These 103 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Good, They May Convince You To Do The Same (New Pics) - Its Magazine

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Thursday 4 April 2019

These 103 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Good, They May Convince You To Do The Same (New Pics)

There’s an Instagram account dedicated to getting women to embrace their natural grays, and they are here for it. Turns out, a lot of women are sick and tired of society pressuring them into spending precious hours and dollars in hair salons. Shocking, right? Martha Truslow Smith created Going grey with (grohm)(bray) in 2016 with a simple, yet difficult mission: to start a different dialogue around gray hair on women. Now, it has over 102K followers and it’s probably safe to say that people think it’s a conversation we have to be having.

More info: grombre.comInstagram | Facebook

Martha was interested in answering the question ‘Is it true that my gray hair is ugly, makes me look old, and means I’m no longer good enough?’ And after many, many selfie submissions and even more comments under them, she’s found the answer. “I’m only in my twenties. If that is true, how will I feel and what will I believe about myself when I’m in my 40s, 50s, 60s?” Martha told Bored Panda in an earlier interview. “I want to challenge the way we think about what we consider ‘beautiful,’ and why, and propose that we have more important things to spend our precious time, energy and resources on if we find our hearts aren’t aligning with the things we find to be someone else’s biases.”

Rudimental hair colorants have a long history. They date back to ancient Egyptian and Roman cultures (pickled leeches or urine hair baths, anyone?) but emerged in their modern form around the turn of the 20th Century. And as the image of the “perfect housewife” made its way into the 1950s pop culture, brands such as L’Oréal and Clairol began marketing safe and discreet at-home colors. If women wanted to remain fertile and youthful, their appearance had to look accordingly.

Interestingly, most of what we consider ‘premature’ greying actually isn’t. Professor Desmond Tobin, a hair and skin pigmentation specialist at the University of Bradford in the UK, told the BBC that it is perfectly normal for people from European backgrounds to start greying in their early 20s. A research he collaborated on found that different races have different average aging rates – with African and East-Asian backgrounds tending to whiten later. But while some people do have a genetic predisposition to lose pigment or go bald more than others, a lot of other factors influence our hair follicle production, too (including hormones and stress).

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Image credits: grombre

“I sat with the idea of going gray for years. I let it stew in the back of my mind as I scheduled my days around my next dye session; scouring Pinterest and Youtube for inspiration. I was dyeing my hair every 2-3 weeks but seeing roots every 2-3 days. I have a long list of reasons I was done with the dye. Even now I read posts by my silver sisters and think, ‘Yes!! that too!’ The process was definitely tough at times. It’s a mind game, really. And there are so many thoughts that pushed me through. This is one of them…I have been fascinated by my father’s silver for YEARS. It looked SO cool when he was just a bit of salt and a whole lot of pepper and it’s now this amazing silver with just the slightest touch of dark. I loved every stage of watching his silver come in. At some point I realized I didn’t want to miss out on that. I want to watch time paint more and more silver through my hair. It’s a slow magic but magic nonetheless.”

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Image credits: grombre

“Everyone seems so concerned about covering up the grays, but the more mine grows in, the more brave and confident I feel! I’ve embraced a non-toxic natural lifestyle in most other areas of my life, and this is the last area that I’ve been holding onto. It’s time to get to a place where I don’t have to keep exposing myself to harmful toxins and be radiantly silver!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I’ve been growing my grays and silvers for almost a year now. My hairstylist helped me with a few months of low lights to help with the line of demarcation. Then, I chopped my hair to speed up things up. My hair used to be about 8 inches below my shoulders. I think I’m about 2 more haircuts away from getting rid of the old dye jobs! So excited! I call this process highhosilver “

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Image credits: grombre

“I just started cgm in January – so I’m trying a lot of different products for what might work. Still new to the cgm products but not to the curls that have been quite fierce my entire life”

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Image credits: grombre

“I stopped coloring my hair late 2016, after being diagnosed with a couple of autoimmune issues. My hair was so thin from years of coloring and Thyroid disease, that I finally decided enough is enough. I LOVE MY GRAY! My hair is growing faster, has thickened up quite an bit, and looks better than ever. I’ve never had so many good hair days! Gray is beautiful. Loving it!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Going silver for the wedding was pre-meditated since I had already started the growing out process with a pixie cut. It was just a question of how much would be grown out by the wedding, and how would I style it. Eventually, I leaned in and decided to frame my silver with an actual crown, and forego covering it with a veil. Even if I one day to go back to dye (which I doubt I will) at least I’ll know that I was truly myself on my wedding day.”

