With the rise of the digital era, many artists find more and more opportunities to share their art with broader audiences. One no longer needs to fight their way into galleries or into publishing, as the internet offers a wide range of venues for artwork, from everyday social media to more curated and art-focused sites. However, as great as the net is for sharing one’s work, it also poses some major problems for the artist. Art theft, misattribution and erasure of artist’s identity are some of the biggest obstacles many people struggle with when putting their work online. And while some believe that it’s common sense to credit the artist when sharing their work, this post shows that common sense is not so common after all. Artists of Tumblr joined forces to fight the attitude of the original poster and point out how the arguments they presented are wrong. So scroll down below to read the full story and tell us which side you support.
One user announced that they won’t credit artists and why, so artists of Tumblr joined forces to explain their point of view
from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2O2ZrXu