onboard.

#38 Lapinas (Fox)

Meet Fox, he`s a 5 y/o Corgi. He`s very friendly and would do anything for a treat – even betray his own family. :D

#39 Torpis (Torpie)

Meet Torpis, 9 y/o mixed breed. He`s one of the elders of “Lese” animal shelter. Torpis might not be the best looking or the most energetic dog you`ve seen but he sure is a good and attentive boy who loves to go on walks at his hooman`s side.

Amareta, 4 m., kokerspanielis

“Visų geriausia draugė (ypač tų, kurie turi maisto). Vasarą į jūrą pati pirma įbrenda. Mėgstamiausias žaisliukas – teniso kamuoliai. Dar mėgsta paprigunčikus (guminiai kamuoliukai). Miega kaip žmogus – pasideda galvą ant pagalvės, o letenėles suglaudžia prie savęs.”

Luna, 1.5 metų, haskis

“Per dieną – bent 10 km pėsčiomis, kad nurimtų. Kai nekantrauja, pradeda su nepasitenkinimu kalbėti.”

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2VkIhF2

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