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Image credits: grombre

“Sorry I can’t hear you over the volume of my hair.
Here’s to turning up the volume and not listening to the expectations or opinions of others. Love who you are. Know you are created for a purpose.”

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Image credits: grombre

“Not a week goes by that I’m not stopped in public and delivered a sweet compliment on my hair. Women, primarily, will usually say, ‘Your gray is so beautiful! If mine looked like that, maybe I’d have the courage to grow it out.’ My answer is always: How do you know what you have hiding under there, waiting to take shape??? All silver sisters have their unique pattern or calling card, and I’ve yet to see one that isn’t stunning in its own right. Own it!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Nearly 5 months and counting! I dyed my hair for the last time on November 4, 2018. I’m 41 and started prematurely graying at 30. (I get it from my Daddy ) Before then, I had accepted that dyeing my hair was going to be my life until I’m at least in my 50s because gray hair “made me look so old and like I’ve let myself go”. I was really fine with coloring it even though it was an annoying, timely and messy process at home and expensive at salons. My husband had been encouraging me to grow out my gray hair for years, but I wasn’t ready. Then, (I don’t even remember precisely how it happened) I started seeing here on Instagram that I wasn’t alone, that I wasn’t the only woman whose gray strands were taking over her hair. AND that I wasn’t alone in my initial feelings of frustration and sometimes embarrassment that my hair color didn’t fall in line with traditional beauty/age standards. The last straw was seeing gray hairs make their debut less than two weeks after coloring! I realized it was time to give up and let nature run its course with dignity. So here I am! I’m natural, but I recently straightened my hair to stretch it and see how far it’s grown. Here is my journey so far.”

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Image credits: grombre

“2018 was my year of letting go. Some things were out of my control and some by choice….I’m so proud of my patience. I’m so happy to be free from 20+ years of coloring my hair. This is my silver lining”

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Image credits: grombre

“I was 17 years old when I got my first gray hair. My mother was 11 when she first got hers. The first time I remember my mom growing out her gray hair she was about 40 years old and by that point she was entirely white. I never got to see her hair when it was salt and pepper. I knew one day my hair would eventually be white and I wanted to see it at the salt and pepper stage so I started growing it out in December and got a short cut and keep cutting it little by little. I love the way it looks! I get lots of compliments. I’m so glad I found this group. Each and everyone of you are beautiful and have greatly encouraged me.”

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Image credits: grombre

“In August 2018, I told my mom I was tired of dying and fighting the grays that were rapidly popping up. She immediately said, ‘Well, I can’t be covering up my grays if my daughter isn’t anymore!’ So here we were, just over 6 months dye free, loving and embracing it!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Been gray a while and have completely embraced my crown of wisdom over the last couple years. Loving this time in my life right now.”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“I started going grey in my early teens and started dyeing my hair at age 16. I’m 14 months dye free now and I’m so happy I made the choice to stop colouring my hair.
I love the journey to my natural hair, it’s so exciting to finally see my natural hair colour. My only regret is that I didn’t stop sooner!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Over 2 years dye free and I love not being a slave to the dye, best decision ever. Also trying to be brave with my choice of colours, I might even wear the red lips in public!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Hard to believe it’s been (3) years that I stopped dying my hair.
I had decided in April of 2016 that I’m tired of spending all that money to dye my hair EVERY 3 weeks to cover the grey!
I started getting compliments when my grey would show and that made me feel better about letting it just grow naturally……now I get compliments left and right!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Yesterday, I color stripped my hair with the intention of dying it a lighter brown, but once I began the stripping, I could see all the lovely silvers under the dye. I let me hair sit a day and rest after the color strip (and had lovely orange highlights for a day!) and then today I decided rather than re-dye I was going to shave it all off and grow it out naturally.
I would not have arrived here if it were not for Grombre, and I am grateful for every person who went before me. Now I hope to offer encouragement and solidarity to those who are watching and feeling like they don’t quite know how to embrace their gray. Tip: A #1 buzz is certainly a way to embrace your silver beauty!
Thanks for considering my submission. I included pictures of the whole process, as well as a pic from when it was the heavy black of dye.”

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Image credits: grombre

“July 2018 was the month I stopped the dye and today feel so much better as I celebrate the real authentic me each day. It’s a little easier to see the path forward when you are true to you. Thank you Grombre sisters!! You guys are the real deal!”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“I have traveled a lot and received opinions from many different cultures. Some fully embrace it, viewing it as an asset and others are confused as to why I don’t dye it. No matter what, it makes me smile because it just is what it is!
If I can inspire others to discontinue buying harsh chemicals that end up in our bodies and water system, then that’s a win for me. To be naturally and purely yourself is a gift we can first give to ourselves and then watch as it ripples out.”

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Image credits: grombre

“My last dye was 23 weeks ago today. I didn’t know it would be the last time. But a month later my father passed away suddenly, and everything since has changed. I realised that colouring my hair had shifted from a fun choice to a fear choice: fear of being judged, fear of ageing, fear of death.
These things don’t hold weight for me any longer. Growing is a privilege. I feel honoured to be part of a radical revolution, redefining beauty, and owning what is real. So I take a deep breathe and head out into the world with my whites shining through. No more hiding.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I am a 22 years old Mexican-American from the Chicago-land area. I began growing a few strands of grey hair around 12 years old. During my high school years I would constantly dye my hair because of how embarrassed I would feel when someone would call them out. Within the last 2 years however, I have been letting them flourish & grow to their fullest grey potential & it has been the best decision I’ve done. It has given me a closer sense of connection to where I come from and how to love everything that I was born with.”

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Image credits: grombre

“Recently a stranger at the store referred to my hair as a skunk and that was so upsetting to me because it’s taken me a long time to love myself for who I am. And a sweet friend of mine sent me the most beautiful text to cheer me up:
‘I feel like God wants me to say this to you. I saw your post about your hair and what that lady said.
I just want you to know that God says you are beautifully and wonderfully made. He knew what He wanted you to look like and it is truly beautiful. I love your hair and it looks perfect on you. ‘

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Image credits: grombre

“When I cut off the rest of the blonde I couldn’t believe how happy I felt. There was more gray on the sides and back then I thought there was. I have the salt and pepper hair that I’ve been waiting for!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Less self-conscious… More self-aware. 13 months dye free and loving my hair and myself more everyday.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I decided enough was enough. No more hiding behind this box of dye. I feel so proud of myself for taking the ‘scary’ leap and embracing the process of going naturally grey. It’s been fun and exciting and liberating. So much more than I ever imagined it would be!”

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Image credits: grombre

“4 years ago I stopped dyeing my roots! At first it was dizzying to let gray hair appear, but over the months I began to fall in love with my hair! He became healthier, brighter and to my surprise the gray hairs began to give life and light to my face! Releasing my gray hair connected me with my own unique beauty and regained self-confidence in myself. After making this decision I understood that gray hair illuminated many aspects of myself that needed to transform and shine. I feel free and good with myself!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I am 8 months into my grey transition and loving it! I am an Active Duty Army Child Psychiatrist in the Army stationed overseas in Germany.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I’ve had my fair share of people telling me I’m too young to have salt and pepper hair. Their words have stung at first, but have actually made me want to keep growing out my grays even more. Gray doesn’t mean old, of frumpy or that I’ve let myself go. Silver is strong and sexy. I’ve seen my true colors for the first time in 15 years, and couldn’t be happier with the results!”

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Image credits: grombre

“15 weeks dye free! I love more and more my silver I thought I will be uncomfortable with my roots around 4 months and for now absolutely no I am actually okay with my natural hair.”

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Image credits: grombre

“At the tail end of 5 months of chemotherapy my hair started coming back platinum and I was intrigued! Over the last 4 months it’s gotten darker, but is still gray. Mostly pepper with some salt pops! I thought I’d definitely color my hair again, but seeing the amazing and gorgeous women on your IG has made me rethink everything about beauty and gray hair. Though when someone said of a friend (same age as me), “Aw, is that your daughter?” I found myself reaching for the phone to make a color appointment. In the end I just got a cut. Now I’m really excited to see how my hair looks when it gets longer and think that it will be far more interesting than my old dyed brown. It will be an exercise in patience, which is not my forte, but worth it in the end. Thanks again for highlighting the beauty of the natural highlights!.”

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Image credits: grombre

“After having kids my gray came on strong. I decided not to fight the prevailing tide any longer. It falls under the philosophy of surrendering to that which can not be controlled. I think that my hair is amazing, I think my kids are amazing, I think surrendering is amazing. I am a bench jeweler and when my girls ask me why my hair is turning silver I tell them that it’s because I work with silver and gold and it absorbs through my fingertips and comes out of my head!”

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Image credits: grombre

Wow, what a difference a few weeks can make!! This is an 18 week difference!! @ 6 weeks & 24 weeks. Dare to be #natural
To those out there on the fence about whether or not to color your roots for the 25793753 time…Give yourself 6 months #dyefree and you will absolutely fall head over heels in-love with your own gorgeous new locks!! I was always concerned how it would look but never considered how it would feel, This is Absolutely Amazing!!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I hope you like my transformation as much as I do. :)”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“My gray hair makes me realize that I’m not so young as i thought both physically and mentally, but I feel I’m finally embracing myself.”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“In my 10 months of not dying my lovely silver hair. Have more confidence and I am who I am”

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Image credits: grombre

“…natural since 2011, after I left my ex husband!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I finally decided to let them grow out almost 5 years ago along with embracing my natural curl/wave. It’s a challenge sometimes to not get into a comparison mindset. Keep doing what you are doing, it’s helpful to see all sorts of people embracing what they have.”

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Image credits: grombre

“Last year I just decided I was done with dying and hiding my roots by wearing hats and putting mascara on my hair and powders and sprays, I tried everything! Finally, I had to ask myself, who am I trying to fool?? I have gray hair! So what?
So, I stopped dying it and let my sparkle OUT! Most days I love it, and I have so many women complimenting my hair and saying they wish they were brave enough to do that. My advice is JUST DO IT! It is a process, and it takes time, but I am SO happy to be FREE from trying to hide my gray roots.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I decided to stop coloring my hair 8 months ago and let my silvers fly FREE. I had been coloring every two weeks to “hide the gray” and I’d finally had enough. It wasn’t easy those first few months and I worried what others would think? But the further along I got those feelings faded and something I didn’t expect happened: I felt EMPOWERED. Once I accepted what-is I looked at my slivers in a new light. Instead of hating them I started to LOVE them. The big lesson I learned: I choose to be what I want to be.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I was embarrassed to appear with my grey hair because I was afraid of people judging them. But now this is not important for me 💪🏻

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Image credits: grombre

“I absolutely love my grey hair. It makes me feel confident, and I truly believe that it shows. I feel more comfortable in my own skin, and that I’m my most authentic self. I wish I had gone grey years ago!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer 12/2016. Chemo caused my hair to fall out and it grew back gray (mostly in the front). I get compliments on it all the time….. “

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“I declared war on a very aggressive breast cancer in 2015, and understood I was to live a more fulfilling but less complicated life. Hair coloring every week had to go. I was born with beautiful black hair, but black hair color is truly messy, even more when the dying had to be weekly because of all the gray. It got really ugly at the beginning, and everyone seemed to be against my going gray, but I was determined. My husband was supportive since day one. He says I now look like him😂. My kids and relatives still give me a hard time and keep pushing for hair color, but 16 months later I think they are finally beginning to get used to it. I think I rock!”

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Image credits: grombre

“As a kid growing up in your Mom’s hair salon you learn pretty quick that covering up greys is not only a way of life….for many many women and some men out there…it IS life.
Now I specialize in turning my clients hair into highly expensive silver masterpieces and so when I began the journey of growing out my own grey hair 4 years ago I wasn’t sure what my clients would think of the master colorist….who doesn’t color!! But I was determined to love the hair God gave my like Proverbs 16:31 says that silver hair is a crown of glory!
And so came my idea this past year to add a punch of my artistic talent in hair to my own beloved ‘Life Sparkles.’ I installed in some silvery hair extensions blended with a natural brown to give myself the ultimate ‘Silver Hairs growing into a Silver Ombré’…which I now realize can actually be called, quite perfectly,…..a #grombre “

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Image credits: grombre

“I’ve been gray since I was 13. I stopped coloring and cutting my hair 3 years ago and am the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m embracing who I am…”

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Image credits: grombre

“I’m from Indonesia and grey hair is perceived as old age, and making you look less attractive.

I decided not to care about the negative comments and just go on with it.
Against all odds, I received a lot of compliments for the grey hair, but what important is how it makes me feel more bold and confident.

I can’t wait to see it in full grey!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I’m writing all the way from Bangalore, India, where EVERYONE colours their hair. Everyone is afraid to look old and it is also a sign that you could be unwell. After colouring my hair for way too long, and after struggling with allergic reactions on my scalp and hair fall, I decided to take the plunge, with a lot of encouragement from my husband and kids. Slowly everyone (except my in laws!), starting talking about how cool my hair looked! It’s been almost a year and I’m enjoying colour/chemical free hair, more time on my hands and lots of compliments.”

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Image credits: grombre

“The first time in 34 years with completely dye-free hair. It’s my favorite color. Ever.”

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Image credits: grombre

“This is eight months of grow out. Definitely a journey that I am happy to finally embrace!”

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Image credits: grombre

“As I think of it now though, my grey is actually a great metaphor for who I am…. I am a subtle sparkle – shining but not overbearingly; I am ‘seasoned’ in that I’ve grown in wisdom and carry a certain certainty; I am unique – and I like the difference that is me; and finally, as many of us have experienced with how grey strands can sometimes be ‘wild hairs’ that courageously make their way through – so can I – in the most fun way, and oftentimes by having a very independent and unwavering mindset.”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“My son spent a week in the hospital when he was two, and I remember this gray streak growing in right after. I love my grays, they remind me of my amazing life, the good and the bad, and all that I have to be grateful for. I love seeing all these beautiful women on @grombre So many wonderful stories to tell”

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Image credits: grombre

“For the little over a year that I’ve been embracing the grey I’ve had so many great conversations with both women, men, and children (including my own). It’s for sure been a conversation starter, and sometimes awkward, – but always an opportunity to talk about my views on beauty, confidence, and my Maker. It’s not for everyone – and I don’t claim it as something women “should” or “need” to do, but I’m glad that I finally found that it was for me and am so thankful for my cheerleaders. If you’re looking for a cheerleader – I’ll be glad to join the squad!”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“For as long as I can remember my mom always told me she would find strands of grey, it never bothered me. I’ve never dyed my hair – never felt I had to… even though many would tell me I would probably look younger “

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Image credits: grombre

More than a sign of age, my white hair is a maternal heritage.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I have never dyed my hair but it is only in the last year that I have really started to own it rather than be embarrassed about it. I put this picture on my online dating profiles.
Surprisingly rather than put guys off I get constant compliments ranging from ‘I love your hair’ to ‘You remind me of Storm from X-Men’ to my favourite ‘I love what it says about you…(and when pressed further) says that you know your own mind and do what works for you rather than conforming to what society deems acceptable’”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“And one day I thought to myself after scrambling to get yet another salon appointment, yet another month and at an inconvenient time….WHY?
At 37 I’d been covering my roots for at least a decade but I couldn’t remember why I needed to anymore. Who says gray is unattractive? Do I dislike it? How would I know? If God gave me some natural “highlights” to go with the awesomeness of maturing, perhaps i should check out His handiwork and stop masking it to meet societal ideals.
Six months in & I’d say He done good.”

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Image credits: grombre

“For over the past 12 years, I’ve spent countless hours constantly dying my hair to cover what I thought aged me. I got tired but never wanted to take that leap, afraid of how I’d be perceived. It wasn’t until last year while pregnant with my second child, that I decided to embrace my natural hair color. Embracing me, the way God made me, has been such a beautifully freeing experience and I’m loving every step of this journey.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I’ve been going grey since the age of 13 and have always coloured my hair. Then I became pregnant with my son 7.5 yrs ago and completely embraced my natural color.”

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Image credits: grombre

“Five Years ago I decided not to dye my hair anymore. I am going grey since I‘m eighteen. My family and friends were a great support and instead of feeling ashamed, I felt proud of my silver hair.”

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Image credits: grombre

“5 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 6 months later, after the chemotherapy, I was bald. I celebrate every hair on my head. I love my greys. Every grey hair reminds me that getting older, is a blessing.”

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Image credits: grombre

“On our first day of 9th grade, I had a friend lean over and pluck a hair. I was startled and asked why she did that. She explained I had a gray hair amongst my brown-black hair. Shocked I went into the bathroom to discover more. This was the beginning of my cover up. Fast forward to 35 and I’ve had my last child two years earlier. I was still trying to fight nature only to come to the realization that I wasn’t being true to myself. I’m #grombre and showing my kids what it’s like to let your old soul show.”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“I was born with 1 grey hair.
By the time I was a teenager I had grey hair at the front, black/brown at the back.
I use to dye it constantly till I reached 40.
Then it was like a light bulb went off.
I suddenly didn’t care what anyone thought of me.
I danced at parties for the first time in my life,
I didn’t care if I was overweight.
I didn’t care if my hair was Grey/white.
I embraced me.
I stopped dyeing my hair.
Suddenly I felt free to be me.
My only regret was waiting so long.
I have had strangers come up to me in the street asking about my hair.
I have even had random strangers start stroking my hair,like they are memorised.
My hair is white at the front and salt and pepper at the back.
And I would not have it any other way.”

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Image credits: grombre

“My grandmother had the most beautiful gray hair, which I always loved. Since her passing more than 20 years ago, none of the women in our family have embraced their gray. That is, until me. I’ll be 45 next month and have decided to welcome this change, along with all of the other mid-life changes my body is making.
My kids aren’t sure what to think, and my 73 year old mother thinks I’m crazy. My husband says it’s growing on him, to which I say, ‘No. it’s growing on me.’
But I love it and feel like I’ve discovered a superpower of sorts. I grow glitter in my hair. What’s your superpower?”

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Image credits: grombre

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Image credits: grombre

“So very thankful for the women who showed me that this option is an option.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I discontinued dying my hair in 2010 after my son was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. I thought how can I tell him to rock what you’re given, when I was hiding what I was given. So the journey began.”

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Image credits: grombre

“For 14 years I colored my hair and did everything possible to keep my silver patch hidden. Until two years ago, I began my curly hair journey and started embracing my natural curls. At that point, I decided to also embrace my natural hair color and have been growing out my “frozen streak”. It’s not been the easiest ride for me emotionally. But having unwavering encouragement & support from my husband has helped me continue on this journey, even when I almost let insecurities get the best of me. I’m thankful for so much support in the curly and grombre communities! It truly is freeing when you finally accept yourself exactly how God designed you.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I got married last year. I had people saying ‘you should dye your hair for your wedding. You’ll regret it. You’re going to look so old!’. I could not be happier about the fact that I was MYSELF on my wedding day!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Four years ago I lost all of my hair while going through chemotherapy for breast cancer. When it came back, I decided to embrace my grey. I never received as many compliments when I colored my hair as I do now!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I’m 51 years old and I’ve been grey since I was 20 years old. Last year I finally decided that it was time to go grey and with the support of my husband and kids, I did! I did not have the support of other people but that was only because they were hiding their grey and did not have the courage to do what I was about to do. I feel free, my hair is healthy and I love love the way the gray is coming in. Now I’m more confident and I’m getting so many compliments.”

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Image credits: grombre

“My natural gray hair journey started In my early twenties when I began to notice gray hairs popping up right above my eyes in the front. Like everyone else, I saw them, panicked and quickly started dyeing my hair to match the rest. I hated everything about dye – the chemicals, the smell, the stinging and that horrid demarcation – the whole process awful! I began to ask myself why I couldn’t just leave them and wondered why no one did – I mean George Clooney didn’t count. I thought of myself as that fearless girl that could go against the grain buy still took almost ten years to get up the courage. By 35 I was finally sporting my natural brown hair with a thick gray streak in the front. The reaction from others was not exactly what i expected. I heard everything from ‘you should dye your hair or you’ll lose your husband’ to heartfelt sympathies about how sad it was that I had gray at such a young age. I confess I could not take the comments and soon caved. I went back to dying it – this time a JLO blonde to help blend and hide them longer. I told myself I would let myself go gray at a more socially acceptable time like retirement.
It wasn’t until I started to see pictures of other woman proudly showing off their gray hair, that I realized that I actually really loved the way it looked. The woman in the pictures were proud, there was no shame and I began to feel inspired to follow the same path and show others that gray hair is beautiful and vibrant. I took the plunge, stopped dying, cut it to a short bob and started the transition. Now, dye almost completely gone, I feel great and free. No looking back and truly happy to be showing off this part of me.
My hair is a symbol of my own growth and self acceptance. It reminds me that it’s important to love yourself; bare, vulnerable and strong. Beauty comes in so many wonderful and unique ways. Your posts helped me realize that.”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“Been coloring it until about half a year ago, when I cut it short. My natural colour was something like chestnut. Now I am enjoying the salt&pepper one (as I noticed some of you call it :) ) and it’s low maintenance. Can’t wait for my hair to grow back and see how it will look like, and add some strains of playful colours. In the photos I am with my mum, who is almost fully silver at 54yo, but from time to time she colours her hair in the lightest blonde possible. I admit, it’s hard for me to commit to just one colour, but the low maintenance is a big plus, so I will play just with the coloured strains, when my hair reaches shoulder length.”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I started to grey at the age of 18 and I would color my hair to hide it, until one year ago I chopped off my long locks and let the natural grey grow and I wish I had done that 20+ years ago.
I get compliments and people ask me if my hair was colored – not anymore this is all natural.”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I started to see silver shining through in my hair when I was 19, now I’m 33 and sporting silver streaks. I’m embracing the changes and enjoying the process!”

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Image credits: grombre

“I have had my gray hair since I was 12 years old and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It makes me me and I love it.”

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Image credits: grombre

“I have been graying since I was 18 years old. I hennaed my hair for years before deciding to embrace my natural hair and to let the silver grow out, about 5 years ago. I’ve always liked my gray streak and generally felt good about going gray, so I was surprised to discover how emotional I felt when a friend sent me a link to the @grombre Instagram account. It was so validating to see so other women embracing their gray hair and the natural aging process. Women are told all the time what we are supposed to look like in order to fit our culture’s definition of “beauty” and we are shamed when we are different. Why do we listen to that? We are beautiful the way we are, and our differences are what make us interesting. I was inspired to make this necklace for all the other #silversisters out there – George Clooney isn’t the only #silverfox in town!”

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Image credits: grombre

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“Going grey was a quasi conscious decision partly inspired by my ultimate girl crush, @sarahharris and partly by the fact that the person who was doing my roots retired (lame I know) and didn’t trust anyone else to touch my hair. It’s been three and a half years now (this photo is from eighteen months ago but it’s my favorite because it shows all the hard work) and I never looked back, despite having zero support from my daughters and husband who have only recently admitted that my new “color” suits my complexion. The other day I was at the hairdresser’s for my weekly blow dry and the lady sitting next to me asked who does my highlights. Mother Nature I replied and it was one of the most satisfying moments!”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I want to a Rexall drugstore looking for a specific leave in curl conditioner, the salesperson misunderstood and took me to the hair color isle? He automatically assumed I was looking for hair colour to cover my “glitter”. Rocking grey hair at times can be amazing because so many are in awe that I don’t color. Others times it can be disheartening when someone has the audacity to tell me I should colour. Social media tells us, especially women that we are only beautiful if we look a certain way, and that’s YOUNG. JusT this week a well known 50 years old French author, Yang Moix, claimed that women over 50 were “invisible” and “too old” to date, he may have received received furious criticism over his statement, but this kind of talk makes women want to do everything in their power to keep up the fight against aging.
There’s no reason that a man’s natural aging process should make him look distinguished, while we women look like we’ve given up! Embrace every strand, as a power towards aging gracefully and owing your crown of glorious wisdom. Happy 2019!”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“Everyday I feel so grateful for my gray hair. It makes me unique, for my age (34), and it’s such low maintenance! My first gray hair showed up when I was 17 but it really didn’t come in thick until about 30 and that’s when I stopped dying my roots. My original color is very very dark brown so when I knew I was going to let the gray take over I colored the majority of my hair white blonde. As it started to grow out the transition was much more seamless. The top half of my hair is always natural and I love how intentional it looks”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I am so inspired by the beauty on #grombre and excited to start my our journey to accepting what nature has given me! I’m so done spending hundreds of dollars a year covering my roots. I decided it’s time to be proud of the silver. I’m entering a new season of life and I am embracing it fully!”

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Image credits: grombre

“Checking my 14.5 months of progress in natural lighting”

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Image credits: grombre

“I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in April of this year, and am still in treatment. I am 11 weeks since my last chemo and my hair is starting to grow back. I am seriously considering going natural. I was going to a vegan salon, the products were pretty clean, but I love the idea of living an authentic life being proud of our silver, and true to ourselves. My hair was long, then I cut it shoulder length after diagnosis, then when through the falling out/totally bald phase all summer. I am 58, almost 59 and was going every three weeks for base touch up.”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I feel more confident since I decided to let my grey shine. I dyed my hair a while ago and immediately regretted doing so; like I’d washed my identity away. While I’m still learning to deal with the new texture, I love seeing my tinsel tresses in the mirror!”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“Going grey has been a life changer for me. I have a completely different outlook on aging and life in general. The process definitely gave me a willpower I didn’t know I had. The journey is empowering! I love my hair! I love me!”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I got my first gray streak right in the front center of my hair. It seemed my Mom and I were the only ones to appreciate my boldness and the trendsetter I pride myself on the gray/silver began. Of course I got the “you would look younger if you dye your hair.” Me being an older parent, my young son thought the gray/silver hair made me look older than his dyed hair classmates mothers. For his sake , after it got more streaks I decided to put a rinse on my hair. I did it twice, it was beautiful and I looked younger but quickly realized that at my age I wanted to look great not necessary younger.

With my confidence and head full of silver/gray hair I’ve begin to get more and more compliments as my hair color changed. Being myself, embracing my beautiful strands way before it became a thing has been and still is the best glamour decision I have ever made.”

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Image credits: grombre

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“Easy casual semi-fish tail braid you can try! To make it look even more like a fish tail, you need to grab smaller sections of your hair each time, which does take more time(more than 1 min)! Give it a try if you’ve never done it before!”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“This is my hair! It was difficult to accept at 13, but at 23, I love it!”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I am Natália and my hair was slowly turning grey since high school. Then because of the stupid comments I dyed my hair for few years until I was about 23. After that I let my natural hair grow and somehow, suddenly, it turned out to be much greyer than I expected, but I found it pretty cool, for a while it was still a bit shocking, mostly due my young age, but now, I am receiving questions like “who is my hairdresser” and “how do I do it, that it looks so natural”. I mostly answer that I grew it by myself. It is a bit funny, some people actually do not believe me that this is my natural colour. I am 27..”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I am 22 now and I was blessed with greys when I turned six. It took me some years to find the blessing among the societal norms I was raised in. I make this submission to let young girls know that we can be whatever we choose to be despite of what people tell us. ‘Have you tried this medicine?’ ‘Why don’t you dye them?’ ‘You are too young to have a grey head!’ ‘Have you colored them?’ ‘They look so beautiful.’ ‘I have been trying to color them this way but it never looks this natural.’
The narrative changed over the past 16 years. I dyed my hair for more than ten years with everything I could get my hands on. Two years ago, I decided against coloring them.
My greys are a part of my identity. Just trying to get equally comfortable with my weight.”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I was pregnant (and obviously so) when a woman ahead of me in line at Kohl’s asked me if the toddler sized swimsuit I was buying for was for my “grandson.” Sure lady. I’m a pregnant grandma! I have to say my pride took a hit that day but I still didn’t dye my hair. Mostly I get compliments on my gray. People ask me if it’s dyed and I want to respond, ‘You know people go gray right?!’”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“I wish I could say I made the decision to go grey on my own, but it was my boyfriend who kindly asked that I stop dying my hair. I’m so happy that he did. I enjoy all the reactions from my grey streaks- excitement, confusion and lots of conversation! Whatever people think, I wear my grey with pride.”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“Going into the new year with saying goodbye to dying my hair. It’s been 8 months since my last color job and I am embracing the change with hope and grace. Since my first grey hairs in middle school to my now 36th year of life I felt it was time to live beyond black hair dye and let it shine. Looking forward to what the year may bring.”

gray hair

Image credits: grombre

“About 4yrs ago I notice that my skin would burn after being in the sun for a short period of time. Long story short I started a series of test in 2018 and found out I was allergic to Phenylenediamine (PPD) which is found in dye and can cause skin sensitive. Well living in TX I went cold turkey for about 3 months before I decided to cut my hair off and embrace it.”

from Bored Panda

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